DesignerForms © is a group of components that you can use to enhance the look and functionality of the forms in your applications. The following is a brief overview of the components contained in DesignerForms: - The main captionBar component allows you to control the height and look of the caption bar of your forms, and is the parent of all caption bar components. - The CaptionBar System Button component provides you with the ability to customize any of the system buttons of your forms. - The CaptionBar Button component provides you with the ability to display graphic buttons in the caption bar. - The CaptionBar RollUp Buttonprovides you with the ability to automatically create Roll Up forms. - The CaptionBar Glyph component provides you with the ability to display graphics and text in the caption bar. - The CaptionBar OnTop Button provides you with the ability to automatically create Floating ToolPalette forms.