------------------------------------------------------------------------- PackageSPY for Delphi3 Packages ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beta Version 0.2 (C) Paolo Rainone 1998 rainone@programmers.net *Freeware Beta/Testing Release* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: The code is supplied with no guarantees on performance or stability and must be used at your own risk. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE AUTHOR (Paolo Rainone) DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. THE AUTHOR (Paolo Rainone) IS NOT OBLIGATED TO PROVIDE ANY UPDATES TO THE SOFTWARE. *** THIS IS STILL A BETA VERSION *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PackageSPY is designed for getting informations on Delphi3 Package files (& related stuff). *** Beta 0.2 - 1998, january 29th: - Improved info report about exported methods; - Package Search Tool (SmartFind); - System Package Listing & Options Management; - Fixed Bug on memeber functions scan feature; *** Beta 0.1 - 1997, december 6th: - Get Package General Info (such as Rebuild Options and Package type); - Get Exported Functions List; - Get "Pure" Package Unit (no Main-Package/Sysinit unit); - Get Class definitions for each Unit; - Get Memeber Functions for each Class (not inherited); *** Next Steps: - Print/SaveToFile reports; - Advanced System Package Management; - Rebuild/Extract *.DPK from *.DPL; - Testing/Calling Exported Methods; - Change Runtime/Designtime Package settings (allowed for internal use only!); - Dynamically instantiated VCL objects (including ActiveX/ActiveForms); - with both DesignTime-RunTime environment simulation; - with RunTime Property Editing (for DesignTime Packages only); - providing property editors for RunTime Packages (allowed for internal use only!); - IDE integration with dynamic Delphi settings update; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyrights: This release is absolutely free, so you can use them in any way you want to. But it would be nice to get some feedback from you, and any comment would be greatly appreciated (including bug report). IMPORTANT NOTE: Public Distribution of this package (such as Web/CDROM Resource Collections) is allowed under Author's direct permission *ONLY* !! Here you can contact me: Paolo Rainone rainone@programmers.net