Date: Tue,  4 Feb 97 08:04:33 PST
From: The Info-Mac Moderators <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #28
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Info-Mac Digest             Tue,  4 Feb 97       Volume 15 : Issue 28

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#364/03-Feb-97
      *End of the Mac at the VA?
      5HOTAConvert 1.0 [Info-Mac Digest V15 #26]
      [A] Looking for best extended keyboard for new Mac
      [Q] Appletalk/Printer woes
      At Ease
      Background filemanes color settings?
      Denaba Canvas 5 corrupts ClarisDraw docs
      Help- Netscape Bookmarks
      how do you ethernet between two computers (2 msgs)
      learning font
      Losing space on hard drive
      Macintosh Easy Open
      NEC CD-Rom
      Netscape dialing
      OT/PPP Dropping Connections
      OT TCP/IP Extension
      Performa 6400 Expansion Bay Hard Drive Install
      S.O.S. with rebuilding the desktop
      Safe Colors For Web Pages
      SpeedDoubler 2 -- Problematical
      Startup Items Folder Problem
      Sumary -  Mystery Open File
      the potential of NeXTSTEP on a 533 MHz Mac!!!  :)
      which powerbooks?
      Zoom 33600 PC modem on Mac. Init string?

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Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 20:53:37 -0800
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#364/03-Feb-97


Is text dead? Not at all! In this issue, we look at Palimpsest, a tool for
managing large volumes of text; CopyPaste, a multiple clipboard utility;
and Natural Order, an extension that (finally!) sorts text and file names
like a person would. Also in this issue, readers respond to the new crop of
HTML editors, Speed Doubler gets an important update for Mac OS 7.6, Be
stops making the BeBox, and Apple announces major internal changes, price
cuts, and a Rhapsody kernel.

    HTMLbits: Following up on Free Placement
    The Natural Order of Things
    CopyPaste: A Scoffer No More
    Palimpsest 1.1 - Is There a Document in the House?


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-364.etx; 30K]


Date: 3 Feb 1997 16:38:37 -0800
From: "Andy Avins" <>
Subject: *End of the Mac at the VA?

		      Subject:                              Time:  4:23 =
  OFFICE MEMO         *End of the Mac at the VA?            Date:  2/3/97

     I am a physician at a university-affiliated Veterans Affairs =
hospital.  We have been told that the VA will be moving to the Wintel =
platform--Macs will no longer be purchased and existing Macs will not be =
upgraded.  Question #1: does anyone else out there with VA affiliations =
know more about this?
     Apparently, the reason is that the new hospital information system =
is a VA-grown product that will only run on Windows.  Supposedly, they =
looked into making a Mac client for the system but it was too difficult =
to port to the Mac.  Someone also suggested that Apple wanted exorbitant =
licensing fees for some necessary software pieces (I'm not a programmer, =
so I'm not sure what that all means).  Question #2: any truth to these =
     Finally, Question #3: is there anything those of us happy VA Mac =
users can do at this point?
     Please reply to:  Thanks very much!

--Andy Avins, MD, MPH
   University of California, San Francisco


Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 13:21:34 GMT
From: Theo Vosse <>
Subject: 5HOTAConvert 1.0 [Info-Mac Digest V15 #26]


In IMD15-26, I saw a package called "5HOTAConvert", which does some
simple arithmetic conversions. Not only do the makers ask $5 for it
(not mentioned in the announcement), the application is over ONE
MEGABYTE in size! I know memory is cheap, and hard disks are large,
but this is really bizarre. Oh yeah, it also *requires* AppleScript
and a 68040. As a matter of fact, there are at least 5 packages with
more functionality, using less disk space, and running on an ED under
system 4 present in the sci/calc directory. Are things getting out of
hand, or am I getting old?

	Theo Vosse
	Department of Psychology
	Leiden University
	The Netherlands


Date: Mon, 03 Feb 1997 11:23:19 -0500
From: "John A. Cooper" <>
Subject: [A] Looking for best extended keyboard for new Mac

> Subject: [A] Looking for best extended keyboard for new Mac
> I use MacAlly's extended keyboard, which is a pretty-near exact clone of
> apple's original extended keyboard (with square corners and ADB
> connectors on the outside corners, rather than curved corners and ADB
> connectors in a recess in the center rear of the keybaord (below F6-F10
> keys). Mine is two years old, and still functions quite well. It even has
> the feel of the old Apple keyboard.
> If you need lots of ADB ports, MicroSpeed has a nice keyboard with four
> ports; one on each side near the rear corner, and two on the back, near
> the F4 and F12 keys. Some people prefer the feel of the MicroSpeed, but
> not me.
> And, finally, a few people I work with have recently purchased the Adesso
> TruForm keyboard, which is shaped like Microsoft's Natural Keyboard. If
> you like that style of keyboard, the Adesso is a nice one.
> These keyboards are available widely from the usual mail order and
> web-based suspects.
> -Dan
> >I'm looking for suggestions for a good extended keyboard...
> >I like the Apple version, but think it's a little high-priced.

Yea, I like my MacALLY keyboard, too. It's cheap!
1) It's very "clicky." Some of my friends hate it.
2) Some things, like holding down the space bar during start up to call
Symbionts, don't work w/ it (and do w/ Apple keyboards).

John Cooper
Dept. of Cell Biology & Physiology
Washington Univ School of Medicine
St. Louis, MO 63110
US Post Office address: Box 8228, 660 S Euclid Ave
Shipping (FedEx) address: Dept of Cell Biology, 4566 Scott Ave
Phone (314) 362-3964   Fax (314) 362-0098
World Wide Web site:


Date: Sun, 2 Feb 1997 18:08:46 -0600 (CST)
From: Hannes Hofer <>
Subject: [Q] Appletalk/Printer woes

This problem is puzzled me for a while. Perhaps some kind reader of this
digest can help me:
In the past, I have been connecting to my HP Deskjet printer using
Appletalk, and everything worked fine, but because of other considerations
I have now decided to print directly through a serial cable. This, however,
has created some strange problems: When I start my Power Mac 7100/66/Sys
7.5.5/OT 1.1.1 with appletalk inactive, certain applications, most
noticably MS Word 6.01, don't recognice my system as being 7.0 or higher,
and thus will not run. Turning Appletalk back on solves the problem, but
then I can't print via my serial cable.


Date: Sun, 2 Feb 97 22:19:56 +0000
From: "David B. Niethamer" <>
Subject: At Ease

Duane - I have a Performa 550 (same '030 processor, I think). Start your
Mac with the shift key down until the desktop appears. This should let
you bypass At Ease. In the System Folder, find At Ease Setup, and turn
off At Ease.

*OR* if you wish to keep At Ease and do a new password, here are the
instructions from my manual.

Start your computer from another startup disk (Disk Tools)

Open the System Folder

Open the At Ease Items folder

Drag the At Ease Preferences file into the trash

Hold down the option key while emptying the trash


Find the At Ease Setup program, and set a new password

Before quitting, turn on At Ease again

Hope this helps

David Niethamer


Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 02:09:36 +0000
From: Fernando Martinho <>
Subject: Background filemanes color settings?

Hi All!

I have a simple (and naive) question.

Is there a way to set the background color of filenames on the desktop to
another color than white, as they do in Windoze?

I know that when we select a file, its name reverses its video settings
(from black on white to white on black). And when we edit the name, we have
the selection color choosen in the Color CP.

But I would like to set the background of filenames to the desktop pattern
itself, or to the same color as used by the desktop if there is no used
pattern. This way, all icons on desktop would have a 'transparent' feeling,
and no white field under them...

It seems no desktop utility can do that, Kaleidoscope, BeView, and so on.
May be a patch could do so.

Anyone thinks it's possible?




Date: Sun, 2 Feb 1997 21:26:46 -0600
From: "Henry V. Huang" <>
Subject: Denaba Canvas 5 corrupts ClarisDraw docs

I had a strange problem: when I save a doc from ClarisDraw (Canvas 5 was
not running at the time), I can't open it again!
Claris tech help said that the reason is because Deneba's Canvas 5.01 has
corrupted them (even when Canvas 5 was NOT RUNNING).

The incriminating evidence is that when you 'get info' for the corrupted
doc, it is still a ClarisDraw doc, but under Version: it says "5.0.0
(copyright) 1986-96 Deneba Systems, Inc."

This is really bad news, for an application to reach out and screw up the
docs of a competing application. You don't even need to have Canvas 5
launched to have this happen. You can imagine the possibilities...

I'm pondering 2 questions:

1. Did Canvas patch the system file save routines? (ClarisDraw demo docs
that were not modified & saved open fine).  Does Canvas reach out and touch
the docs of other applications???

2. Doc rescue. I used ResEdit to delete the vers resource containing the
Canvas/Deneba info, but it didn't help (even after rebuilding the desktop,
so that the Deneba version info no longer shows in the 'get info' window).
Copying all the resources from a good doc to a corrupted doc didn't help
either. The data fork of a corrupted doc looks like there are many changes
>From an uncorrupted doc.

Using the Canvas installer to un-install finally let me save & re-open docs
in ClarisDraw. (The corrupted docs stayed corrupted).

I am keeping Canvas 5 off my system. As far as I'm concerned, it's not an
application, it's a Trojan Horse.

Henry V. Huang


Date: Mon, 03 Feb 1997 11:23:33 -0500
From: "Calhoun, Ronnie" <>
Subject: Help- Netscape Bookmarks

I have a Performa 575 with 12mb and a 250 hard drive. I,m using Netscape 2.02
I was using PPP (the PPP was up and down and I had to connect several times to
get a line) to connect to Netscape and this past weekend and when I tried to
quit, I got the following messages:
1. Error saving bookmark file
2. There was an error writing the preferences. They will not be saved.
3. The error was: - 120
I have had 2.02 since it was released and never had a problem until this
Is there anything I can do to to get my Netscape to work properly again?

I've copied bookmarks and put them in the preferences folder but Netscape will
not save the bookmarks.



Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 15:04:07 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: how do you ethernet between two computers

>I've  pluged a cable from my 7200/90 to my 7600/120. I then tried switching
>to the ethernet setting in the Apple Talk control panel and just got a
>error message.

What kind of cable is this?

Assuming it's a 10baseT cable [with the RJ45 telephone-style plug], then
you do need a special "crossover" cable to do this without a hub.

I can't find my reference to how to build one of these right now, but could
probably dig one up if need be.

An alternative would be to add a transceiver at both ends, and connect the
two with coax [10base2] cable, which would get around the special cable
requirements of 10baseT.

Or, you could buy a hub.



Date: Mon, 3 Feb 97 03:07:32 -0500
From: Bill Douthett <>
Subject: how do you ethernet between two computers

>Subject: how do you ethernet between two computers
>This question is really from a know nothing position on setting up ethernet.
>I've  pluged a cable from my 7200/90 to my 7600/120. I then tried switching
>to the ethernet setting in the Apple Talk control panel and just got a
>error message.
>Do I need special software/hardware? Or does it just seem like my cable's
>faulty or system software is not working like it should (I'm using 7.5.5 to
>Thanks in advance,
>P.S I wish apple guide and handbook were a bit more informative.

The problem is that you just can't use a standard Ethernet cable between
2 devices without a HUB in between. (Well, you can if you switch the
pairs around, but I can't recall which ones...)

The only workaround is to use a mini-hub on one machine (Apple & Asante
have one that plugs into the AAUI port) - and usually you get like 4
ports... Farallon also has a solution called "EtherWave" which provides
'daisy-chain'-able (like Localtalk) ethernet connections. Again, you
would only need it on one machine.

I prefer the MiniHub solution, since it is 802.3 COMPLIANT (plays by all
established rules for ethernet), as opposed to the EtherWave which is
802.3 COMPATIBLE (spec doesn't say you can't do what they're doing...),
but the Etherwave has helped me out of some jams too...

Bill D.

Bill Douthett
Digital Wizard

Digital Street Enterprises        "Creating and hosting Third-generation

 "It's hard to work in groups when you're omnipotent..." - 'Q', ST:TNG

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Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 08:24:07 -0500 (EST)
Subject: learning font

Dear friends,

I am having a hard time finding a dots or dotted line font. This would be to
print practice words and sentences for a young child learning to write. I
hope someone can point me to one.

Thank you,
Woodson Gannaway


Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 14:21:33 -0500
From: Brian White <>
Subject: Losing space on hard drive

My wife's Performa 630 has a 500mb harddrive but when I add up the numbers
shown they only add up to about 260mb (at the top of an open folder).
What's happened to the remainder? Also, in case this is somehow related,
she had a crash today and the only way should could restart was by
unplugging the computer. The button on the back wouldn't even work. This
has never happened before. MacTools 4.0 told me that everything is OK. Are
these events possibly related?

Brian White


Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 17:19:09 +0100
From: "Dewey Markham, Jr." <>
Subject: Macintosh Easy Open

Hello Folks,

	I've been in one of my periodic housecleaning moods, and while
looking through my system folder for flotsam and jetsam that might be
cleaned away, my eye fell on Macintosh Easy Open. It's been quite a while
now that I've had it installed, but to tell the truth I can't recall it
ever succeeding in opening anything for me. It sounded like a swell idea
when I read about it and set about tracking it down, but has this turned
out to be one of those things that was never really supported by developers
and was finally abandoned by Apple? Has anyone out there found it useful?
(I know it's supposed to give you extra information about the kind of files
you're dealing with, but I use View by Icon, so this feature is for
naught.) Can anyone give me a compelling reason to keep it?


Dewey Markham, Jr.
35, rue Mexico    |   Voice/Fax: (33)
33200 Bordeaux  |   Internet:


Date: Tue, 4 Feb 97 10:07:58 -0500
From: Grzybowski_Stan_T/
Subject: NEC CD-Rom

     I recently picked up a used NEC CD-Rom, Model 84-1, but have been
     unable to get my Mac to see it.... are there any special drivers for
     it. The standard Apple drivers don't seem to find it.  Please e-mail
     me directly with a response -  Thanks - Stan


Date: Sun, 2 Feb 1997 17:47:03 -0800
From: Chuck Garrett <>
Subject: Netscape dialing

At 4:42 PM -0800 2/2/97, Info-Mac wrote:

 * When I try to launch Netscape after I have logged onto AOL it always
 * tried to dial up my other service provider.
 * I have had a look on AOL for HELP,FAQ files but cannot find anything
 * relevent.

I believe that if you go to options......general and check for Netscape to
open with a blank home page this will cease. What is happening is that
Netscape is trying to connect to the home page you have selected


Date: 4 Feb 1997 09:24:30 +1100
From: "Stephen Peilschmidt" <>
Subject: OT/PPP Dropping Connections

		       Subject:                               Time:9:04 AM
  OFFICE MEMO          OT/PPP Dropping Connections            Date:4/2/97
I have recently upgraded to a Global Village Platinum modem to use with my
with 96M of RAM.  I upgraded from OT 1.1 to 1.1.2 and thought I would give
OT/PPP a try after hearing good reports about it.  I previously used MacPPP
I think) with ConfigPPP.

I used the connection script for the GV Platinum modem that comes with OT/PPP -
although  I have the Australian ROM ( I'm not sure that this would make a

I eventually connected to my ISP after much experimenting and timeouts using a
terminal session in OT/PPP.  After finally getting through and logged onto the
net, I checked my email and started composing replies  and whilst doing so was
logged off due to inactivity after about 2 minutes.  I know OT/PPP does check
the quality of connection periodically but it seemed particularly sensitive.
BTW if this is relevant the old ConfigPPP was still installed together with

Has anyone else seen this problem?  Have they managed to solve it and how?

I know that the modem scripts can be edited with a text editor.  I also tried
this.  I duplicated the GV Platinum script and modified what looked like the
init string using BBEdit but this script would not work.

In the meanwhile I unistalled OT/PPP and installed FreePPP v 2 and this seems
work quite well and seems stable as I logged onto the net and did various
for about an hour without any problems.

Any assistance or insight into getting OT/PPP working would be appreciated.



Date: Sun, 2 Feb 1997 21:12:22 +0100
From: "Norm D'Allura" <>
Subject: OT TCP/IP Extension

You need to go to the TCP/IP File-Configurations menu and set separate
configurations - one for PPP and one for ethernet.  By having two different
named configurations you can switch between the two with all settings

You should also download the Apple freebie Location Manager from their
Powerbook site.  It is a nifty app that will set a variety of settings
including FileSharing, printers, Appletalk conigurations as well as the
TCP/IP configurations with one easy selection from your control strip.  I
use my powerbook in travel mode (PPP), connected to Localtalk, and
connected to two different ethernets (with different IP's).  A simple
selection from the control strip is all I need to change all of my
settings.  Neat-o and a real time saver!


|I have OT 1.1.2 on my Powerbook 540c and I need to switch between my direct
|TCP/IP connection at work and my PPP connection while travelling. It works
|OK, except that some settings (IP Address, subnet mask and router) are never
|retained when I switch back from PPP to TCP/IP.
|Any ideas how to correct this?
|marc leroux


Date: Sun, 02 Feb 1997 19:47:47 -0500
From: Charles Brasile <>
Subject: Performa 6400 Expansion Bay Hard Drive Install

Hi All

Has any one installed a second hard drive in the expansion bay on
the Performa 6400? I would like to and have been having problems
obtaining info on the best way to take off the panels on the case.
Also pictures of the computer taken apart would be handy.
Charles A.Brasile
8968 Marquette Dr.
Grosse Ile, Michigan 48138


Date: Sun, 2 Feb 1997 21:27:15 -0500 (EST)
From: (Al Bloom)
Subject: Relysis(C)

On Sun, 02 Feb, Jan Steinman wrote many naughty words about Relysis.

Gawd! If any of y'all read Jan's longish note and still want to throw your
hard earned money (or even your employer's money) at any Relysis product, I
purely hope you've been sterilized. You won't help the race by breeding.

Yes, I know. Not every complaint about a vendor is worth the powder it takes
to blow its nose. However, Jan seems to have done everything right and still
got stiffed. Worse than stiffed. Actually smoked.

Al Bloom, Virginia Tech


Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 19:00:26 -0500 (EST)
From: (Joge Tsang)
Subject: S.O.S. with rebuilding the desktop

	Dear help.

what can I do?  I was told to rebuild the desktop and now I have all kinds
of problems.
when I view my desktop now I face empty pages with no clear identifying icons.

I tried calling Mac phone help and got this answer. Rebuild by holding only
the 'option key' release the open apple key.  I did that and it worked
temporarily, but I did this with extensions off.

so I restarted and rebooted only to discover the same problem my desktop
again showed blank icons with no clear images...

WHAT is wrong? what to do?

Joge Tsang


Date: Sun, 2 Feb 1997 22:15:35 -0600
From: John Hartley <>
Subject: Safe Colors For Web Pages

Lanny Chambers <> wrote

Subject: Too-dark Web Page

>I have a question.. I've created a web page on my mac and posted it online
>It looks fine on my mac (in my opinion.. it's my first page,though!) but
>looks too dark on my friend's PC... is there any way to set my pictures to
>use colors that both our browsers would see???

Check out this web page and it will explain why colors you generated on
your Mac appear different on a PC.  More importantly, it will tell you how
to fix the problem!!


Date: Mar, 4 Fv 97 10:57:14 +0100
From: Remmy Tourment <>
Subject: Souvenir

>Well, this product continues to work fine under System 7.5.5 with one
>exception, it breaks when Open Transport is installed. It works fine if the
>networking is set to MacTCP, but when you select Open Transport, about five
>minutes after restarting, the system crashes or hangs. I can only figure
>out that Souvenir is checking for it's serial number on the network or
>something of the kind and that fails.
>Anyway, my question is this: Does anyone know the whereabouts of the folks
>that wrote this package? Is an update available anywhere? What about a

I have the version 3.0 t, wich works perfectly well with System 7.5.3 and
Open Transport. I could not live without it !

It is sold in France by :
Compose Tel
12, rue Lecuirot
75014 Paris

Remmy Tourment


Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 15:29:03 -0500 (EST)
Subject: SpeedDoubler 2 -- Problematical

Is anyone else having trouble with SpeedDoubler 2. I put our copy on our new,
out-of-the-box Performa 6360 as the only third-party init and the Performa
freaked out. Among other things, it would not restart. Everytime I tried to
restart (often at that point), I would be left with the old flashing question
mark. Interestingly, I could shut it down and then start up again, but every
restart resulted in no activity. Removing SpeedDoubler 2 removed the problem.

I put it on our old 7100/80av and received disk errors, damaged files and
damaged blocks while copying from drive to drive or to Zip or to Jaz.
Unfortunately, I had just installed a new internal hard drive at roughly the
same time and incorrectly equated the problems with the drive instead of
SpeedDoubler 2. It took mucho tiempo, reformatting and several lost files
before I finally figured out that the problem was SeedDoubler 2. Again,
removing it solved the problem.

Here is a very serious problem that I discovered relating to SpeedDoubler:
When updating back-up files on another disk, for instance, SpeedDoubler 2
deletes the old file before writing the new one. Consequently, if you
unknowingly are trying to back-up a bad file (such as one corrupted by
SpeedDoubler 2 during a previous copy) to your back-up disk, SpeedDoubler
deletes the old one and then won't write the new one. Both files are
effectively killed and you are left with none. Kinda messes up the idea of
keeping back-ups, eh?

Ugly. Usually, I try not to be the first on the block to install new software
-- allowing others to be the beta testers, but I used SpeedDoubler since it
first was released and loved it, so, I thought that I could trust Connec....
Oh, well, live and learn.

Joe Holly
MacHolly Land


Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 12:33:27 -0500
From: Randall Meadows <>
Subject: Startup Items Folder Problem

On 2/2/97, G.Barker@unsw.EDU.AU (George Barker) wrote:

> I'm trying to get a compiled AppleScript (which puts up some alerts) to
> at startup. I have placed it in the StartUp Items folder and in due course
> it starts up. Then comes the problem - the Finder cuts in on it before the
> alert dialogs have time to appear on screen, and I'm left with a blinking
> Applications menu icon to let me know that my AppleScript app wants my
> attention.
> I've searched high and low for preferences etc which may be having an
> effect on this (also tried changing the names to change the startup order)
> but nothing has made any difference. Am I missing something obvious?

Just a guess here, but do you have other items in your Startup Items
folder?  And possibly does one of those items have an option to "Force
Finder to the front" after it finishes loading (like Drag Thing)?


Date: Mon, 3 Feb 97 17:35:39 -0500
From: Ken Sisitka <>
Subject: Sumary -  Mystery Open File

Here is a summary of the comments I received from a post a few days ago
Thanks to all that responded!
>From From:   Uno Martensson,

>Have you switced off Vitual Memory? If not, do so.

 I never thought to check this :-{

>Do the same with all kinds of RAM-disks and aotoloading facilities.
>Also trash the Finder Prefs in your systemfile (prefs).

Did this

- comments about booting from a zip

>I have been told that Zips cannot be used as a start-up disk.?

I have several Zips with bootable systems that work fine with my PM 7200
I don't remember if I just dragged the system over or installed from

One thing I had to do before the mac would recognize the system folder
was to
open the system folder once and them close it.  The folder Icon changed
>From a
generic to a folder with a little mac in it.  The technical term for this
called  'Blessing the System Folder"
Now here is what I did!!!!!

Now let me tell you how I got my machine back to "normal"
This may sound strange, but here is how I recall what happened.

I tried norton several times without success

I then used Silver Lining to update drivers and optimize

This broke the Norton Logjam, but then I got an "not enough" memory eror

I then gAve norton 10MB allocation

Norton now was able to fix the problems ( there was quite a few)

I reran Norton until it gave me a clean bill of health.

I am not sure what Silver Lining Did (if anything?) but it seemed to help
After all, I was desparate at the time

Ken Sisitka
Hampton,  VA


Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 01:40:59 -0800
From: (Tristan Jutras/Stephanie Earp)
Subject: the potential of NeXTSTEP on a 533 MHz Mac!!!  :)


I just wanted to say that it strikes me as odd that there's not very much
out there (>10 articles on the Web & Usenet combined) on the very exciting
prospect of the forthcoming NeXTSTEP/Mac OS especially as it pertains to
Exponential's 466, 500, & 533 MHz processors!  This is going to smoke!  Any
news/views on this would be very much appreciated!



Date: Sun, 2 Feb 1997 21:10:21 +0100
From: "Norm D'Allura" <>
Subject: which powerbooks?

First let me say that I am terribly biased toward my PB 2300.  It is fairly
fast, is 2/3 the weight of a PB1400 and 2/3 the height.  It is the most
convenient PowerBook to dump into my briefcase as well as hauling back and
forth to work and airports.  When I get to work I pop it into my DuoDock
and can do anything a desktop CPU can do including connecting to ethernet,
a second hard drive, and my 17" external monitor. When you are calculating
the economics make sure you add the cost of a dock (mini or desktop). For
most things the PB2300 is fast enough.  To me the size, weight, and
convenience are the driving factors.

The PB1400 is 30% heavier and larger.  It is slightly faster (17%).  It is
more flexible for adding memory in stages rather then having to throw away
your old memory as with the PB2300 when you upgrade.  The PB1400 requires a
video card for external monitor connection but the PB2300 requires the an
external dock (mini or desktop) for video.  The PB1400 comes with a floppy,
but you need a special floppy dock and external floppy for the PB2300 or a
desktop dock with the built-in floppy.  If you need a built-in CD-ROM the
PB1400 has it as an option.  With the PB2300 you need the dock and external
drive.  The PB1400 has a larger screen than the PB2300.  You can add a
PCMCIA card for a modem etc.  With the PB2300 you can add an internal modem
14k bps modem to the PB2300 or connect one externally through a serial port
on your dock.

The PB2300 is discontinued and discounted.  The PB1400 is Apple's flagship
for now and has lots of 3rd party support.

So the choice is size & weight vs speed and flexibility and current offering.

I plan to keep my PB2300 for quite some time and would probably buy one for
my wife when she returns to school.  I really love this machine.


|First..... I would like to thanks all the replys, on my last query. The
|responds were overwelming and very helpfull. Now I have a pretty good idea
|on how many hard drives my mac can hold. Thank you and keep up the good work.
|Second.... I have a friend thats plans to join the macintosh family
|(cheers). She wants to purchase a powerbook, of which I know nothing about.
|I can only give her the usual literature from mac magazines (like macuser)
|and apple sites. She is undecided between the 2300 duo or the 1400
|Powerbooks. I don't want to give her the wrong advice. I would appreciate
|any advice anyone can give her on her first macintosh purchase, things like:
|reliability base on past experiences, ease of use, and expandability.


Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 15:14:40 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: Zoom 33600 PC modem on Mac. Init string?

At 6:11 PM +0100 2/2/97, Trent wrote:
>I'm going to buy a Zoom 33k6 modem for PC this week and I hope it will
>work on my Performa 6200. I heard I need a specific init string for using
>it on a mac so I wonder if someone can help me about this. I know I have
>to change &D2 into &D0 but that's all, and the PC init string is on the
>floppy disks that come with the modem but I cannot read it. If you are
>using a Zoom 33k6 modem on your mac please tell me what init string works
>the best.

I'm using a ZOOM 28.8 v34X modem [it happens to be the Mac version], and
I've never opened the manual or looked on the disks for an init string.

I've used it with MacPPP, FreePPP, and now OT/PPP; with each install I've
selected the ZOOM modem from the list of available choices in the software,
and have never had trouble.  My connections are solid and my transfer rates
are what I'd expect.

So, my bottom line is: I don't think you have to worry about it.  All the
software I've seen has made dealing with init strings completely

Maybe the 33.6 story is different, but somehow I doubt it.




End of Info-Mac Digest