gifjovmn : Astronomy gifs of the Jovian moons ----------- 00index.txt Descriptions of the files in the gifjovmn directory amalthe2.gif A grainy color image of the Jovian moon Amalthea amalthea.gif Shaded relief map of a small Jovian satellite Amalthea ancient.gif Ancient Terrain on Solar System's largest moon Ganymede callist1.gif Jupiter's second largest moon Callisto, full view callist3.gif Gipul Catena crater series on Jovian moon Callisto callisto.gif A dark image of Jupiter's second largest moon Callisto callvalh.gif The large Valhalla rings on Jovian moon Callisto europa.gif A section of the Jovian moon Europa with the icy streaks europa1.gif Jupiter's gibbous sixth moon Europa galeuro.gif Galileo Mission Natural and False Color Views of Europa galio.gif Galileo Mission Color Image of Io galminos.gif Galileo False Color Image of Minos Linea Region on Europa galsat.gif Family portrait of Jupiter's four largest moons, Hubble ganymed1.gif Closeup of Southern Galileo region on Jovian moon Ganymede ganymede.gif Full view of Solar System's largest moon Ganymede halo.gif Closeup of Halo Crater on largest Jovian moon Ganymede io.gif Jupiter's moon Io with active volcanoes io2.gif Jupiter's "full pizza" volcanic moon Io io9495.gif Changes on the surface of Io, Mar-94/Jul95, Hubble ioexplod.gif A distinct plume showing on Jupiter's volcanic moon Io ioloki.gif A prominent eruption on Jupiter's volcanic moon Io iomoun.gif A grand closeup of a mountain on Jupiter's volcanic moon Io iosur.gif A closeup of the surface of Jupiter's volcanic moon Io iotopog.jpg Topography of Jovian moon Io, Galileo, 27-Jun-97 iovolcan.jpg Active volcanic plumes on Io, Galileo, 28-Jun-98 pia00702.jpg Impact scar on Jovian moon Europa by Galileo, 4-Apr-97 pia01127.jpg Conamara region of Jovian moon Europa by Galileo probe pwyll.jpg Pwyll crater on Europa, Galileo, 19-Dec-96