*************************************************************** * * * TTBNArea - The Component for the Taskbar Notification Area * * Version 3.1 - Jan 28, 1999 * * * *************************************************************** TTBNArea allows you to easily use the Taskbar Notification Area of Windows 95. Properties: Enabled: boolean Icon: TIcon The icon that appears in Taskbar Notification Area. PopupOnBoth: boolean If true, PopupMenuL pops up on left and on right click no matter if PopupMenuR is assigned or not. PopupMenuL: TPopupMenu PopupMenuR: TPopupMenu Here you can assign separate popup menues for the left and right mouse button. Tip: string; Hint appearing when you move the mouse over the icon. Events: OnLeftClick, OnRightClick: TNotifyEvent These events are only fired if the corresponding mouse button is not used for the popup menu. OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent Occurs on double-clicking with the left mouse button, no matter whether a popup menu is assigned or not. OnChanging: TChangingEvent ( = procedure(Sender: TObject; ChangeKind: TChangeKind; var AllowChange: boolean) of object) Fired before Tip or Icon are changed. OnChange: TChangeEvent ( = procedure(Sender: TObject; ChangeKind: TChangeKind) of object) Fired after Tip or Icon have been changed. Logically, it is not fired when AllowChange in the OnChanging event is set to false. Disclaimer: TTBNArea is freeware. Please send me an e-mail if you use TTBNArea and let me know your opinion. I am always open for critics, bug reports, and suggestions for future versions. Any use of TTBNArea is at your own risk. No liability whatsoever will be assumed by the author. Enjoy it! © NailySoft Reinhard Nägele 1997 - 99 naegele@fh-nuertingen.de http://www.fh-nuertingen.de/~naegele/