FindFile version 1.0 Copyright (C) September 1997 Walter Dorawa Everyone is free to use this code as they wish, but if you use it commercially then I wouldn't mind a little something. OVERVIEW: ========= This is a little utility component, which allows you to search a directory for any file or folder. It wraps the FindFirst/FindNext/FindClose functions, and supplies the ability to recurse directories. USAGE: ====== To activate the component use: FindFile1.Execute; The list of matched files/folders is returned in the Files property (TStrings), and includes the full path and file name. You can use ExtractFileName to just get the file name then. The After and Before execute events are there....but not sure how useful they will be? If you find this component useful, have any suggestions or found bugs, please email me: INSTALLATION: ============= Copy the files into a folder on your computer, select Component|Install in Delphi, click Add, enter the location of FileFind.pas, click okay.