Date: Tue,  7 Jan 97 06:18:58 PST
From: The Info-Mac Moderators <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #8
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Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest"


Info-Mac Digest             Tue,  7 Jan 97       Volume 15 : Issue 8

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Ambient Grace Textures - Ambient textures for your desktop
      [*]  BeHierarchic 3.1b8
      [*]  Gordo's Zip Disk Icons - Vol. 2 - 35 more cool, custom Zip Icon
      [*]  IP Monitor 1.1.1
      [*]  Kaleidoscope 1.0.1
      [*]  MooVer 1.4
      [*]  NavigatorButtonEditor 1.2J - Japanese Version
      [*]  Small Screen 1.3 -- show smaller screen boundaries
      [*]  Startup Patch v1.0.1
      [*]  Startup Patch v1.0.2
      [*]  Tex-Edit Plus 1.8.5J - Japanese Version
      [*]  WarpSearch CGI 2.3
      [*]  WEST 1.1.3 - free Web-based course management and delivery
      [A] Eudora Outbox shows Times vice Dates?!?
      [A] Guitar Tuning Program Available?
      [A] Virtual Memory
      [Q] Guitar Tuning Program Available?
      [Q] Iomega Driver error....! (2 msgs)
      Annoying speaker whine on a PM8200/120
      Can anyone run Britannica CD?
      Creating Fonts or Characters
      Disk Cataloger That Organizes ALL Your Files?
      Floppy drive & a cable
      Guitar Tuning Program Available?
      Info-Mac Digest V14 #298
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #2 (2 msgs)
      Jaz slowdowns
      Looking for....
      MS Exchange Client for Macintosh and Windows NT Exchange server trouble?
      NeXT file site
      Pictures in SimpleText
      poor experience with Canvas 5.0
      Q: Different screen resolutions on a mac7200/90
      scriptable apps?
      System 7.6 (2 msgs)
      talk/chat with Windows machines over the Internet?
      Viritual Memory
      Virtual Memory (2 msgs)
      Which Klone Kwery
      Which Klone Kwery... and all that JAZ
      Will there be a MS Word 7 for Mac?

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Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------"
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Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 12:49:12 -0600
From: (Brandon Milner)
Subject: [*]  Ambient Grace Textures - Ambient textures for your desktop

These textures are some textures I have been working on for the past few
years. I have tried to stay away from overly complex textures that give you
a headache or cause you to hallucinate if you look at them for more than 30
seconds. These textures can be used for long time periods without fatigue
or aggravation... ahhh!

I used some strange techniques like scanning the abstract artwork of my
friend Nicholai Sokolov at high resolution and blurring it. I also took
fragments of fabric and tiled it in curious ways in photoshop.

They are stored in the Texture Installer 2.1 format. Texture Installer is a
shareware program which can probably be found at this site. I much prefer
it to the built in Apple Desktop Textures control panel due to its
compression of textures and ease of use. It will also work on any system
7.1 or higher (to the best of my knowledge) whereas Apple's control panel
only comes with system 7.5.x.

Enjoy! And email me if you like it.

Brandon Milner

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/txtr/ambient-grace-textures.hqx; 1600K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 12:49:07 -0600
From: (Fabien OCTAVE)
Subject: [*]  BeHierarchic 3.1b8

BeHierarchic 3.1 - ShareWare $10
BeHierarchic is one of the first AppleMenu enhancer, since 1991. After
installing BeHierarchic, when you click in the Apple, it lets you display
submenus for each folder, folder alias or server alias located into your
Apple Menu Folder.
BeHierarchic will work on any Macintosh model from a Mac Plus up to the
latest PowerMacintosh with system 7.0 to and including 7.6

What BeHierarchic will do for you :
- Display more than five level of sub menus.
- Change the font and size used to display the Apple Menu.
- Display small icons in the submenus.
- Menu items grouping and sorting.
- Create a 'Desktop Folder' item where you will find your disks and
documents located on the Desktop.
- Collect recently used files and folders.
- Enhance the opening of a file or folder by using modifier keys.
- Instant swapping of the contents of the Apple Menu.

New in BeHierarchic 3.1
- Display custom icons
- Display menu items with its label color
- Allows condensed font style.
- Option to collect only local disks in the Desktop submenu.
- You can indefinitely keep a file in the Recents Folders/Recents Items by
locking its alias with the Finder Get Info command.
- KeyQuencer support
Major Bugs corrected
- DeepLevel now works on every Macs (excepted Mac Plus)
- Compatibility with AtEase
Minor Bugs corrected: Please see documentation.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/be-hierarchic-31b8.hqx; 101K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 12:49:13 -0600
From: (Gord Seymour)
Subject: [*]  Gordo's Zip Disk Icons - Vol. 2 - 35 more cool, custom Zip Icon

Due to the popularity of the original "Gordo's Zip Disk" icon collection, I
felt inspired and compelled to create more.

I am pleased to offer this second collection of 35 custom icons, suitable
for dressing up your poor naked Zip disks. They are optimised for 256
colours (and look kinda weird at lesser colour depths). Consider them
Freeware. They may be freely used and distrubuted, strictly on a non-profit
basis. They are completely housebroken....and some can even do some cool
tricks ;-).......Enjoy!!

- Gordon Seymour -
"ookpik" on IRC
Fort Smith, NWT,

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/gordos-zip-disk-iconz2.hqx; 59K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 12:49:18 -0600
From: (Erik C. Thauvin)
Subject: [*]  IP Monitor 1.1.1

IP Monitor is a handy application which displays the current IP network (or
subnet mask) address of your Macintosh on your desktop.

With IP Monitor, you won't need to open the TCP/IP (or MacTCP) control
panel to view your Macintosh's IP address. Additionally, IP Monitor allows
you to copy the current IP network (or subnet mask) address to the
clipboard, where it can be pasted directly to most applications and

IP Monitor is especially useful to people connecting to the Internet via
the PPP or SLIP protocols, whenever IP addressing is provided dynamically
by the host' server.

IP Monitor requires System 7 as well as an IP network driver such as Open
Transport or MacTCP.

IP Monitor is scriptable. AppleScript, QuicKeys 3 and UserLand Frontier
example scripts are included.

Version 1.1.1 adds full Open Transport support.


Erik C. Thauvin

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/ip-monitor-111.hqx; 65K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 12:49:08 -0600
From: (Gregory D. Landweber)
Subject: [*]  Kaleidoscope 1.0.1

Kaleidoscope 1.0.1 (December 13, 1996)
by Greg Landweber, Fred Bass, and Ed Voas

Kaleidoscope is a shareware control panel that completely overhauls your
Mac's interface using plug-in Color Scheme files. There is an "Aaron" color
scheme that does everything my Aaron extension does, and there are
currently six other interfaces to choose from. There are also several
customization options, and you can set the system font to any font and size
installed. Your Mac will never look the same...

Version 1.0.1 fixes problems with Claris Organizer, popup menus under
System 7.1, and various others.

-- Greg Landweber

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/kaleidoscope-101.hqx; 437K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 12:49:16 -0600
From: (Eduard Schwan)
Subject: [*]  MooVer 1.4

esp Software has just announced the release of version 1.4 of their
Macintosh QuickTime movie-building utility software, MooVer. MooVer is a
shareware Macintosh utility that creates a QuickTime movie from a sequence
of Pict files, PICS animation files, and System 7 sound files dropped onto
it. It is perfect for creating computer animations, slide shows, or
batch-converting images or sounds into QuickTime movie format. MooVer works
on any 68020 or better Macintosh, is accelerated for the Power Macintosh,
and requires at least MacOS 7.1 and QuickTime 1.6 or newer.

Major new features in 1.4 are:
-       MooVer can now accept a folder dropped on it to process, letting it
handle many more
files at a time than 1.3 could (due to a Finder limitation on # of files
dropped on
any application.)
-       MooVer can import PICS files.
-       MooVer can create cross-platform (flattened) movies.
-       MooVer handles unknown files better, ignores them instead of alert
-       MooVer remembers positions of the Preview window and Settings dialog if
you drag
them somewhere.
-       Registration user name can now contain diacritical marks for foreign
-       Shareware fee can now be conveniently paid via CompuServe or Kagi.

Eduard [esp] Schwan \\ <> Senior Software
Engineer \\ (619) 536-8815, ext. 275 Gryphon Software Corporation \\

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/mov/moover-14.hqx; 614K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 12:49:20 -0600
From: (Christopher Li)
Subject: [*]  NavigatorButtonEditor 1.2J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the Navigator Button Editor utility.

The directory buttons in Netscape Navigator$B%'(J have never served much
use for me$B%N(J so with a little ResEditing here and there I customized
the button names and URLs to make me happy. I thought others I knew would
like to do the same, so instead of shipping ResEdit instructions out to all
my friends and family, I though that it would be easier, and cooler, to
bang this thing out. So here we are: Navigator Button Editor.

I attempt to answer all of my email within a couple of days after I receive
it, and all comments and suggestions are always welcome and valuable - what
new features would you like to see? (Thank you to all who have already

$B!&(J Netscape Navigator$B%'(J versions supported:

Navigator Button Editor has been successfully tested on Netscape
Navigator$B%'(J versions 1.1N, 2.02, 3.0/Gold, and 3.01/Gold. Future
versions of Netscape Navigator$B%'(J will certainly be supported when
available. (It would be nice if Netscape would build this function into

Version 1.2

- A minor maintenence release with smarter, faster code

- A Swedish version of "Navigator Button Editor" is now available

Christopher Li
Bridge 1 Software
English to Japanese Online Software Localization and Management

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/ntscp/navigator-button-edit-12-jp.hqx;


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 12:49:17 -0600
From: (Daniel Schaerer)
Subject: [*]  Small Screen 1.3 -- show smaller screen boundaries

Small Screen 1.3 -- December 4, 1996

On a sufficiently large screen, Small Screen shows the boundaries of one or
more smaller screens. It is useful for testing whether something would fit
on a small screen.

Small Screen is not an extension but an ordinary application. It occupies
only a small memory partition (45 K) and can usually be left running all
the time. Contrary to tools like MiniScreen by Morgan Davis, Small Screen
does not simulate a small screen, it just shows its boundary (or several
boundaries) while leaving the full screen available. This is sufficient for
many purposes, and much more comfortable -- just make it a startup appli-
cation and forget it, it will be there whenever you need it.

Version 1.3 now saves the settings in a preferences file (finally!) and
adds the capability to make the screen boundaries float on top of other
windows even while the program runs in the background.

This is KindWare(tm) -- a gift to the whole of MacKind(tm). Enjoy, share,
and be kind(tm) to one another.

Daniel Schaerer

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/small-screen-13.hqx; 20K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 12:49:14 -0600
From: (Do K. Lee)
Subject: [*]  Startup Patch v1.0.1

Startup Patch v1.0.1, for all you PowerComputing Mac users, patches your
System 7.5.5 MacOS startup screen to change it to a screen with the MacOS
AND PowerComputing logo, as well a graphic of a persuasive statement as to
why everyone should have a Mac. ;) This isn't a startup screen, but it
patches the screen you get as your cDEVs and INITs are loading (basically,
it's cooler =P).

The patch works on any Mac running System 7.5.5. Also included is a startup
screen, which can be used on any system software.

Also look for Startup Patch v1.0.2 which is a similar startup screen except
uses a MacOS8 theme.

You may include Startup Patch v1.0.1 on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.


do k. lee (doh!!!)


Food for thought:

"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." (i/l/u/jyw)

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/grf/startup-screen-patch-101.hqx; 107K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 12:49:15 -0600
From: (Do K. Lee)
Subject: [*]  Startup Patch v1.0.2

Startup Patch v1.0.2, for all of you who dream of Copland (which looks like
we Mac users will continue to do for a while) patches your System 7.5.5
MacOS startup screen to change it to a screen with a MacOS8 logo, as well a
graphic of a persuasive statement as to why everyone should have a Mac. ;)
This isn't a startup screen, but it patches the screen you get as your
cDEVs and INITs are loading (basically, it's cooler =P).

The patch works on any Mac running System 7.5.5. Also included is a startup
screen, which can be used on any system software.

Also look for Startup Patch v1.0.1 which is a similar startup screen except
includes a PowerComputing logo, for all you PowerComputing Mac users out

You may include Startup Patch v1.0.2 on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.


do k. lee (doh!!!)


Food for thought:

"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." (i/l/u/jyw)

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/grf/startup-screen-patch-102.hqx; 109K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 12:49:04 -0600
From: (Christopher Li)
Subject: [*]  Tex-Edit Plus 1.8.5J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of Tex-Edit Plus.

Welcome to Tex-Edit Plus, my multi-window, styled text editor that fills
the gap between Apple$B%f(Js bare-bones SimpleText and a full-featured
word processor! It is particularly useful for formatting text that is
transmitted to and from a BBS. Tex-Edit Plus is small, fast, easy-to-use
and requires little memory. Tex-Edit Plus is Shareware (1000 yen).

With Tex-Edit Plus you can:
$B!&(J Quickly create, edit and print styled text documents of any size
(limited by RAM).
$B!&(J View and print TeachText or SimpleText read-only
($B%a(JReadMe$B%b(J) documents. $B!&(J Easily create
TeachText/SimpleText read-only documents, including embedded pictures.
$B!&(J View and print color PICT files, such as those produced by draw
programs or
Apple$B%f(Js built-in screen snapshot utility. $B!&(J Copy a selection
>From a PICT file, cropping the image for use in the company newsletter.
$B!&(J View, edit and print text documents created by virtually any word
processor or computer.
$B!&(J Reformat downloaded e-mail or text, correcting word-wrap problems
and removing
extraneous, non-Mac characters.
$B!&(J Prepare text for upload to a BBS, so that people with MS-DOS
systems can view the
document as it was intended to be viewed. $B!&(J Instantly quote a brief
passage from received e-mail, allowing the sender to remember
their original message.
$B!&(J Read any text document aloud, if you have Apple$B%f(Js Speech
Manager extension. (Listen
to a SimpleText read-only file, for example, as the text and pictures
scroll by!)

Tex-Edit Plus is a MUT 1996 Shareware Awards winner. For further
information, please check out:

Tex-Edit Plus is a winner of the MacUser 1995 Shareware Awards. For further
information, check out:

Christopher Li
Bridge 1 Software
English to Japanese Online Software Localization and Management

[Archived as /info-mac/text/tex-edit-plus-185-jp.hqx; 492K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 12:49:21 -0600
From: (Glen Stewart)
Subject: [*]  WarpSearch CGI 2.3

WarpSearch is a *fast* non-indexed TEXT and HTML file search utility that
functions in both local and CGI/ACGI modes. It works with any
CGI-compatible Macintosh web-server, including WebCenter, NetPresenz,
WebSTAR, Web Server
4D, and many others. WarpSearch will recursively search files in any
folders on your web site that you specify in a URL or search form. Speed
tests on an old Mac IIci measure WarpSearch at over 500kb/sec and the newer
PowerPC Macs perform far better.

v2.3 includes the following changes demonstrated at:

1. Internal error logging. On very rare occasions, WarpSearch would put up
a dialog if an internal error occured. All such errors are now logged in a
text file called "WarpSearch Errors.txt" so they can be sent to me for
diagnosis. This file is created in the same folder as WarpSearch. Error
dialogs are no longer allowed.

2. Some Mac's resolve their domain name with a "." at the end. This name
makes it into the "svnm" (serverName) variable as CGI's handle AppleEvents
and would result in an incorrect URL if used. WarpSearch now filters out
the trailing period for URL use, if present.

3. WarpSearch was not correctly resolving FILE aliases (folders were fine)
to perform content searches. The result was that a folder search would
abort when the first file alias was encountered. Fixed.

4. Launching documents from the local-mode search window (by clicking on
the blue dots) was off-kilter after the window width was increased a couple
versions ago. This is now fixed.

The Scottish Stewart Clan Home - Genealogy Database, Symbols, Tartans, Septs
The Association BBS - Gigs of *fully described* Macintosh files from '94-'96
CyberChurch - A Massive Gathering of the Saints via dozens of Mailing Lists! - Mailing Lists like: Associated_MUG, DragonRaid,
FutureBASIC, Soon, ChristianUnity, Christian_Music, MissionNet, and AOG

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/cgi/warp-search-cgi-23.hqx; 176K]


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 12:49:19 -0600
From: (Duncan Lennox)
Subject: [*]  WEST 1.1.3 - free Web-based course management and delivery

For a limited period, WEST announce the availability of WEST Lite running
under Windows NT, Windows 95 or Mac OS.

Complete the order form now and get all the benefits of being a WEST
customer using the WEST Desktop Education Server for the delivery of Web
based training without any licence charge.

WEST Lite is a fully functioning 10 user current version of our very
popular server product. It is an innovative, interactive guided learning
environment for the management and delivery of multimedia course material
over the Web.

To get your free copy, all you have to do is complete in full the special
WEST Lite order form on the WEST Web site: and you will
receive an activation key to use in conjunction with the Installer allowing
you start to develop your new courses or convert existing material to the
WEST environment.

Welcome to WEST.

Larry Hoolahan
Head of Business Development

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/west-113.hqx; 5410K]


Date: Sat, 4 Jan 1997 06:31:54 -0500
From: Susan Pinochet <>
Subject: [A] Eudora Outbox shows Times vice Dates?!?

Glen Warner:
>Basically, with my last ISP account (about a year ago), each time I'd send
>or recieve a message, it would give a date in the "Date" column. Now it
>gives either a day ('Saturday'; which Saturday?!?) or a time ('10:11 AM
>-0800'), but not the date I prefer ('12-29-96').

 Go to the SPECIAL menu SETTINGS. Choose DATE & TIME FORMAT and change to

... Susan Pinochet ... <> ...


Date: Sun, 05 Jan 1997 13:45:59 +0000
From: Mars <m.aussendorf@STUDENT.KUN.NL>
Subject: [A] Guitar Tuning Program Available?

>Jon Stewart asked:
>>While I am experienced Mac user, I am a *very* beginning guitar player.  I
>>vaguely remember that a program was once submitted to the archives that
>>utilized the Mac as a guitar-tuning aid.  Unfortunately, I can't seem to
>>find this program now.  I would be very grateful if someone could point me
>>in the right direction, or even whether or not such a thing exists.  In the
>>meantime, I am going to try to soothe my injured fingertips and hope that
>>they develop callouses soon!
>"Guitar tuner" by Rustle Laidman. It's $12 shareware...

See also GuitarValet. Should be available in the infomac-archives


Date: Sun, 5 Jan 1997 09:49:09 +0900
From: (Takuya Harada)
Subject: [A] Virtual Memory

At 6:24 AM 97.1.3, Bruce A. Bromberek wrote:
> Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.  I have always thought that Virtual
> memory required disk space equal to the amount set minus the amount of
> physical RAM.  Yesterday (new tradition, on Jan 1 back up hard drive, clean
> install of system)  I noticed that when I turned on VM set to 25MB with
> 24MB ram installed that I lost 25 MB of didk space.  That's a steep price

Unfortunately, VM needs the same size of disk space as is set.

Takuya Harada

Real Name:Takuya Harada
Yokohama, Japan.


Date: 3 Jan 97 16:27:25 GMT
From: (David K Dean)
Subject: [Q] Guitar Tuning Program Available?

In digest <5agvgh$lb3@nntp.Stanford.EDU> Jon Stewart writes:

>While I am experienced Mac user, I am a *very* beginning guitar player.  I
>vaguely remember that a program was once submitted to the archives that
>utilized the Mac as a guitar-tuning aid.  Unfortunately, I can't seem to
>find this program now.  I would be very grateful if someone could point me
>in the right direction, or even whether or not such a thing exists.  In the
>meantime, I am going to try to soothe my injured fingertips and hope that
>they develop callouses soon!

	I don't know about any shareware programs, but you can check out
the eMedia Guitar Method CD-ROM tutorial. It includes guiar and chording
lessons and also a tuner. You can find a lot more about it at


	I think it lists for around $59.95. I just bought it for my wife
for Christmas, but she hasn't tried it out yet. There was a special
offer ($10 off the normal price) through Guy Kawasaki's EvangeList. If I
still have the EvangeList posting at home, I'll forward it to you this
weekend. You may even be able to just mention the EvangeList deal on the
phone if you order from eMedia directly.

	Hope this helps.



Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 11:46:04 -0500
From: Rob Guerra <>
Subject: [Q] Iomega Driver error....!

Upon starting my 6100/66 this morning, I got what can be considered a most
interesting error message, which was as follows:

"The Iomega Driver extension (version 5.0.1) could not load because an
older version (5.0.1) is already loaded"

What does this mean..? I recently downloaded and installed the "driver
upgrade" from Iomega's site...however this message puzzles me, as I've
never had it before..

Please advise


Robert Guerra - PGP public key available on PGP key servers
Home Page->


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 97 12:09:55 -0500
From: Ted Landau <>
Subject: [Q] Iomega Driver error....!

>Upon starting my 6100/66 this morning, I got what can be considered a most
>interesting error message, which was as follows:
>"The Iomega Driver extension (version 5.0.1) could not load because an
>older version (5.0.1) is already loaded"
>What does this mean..? I recently downloaded and installed the "driver
>upgrade" from Iomega's site...however this message puzzles me, as I've
>never had it before..
>Please advise

Here's info from MacFixIt's September 1996-a Archive file:


Tip of the Day: Zip or Jaz cartridge problem? If you restart your
computer with a
      Zip or Jaz cartridge already in the drive (such as after a system
crash), you may get a
      message such as "The Iomega Driver Extension (version 4.3) could
not load because an
      older version (4.2) is already installed." Yet, your System Folder
reveals that only
      version 4.3 is present. What's going on?
      The answer is that there is a "hidden" copy of the driver on the
Zip/Jaz cartridge. When
      (and only when) you start up with the cartridge inserted, the
driver from the cartridge is
      loaded before the one in your internal drive's System Folder is
checked. When it reaches
      the one in your System Folder, you get the error message. As long
as you don't require
      the new driver, no problems result from this happening. Otherwise,
restart with the
      cartridge removed.
      A long-term solution is to update the driver on your cartridge to
the newer version.
      Fortunately, the latest versions of Zip Tools include a utility,
called "Iomega Disk
      Updater" that allows you to do this without having to reformat (and
thus erase) the
      cartridge. Version 4.3.2 also includes an improved version of
"CopyMachine." a utility
      that allows you to copy the contents of one Zip (or Jaz) cartridge
to another, even if you
      have only one drive (something I have long wished I could do with
my SyQuest 270).

More on Zip/Jaz Tip of the Day In a follow-up to the previous Tip of The
Day about
      getting a message that you cannot load the driver because an older
version is already
      installed, Chris reports that he got a similar message after
updating to version 4.3.2,
      even when there was no cartridge in the drive at startup: "The
Iomega Driver extension
      could not load because another driver is already controlling an
Iomega drive." He
      checked, and he could only find the 4.3.2 driver in the Extensions
folder. Any ideas?
      Update: Two readers have already emailed me with basically the same
      solution to this problem. Stephen Minard writes that extensions
such as PC Exchange
      and Hard Disk Toolkit can be configured to load drivers at specific
SCSI addresses. If
      these drivers load before the Iomega driver, this message could
result. Benjamin
      Garland writes that he had exactly the same problem. He resolved it
by using his startup
      manager utility to get the Iomega extension to load prior to the
HDT extension.


Hope this helps.

- Ted

		   ____________Ted Landau______________
		     ___ ___


Date: 05 Jan 1997 16:03:49 +0000
From: Mephistophilis <>
Subject: Annoying speaker whine on a PM8200/120

Subject says it all, or almost. From the
beginning my 3-mo-old PPC8200 has had this
high-pitched whine on external speaker output.
The volume of whine responds to the volume slider
and mute button on the Monitors and Sound CP but
not to the volume control on the Audio CD player.
Whine is also present - but, subjectively, at a
much lower level - on the internal speaker.
Changing the external speakers/amp had no effect.
The problem is minimal when I am playing loud
music. However with quiet recordings - precisely
what I like to play when I am working - or even
when I am not using the CD player it can be
*extremely* intrusive. Any suggestions for a fix?
Fergus Lalor


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 21:39:59 -0800
From: Chris Schram <>
Subject: Can anyone run Britannica CD?

I'm a pretty resourceful guy when it comes to determining why a certain
piece of software refuses to run properly, but I believe I've finally
met my match with Britannica CD 97. How bad is it? This software is
SOOOO bad, I can't even get past the first page of the tutorial. More
on that later.

First the trivial details. I'm running a PCC PowerCenter 120; 32 Mb;
System 7.5.5. I've reinstalled the EB software numerous times. I've
tried installing the EB software with all extensions off. I've tried
running the software with the bare minimum of required extensions
enabled. Using both Disk First Aid and Norton Disk Doctor I have
detected no directory or file damage. Finally, since
<> seems to be unable to answer the previous email
I've sent, I am asking the Internet community for assistance and
comment. (I am also forwarding this message back to for
whatever that may be worth.)

Now the fun details. On page 30 of the Britannica CD 97 manual there is
a tutorial exercise that involves learning various facts about Brazil.
Click on Nations of the World. Click on Brazil. Click on Brazil again.
This last click reveals a very long article, so the tutorial suggests
clicking on the Table of Contents button. Error message comes up:

Can't get text 97 thru end of

I click OK. it churns for a little while and comes up with a Memory
Error screen that suggests I increase the memory allocation of
Britannica Engine. Quit. Increase allocation by more than double. Start
up again. <blah, blah, blah>. Click Table of Contents button. Same
strange error message comes up. Click OK. Churn... Up pops a screen
with many references, none of which are remotely related to Brazil.
I've still not gotten past the first page of the tutorial.

Here comes the best part. I decide to abandon the tutorial, but still
hungry for knowledge, I enter Brazil in the search field, select the
Index function and click on Search. In the twinkling of an eye, up pops
a nice long Index. And in the Finder window in the background, all but
three files vanish from the Britannica CD folder on my hard disk, where
there had originally been a whole bunch of files and folders full of
several hundred more files. Gone! Zap! All that remains is BCD Viewer
(really Netscape 2.0), Britannica CD (an AppleScript), & Britannica
Engine (an Application). In case you haven't guessed, Britannica CD 97
is now unable to function properly.

BTW, I was able to repeat the phenomenon several times with identical
results. A while back someone in the Info-Mac digest characterized a
particularly buggy program as a "piece of used food." Since the Windoze
version is also on the same CD, I'm thinking of passing this used food
on to a Wintel-speaking friend.

Comments? Observations?

Chris Schram -- --


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 10:43:38 -0500 (EST)
From: "Reuben Halper" <>
Subject: Creating Fonts or Characters

I am interested in creating a font, or more specifically several
characters that could be typed out when using a font.  Is there any
shareware or freeware(even commercial!) program that does this?
Reuben Halper


Date: Sun, 5 Jan 1997 22:10:02 +0100
Subject: Disk Cataloger That Organizes ALL Your Files?

I've looked around a bit for this and wonder if anyone might be able to

I wonder if there is a shareware application that lets you catalog ALL
of your disks at once, rather than organizing each disk separately.  In
other words, you could input the name of a file that you know you have
on one of those 1,279 disks AOL sent you that you reformatted and now
use to store your Star Trek icons and Homer Simpson .snd files, and it
would tell you which named disk that file is on.  Ideally, this
application would also organize your HD and removeable disks, and hey,
why not your collection of free CD-ROMs you got from magazines, which
contain all the reasoning you ever need not to buy anything from
Microsoft (also known as the 'Microsoft Word 6 demo').

Thanks for any tips, Dan


Date: Sun, 5 Jan 1997 17:59:11 -0600
From: (Steve Waechter)
Subject: Floppy drive & a cable

I have a Mac LC (sys 7.5, 10 meg ram) with two needs: (a) The internal
floppy drive has finally died--where can I get a new one; I never see
floppy drives advertised in either MacWarehouse or MacZone? (b) I received
a CD-ROM for Christmas, but I need to add it to a SCSI chain with an
external hard drive--what kind of cable do I need to connect the CD-ROM and
the external HD?

Thanks for the help!


Date: Sat, 4 Jan 1997 08:49:34 -0800
From: zab & mike <>
Subject: Guitar Tuning Program Available?

>Date: Sun, 29 Dec 1996 22:05:36 -0500
>From: (Jon Stewart)
>Subject: [Q] Guitar Tuning Program Available?
>While I am experienced Mac user, I am a *very* beginning guitar player.  I
>vaguely remember that a program was once submitted to the archives that
>utilized the Mac as a guitar-tuning aid.  Unfortunately, I can't seem to
>find this program now.  I would be very grateful if someone could point me
>in the right direction, or even whether or not such a thing exists.  In the
>meantime, I am going to try to soothe my injured fingertips and hope that
>they develop callouses soon!
>Jon Stewart, University of Florida

Hi Jon,
	There's lots of cool shareware guitar stuff out there, and most of
it is on the info-mac archive: First go to the folder
"graphic and sound tool", and the the folder "gst/Sound". "Chord-book 1.6",
and "fret navigator" are both pretty good. There's dozens more, which are
great for using in conjunction with the various online tablature web pages.
Good luck!
							Mike S.

m.laveau records
po box 426737
sf ca 94142-6737


Date: Sat, 04 Jan 1997 07:48:25 -0500
From: (David L. Harris)
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V14 #298

In article <5agvgh$lb3@nntp.Stanford.EDU>,

>Date: Mon, 30 Dec 1996 00:19:27 -0800
>From: (Glen Warner)
>Subject: Eudora Outbox shows Times vice Dates?!?
>I posted this question to the Eudora mailing list, but I got a canned (and
>useless) response.
>Basically, with my last ISP account (about a year ago), each time I'd send
>or recieve a message, it would give a date in the "Date" column. Now it
>gives either a day ('Saturday'; which Saturday?!?) or a time ('10:11 AM
>-0800'), but not the date I prefer ('12-29-96').
>I can't find anything in the Help menu, either.
>Any clues?

Try the Special Menu, Settings..., Date Display, and Fixed under Date Formats.


Date: Sat, 4 Jan 1997 15:19:55 -0500
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #2

I have a Monitor Question.

	I have purchased a Samsung 6Ne 17' Monitor. I am running it on the
built-in video of a Powermac 8500 w/ 4 meg VRAM. The monitor is labeled as
a PC monitor, and I had to purchase an adapter to plug it in. The monitor's
instructions say it supports macintosh resolutions up to 1024 x 768,75Hz,
and PC resolutions up to ~1200 x 1000. The adapter is third party (It's
called the Liberty Adapter), and it is supposed to allow you to connect to
and "PC" monitor. I'm wondering if there is any way to fool the monitor
into thinking it's being driven by a PC? ..Or is it just that I have the
DIP switches on the adapter configured improperly?



Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 08:54:15 -0800
From: Chuck Garrett <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #2

At 6:24 AM -0800 1/3/97, Info-Mac wrote:

 * I think the content of that column changes as time goes by.  So if the
 * message was sent today it's listed with a *time*, if it was sent not today
 * but still in the last week then it lists a *day*, and finally if it was
 * sent more than a week ago it lists the *date*.

This is an option that can be set in the Date/Time dislplay of the
settings. You can choose either fixed or time sensitive dates and either
the senders time zone or the local time zone. I found nothing that would
make Eudora display the actual date.
"I do what people were put on earth to do. I talk to friends, read, play,
laugh, study, visit museums, create, learn, explore the world..... And
every once in a while, I step away from my Macintosh for a breath of fresh
California USA


Date: Sun, 5 Jan 1997 18:02:53 -0500 (EST)
From: Adam Toner <>
Subject: Jaz slowdowns

I'm having a difficult-to-explain problem with my Jaz cartridges - on some
of my cartridges sustained reads can be as slow as 50 k/s rather than the
usual 3 MB/s. This problem leads to painfully slow Finder copies for some
files on slow cartridges. I normally use HDT 2.0.1 to format my Jaz
cartridges, but I've also tried Lido7 and Iomega's software. This problem
appears to be caused by certain files being copied to a Jaz cartridge, but
the same files cause no problem on my internal 2 GB hard drive, and I
haven't even been able to isolate a particular file that causes the
slowdown. I can erase files from a slow cartridge and wipe free disk space
to restore proper speed but a plain erase doesn't help.

I have e-mailed FWB, ProMax, and Surf City Software tech support but
haven't gotten any replies back yet.

Thanks for anything you can offer,

Adam Toner


Date: Sat, 4 Jan 1997 12:29:12 -0600
From: "Keith L. Hamilton" <>
Subject: Looking for....

I am looking for a small control panel or extention that will allow you to
launch programs at a specified time and possible even turn them off.  I
looking for something that can do this with out having to be left on the


Keith L. Hamilton -
~ Friends don't let friends drive DOS! ~


Date: 3 Jan 1997 17:43:45 GMT
From: (C. Norman Turrill)
Subject: MS Exchange Client for Macintosh and Windows NT Exchange server

We installed the Microsoft Exchange Client for Macintosh application v. 4.0
on a Power Macintosh running under System 7.5.5 and Open Transport 1.1.2
using the TCP/IP protocol (not AppleTalk).  However, we can't get it to read
mail from the Exchange server (SP2) running on Windows NT 4.0.

We can ping the server IP address OK.  In the Microsoft Exchange Server
properties, we can enter the server name and the user mailbox name and push
the "Check Name" button, and it seems to find the mailbox just fine, because
it changes the server and mailbox names from the aliases to the full names
and underlines them.  This same user mailbox works just fine from a Windows
95 Exchange client.

However, when we start the client application, a dialog box error is
displayed saying:

    "Your Microsoft Exchange Server is unavailable.

    "You can retry connecting to the server using the network, or work
    offline and connect using dial-up networking.

    "Network problems are preventing connection to the Microsoft
    Exchange Server computer.  Contact your system administrator if this
    condition persists."

The client then continues and gets other dialog error messages indicating
that the server mail folders are not accessible.

Any ideas on what is wrong?

Reply by email to and I will summarize in comp.sys.mac.comm.

Norman Turrill, Advanced Project Engineer
email:  voicemail: 717-531-4435  faxmail: 717-531-5441
snailmail:  Information Technology Dept.
Penn State Hershey Medical Center; PO Box 850; Hershey PA 17033


Date: Sun, 05 Jan 97 08:19:00 -0500
Subject: NeXT file site

I got the an email today from TJ Luoma, who administers software submissions
for a WWW site dedicated to the NeXT. I thought some of you might be
interested in this part of his message if you were interested in NeXTStep.


 TJL> I work (read: volunteer) as the new submissions coordinator for
 TJL> the major (read: pretty much only) anonFTP site for NeXTStep in
 TJL> the USA.  There are others, but they are much smaller.  We have
 TJL> just gone through a major structural overhaul (the guy who did it
 TJL> was just hired by NeXT, actually).

 TJL> to have a look.

 TJL> Or drop by my NeXT web page:

 -> Alice4Mac 2.4.4 E QWK Hiya:05Nov94
Origin: Alice strikes back @

[Gee.  I wonder how long before we start converting to a next archive? :-)


Date: Sat, 4 Jan 1997 08:39:52 -0800
From: Fenton Jones <>
Subject: Pictures in SimpleText

>Can someone out there please tell me how to put pictures into simpletext
>documents? This seems like a pretty glaring omission on apple's part.

There are two easy ways that I know of that don't require the use of
ResEdit. The first is to patch your copy of SimpleText with Text Editor
Patches by James Walker. You must save the new SimpleText document to disk
first (put in a return or something); it will then accept a pasted picture.
The second, if you have ClarisWorks, is to get the small SimpleText XTND
translator (incl. w/CW 4, or its demo). You can then paste your picture in
a word processing document, and save it as SimpleText.
In both cases, there are differences in the document margins that must be
accounted for. It would be easier if Apple just added this ability, but
then SimpleText wouldn't be so small and fast.



Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 11:44:06 -0500
From: "james f. palmer" <>
Subject: poor experience with Canvas 5.0

I recently upgraded from Canvas 3.5 to 5.0 and installed the maintanence
upgrade to version 5.0.1.  The program seems to suffer many of the same
problems that Word 6 did.  It requires lots of RAM and disk space for
unused features.  It is unusably slow, except on a PowerMac.  I have
migrated back to version 3.5 on my Quadra 700, just as I migrated back to
Word 5.1.  This is a very bad sign.

A 99k Canvas 3.5 document I converted to 5.0 format jumped to 196k
(uncompressed without preview).  The fill patterns translated from 3.5 to
5.0 did not display corrently on the screen, but they did print fine.  When
I saved a 5.0 illustration to 3.5 format, my objects all lost their fill
patterns.  This is not good either.

Canvas 5.0 support 3 types of documents: illustrations, publications and
presentations.  Illustrations are one sheet of user defined size that (can)
have many layers.  My 2 page Canvas 3.5 document automatically translated
into an 8.5-by-22 inch 5.0 illustration.  However I could not find a way to
print the two pages that were in the illustration, the bottom just dropped
off the page.  Working with the document size and page setup options did
not seem to help.  What I needed was to have my document in 'publication'
format (multiple pages, but no layers).  I was unable to find a way to
change among Canvas 5.0 formats.  This seems like a big problem, since what
I develop as an illustration will probably be published and may even go
into a slide presentation -- but it is all the same graphic.

What experiences have others had?  I really liked Canvas 3.5 and am quite

Jim Palmer, Syracuse, NY


Date: Sun, 5 Jan 1997 22:14:43 +0200
From: Pedro Johansson <>
Subject: Q: Different screen resolutions on a mac7200/90

Hi again.

Now I have solved my problems regarding getting my mac to send out

a VGA 800 x 600 / 60 Hz signal to my 3rd party Monitor.

I have compiled all the info in a web-page, since it was all in all 60

<bold>Thanks to you all who helped me.</bold>

My best regards,

	Pedro Johansson


Date: Fri, 03 Jan 1997 12:43:13 -0500
From: Ken Langford <>
Subject: Question

My sister just bought a new 6320, every time she starts the computer she
recieves a mesage saying The cliping extension can not be used, because
it is to new. How could something be to new to be used?


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 10:43:26 -0500
From: Jakob Creutzfeldt <>
Subject: RTS/CTS

Hello all,
I have a problem with the serial ports of my Performa475 and I hope to
find help on this way. I will use the performa475 to control my telephone
system. The application runs with "soft-PC" (DOS-emulation). The telefone
system use the RS-232 (9 or 25pin IBM-PC) to transmit or receive data.

      IBM-PC       telefone                  IBM-PC       telefone
       9 pin        system                   25 pin        system

      RD  2----------2                        TD  2----------3
      TD  3----------3                        RD  3----------2
     GND  5----------5                       RTS  4----------7
     DSR  6----------6                       CTS  5----------8
     RTS  7----------7                       GND  7----------5
     CTS  8----------8
      RI  9----------9

I have check the Macintosh serial port by the following schematic:

		       Macintosh       telefone
		       Modemport        system

			DTR  1----------4 (DTR)
			DSR  2----------6 (DSR)
			 TD  3----------2 (RD)
			 SG  4----------5 (GND)
			 RD  5----------3 (TD)
			RD+  8----------5 (GND to emulate RS-232)

...but there is a little problem. The telefon system need the
Now my question: How can I get a RS-232 with these lines? The telefone
system do not work without them :(
I'm happy to all suggestions because I will not buy a IBM-PC :)
Please send e-mail to

Anderas Kelm (Berlin/GER)


Date: Sat, 4 Jan 1997 09:16:01 -0800
From: zab & mike <>
Subject: scriptable apps?

Hello all,
	I've been dipping my toes into the world of scripting,and I always
see references to "programs which are scriptable", but nobody ever NAMES
those programs! Anybody know of any source which lists all the programs
which support Applescript, and the extent of that scriptability? As handy
as scripting the finder might be, I think I would get more functionality
out of scripting other programs.
BTW, thanks to all the folks that have given me pointers to helpful sites
for learning scripting!
						TIA, Mike S.

m.laveau records
po box 426737
sf ca 94142-6737


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 14:05:57 -0600
From: Paul Kleeberg <>
Subject: System 7.6

>"MacUser" magazine February 1997 says Harmony (System 7.6) is going to be
>released on schedule.  When is it scheduled for?   I didn't see anything about
>it at
>Apple's web site, other than the MacWorld conference will have an announcement
>and demonstration about it.

I found references to it on the site in a letter from Ellen Hancock date
Oct 21, 1996
saying it would be released in mid January.  Gil Amilio in his August
Macworld Expo speech said the first
of the year or soon after

Paul Kleeberg


Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 11:14:04 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: System 7.6

At 2:20 PM -0500 1/1/97, Don't Panic wrote:
>"MacUser" magazine February 1997 says Harmony (System 7.6) is going to be
>released on schedule.  When is it scheduled for?

This month.  So far as I know it is still on schedule.  Macintouch reports
that Apple representatives have claimed both that it will ship on January
6, and that it will ship in late January.  Take your pick.

Keep in mind, however, that the February MacUser magazine went to the
printer sometime in early December, most likely, so if they say it's on
schedule, what that really means is that it appeared to be on schedule a
month ago.



Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 12:14:21 +0000
From: Jack Campin <>
Subject: talk/chat with Windows machines over the Internet?

Anyone know of a pair of programs for DOS/Windows and the Mac that will
provide the sort of interaction you can get with talk or ytalk over Unix?
One-to-one communication is all I need at the moment.

Peter Lewis's Talk has the right user interface, but it's very flaky with
some non-Mac systems on the other end; never tried it with a Dos/Win machine,
but some flavours of SunOS can make it regularly crash the Mac.  Nathan
Neulinger's Chat provides a line-at-a-time user interface via a Telnet
client, which works OK with some Dos/Win telnet programs and is fairly
solid and stable, but feels slow and unspontaneous in comparison and shows
its origins in the pimply-adolescent world of roleplay games.  I don't want
to get entangled in the even more zit-laden nightmare world of IRC, thank
you very much.  Other Mac talk programs only work over Appletalk with other
Macs; I suppose TCP2Serial would let me use them, but I imagine the overheads
(this is an old slow machine) would be unbearable, and I have no idea what
you'd put at the Dos/Win end.

Is there any software in this category I don't know about?


Date: Sun, 05 Jan 1997 14:34:10 +0000
From: Patrik Montgomery <>
Subject: Viritual Memory

> Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.  I have always thought that Virtual
> memory required disk space equal to the amount set minus the amount of
> physical RAM.  Yesterday (new tradition, on Jan 1 back up hard drive, clean
> install of system)  I noticed that when I turned on VM set to 25MB with
> 24MB ram installed that I lost 25 MB of didk space.  That's a steep price
> to pay for a little extra memory.  Is this how's its always been and I
> didn't notice because I had only 8MB previusly or is this new feature of
> 7.5.5.

This is the way it has always been and always will be. VM creates a file
on your HD that becomes your memory. The part of this memory that is
used for the moment gets loaded into the physical RAM for faster access.
You might say that part of the VM is cached in the physical RAM, because
everything that is written into your physical RAM is also written on
your HD.



Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 20:40:53 -0500 (EST)
From: Florin Neumann <>
Subject: Virtual Memory

> I have always thought that Virtual memory required disk space equal to
> the amount set minus the amount of physical RAM.

That's right, with one very minor correction. It's not 'minus', it's
'plus' :-).



Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 11:29:06 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: Virtual Memory

At 9:55 AM -0600 1/2/97, Bruce A. Bromberek wrote:
>Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

OK.  You're wrong. ;>

>  I have always thought that Virtual
>memory required disk space equal to the amount set minus the amount of
>physical RAM.

Nope. VM swap file has always been the size of total memory.  You probably
didn't notice before, since your swap file was only 9Mb.

Essentially, the VM swap file on disk contains an image of the whole of
logical memory.  When the OS needs to swap something into real RAM, it
writes the page it is purging to its location on disk and reads in the
desired page from disk.  Clean and [relatively] speedy.

Imagine if the VM swap file were only the size of the delta between real
RAM and VM setting.  With 24Mb RAM and VM set to 25Mb, I'd have a swap file
of 1Mb.  Now, I need to swap something to disk.  How do I do it?  The swap
file is full of stuff already, so I can't write anything there.  Memory is
full, so I can't read in the stuff off disk to make space.  I'm stuck.  I
could use temp space on the drive, but then I have to write the purged page
to the temp space, read in the contents of the swap file, then move the
purged page from temp space to the swap file, for twice the read/write
activity as before.  Yuck.

>That's a steep price to pay for a little extra memory.

Oh, I don't know about that.  MacWarehouse [only catalog I have in front of
me] will sell you a 2Gb drive for $400.  That makes hard disk space about

Assuming you're running on a PowerPC, you're gaining more than a little
memory by turning on VM; you're also gaining performance.

In any case, you could avoid this altogether by installing RAMDoubler.
You'll get all the benefits of VM, without the big swap file.



Date: Sun, 05 Jan 1997 14:38:33 +0000
From: Patrik Montgomery <>
Subject: Which Klone Kwery

> > 6.      If a machine has an IDE HD or CD-ROM they don't count in the SCSI
> > chain, right? How many "seats" are there on the IDE bus then?
> My understanding from PC days gone by is that you can use two IDE devices
> in a master-slave configuration.

That was the old standard, called just IDE. That one did not support
anything larger than 512 MB. Since all drives today are bigger than
that, they use the newer EIDE standard. In that standard, you can have a
maximum of four drives, two masters and a slave for each.



Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 11:38:10 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: Which Klone Kwery... and all that JAZ

At 8:49 AM -0600 1/2/97, Clark R. Wilkins wrote:
>My  brand-new Powerbase 180 is using the new EDO DIMMs. I was under the
>impression that there's nothing newer than that.

The StarMax machines use a lower-voltage variety of DIMM.



Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 17:16:22 +0200
From: (Erkko Autio)
Subject: Will there be a MS Word 7 for Mac?

Some time ago I complained about the the incredible clumsiness and slowness
of MS Word for Mac 6.0.1a, after having downgraded to it from MSW 5.1a.

Someone responded that Microsoft would be building the Word 7 version
directly on the MacOS platform, so that it would not be transplanted from
the Windows platform, as had been done for MSW 6.0.1a.

Is this true, or is it just another empty promise circulated by Microsoft?

As Cato the Elder said, Delenda Est Microsoft.

Erkko Autio, Associate Professor       
Helsinki University of Technology                +358-400-430 767 (tel)
Strategy and International Business              +358-9-4 513 095 (fax)



End of Info-Mac Digest