Date: Thu,  6 Feb 97 15:33:53 PST
From: The Info-Mac Moderators <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #31
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest"


Info-Mac Digest             Thu,  6 Feb 97       Volume 15 : Issue 31

Today's Topics:

      [*] =?iso-8859-1?Q?CardSaver=81?=
      [*] =?iso-8859-1?Q?HardwareSaver=81?=
      [*] Kaleidoscope Windows 95 Color Scheme - Freeware
      [*] MacDater 1.3
      [*] MacWorldWeather_En v.5.2.5
      [*] Musical Games 1.0
      [*] NihonGO! DELUXE version 2.0.1
      [*] NihonGO! version 2.0.1
      [*] Postage $aver bulk mail sorter v3.5.2
      [*] PPPop 1.5
      [*] PPPop 1.5J
      [*] RChess 2.2.2: Free humorous, beatable chess program
      [*] The Ambrosia Times V4.1
      [*] Winecellar 0.8b2
      (no subject)
      Can Windowshade do Win95
      Changing internal HD on Quadra 610, difficult?
      downgrading system???
      how do you ethernet between two computers [A]
      HP LaserJet 4P
      Netscape Mail Enclosures
      New Edward Johnston font available
      OT/PPP (C)
      PB540 upgrade vs. my hard drive
      removing resource forks
      Speeding up PPCs
      System Floppy???

The Info-Mac Network operates by the volunteer efforts of:
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Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------"
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Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 12:05:25 -0600
From: (Rich Shiro)
Subject: [*] =?iso-8859-1?Q?CardSaver=81?=

CardSaver 1.0 is a FileMaker Pro 3.0 template for trading card collectors.
It's a great way to keep track of all your sports cards, comic cards or
other entertainment cards. See what you want to keep, what to get rid of,
what's valuable, and what's not. You can and paste as many of your cards as
your hard drive can hold. Add information from your favorite card price
guides and you'll be able to keep track of the value of all your cards in
your collection.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/card-saver-fm3.hqx; 535K]


Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 12:05:26 -0600
From: (Rich Shiro)
Subject: [*] =?iso-8859-1?Q?HardwareSaver=81?=

HardwareSaver 1.0 (mac) is a FileMaker Pro 3.0 template for cataloging all
computer equipment. It's a great way to file of all your information on all
the hardware you own. Keep track of things like your serial numbers and
manufacturer's support phone numbers and email addresses.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/hardware-saver-fm3.hqx; 276K]


Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 12:05:15 -0600
From: (Scott Naness)
Subject: [*] Kaleidoscope Windows 95 Color Scheme - Freeware

This is a color scheme for Mac's Kaleidoscope Control Panel which makes
your Mac like Windows 95 (to some extent). It changes the windows, menu
bar, menus, buttons, icons (after restart), trash can, etc. to look and
feel like Windows 95. Also included are some cool icons from Windows 95.

Scott Naness
Staten Island, NY

Color Scheme Web Site:

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/kalscp-win95.hqx; 82K]


Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 12:05:23 -0600
From: (Tommy Widenflycht)
Subject: [*] MacDater 1.3

MacDater is a small utility for setting the created and modified date on
files to today noon, the current time or a user specified date. Fat binary,
written in C and compiled with CodeWarrior 10.

HappiWare, if you like it remember to smile :-)

New in this release is the ability for the user to enter a custom time &
date when processing files.

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/mac-dater-13.hqx; 55K]


Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 18:35:34 -0700
Subject: [*] MacWorldWeather_En v.5.2.5

WinWorldWeather_En  or MacWorldWeather_En provide monthly average data issued
>From hundred weather stations. The user can display min, max, lowest, highest
temperatures, humidity, and so on. The basicsoftware is available in shareware
for $10. It runs on : 386/486 or Pentium for windows 3.1 with 5Mo free harddisk
and 14' color screen. It is a 32 bits version  that needs Microsoft Win32s or
Windows95. It runs on : Mac 68020-30 and 68LC040 or Power PC with 5Mo free
harddisk and 14' color screen. Graphic display is allowed for two cities for
better comparison. But, synthetic display is also practicable for one city..
may get compressed software MWW_En.SEA for Mac and WWW_En.Zip for windows.
guide To run the database open MWW_En for Mac or WWW_En.EXE for Windows. For
registration in the shareware section of Compuserve "GO: SWREG" Autor "Dubois,
Yves" ID 100556.1201 or keys WEATHER TRAVEL WORLD MAC WINDOWS. You may send the
following order with the cash payement to:

M Y.Dubois
80 Avenue de Toulouse
Fax : 61814783
E-Mail 100556,1201@COMPUSERVE.COM

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/mac-world-weather-525.hqx; 1320K]


Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 18:35:49 -0700
Subject: [*] Musical Games 1.0

This program is postcardware - if you like the program, send me a postcard
(or an

This HyperCard stack contains four different musical games that will train your
ears. You may guess what chord is played (mayor, minor, 7 etc.), repeat a
tune on
a piano, tell what notes a rythm contains or finally tell what interval that
played. The stack was first made in 93/94 and was then called "Chords and
Intervals", but has now gone through a major revision to make it more

For more info, refer to the about and help buttons in the stack

Any comments or comments should be sent to:
Mattias Alveteg
Dept. Chemical Engineering II
P. O. Box 124
S-221 00 Lund

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/musical-games-10.hqx; 604K]


Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 18:35:54 -0700
Subject: [*] NihonGO! DELUXE version 2.0.1

					   January 1997
						     by James Devenish
							  =A9 JND 1997

Welcome to NihonGO! v2.0 for Macintosh. This program is freeware. It perform=
simple character translation which will transform plain romaji files to ones
containing hiragana, katakana and/or romaji, as you specify.

Hiragana and katakana are Japanese script systems. If you do not know about
Japanese scripts, NihonGO! is probably not of much use to you. If you do kno=
about such things then NihonGO! may be quite useful for you.

=46or more information, please read the file "NihonGO! Guide". This contains
information, documentation and contact details for myself.

Although NihonGO! is freeware, I would appreciate it greatly if you register=
with me (see the guide).

[Archived as /info-mac/app/nihongo-deluxe-201.hqx; 1091K]


Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 18:35:52 -0700
Subject: [*] NihonGO! version 2.0.1

					   January 1997
						     by James Devenish
							  =A9 JND 1997

Welcome to NihonGO! v2.0 for Macintosh. This program is freeware. It perform=
simple character translation which will transform plain romaji files to ones
containing hiragana, katakana and/or romaji, as you specify.

Hiragana and katakana are Japanese script systems. If you do not know about
Japanese scripts, NihonGO! is probably not of much use to you. If you do kno=
about such things then NihonGO! may be quite useful for you.

=46or more information, please read the file "NihonGO! Guide". This contains
information, documentation and contact details for myself.

Although NihonGO! is freeware, I would appreciate it greatly if you register=
with me (see the guide).

[Archived as /info-mac/app/nihongo-201.hqx; 251K]


Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 12:05:29 -0600
Subject: [*] Postage $aver bulk mail sorter v3.5.2

This replaces a prior version submitted as Postage$averv3.0.1.sit.hqx

Postage $aver v3.5.2 is a complete sorting package for standard (A) bulk
mail (formerly 3rd class), including all 1996 changes and the upcoming
requirement for barcoded sack and tray labels.

It takes a download from your mailing list and prints detailed sorting
instructions for your specific mailing, including the contents of each
package and sack/tray, the correct barcoded label for each sack/tray, and
all postage calculations for the mailing statement, including entry and
presort discounts.

Plus, it creates a key file that lets you sort your mailing list to run
labels in the exact order of your packages and sacks/trays.

And, for a limited time, register Postage $aver and get free software to
compute and print postal barcodes! Plus, tech support and updates to keep
you current with all postal service changes.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/postage-saver-352-fm.hqx; 251K]


Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 12:05:34 -0600
From: (Rob Friefeld)
Subject: [*] PPPop 1.5

PPPop, Version 1.5 January 1, 1997
Shareware US $10

PPPop is a Mac PPP operator application. It puts up a little button window
which will open and close a PPP link. One of the following PPP drivers must
be installed for PPPop to work: MacPPP, FreePPP, SimplePPP, or OT/PPP.
PPPop includes a session timer, a session log function, a menu for
selecting a server, and an application launcher which can automatically run
applications. It is AppleScriptable.

New in version 1.5:
* Faster Startup. On my machine, startup time dropped from 7 seconds down
to 2 seconds. I hope those who reported 30 second startup times will
benefit even more.
* The Launcher can now hold up to 200 items. I don't think it is very
practical to have that many items, but neither was there a need to limit it
to 25 items.
* Sounds are now played asynchronously.
* Large sound files will be read into temporary memory if possible.
* Stereo sounds will be played in stereo.
* You can choose which sound files to use.
* Playback volume for each of the sounds can be set.
* "Help" key toggles balloon help on and off.
* When PPPop becomes a background application, the button icon now gets a
distinctive dimmed/recessed appearance.
* The Timer now has a "round up" option. If selected, connection times are
rounded up to the next whole minute when a link is closed.
* PPPop now supports the latest version of FreePPP. (PPPop has always
worked with FreePPP 2.5.) A bonus for users of FreePPP 2.6: you can display
your IP address when connected, and you can Copy it to paste into another
* PPPop now works with OT/PPP. Support is somewhat limited at this stage,
pending release of Apple's software developers kit. But it works.
* And other stuff... including a bunch of bug fixes.

Rob Friefeld Long Beach, CA

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/conn/pppop-51.hqx; 433K]


Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 12:05:32 -0600
From: (Rob Friefeld)
Subject: [*] PPPop 1.5J

PPPop, Version 1.5J - Japanese Version
January 1, 1997
Shareware US $10

PPPop is a Mac PPP operator application. It puts up a little button window
which will open and close a PPP link. One of the following PPP drivers must
be installed for PPPop to work: MacPPP, FreePPP, SimplePPP, or OT/PPP.
PPPop includes a session timer, a session log function, a menu for
selecting a server, and an application launcher which can automatically run
applications. It is AppleScriptable.

New in version 1.5:
* Faster Startup. On my machine, startup time dropped from 7 seconds down
to 2 seconds. I hope those who reported 30 second startup times will
benefit even more.
* The Launcher can now hold up to 200 items. I don't think it is very
practical to have that many items, but neither was there a need to limit it
to 25 items.
* Sounds are now played asynchronously.
* Large sound files will be read into temporary memory if possible.
* Stereo sounds will be played in stereo.
* You can choose which sound files to use.
* Playback volume for each of the sounds can be set.
* "Help" key toggles balloon help on and off.
* When PPPop becomes a background application, the button icon now gets a
distinctive dimmed/recessed appearance.
* The Timer now has a "round up" option. If selected, connection times are
rounded up to the next whole minute when a link is closed.
* PPPop now supports the latest version of FreePPP. (PPPop has always
worked with FreePPP 2.5.) A bonus for users of FreePPP 2.6: you can display
your IP address when connected, and you can Copy it to paste into another
* PPPop now works with OT/PPP. Support is somewhat limited at this stage,
pending release of Apple's software developers kit. But it works.
* And other stuff... including a bunch of bug fixes.

Rob Friefeld

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/conn/pppop-15-jp.hqx; 328K]


Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 12:05:19 -0600
From: (Richard A. Fowell)
Subject: [*] RChess 2.2.2: Free humorous, beatable chess program

Fills a market gap, by being easily beaten at its lower levels. Unkind
people have suggested that this feature applies at the higher levels too.
Usually beats its programmer on level 4, often on level 3, and occasionally
on level 2. Is given away free, gratis, without charge, and for nothing.
Nor are you required to pay for it. Examines up to 1500 moves per second on
LCIII; up to 3600 per second on Quadra 650. The natural awe with which
naive people regard these numbers should be tempered by the fact that most
of the moves examined are stupid ones that no human player would
contemplate at all.

Author contact info:

[Archived as /info-mac/game/brd/r-chess-222.hqx; 145K]


Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 18:35:43 -0700
Subject: [*] The Ambrosia Times V4.1

January 1997 - Volume 4 Issue 1

Who We Are

Ambrosia Software, Inc. -- publisher of award winning programs for the
-- distributes a full line of utility, productivity, and anti-productivity
software through America Online, CompuServe, and the Internet as shareware.

You are given a 30 day free license to evaluate any of our software; after
the 30
days have passed, you are expected to send the appropriate registration fee
to us
for processing.

This Newsletter

Ambrosia Software, Inc. publishes this electronic newsletter, entitled The
Ambrosia Times, every other month. The "AT" is an interactive electronic
newsletter that is meant to serve as an informal method of getting the word out
about what Ambrosia is up to as a company. By browsing past and present
issues of
this newsletter, you'll obtain a wealth of information about our products, from
previews of upcoming products to hints and tips about how to use our software

The Ambrosia Times  is distributed electronically free of charge on a bimonthly
basis. If you want The Ambrosia Times  sent to your electronic mailbox at no
charge every other month, please sign up on the at_list mailing list at

[Archived as /info-mac/info/sft/ambrosia-times-41.hqx; 402K]


Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 18:35:40 -0700
Subject: [*] Winecellar 0.8b2

This is the Winecellar of France, a type of wine reference guide. Since I am=
connoisseur, I can only tell you what I belive and have read. Although I don=
think, any connoisseur could honestly give you anything more. This product
is not
'Shareware' but 'Wineware' so if you like it and wish to get updates and new
"Winecellars"  ("Winecellars" of Germany, Spain and Italy are being research=
you must send me a bottle of wine, preferably a local wine since that will m=
it more interesting. Wine inclusive of transport should not have a value
excessive of 10$-30$, well unless you relly want to give me more that is. Pl=
mark the box you mail it in "FRAGILE" for safety reasons.

[Archived as /info-mac/info/winecellar-08b2.hqx; 123K]


Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 19:18:31 +0100
From: David Andreasen <> (by way of
A.C.vanderHam@ET.TUDelft.NL (Andre' C. van der Ham))
Subject: (no subject)

I would like to know if there is a PC version for escape velocity because
I do not have a Mac and I really enjoyed the game at my friends house
please answer soon!!!!


Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 14:32:02 +0100
From: Christian F Buser <>
Subject: Can Windowshade do Win95


> Try a shareware app called "Square One."...

I thought, it was "commercial software" from a company called
Binary Software? Maybe there is a limited "demo" out somewhere,
but I haven't seen that yet.

Cheers, Christian.  --


Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 13:28:15 +0100
From: Scot Andrews <>
Subject: Changing internal HD on Quadra 610, difficult?

Sorry if this question is a no-brainer, but I'm pressed for time, and you
all are my only hope.....

A client would like me to install a new hard drive in a Quadra 610.
Is it difficult? I've been inside many macs to install cards and memory and
such, but most of them have been the "easier" newer models. I still have
nightmares from when I had to open an SE! :-)

Is there anything I should look out for in the quadra 610 case? Would any
helpful soul like to provide a walk through, or point this "hardware"
newbie to online references?

My Background: As a Mac consultant I usually try to stay away from the
Major hardware issues and send my clients to an authorized "mechanic". It
saves me a lot of hassles, but this client needs a disk installed before
Monday and our local rep is saying in a week, maybe. Also, he will not
touch the new hard drive that wasn't purchased from them.

Any help would be great, and I'll summarize.


Scot Andrews                  Creative Computer Consultants
Macintosh Systems Manager     Barcelona, Spain   


Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 12:10:31 +0100
From: Joop Laan <>
Subject: downgrading system???

Hi all,
On a PowerBook 165c I've installed system 7.5.5. It worked just fine for  some
months now, but after opening the PB to clean up the inside the date and time
keeps changing every two or three seconds. I had the similar problem when the
PB was opened before and the solution was to reboot with a sys 7.1 disc,
adjust the date/time controlpanel and reboot again from the hard disc. Now
this seems not possible anymore.  A requester pops op saying that system 7.1
is not compatible with my PowerBook and that I need to use a newer version of
the system software.

Any suggestions?

Please answer via e-mail, I'll post a summary of answers to the m-l.




Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 22:18:42 -0500
Subject: hiding

I've found it in the past but can't remember where.  There is a way to hide
inactive windows on the Mac so that only the active one is visible, but
I've forgotten how.  Please advise.

		       * Bloomfield Associates, Inc. *
		       Fax: 301/460-4187 *


Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 09:20:24 -0800
From: Mike Dustan <>
Subject: how do you ethernet between two computers [A]

Hi Aiden:

You asked:

>This question is really from a know nothing position on setting up ethernet.
>I've  pluged a cable from my 7200/90 to my 7600/120. I then tried switching
>to the ethernet setting in the Apple Talk control panel and just got a
>error message.
>Do I need special software/hardware? Or does it just seem like my cable's
>faulty or system software is not working like it should (I'm using 7.5.5 to

I'm assuming you've simply taken a length of 10Base-T cable and plugged it
into the ports on each machine. The cable is fine, the machines are fine,
the software is probably fine too; it's just the wrong cable.

Stndard 10Base-T cables are designed to run from a host (e.g. a Mac) to a
10Base-T hub, a special box that interconnects several hosts together. If
you're running directly from host to host you'll need a special crossover
cable that switches the receive and transmit lines at one end. I don't know
the pinout information so can't tell you how to make your own, but this is
almost certainly the problem.

If yo ever plan to expand your network, like put a printer on it, get a
hub! 8-port hubs aren't all that expensive now and you'll get rid of some
cabling headaches.
>Thanks in advance,
>P.S I wish apple guide and handbook were a bit more informative.

Me too.


"For every vision there is an equal and opposite revision."
Mike Dustan, Computing Operations & Tech. Support,
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC Canada.


Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 19:21:25 +0100
From: (Paolo Bartoli)
Subject: HP LaserJet 4P

Is it possible for a WIndows/DOS HP LaserJet 4P to work with a Macintosh? I
suppose I need a Mac driver, of course, but is there any hardware
differencies between the LJ 4P for Mac and the Windows/DOS counterpart?

** Arch. Paolo Bartoli        email:  **


Date: Wed, 05 Feb 1997 21:10:46 -0500
From: Vince & Karla Martinez <>
Subject: Netscape Mail Enclosures

I recall seeing that someone else had a problem of the mac beeping
repeatedly when sending a Netscape mail message with an enclosure.  This
beeping continues until you quit.  Does anyone know what's causing this,
and more importantly, how to stop it?


Vince Martinez


Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 04:50:29 -0500 (EST)
From: (Stephen Moye)
Subject: New Edward Johnston font available

I have digitized Edward Johnston's original sans serif typeface. The
typeface was designed in 1918 for London Transport. I have extended
the typeface to include plain, italic, bold, bold-italic, small caps, and
bold small caps fonts. It is freeware, but I am, in essense, giving you
the license to use the font: you may not rename the font, sell it, or
pass yourself off as its creator -- otherwise, it is yours to use as
you like. This is a basic character set. Info-Mac has refused to post
the font to the archives, for reasons best known to themselves. I
will therefore, e-mail you the typeface as an attachment (about 200K)
if you would like to have it.


Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 23:16:08 -0500
From: abrody <>
Subject: OT/PPP (C)

Dear Digest Readers,
Well, Apple has finally done something right for a change!

It developed with Netscape a far superior dialer software to anything else
on the market.
OpenTransport/PPP 1.0 when combined with OpenTransport 1.1.2 and System
is as stable as a rock.   No crashes, freezes now felt on my PowerMac
7200/75 for 5 days with this product.  Usually, it crashed or froze every
day when it hit a web site it couldn't resolve the DNS.   Now if the
connection goes bad, it simply hangs up, and recognizes that it has hung up.
 It also tells all the client applications that it has hung up, and to wait
until it reconnects before sending any more packets.   Other dialers allowed
packets to be sent when no connection was present.   This one prevents
packets from being sent unless it is properly connected.

Now its interface isn't the best in the world, but its capabilities are
It will properly connect applications requesting to send packets, if you set
the preferences to do so.  It has CCL scripts for all the most popular
modems built in, including Practical Peripherals V. 34.  It gives you a
fully detailed log of the connection upon request.

Be sure if you do install it, to remove all remnants of the old dialer
first, and back up the old dialer settings.

Your Mileage May Vary.   I am just a satisfied customer of a free dialer.




Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 12:43:52 -0500
From: Michael Cramer <>
Subject: PB540 upgrade vs. my hard drive

Hi there!  Perhaps someone will be able to give me an answer to this
toughie.  I recently had my PB540 upgraded to a PPC using the Apple PPC card
(110MHz 603e, I think).  Everything seemed to work fine when I got it back
>From the shop that did the work, although they had to install System 7.5.2
over 7.5.3.  When I reinstalled 7.5.3, suddenly I had seven copies of my
hard drive on the desktop.

If I hook the PB up to my Performa as a hard drive, only one drive shows up.
When I start the PB up by itself, even using the disk tools sent by Apple
with the hardware upgrade, all seven drives show up.  They occupy SCSI
numbers 0 to 6.

Since then I have done everything I can think of to get rid of those hard
drives--reformatting the hard drive, wiping it with Norton Utilities, doing
a low-level format with the disk setup utility from Apple.  Nothing seems to
work.  I would greatly appreciate any suggestions this list might provide.

Mike Cramer


Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 18:06:55 -0800 (PST)
From: Chris Adams <>
Subject: removing resource forks

Andrew Martin <> wrote:
>Is there any program to remove the resource fork from files? For some of my
>Graphicconverter documents, the resource fork takes up more space than the
>actual file itself!! I would prefer it if the program didnt remove the
>type/creator part though (is that possible on a mac?).

An old shareware DA called DeskZap will do this, plus a lot of other
file-related stuff. Don't have a URL for it, but it may well be in the
info-mac or other archive. The author's details (unless they're out of
date) are:

Bruce Tomlin
15801 Chase Hill Blvd #109
San Antonio, TX  78256-1037

AOL:  BTomlin
Fidonet:  1:387/555
Applelink:  D4872

Chris Adams, Birmingham, UK  |


Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 09:42:57 +1000
From: Computer Studies <>
Subject: Speeding up PPCs

I have seen a few PPC Macs and they run slower than my Quadra 650.
I have tinkered with them, installing RAMDOUBLER and using file mapping only
and increased the ram allocation of certain apps like ACT and Word
but the things just don't run fast.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks


Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 20:48:27 -0500 (EST)
From: David Roche <>
Subject: System Floppy???


I have a simple (I hope) question... but one whose answer eludes me...

How can I install a minimal System file on a 1.4 Meg floppy in order to
make it bootable?

My original System 7.5 disk doesn't seem to be able to do it...

someone told me there was file I needed from Apple while will allow me to
do this... anyone know
what it's called???

much appreciation in advance,
David Roche

David Roche
Email :
Home Page :



End of Info-Mac Digest