THyperImages Component THyperImages is a component that allows you to add hyperimaging capabilities to your applications in a very simple way. It is a descendant of TCustomPanel that contains a TImage. rectangle, ellipse, round rectangle or polygon hotspots (up to 100 vertices per hotspot) and their coordinates are saved in the component. There is no limit to the number of hotspots you can draw on a picture. You can use it with one picture or let it manage a vitually unlimited number of pictures. There is no database or exterior file to manage the list of pictures and their hotspots. You draw the hotspots at design time in a user friendly Hotspot Editor. A code template can be generated so that you just have to fill in the code corresponding to what you want to happen when the user clicks on each hotspot. An empty THyperImages component adds only 80 KB to a blank application.