eXtended Explorer © Amedeo Lanza Demonstration for Delphi controls needs: TSplitter - a splitter control © Cerny Robert TToolbar97 - an Office97-like toolbar © Jordan Russell http://members.aol.com/jordanr7 TDirTree - a Directory TreeView © Markus Stephany http://home.t-online.de/home/MirBir.St/ TPathComboBox - a Directory Path combobox component © Angus Johnson TFileList - a File ListView component for Delphi 2 © Amedeo Lanza http://volftp.tin.it/IT/IT/COLLABORAZIONI/LANZA/index.htm description: This is a File Explorer sample using the Explorer's family of Delphi VCLs. You will need the above units to be installed in order to build this sample. You may find all these components on Delphi Super Page at http://SunSITE.icm.edu.pl/delphi/. usage: Install the required components into the Delphi palette and open the project. First of all you may jump to TXExplorer.FormCreate code and modify the columns' caption (default is in English, this example set italian texts). Then... run it and explore your file system ! copyright & license Free use and distribution for non commercial purposes. See documentation for license restrictions. DISCLAIMER: I ASK NO FEE and I GIVE NO WARRANTY for this software, either expressed or implied. Use it AT YOUR OWN RISK. suggestions, bug reports & comments to the author: Amedeo Lanza di Casalanza from: Torino, Italy mailto:amldc@tin.it http://volftp.tin.it/IT/IT/COLLABORAZIONI/LANZA/index.htm WARNING FOR EMAIL ABUSE: *BORLAND DELPHI* related messages are WELCOME, any other use of the author's email address for unsolicited ADVERTISING is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Thanks to all who shared their knowledge ...and controls. Also thanks to DSP and UNDU for their precious services. history: 10-aug-1997 V0.1 amldc@tin.it Just dropped some controls and played around... Files within the XExplorer original archive: about.dfm - about box about.pas - about box code dlgattr.pas - options dialog dlgattr.dfm - options dialog xexpl.dpr - project xexpl.res - project resources xexplfrm.dfm - maim form xexplfrm.pas - main form code xexpl002.txt - readme xexpl002.inf - DSP upload info file