University of Vaasa, Finland, Linux Pentium, node number ( has a large collection of shareware, freeware and public domain programs which are available by anonymous ftp (file transfer program) and WWW (World Wide Web). This information file contains news about the programs in the /pc/ts directory (in reverse order). .................................................................... Prof. Timo Salmi Co-moderator of news:comp.archives.msdos.announce Moderating at ftp:// & archives Department of Accounting and Business Finance ; University of Vaasa ; FIN-65101, Finland Dense spam-kill procmail filtering with a public email key in effect .................................................................... N e w s o f 2 0 0 6 Sat 21-Oct-2006: I have once again updated my command-line script FAQ collection: 179284 Oct 21 2006 Useful NT/2000/XP script tricks and tips, T.Salmi Added the alternative input option besides dd mm yyyy for "DATEINFO.CMD Display date related information" Also added a weak date locale test to DATEINFO.CMD. Added the following new items to the FAQ file 1CMDFAQ.TXT 150} How can I extract the http and ftp URL:s from an HTML file? 151} Extract the lines of a text file from between to marker-lines? 152} How can I remove all !:s and &:s from a text file with a script? 153} How do I test if my Internet connection to an IP is working? Added yet another option script-only to 1} How to get today's date elements into environment variables? Mon 11-Sep-2006: A date-oriented update of my command-line script FAQ collection: 176733 Sep 11 2006 Useful NT/2000/XP script tricks and tips, T.Salmi Added a new, pure-batch script "DATEINFO.CMD Display date related information" An example of the essence of output C:\>dateinfo 10 9 2006 Date : 10.9.2006 Julian day number : 2453989 Weekday : Sun Day ordinal number: 253 Week number : 36 Is valid date : True Days in month : 30 Added the following items to the FAQ file 1CMDFAQ.TXT 147} What was the time 100 minutes ago? 148} How to calculate the day-of-year number with a pure cmd script? 149} How to calculate a date's week number with a pure cmd script? Added script commands only solutions to the items 31} How many days ago was 31.12.2002? What date it was 100 days ago? 70} Calendar elements: What weekday was December 31, 2004? Thu 17-Aug-2006: Made an update of my command-line script FAQ collection 170796 Aug 17 2006 Useful NT/2000/XP script tricks and tips, T.Salmi Added the following items to the FAQ file 1CMDFAQ.TXT 145} How to find out if WinXP SP2 is installed via a script? 146} Using delayed expansion for giving variable values as arguments Added some further alternatives to some of the old FAQ items. Included a new demonstration script into the package CMD1DEMO.CMD A CMD syntax selection demo Sun 18-Jun-2006: Made an update 167495 Jun 18 2006 Useful NT/2000/XP script tricks and tips, T.Salmi Added the following items 141} Why isn't the ! character always echoed as expected? 142} How to extract the filename from the end of an URL reference? 143} How do I get the current time zone in a script? 144} How do I parse the items from a path like C:\a\b\c\d ? As usual, an addition here and there in the already existing items. Also updated "EDATE.CMD to display some alternative date formats" with more output and a /? switch for help. Etc. Mon 1-May-2006: Time for the next update: 163586 May 1 2006 Useful NT/2000/XP script tricks and tips, T.Salmi Added the following new FAQ items 136} How do I find out when my PC was last booted? 137} I need to resize a group of images from the command line? 138} How can I get the long name of a short-named file or folder? 139} How do I convert UNIX newlines to PC eolns? And vice versa? 140} How do I count how many times a word appears in my text file? Augmented further solution options and information e.g. to 9} How can I suppress script error messages altogether? 40} How do I get the number of arguments given to a script? 64} How to count the number of lines in a file, empty lines inclusive? 75} How do I detect if an object is a file or a folder? Corrected the bug in "ECHOC.EXE Echo in colors" which prevented the output of a slash (/) Thu 9-Mar-2006: Update 157253 Mar 9 2006 Useful NT/2000/XP script tricks and tips, T.Salmi Added the following new FAQ items 132} How to find out the next weekday given today's? 133} How do I get the current IP address, number and name? 134} How do I advance the dates of my certain JPG files by one year? 135} How do I get information about a file extension association? Added an alternative solution to 85} How to test if a folder contains any files with long names? Furthermore, the item now also demonstrates how to get the short version of a file name. Added a new script WEXE2ZIP.CMD Convert a self-extracting exe to zip Updated the script MAILDATE.CMD Build a message's "From" header. Added counters to the script COMPFOLD.CMD Compare the contents of two folders Sat 11-Feb-2006: Released an update 153350 Feb 11 2006 Useful NT/2000/XP script tricks and tips, T.Salmi Added three new FAQ items 129} Is it possible to stop and reset the print spooler with a script? 130} How do I find and delete files which contain a specific text? 131} How to get the language of Windows XP in a script ? Added further alternative solutions to a couple of the old items. Wed 11-Jan-2006: Made available the update 150924 Jan 11 2006 Useful NT/2000/XP script tricks and tips, T.Salmi Added the folowing new FAQ items 126} How do I grep for a line with a tab? 127} How can I pad leading zeros or like to a variable? 128} How to prevent SET /P input from entering the command history? Added into the package the scripts COMPFOLD.CMD Compare the contents of two folders SAMENAME.CMD Find same name files in folders (incl. subfolders) Added output demonstration examples to TSCMDINF.TXT Document (a readme) for TSCMD for the detached script files included in the collection. Sun 1-Jan-2006: The older news about the files in the /pc/ts directory are available as : The news announcements of 2005 about ts-programs, T.Salmi : and so on, backwards.