*************************************************** Collection of components SCHEME, version 3.0 Created by Moshkevitch M.R. E-Mail: m_2013@hotmail.com *************************************************** I'm looking for a software designer/analyst job. *************************************************** CONTENTS 1. What is the collection SCHEME? 2. Basic files 3. Installing the collection SCHEME 4. Registration Information 5. Legal disclaimer 6. Contact 1. WHAT IS THE COLLECTION SCHEME? The components (TSchemeData,TSchemeDataEditor,TSchemeDataEditorCursor - invisible for objects keeping; TSchemeVisual,TSchemeVisualEditor, TSchemeVisualEditorCursor - visible for objects displaying and build-in-editing) from the collection are intended for displaying and editing (change position and sizes, addition and deleting points ... by mouse or programly) in some scaled, scrolled windows various graphic objects (like shape, polygon, polyline, bmp, emf, txt, arrows and others yours derivative from TSchemeObject=class(TObject)). Objects can be blinking, multi-selected, disabled, have hint, loaded and stored in simple text file, printed, painted in any canvas ... Users handling support for a lot of events: mouse events,window clipping changing, window painting, object hints, painting, drag&drop, state changing ... Layers support. States support. Search and position support. Alignment support. Now its fast!(Double buffering support). Multi-objetcs links support. Delphi-like datasource - data-aware controls paradigm. See SCHEME.HLP and ABOUT.EMF. To see components from the collection in action, run the accompanying demo: DEMO_SCHEME.EXE , DEMO_SCHEME_EDITOR.EXE, DEMO_SCHEME_CURSOR.EXE. 2.BASIC FILES: README.TXT short information for user (this file) HELP\SCHEME.HLP help about the collection ABOUT.EMF information about components from the collection. NEWS.TXT new features and bugs-report. NEWS.RUS new features and bugs-report in russia. D4(5) \ SCHEME.BPL collection for Delphi 4(5) D4(5) \ SCHEMEVISUAL.DCU components from this collection D4(5) \ SCHEMEVISUALCURSOR.DCU components from this collection D4(5) \ SCHEMEOBJECTS.DCU unit with TSchemeObject, TSchemeLayer, TSchemeLink, TSchemeShape, TSchemePolygon, TSchemeText, TSchemeLine, TSchemePicture and commom procedures. D4(5) \ SCHEMEOBJECTSEXT.DCU unit with TSchemePolyline,TSchemeInternalPicture DEMO \ DEMO_SCHEME.EXE running sample program DEMO \ DEMO_SCHEME_EDITOR.EXE running sample program (EDITOR) DEMO \ DEMO_SCHEME_CURSOR.EXE running sample program (DRAG&DROP) DEMO \ DEMO_SCHEME.DPR project for Delphi 5 DEMO \ DEMO_SCHEME_EDITOR.DPR project for Delphi 5 DEMO \ DEMO_SCHEME_CURSOR.DPR project for Delphi 5 DEMO \ _MAIN.PAS main demo file for DEMO_SCHEME.DPR DEMO \ _MAIN.DFM main demo form for DEMO_SCHEME.DPR DEMO \ _MAIN_EDITOR.PAS main demo file for DEMO_SCHEME_EDITOR.DPR DEMO \ _MAIN_EDITOR.DFM main demo form for DEMO_SCHEME_EDITOR.DPR DEMO \ _MAIN_CURSOR.PAS main demo file for DEMO_SCHEME_CURSOR.DPR DEMO \ _MAIN_CURSOR.DFM main demo form for DEMO_SCHEME_CURSOR.DPR DEMO \ _CV.PAS common unit for projects DEMO \ DEM0_EXAMPLES.TXT demo data DEMO \ DEM0_EXAMPLES.EMF demo picture DEMO \ ALIEN \ DRAWCOMBOBOX.PAS components TLineStyleComboBox, TColorComboBoxEx, TFillStyleComboBox DEMO \ ALIEN \ EXTEDIT.PAS components TIntEdit, TFloatEdit 3. INSTALLATION IN DELPHI 5(4): Open menu "Component\Install Packages...". Click Add. In "Open Design Package" browse SCHEME.BPL. Click Ok. When installation is complete you should see components TSchemeData, TSchemeVisual, TSchemeDataEditor, TSchemeVisualEditor, TSchemeDataEditorCursor, TSchemeVisualEditorCursor appear on palette Scheme. Also specify path ( in Tools\Environment Options\Library\Library Path ) to units SchemeVisual.dcu, SchemeObjects.dcu and SchemeObjectsExt.dcu. For viewing demo sources it is necessary to install freeware components: TIntEdit, TFloatEdit, TLineStyleComboBox, TColorComboBoxEx, TFillStyleComboBox. There are in directory DEMO\ALIEN, or you can download theirs from DelphiSuperPages. There are freeware components. 4. REGISTRATION Collection SCHEME is Shareware. A free Trial version gives you the opportunity to try this natives components. It has the full functionality of the registered version, but can run only when Delphi is also running on the PC. To deliver an application using components from this collection, you must purchase the applicable version. The registration fee is US $40.00 (without source code) US $100.00 (incl. full source code). To receive your registered version of collection SCHEME you must fill out registration form and pay. For more information see Order.txt file. License agreement for the registered users see in License.txt file. As a registered user you get : 1 Of course the registered version of the component for Delphi 5,4. 2 Coming updates for free. 3 Technical support via Internet e-mail. 4 In the future there will be higher speed of drawing (maybe in OpenGL or DirectX), data exchange between layers and components etc. Collection SCHEME is royalty free. That means that you may distribute your programs compiled with components from collection SCHEME incurring no royalty fee. You may not distribute collection SCHEME source code or the compiled components. 5. LEGAL DISCLAIMER THIS SOFTWARE AND ACCOMPANYING FILES ARE DISTRIBUTED "AS IS". NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE AUTHOR WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. 6. CONTACT Contact me if you have any questions, comments or suggestions: Programmer: Mikhail R. Moshkevitch (7-812) 534-40-13 (voice in russia) E-mail: m_2013@hotmail.com (I will have holiday: 29.07.00 - 20.08.00)