execomp : Executable (.exe and .com) compression utilities ---------- 00index.txt Descriptions of the files in the execomp directory chk4c360.zip Detect compressed executables v3.60 by John Land diet145f.zip Executable file compressor from Japan, T.Matsumoto dirx110.zip List and handle compressed executables. Very good. dislt115.zip Expand PKLITE compressed executables, Jan-Pieter Cornet isl21.zip Another one telling whether file is compressed with lzexe islzexe.zip Tells whether file is compressed with lzexe or pklite lzeshl30.zip Lzexe shell in English v3.0 (req's LZEXE v0.91) lzexe91.zip Compress executable programs by Fabrice Bellard (good) lzexe91e.zip Compress executable programs (french+english)(good) pklts201.zip PKWare's .exe and .com file compress/uncompress rjcru110.zip Executable compressor with the ability to compress overlays tinyp3_9.zip Makes smaller, self-checking .EXE/.COM files unexep10.zip Unpacks EXEPACKed file, by Dan Norstedt unlzexe8.zip Uncompress an lzexe-compressed executable file V.Bontchev unp411.zip Compressed general executable file expander, B.Castricum wwp304a.zip WWPACK executable file compressor, P.Warezak+R.Wierzbicki xpa167l.zip EXE/COM/SYS/DiskImage/GeneralFiles Compressor, J.Tseng