Date: Wed, 15 Jan 97 09:31:55 PST
From: The Info-Mac Moderators <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #14
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Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 15 Jan 97       Volume 15 : Issue 14

Today's Topics:

      [A] Can't shutdown my Mac! Is it alive??
      [A] Radius "Direct Color" Video Card
      [Q] Can't shutdown my Mac! Is it alive??
      [Q] Locked Hard Drive?
      Anyone Got "DAVE" Experiences?
      CD-ROM Problems
      Digitizing sound
      E-mail to Japan in Japanese?
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #11
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #13
      Java on a Mac
      Netscape Crashes
      New Troubleshooting Web Page
      Now Utils 6.5 & RamDoubler 2
      Okidata Printer
      Phantom has control of printer port
      problems with Netscape
      Problems with UMAX scanner
      Problem with setting new PMac...
      Quadra/Performa 630 PPC Upgrade Card?
      Scripting text file orientation
      surfing with the enemy
      Virtual Memory
      Will there be a MS Word 7 for Mac?

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Date: Tue, 14 Jan 1997 15:21:00 -0600
From: (Bryan Walls)
Subject: [A] Can't shutdown my Mac! Is it alive??

>But since last week, my Mac IIci seems to want get to life: about three
>seconds after I shutdown it, it turns on again! The only way to keep it
>turned off is pulling off the powercord from the power supply.
>I know that we can set the Mac to auto-startup in case of power failure
>using the Energy Saver CPanel. But this CPanel isn't installed in my Mac
>(anyway, this feature doesn't work when the user selects "Shut Down" from
>the Special menu).
>Should it be a problem with the power key of my keyboard? Or will I have to
>send the Mac to the hospital?
The IIci has a power-on button on the back of the case. It is round, and
has a slot in it like the head of a screw. This button can be pushed in and
turned (so that is locks in), assuring that the machine will try to come to
life as long as there is power coming in the plug. This was terribly handy
for server machines.

The method of using the Energy Saver Control Panel is effective for the
newer machines. The IIci used the older (and probably more reliable)

Check the back of your mac. I'll bet the button was either accidently
pushed and turned, or some not so innocently did the same on purpose...

Bryan Walls                    My Words are not NASA Policy
EB12 MSFC, AL 35812


Date: Tue, 14 Jan 1997 15:15:05 -0600 (CST)
From: "Mark E. Ingram" <>
Subject: [A] Radius "Direct Color" Video Card

Info-Mac Readers:

I recently asked whether a certain Radius "Direct Color" Video Card could
be used to drive the Apple Portrait (grayscale) monitor on a Mac IIci.
It can't, but here's how I found out for sure:

> Further information ond/or replacement parts or supplies or software
> can be obtained by contacting Radius Vintage Support directly at
> 800-375-9256 (US Only) or 817-756-2408.

> Sincerely,
> Radius Vintage Advanced Technical Support

Thanks to all who replied.

Mark E. Ingram


Date: Tue, 14 Jan 1997 10:54:29 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: [Q] Can't shutdown my Mac! Is it alive??

At 5:23 AM -0200 1/14/97, Josmar Arruda wrote:
>But since last week, my Mac IIci seems to want get to life: about three
>seconds after I shutdown it, it turns on again! The only way to keep it
>turned off is pulling off the powercord from the power supply.

>Should it be a problem with the power key of my keyboard? Or will I have to
>send the Mac to the hospital?

It might be a problem with the keyboard power switch.  It may also be a
problem with the power switch on the back of the machine.

The power switch has a lock, which is useful on a server; when the power
goes out, the machine comes back up with the power.  To engage this lock,
you push the power switch in and give it a quarter-turn.  This might be
causing the problem.

Some other questions and things to try:

If, instead of pulling the plug, you just reach around and hit the power
switch, does that turn it off?

Once you've turned it off by unplugging it, does it start back up
immediately upon being plugged back in?

You can eliminate [or confirm] the keyboard as the culprit by disconnecting
it.  plug in just the mouse, start up the machine, then try to shut it down
normally.  if it stays off, you've confirmed the keyboard as the culprit.
If it exhibits the same behavior, the keyboard is apparently not involved.



Date: Tue, 14 Jan 1997 18:36:56 -0500
From: Keith E Gatling <>
Subject: [Q] Locked Hard Drive?

It's been a while since I've been around, but I've got this really puzzling

One of our teachers somehow did something to the computer in his room so that
not only can he not boot from the hard drive anymore, but when you manage to
boot from either the CD-ROM or a Zip disk, the hard drive shows up as being

Normally this wouldn't be a problem, I'd just copy everything to a Zip disk,
reformat the hard drive, and put everything back on.  But he's got a quite a
bit of stuff in UnderCover fileboxes, which we can't get into unless we boot
>From the hard drive, and if I wipe the hard drive, all this stuff goes too.

Anyone have a clue as to why this happens and how to unlock the drive?

Thanks a lot!


Date: Tue, 14 Jan 1997 11:25:43 -0600
From: Tim Rand <>
Subject: Anyone Got "DAVE" Experiences?

Allan Hunter <AHUNTER@CCVM.SUNYSB.EDU> wrote:
 >Anyone out there have experience with a new cross-platform networking
 >software that goes by the unlikely moniker of "DAVE"?

I was a Beta tester for DAVE and like it a lot.  It does do everything that
Thursby claims it will do.  It is a good, robust package.

This product was reviewed in InfoWeek this week as well.  In that review,
the reviewer had some wierd problem with his TCP/IP connection settings
that force a reboot.  I, for one, did not have this problem and don't know
what he was talking about.

 >This is apparently NetBEUI for the Mac, something I've always wanted;

Probably, more to the point, it implements the SMB protocol which Microsoft
has renamed to Common Internet File System (CIFS) in it's bid to get
"Internet" into the name.  It is NetBIOS (RFC 1001/1002) compliant.

 >To get to the point, I want access to the shared FileMaker Pro database
 > ... But...will this DAVE thing support cross-platform
 >concurrent FileMaker Pro database file sharing?

Sorry, but I don't have FileMaker PRO and can't answer this point. I do
think your approach of upgrading to Filemaker 3.0 which will use TCP/IP
Networking should work.  What you can do with Dave is have the PC where the
FileMakerPro database resides SHARE the database and then you can mount the
folder from Chooser just as you would mount an AppleShare volume.  Perhaps
that will work.

 > Aside from the FileMaker question (the main issue)
 >I'm interested in anything that users of DAVE have to say about stability
 >and reliability.

I have found the software stable and reliable.  I have run it under OT
1.1.2 and MacTCP as well as on a IIci and PowerMac 8500 with equal

Mostly, I was using DAVE to allow file sharing with our Unix host using
SAMBA on the UNIX side.  This works wonderfully for file exchange between
PCs and Macs.


Date: Tue, 14 Jan 1997 15:10:07 -0500
From: "Steven Colucci, Ph.D." <>
Subject: CD-ROM Problems

I know there have been frequent postings about CD-ROM problems and I
am looking for similar assistance.  My Performa 6205 CD does not
recognize audio CD's.  It had when I first purchased it, but now I get
a message that it is not recognizable and do I want to initialize. It
still runs my kids' CD's, but not audio.  Some time ago, I made a
bonehead move and erased my bundled ClarisWorks.  So I went to the CD
with all the system software to replace it.  However, making another
bonehead move, I wound up replacing all the software,  not realizing I
could just do Claris (sigh). I can't say for sure, but it seems that
the trouble may have started around the same time.  I have followed
manual instructions and those posted here.  I have opened the sound
control panel, selected Sound In, selected Internal, etc.  However,
while the Playthrough box is selected,  the word Playthrough is
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance.


Date: Mer, 15 Jan 97 14:03:09 +0100
From: Remmy Tourment <>
Subject: Digitizing sound

Hello everyone !

I just bought a Performa 6400/200 and would like to use it to digitize
sounds (songs) then use a CD-ROM engraver (burner ?) to create my own
audio CDs.

Has someone experience in this domain that he would share with me ? And
some more precise questions that I ask are :
What software to do this exist ?
What are the sound file format recommended ?
What are the softwares that could help me to better the sound ? I mean
mainly to convert to CD old vynil records, and old audio tapes, and would
like to use something like an automated software to eliminate crack
noises from vynil, and hissing noise from the tape, and also a digital
equalizer to correct the sound to my liking.
What are the errors not to commit ?
Is the internal hard drive of the 6400/200 fast enough to use to burn CDs

Please excuse my bizarre english sentences. Answer to my mail address and
I will do a synthesis of the answers to post to the list.

Thanks in advance.

Remy Tourment


Date: 15 Jan 1997 14:23:23 GMT
From: (John Haywood)
Subject: E-mail to Japan in Japanese?

On Tue, 07 Jan 1997 Tom & Denise Richards asked:

>  I would like ideas on sending e-mail to Japan *in
>  Japanese*.  It would be
>  composed on my Mac IIsi (US system 7.5.3) and would in all
>  likelihood be
>  read on a PC.
>  One idea I had was to compose in a text editor in Hiragana
>  or Katakana, save
>  as PICT, and send the file as an attachment.  On the other
>  end, the attachment
>  would be opened in a graphics program.
>  Thanks for your ideas.

Buy the Japanese Language Kit (v1.2), and then use Eudora Lite -J from
qualcomm. This should handle the encoding correctly, methinks.

The PICT idea is almost sure to fail due to having too many factors
(cross-platform, Internet, etc)involved...

john in kobe


Date: Tue, 14 Jan 1997 23:06:01 -0700
From: Kreme <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #11

On 13/01/97, gary madden wrote:

> Anybody having as much problems with their Macs when running Netscape?  I
> have my Macs freeze or get type 11 errors.  I'm running Navigator 2.0 with
> system 7.5(update 2.0) on two different Macs (a PowerMac 8500 and an old
> but upgraded IIci). I should have sufficient DRAM at 20MB (IIci) and 32MB
> (8500).  Should I be usding a shareware utility like "Cache Be Gone" to
> make sure the cache is cleaned up?

First, use netscape 3.01 or 2.02, not 2.0.  2.0 was, in my opinion, a beta
release.  It doesn't do much BUT crash.

Second, set the minimum RAM to at LEAST 14000K for Netscape 3.0, it run so
much better, and it looks like you have the RAM to give it.

Third, you might try an extension called "Defrost" which is supposed to
prevent some of the more common Netscape Type 11 errors.

Fourth, get used to it.  Both NN and IE love to screw up your computer, and
do it constantly.  Cyberdog's current version (1.2? 1.2.1?) is pretty
stable, though it does require OpenDoc to be installed.

| | 1015 South Gaylord, Denver, CO 80209 #100 |
|       WWW URL    |       <>         |


Date: Wed, 15 Jan 1997 01:18:03 -1000
From: Curt Fiedler <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #13

A friend of mine is looking for a replacement battery for her PB145B.
Does anyone have any experience or recommendations on the various
replacement options out there/



G. Curt Fiedler
Zoology Department & Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology
University of Hawaii at Manoa
2538 The Mall, Edmondson hall
Honolulu, Hawaii  96822
Phone:  (808)956-4712
Fax:    (808)956-9812


Date: Tue, 14 Jan 1997 12:41:32 -0400
From: Laura <>
Subject: Java on a Mac

Hi all,

I'm using a Performa 6116CD. When I'm on the Internet and I come across
a site that uses java applets it doesn't work properly. My browser is
Netscape Navigator 3.01. In the documentation for NN it says java
enabled but I haven't been able to view most java sites since NN3.0b5
which was the only version where java actually worked right. Well today
I came across a site where the java consol had a error posted for WHY it
wasn't working. It said "Unable to connect to the server, behind a
security firewall". What does this mean? Is there a way of working
around it? I've read on various sites that java just doesn't work
properly on Macs. Is this true?
If so, why? All replies much appreciated.




Date: Tue, 14 Jan 97 11:44:07 -0600
From: Lanny Chambers <>
Subject: Netscape Crashes

>Anybody having as much problems with their Macs when running Netscape?  I
>have my Macs freeze or get type 11 errors.  I'm running Navigator 2.0 with
>system 7.5(update 2.0) on two different Macs (a PowerMac 8500 and an old
>but upgraded IIci). I should have sufficient DRAM at 20MB (IIci) and 32MB
>(8500).  Should I be usding a shareware utility like "Cache Be Gone" to
>make sure the cache is cleaned up?

I'm on a 6100, running System 7.5.5, about 50 extensions, and Netscape
3.0 (in a 14 MB Get Info allocation). I have *very* few bombs of any
kind, even in Netscape. However, I point my 20 MB Netscape cache to a
partition other than my startup volume: when Netscape crashes, it often
causes b-tree corruption of the volume containing its cache,
necessitating immediate attention from Norton Disk Doctor (let these
little glitches accumulate, and eventually the volume will not mount).
Last week, Netscape started freezing upon quitting--the first crash I'd
had in months. The problem was solved by deleting the entire cache folder
and creating a new one, then running NDD; simply clearing the cache did
not work.

I've also found that Netscape 3 is faster and much more stable than
Netscape 2. The same can be said about 7.5.5 versus 7.5.3, at least on my
Power Mac. Try upgrading.

Lanny Chambers ( St. Louis, USA
Visit the Hummingbird Page: <>


Date: Wed, 15 Jan 1997 05:23:07
From: "CrashTips"  <>
Subject: New Troubleshooting Web Page

Zplace has launched a new page devoted to troubleshooting freezes and crashes.

It is meant to be a systematic and comprehensive guide to aid
users. It includes links at the end and links to key resources.

It is unique in pulling to together a wide array of resources. I think
your readers would be very interested in its content.

Any feedback from you or others is appreciated. It was launched over the
holidays. The URL is:

Thanks for your consideration.


Date: Tue, 14 Jan 97 23:33:11 -0500
From: Ed Schaefer <>
Subject: Now Utils 6.5 & RamDoubler 2

I use Now Utilities 6.5.4 and wish to upgrade my copy of RamDoubler to
version 2; however, I've heard that RamDoubler 2 and Now Utils 6.5 are
NOT compatible. Can anyone tell me if this is true or not, and if it is
true, is there a workaround. Thank you!

Thank You.
Ed Schaefer
5 Liszar Dr./Lewes, DE 19958
302-645-6686 (Office)
302-645-6684 (Fax)
302-644-1820 (Home) (e-mail)


Date: Wed, 15 Jan 1997 00:50:35 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Okidata Printer

Hi All,

My trusty old desk jet has finally died and it's time to get a laser
printer. Due to budget constraints, I'm considering the Okidata OL410e/PS
(currently aobut $400 new). I went to the local Comp USA and they had a
OL410e (non PS model). I checked a printed sample and was less than
impressed, especially when compared to a HP LJ5MP sample.

Ok, here's the question: Will the Post Script option on the Okidata
provide me with more crisp output that was displayed on the plain 410?

If you have any experience with this printer or have any other
suggestions for me to consider, I welcome your comments.

e-mail replies to

Thank you all.

Rob Schilling


Date: Wed, 15 Jan 1997 09:23:34 -0600
From: Wendell Mendell <>
Subject: Phantom has control of printer port

I have a Performa 6300CD (details below) with a Color StyleWriter 2400.
The combination has worked fine for several months.  (Low usage of the
printer.)  Suddenly, I cannot print due to another application which has
control of the serial port.  Restarting the machine does not help.  I
have cleaned out the startup applications, rebuilt the desktop, zapped
the PRAM, repaired the hard disk (Disk FirstAid), turned off extensions,
reinstalled the printer software, and am at wits end.  Any ideas?  Are
there applications which will free up the printer port?

Details:  I know about the problems with this model Performa.  The
Apple-supplied test program says I have a "cache problem".  I have been
on the list for the mythical Apple house call for 2 months.  I cannot
exactly remember my usage history between the last time the printer
worked and this event.  I did have a monitor failure and had it replaced
by shipment from Apple.  If I was unplugging the monitor from the
machine while it was on (as the Apple SOS person said during
troubleshooting), could I have fried the printer port?  The only other
thing I have done is run a couple of multimedia CD's over Christmas.

Wendell Mendell


Date: Tue, 14 Jan 1997 19:16:42 +0100
From: (Paolo Bartoli)
Subject: problems with Netscape

in reply to your mail in Info-Mac Digest V15 #13

>From: (gary madden)
>Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #11
>Anybody having as much problems with their Macs when running Netscape?  I
>have my Macs freeze or get type 11 errors.  I'm running Navigator 2.0 with
>system 7.5(update 2.0) on two different Macs (a PowerMac 8500 and an old
>but upgraded IIci). I should have sufficient DRAM at 20MB (IIci) and 32MB
>(8500).  Should I be usding a shareware utility like "Cache Be Gone" to
>make sure the cache is cleaned up?
>Gary Madden,

all I can say is that I moved to Netscape 3.0 and System 7.5.4 as soon as I
could! I experienced the same problems with freezes, etc.

**  Paolo Bartoli   email:  **


Date: Tue, 14 Jan 97 19:33:58 EET
From: (Terry Schnake)
Subject: Problems with UMAX scanner

I have recently purchased a brand new UMAX Vista S-6E scanner to be used with
Power PC 6100/66, and now I am encountering strange and serious problems.

I have carefully followed the hardware installation of the scanner.  The
manuals that
came with it strongly insisted on using a terminator between the SCSI port of
scanner and the cable.  I had done that and I had been able to use the system
with this
configuration for about a week.

However, a couple days ago I began experiencing a strange phenomenon.  One day
I turned on the computer and it started the booting process it froze up even
before the
MacOS sign appeared.  The problem grew worse and worse.  Soon all I was getting
it was the disk image with a blinking question mark on the screen.

It took a couple hours of my trying to repair the disk with Norton Disk Doctor
before I
realized that I should disconnect the scanner from the computer.  After I did
that the
problem was cured.  Next thing I attempted to do was to localize the problem by
rebooting the computer with and without the terminator and the scanner.  It
refused to work with the terminator attached.  I thought that I could simply
eliminate it
>From the SCSI chain, and I after I did that the computer seemed to work
flawlessly for
some time.  However, I noticed that the computer began to freeze more
frequently and
unexpectedly throughout the day.  I detached the scanner completely once again,
everything went back to normal.

I also checked if the disk's, the internal CD ROM's and the scanner's SCSI ID
coincided, and they did not.

It is obvious that I didn't buy the scanner to have it sit on my desk without
attached.  On the other hand I don't want to have my computer freeze all the
time.  Can
anybody help me in solving this mystery?

Terry L. Schnake
President, Word Ministries Intl, Inc.
Senior Pastor, Light of Hope Evangelical Church, Kiev
US Phone/Fax: (317) 286-7047
US E mail:
Kiev E mail:


Date: Tue, 14 Jan 1997 21:49:26 -0500
From: Daniel Lallouz <>
Subject: Problem with setting new PMac...


I just purchased a 7100/80 from a friend. I formatted and partitioned the
hard drive, installed fresh system software with all the updates, and
everything worked allright, but then...

Once I reattached my Zip drive, the computer takes three or four restarts
before it gets up and running, whether the Zip is plugged in or not. There
are no dual SCSI numbers on my chain, and my Zip is NOT set on termination
as it's not the last device in the chain. So I've disconnected my Zip for

I then realized that one of my partitions was too small, so I just went to
see if there was any way to change partition sizes without losing data. Of
course there wasn't, so I cancelled the process. Now, however, every time I
start up, only 1 of three partitions load (that one being the startup
disk), and if I start up from an external drive, none load. They all load
very quickly if I use a drive mounter or open an alias, but.... this
shouldn't be happening.

Any advise?
Thx in advance.

Dan Lallouz

snowboard school/club/=E9cole
2047 Vendome
Montr=E9al (Qu=E9bec)
H4A 3M4
tel: (514) 497-7669
fax: (514) 484-0335


Date: Tue, 14 Jan 97 21:33:18 -0500
From: Bill Mayo <>
Subject: Quadra/Performa 630 PPC Upgrade Card?


Since I'm sort of waiting to see what kind of prices Apple will have on
the Halo systems, and I am getting itchy for PowerPC, I was thinking of
getting a Quadra/Performa 630 series PPC upgrade card.  Only, it looks
like they aren't made anymore.  I wouldn't mind (and maybe even prefer)
buying a used one.  Anybody have any idea where I could find one?

Bill Mayo


Date: Tue, 14 Jan 1997 16:43:54 +0100
From: "Norm D'Allura" <>
Subject: Scripting text file orientation

Is there a way to take a simpletext file (like a desktop picture) and have
a script put it into landscape orientation and print it?  SimpleText is not
AppleScript savey so a script was not possible.  Any other ideas?



Date: Tue, 14 Jan 1997 15:36:36 -0400
From: (Alain Chabot)
Subject: surfing with the enemy


I have become so thoroughly disgusted with the way some Java applets make
my Power Mac S_L_O_W_ down that I finally decided to try MS IE 3.0. (I
know, I should know better).

Anyway, I have it up and running, but it keeps telling me there is not
enough memory to run Java VM. Just how much RAM does it need? I have given
it 10 meg and it still tells me the same thing.

AARGHHGGGghhhhhhhhhhh (alain is seen disappearing at the horizon)




Date: Tue, 14 Jan 1997 23:15:15 -0700
From: Kreme <>
Subject: Virtual Memory

On 14/01/97, Michael Brostr=F6m wrote:
> > From:          Bill Stanford <>
> > The essential enhancer for a PPC is SpeedDoubler, was at 1.3.1 and is ju=
> > now  released at version 2.  Using SpeedEmulator and SpeedAccess out of
> > this package would certainly speed your 6400.  Trouble is of course, the=
> > things do take a bite out of System heap...
> SpeedDoubler? Sounds fine. I'd much rather invest a few bucks in more
> RAM and get some zip into my system than be cheap and use VM. Is this
> a commercial package or shareware?

Actually, You'll still need some sort of VM running.  Remember, your PPC
apps take up LESS memory if VM is active.  One solution is to install Ram
Doubler 2 and set it to no VM, just file mapping.  This gives you the
advantages of VM (the file mapping) without the performance hit.  I can't
tell a difference in speed with RD2 set to know doubling and not RD2, but
everything uses less RAM.

> And again I agree. Even Bill Gates dreads Apple losing out. Remember
> that competition makes for more inventiveness and better quality.
> Monopoly is only fun if you're playing the game!

Remember, Bill Gates uses a Mac.  After all, he may be a lying sack of
thieving scum, but he's smart enough to use a superior operating system.

| | 1015 South Gaylord, Denver, CO 80209 #100 |
|       WWW URL    |       <>         |


Date: Tue, 14 Jan 1997 13:32:22 -0500 (EST)
From: Florin Neumann <>
Subject: Will there be a MS Word 7 for Mac?

> Is this [a Mac-native Word 7] true, or is it just another empty promise
> circulated by Microsoft?

I don't know what Microsloth is doing these days with Word (v. 7 has
been available on Wintel for quite some time), but, yes, there were
serious rumours from MS that they were seriously at work on a _real_ Mac
version of Word, although how seriously one should take MS rumours I
can't seriously say. However, at least two previous two versions of
Word (v. 4 and v. 5) were not quite the 'genuine' thing. Both relied to
a large extent on interpreted (rather than compiled) code (in the PCOD
resources). An MS rep tried hard to persuade us that it was done
strictly in the interest of better performance, but, for the life of me,
I still can't figure out how (at least in Word's circumstances)
interpreted code could be faster than compiled code. Anyone else?...

> As Cato the Elder said, Delenda Est Microsoft.

Actually, as Plutarch tells us, Cato's phrase ended with "esse delendam"
("should be destroyed"). Whether or not it is desirable that Microsoft
should share Carthage's fate, it hasn't happened yet. And, to my mind,
Amelio's resemblance to Aemilianus grows fainter every day.



End of Info-Mac Digest