XIElib Specification Gary Rogers AGE Logic, Inc. This document contains reference pages for each XIElib function. Revision History Gary Rogers, AGE Logic, Inc., Public Review Draft, April, 1994 Syd Logan, NetManage, Inc., Minor technical edits, correction of errors, October, 1996 Copyright Š 1994 AGE Logic, Inc. Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in all copies. AGE Logic makes no representations about the suitability for any purpose of the information in this document. This documentation is only a draft standard of the X consortium and is therefore subject to change. Acknowledgments XIElib was provided by the X Consortium, with cooperation from AGE Logic, Inc. of San Diego, CA. It is a C subroutine library that provides a low level C binding of all features that are defined by Version 5.0 of the XIE Protocol. Various parts of the text were borrowed from the Version 5.0 XIE Protocol Reference Manual, edited by Bob Shelley of AGE Logic, Inc.. Bob provided suggestions and comments that were invaluable in preparing this document. Dean Verheiden and Syd Logan, both of AGE Logic, Inc., graciously volunteered to review the original manuscript. The author would like to thank Ralph Mor of the X Consortium for his careful review of this document. Ralph designed the XIElib and wrote its sample implementation, and his technical advice was indispensable. Adrian Nye, Editor for O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., provided substantive assistance in the preparation of this document, for which the author is very thankful. Table of Contents Introduction 1 Startup Functions XieInitialize 3 XieQueryTechniques 5 XieCreateColorList 8 XieDestroyColorList 9 XiePurgeColorList 10 XieQueryColorList 11 LUT Functions XieCreateLUT 12 XieDestroyLUT 13 Photomap Functions XieCreatePhotomap 14 XieDestroyPhotomap 15 XieQueryPhotomap 16 ROI Functions XieCreateROI 18 XieDestroyROI 19 Photoflo Functions XieCreatePhotospace 20 XieDestroyPhotospace 21 XieExecuteImmediate 22 XieAllocatePhotofloGraph 24 XieCreatePhotoflo 25 XieDestroyPhotoflo 27 XieExecutePhotoflo 28 XieModifyPhotoflo 29 XieRedefinePhotoflo 31 XieQueryPhotoflo 32 Client Data Functions XiePutClientData 34 XieGetClientData 36 Abort and Await Functions XieAbort 38 XieAwait 39 Photoflo Element Functions XieFloImportClientLUT 40 XieFloImportClientPhoto 43 XieFloImportClientROI 46 XieFloImportDrawable 47 XieFloImportDrawablePlane 49 XieFloImportLUT 51 XieFloImportPhotomap 52 XieFloImportROI 54 XieFloArithmetic 55 XieFloBandCombine 58 XieFloBandExtract 60 XieFloBandSelect 62 XieFloBlend 63 XieFloCompare 66 XieFloConstrain 69 XieFloConvertFromIndex 71 XieFloConvertFromRGB 73 XieFloConvertToIndex 75 XieFloConvertToRGB 78 XieFloConvolve 80 XieFloDither 83 XieFloGeometry 85 XieFloLogical 88 XieFloMatchHistogram 91 XieFloMath 93 XieFloPasteUp 95 XieFloPoint 97 XieFloUnconstrain 99 XieFloExportClientHistogram 100 XieFloExportClientLUT 102 XieFloExportClientPhoto 104 XieFloExportClientROI 106 XieFloExportDrawable 108 XieFloExportDrawablePlane 110 XieFloExportLUT 112 XieFloExportPhotomap 114 XieFloExportROI 116 Technique Functions XieTecColorAllocAll 117 XieTecColorAllocMatch 118 XieTecColorAllocRequantize 120 XieTecRGBToCIELab 121 XieTecRGBToCIEXYZ 123 XieTecRGBToYCbCr 125 XieTecRGBToYCC 127 XieTecCIELabToRGB 129 XieTecCIEXYZToRGB 132 XieTecYCbCrToRGB 134 XieTecYCCToRGB 136 XieTecClipScale 138 XieTecConvolveConstant 140 XieTecDecodeUncompressedSingle 141 XieTecDecodeUncompressedTriple 143 XieTecDecodeG31D 146 XieTecDecodeG32D 148 XieTecDecodeG42D 150 XieTecDecodeTIFF2 152 XieTecDecodeTIFFPackBits 154 XieTecDecodeJPEGBaseline 156 XieTecDecodeJPEGLossless 158 XieTecDitherOrdered 160 XieTecEncodeUncompressedSingle 161 XieTecEncodeUncompressedTriple 163 XieTecEncodeG31D 166 XieTecEncodeG32D 168 XieTecEncodeG42D 170 XieTecEncodeServerChoice 172 XieTecEncodeJPEGBaseline 174 XieTecEncodeJPEGLossless 177 XieTecEncodeTIFF2 179 XieTecEncodeTIFFPackBits 181 XieTecGeomAntialiasByArea 183 XieTecGeomAntialiasByLowpass 185 XieTecGeomGaussian 187 XieTecGeomNearestNeighbor 189 XieTecHistogramGaussian 191 XieTecHistogramHyperbolic 192 XieTecWhiteAdjustCIELabShift 194 Free Functions XieFreeTechniques 195 XieFreePhotofloGraph 196 XieFreeEncodeJPEGBaseline 197 XieFreeEncodeJPEGLossless 198 XieFreePasteUpTiles 199 XIElib Events ColorAlloc Event Events-1 DecodeNotify Event Events-2 ExportAvailable Event Events-3 ImportObscured Event Events-4 PhotofloDone Event Events-5 XIElib Errors Resource Errors Errors-1 Photoflo Errors Errors-2 XIElib - Function Group Introduction The following pages describe the format of the reference pages for each XIElib function. Every effort has been made to maintain consistency with the format used in Xlib Reference Manual for Version 11 (A. Nye, ed., O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., 1992). The reader is also referred to X Image Extension Protocol Reference Manual, Version 5.0 (R. Shelley, ed., 1994) for a complete definition of the XIE protocol. Name XieFunctionName - brief description of the function Syntax The Syntax section presents the calling syntax for the routine, including the declarations of the arguments and the return type. For example: returntype XieFunctionName (arg1, arg2_ret) type1 arg1; type2 *arg2_ret; Arguments The Arguments section describes each of the arguments used by the function. There are two sorts of arguments: arguments to specify data to the function and arguments that return data from the function. An example of each type follows: arg1 Specifies information for XieFunctionName. The description for this type of argument always starts with the word "Specifies." arg2_ret Returns information from XieFunctionName. The description for this type of argument always starts with the word "Returns." Returns This section is present when XieFunctionName returns a value and describes what is returned. Description The Description section describes what the function does, what it returns, and what events or side effects it causes. It also may contain pertinent definitions, algorithms, and tables. A description of each XIE event structure is presented in the section XIElib Events. Output Attributes This section, which presents a table of element output attributes, is present if XieFloFunctionName specifies an element that produces output data. Class Data class of output data - single band (achromatic or index) - triple band (trichromatic) Type Data type - constrained (quantization levels is Levels) - unconstrained (quantization levels is unknown) Width Width of output (in pixels per band) Height Height of output (in pixels per band) Levels Depends on type - constrained: number of quantization levels - unconstrained: unknown Structures The Structures section contains the C definitions of the XIE-specific data types used by XieFunctionName as arguments or return values. It also contains definitions of important constants used by the function. Errors The Errors section is present when an action of XieFunctionName could generate an error. A table of errors that can be generated and their causes is presented. The full list of errors is presented in the section XIElib Errors. See Also This section lists other functions that contain information related to XieFunctionName. XIElib - Startup Functions XieInitialize Name XieInitialize - initialize the XIE extension Syntax Status XieInitialize (display, extinfo_ret) Display *display; XieExtensionInfo **extinfo_ret; Arguments display Specifies a connection to an X server. extinfo_ret Returns the pointer to an XieExtensionInfo structure, which contains information about the XIE server's capabilities. Returns Zero on failure, nonzero on success. Description XieInitialize initializes the interface to the XIE extension and returns information about the XIE server's capabilities. XieInitialize should be called to establish version compatibility between client and server prior to making any other XIE request. If successful, XieInitialize allocates and fills the XieExtensionInfo structure as follows: * The server_major_rev and server_minor_rev members are set to specify the highest version of the XIE protocol that the server supports. If the server version is higher than the XIElib version, the server will return the lower version, if it supports it. * The service_class member is set to the service-class supported by the XIE server. Service- class defines the recognized image-processing service sets supported by the X Image Extension standard; the two service classes currently defined are Full, the entire XIE protocol, and DIS, the Document Image Subset, a proper subset of Full XIE. The service_class member can be set to one of the standard values: xieValFull xieValDIS * The alignment member is set to the pixel and scanline alignment for image data supported by the server. Values for this member can be either xieValAlignable or xieValArbitrary. xieValAlignable data units must fit evenly within a byte, or they must fill a byte, or fill a multiple of bytes; xieValArbitrary data units may fall at any bit address. * The uncnst_mantissa member is set to the number of bits in the servers floating-point format (including the sign bit). If the server uses fixed point, uncnst_mantissa is set to zero. * The uncnst_min_exp member is set to the smallest (most negative) value n such that 2n is representable in the servers unconstrained data format. * The uncnst_max_exp member is set to the largest value n such that 2n - 1 is representable in the servers unconstrained data format. * The n_cnst_levels member is the number of items in the list cnst_levels. * The items in the list cnst_levels are set to the levels that are recommended for constrained data by the server. A value of zero means 232 levels. * The first_event member is set to the value from which subsequent XIE events values are based. * The first_error member is set to the value from which subsequent XIE error values are based. The memory allocated to extinfo_ret is freed when display is closed via XCloseDisplay; the client should not free this memory. If not successful, XieInitialize sets **extinfo_ret to NULL. Structures typedef struct { unsigned server_major_rev; unsigned server_minor_rev; XieServiceClass service_class; XieAlignment alignment; int uncnst_mantissa; int uncnst_min_exp; int uncnst_max_exp; int n_cnst_levels; unsigned long *cnst_levels; int major_opcode; int first_event; int first_error; } XieExtensionInfo; /* Definitions of Extension Name and Version Number */ #define xieMajorVersion 5 #define xieMinorVersion 0 #define xieEarliestMinorVersion 0 #define xieLatestMinorVersion 0 /* Definitions of ServiceClass */ #define xieValFull 1 #define xieValDIS 2 /* Definitions of Alignment */ #define xieValAlignable 1 #define xieValArbitrary 2 XIElib - Startup Functions XieQueryTechniques Name XieQueryTechniques - return information about the standard and private techniques that are supported by the server Syntax Status XieQueryTechniques (display, technique_group, ntechniques_ret, techniques_ret) Display *display; XieTechniqueGroup technique_group; int *ntechniques_ret; XieTechnique **techniques_ret; Arguments display Specifies a connection to an X server. technique_group Specifies the group of techniques for which the server is to return information. ntechniques_ret Returns the number of items in the list of XieTechnique structures. techniques_ret Returns the pointer to the list of XieTechnique structures, which contains the information about the selected group of techniques. Returns Zero on failure, nonzero on success. Description If successful, XieQueryTechniques allocates and fills each XieTechnique structure in the list as follows: * The member needs_param is set to True if the technique requires additional parameters; needs_param is set to False if the technique takes no parameters, or it has parameters that are optional. If parameters are optional, they must be totally omitted, or they must all be supplied. * The member group is set to the group the technique belongs to. * The member number is set to the numeric identifier assigned to the technique. * The member speed is set to the server's assessment of the speed of this technique relative to other techniques in the same group, where 0 is slowest and 255 is fastest. * The member name is set to the XIE compliant technique name string. To free the memory allocated to techniques_ret, use XieFreeTechniques. On failure, ntechniques_ret is set to zero and *techniques_ret is set to NULL. The standard technique group names that can be queried using XieQueryTechniques are: Technique group Meaning xieValDefault Select all default techniques xieValAll Select all supported techniques xieValColorAlloc Select color allocation techniques xieValConstrain Select techniques for constraining data xieValConvertFromRGB Select colorspace conversion techniques (for conversion from the RGB colorspace) xieValConvertToRGB Select colorspace conversion techniques (for conversion to the RGB colorspace) xieValConvolve Select techniques for handling convolution edge conditions xieValDecode Select image decoding (decompression) techniques xieValDither Select dithering techniques xieValEncode Select image encoding (compression) techniques xieValGamut Select colorspace conversion gamut compression techniques xieValGeometry Select geometric sampling techniques xieValHistogram Select match-histogram shapes xieValWhiteAdjust Select colorspace conversion white point adjustment techniques If a vendor defined an additional private technique group, it could be discovered by querying for all groups. Structures typedef unsigned XieTechniqueGroup; typedef struct { Bool needs_param; XieTechniqueGroup group; unsigned int number; unsigned int speed; char *name; } XieTechnique; /* Definitions for TechniqueGroups */ #define xieValDefault 0 #define xieValAll 1 #define xieValColorAlloc 2 #define xieValConstrain 4 #define xieValConvertFromRGB 6 #define xieValConvertToRGB 8 #define xieValConvolve 10 #define xieValDecode 12 #define xieValDither 14 #define xieValEncode 16 #define xieValGamut 18 #define xieValGeometry 20 #define xieValHistogram 22 #define xieValWhiteAdjust 24 Errors BadAlloc Insufficient resources BadValue Unknown technique_group See Also XieFreeTechniques XIElib - Color List Functions XieCreateColorList Name XieCreateColorList - create a color list Syntax XieColorList XieCreateColorList (display) Display *display; Arguments display Specifies a connection to an X server. Returns The color list identifier. Description XieCreateColorList creates a color list resource and returns its color list ID. The color list created is an unpopulated server resource that can be used to store the list of colors allocated by XieFloConvertToIndex. The Colormap allocations that are recorded in a color list belong to the client that executed the photoflo that populated the resource (this is not necessarily the same client that created the color list). A color list cannot be the target of more than one active photoflo at a time. The contents of a color list may be queried using XieQueryColorList. All allocated cells can be explicitly purged from a color list using XiePurgeColorList. A color list can be destroyed using XieDestroyColorList. Structures typedef XID XieColorList; Errors BadAlloc Insufficient resources BadIdChoice Invalid color list See Also XieDestroyColorList, XiePurgeColorList, XieQueryColorList, XieFloConvertToIndex XIElib - Color List Functions XieDestroyColorList Name XieDestroyColorList - destroy a color list Syntax void XieDestroyColorList (display, color_list) Display *display; XieColorList color_list; Arguments display Specifies a connection to an X server. color_list Specifies the color list to be destroyed. Description XieDestroyColorList destroys the color list resource identified by color_list. Once destroyed, color list ID is no longer valid. Structures typedef XID XieColorList; Errors xieErrNoColorlist Invalid color_list See Also XieCreateColorList XIElib - Color List Functions XiePurgeColorList Name XiePurgeColorList - purge all allocated cells from a color list Syntax void XiePurgeColorList (display, color_list) Display *display; XieColorList color_list; Arguments display Specifies a connection to an X server. color_list Specifies the color list to be purged. Description XiePurgeColorList frees the colors from the specified color list. Structures typedef XID XieColorList; Errors BadAccess Attempt to purge colors when color list is being written by a photoflo xieErrNoColorlist Invalid color_list See Also XieCreateColorList, XieDestroyColorList, XieQueryColorList, XieFloConvertToIndex XIElib - Color List Functions XieQueryColorList Name XieQueryColorList - obtain a list of allocated Colormap indices Syntax Status XieQueryColorList (display, color_list, colormap_ret, ncolors_ret, colors_ret) Display *display; XieColorList color_list; Colormap *colormap_ret; unsigned *ncolors_ret; unsigned long **colors_ret; Arguments display Specifies a connection to an X server. color_list Specifies the color list to query. colormap_ret Returns the Colormap from which the colors were allocated. ncolors_ret Returns the number of Colormap indices in the list. colors_ret Returns the list of allocated Colormap indices. Returns Zero on failure, nonzero on success. Description XieQueryColorList allocates and returns a list of colors allocated by a ConvertToIndex element. When there are no colors in color list, a zero status is returned, the value zero is returned for the colormap, and the list of colors is of length zero. The pointer to the list of allocated Colormap indices is set to NULL. To free the memory allocated to colors_ret, use XFree. Structures typedef XID XieColorList; Errors BadAlloc Insufficient resources xieErrNoColorlist Invalid color list See Also XieCreateColorList, XieDestroyColorList, XieQueryColorList, XieFloConvertToIndex XIElib - LUT Functions XieCreateLUT Name XieCreateLUT - create a lookup table Syntax XieLut XieCreateLUT (display) Display *display; Arguments display Specifies a connection to an X server. Returns The lookup table (LUT) identifier. Description XieCreateLUT creates a server resource that is used as a lookup table (LUT) by a Point element. A lookup table consists of one or three single-dimension arrays, each long enough to contain an entry for all possible pixels values in the image data to which the Point element will be applied. The LUT is populated (or repopulated) with lookup table entries after the successful execution of a photoflo containing an ExportLUT element that targets lut. LUT data can be imported into a photoflo using an ImportLUT element. Structures typedef XID XieLut; Errors BadAlloc Insufficient resources BadIDChoice Invalid LUT See Also XieDestroyLUT, XieFloImportLUT, XieFloExportLUT XIElib - LUT Functions XieDestroyLUT Name XieDestroyLUT - destroy a lookup table Syntax void XieDestroyLUT (display, lut) Display *display; XieLut lut; Arguments display Specifies a connection to an X server. lut Specifies the ID of the LUT to be destroyed. Description XieDestroyLUT destroys the lookup table (LUT) identified by lut. Once destroyed, LUT ID is no longer valid. Structures typedef XID XieLut; Errors xieErrNoLut The value for the lut argument does not name a defined LUT See Also XieDestroyLUT, XieFloImportLUT, XieFloExportLUT XIElib - Photomap Functions XieCreatePhotomap Name XieCreatePhotomap - create a photomap Syntax XiePhotomap XieCreatePhotomap (display) Display *display; Arguments display Specifies a connection to an X server. Returns The photomap identifier. Description XieCreatePhotomap creates a photomap, a server resource that stores image data. Photomap data may be rendered for display or used as input to control or modify the rendition of another image. Photomap attributes are defined when a photoflo containing an ExportPhotomap element populates the photomap with data. Structures typedef XID XiePhotomap; Errors BadAlloc Insufficient resources BadIdChoice Invalid photomap See Also XieDestroyPhotomap, XieQueryPhotomap, XieFloImportPhotomap, XieFloExportPhotomap XIElib - Photomap Functions XieDestroyPhotomap Name XieDestroyPhotomap - destroy a photomap Syntax void XieDestroyPhotomap (display, photomap) Display *display; XiePhotomap photomap; Arguments display Specifies a connection to an X server. photomap Specifies the ID of the photomap to be destroyed. Description XieDestroyPhotomap destroys the photomap identified by photomap. Once destroyed, the photomap ID is no longer valid. A photomap is the XIE resource used to store image data in the server. Structures typedef XID XiePhotomap; Errors xieErrNoPhotomap The value for the photomap argument does not name a defined photomap See Also XieCreatePhotomap , XieQueryPhotomap, XieFloImportPhotomap, XieFloExportPhotomap XIElib - Photomap Functions XieQueryPhotomap Name XieQueryPhotomap - return the queriable attributes of a photomap Syntax Status XieQueryPhotomap (display, photomap, populated_ret, datatype_ret, class_ret, decode_technique_ret, width_ret, height_ret, levels_ret) Display *display; XiePhotomap photomap; Bool *populated_ret; XieDataType *datatype_ret; XieDataClass *class_ret; XieDecodeTechnique *decode_technique_ret; XieLTriplet width_ret; XieLTriplet height_ret; XieLTriplet levels_ret; Arguments display Specifies a connection to an X server. photomap Specifies the photomap to be queried. populated_ret Returns the status of the photomap. datatype_ret Returns the type of data in the photomap. class_ret Returns the class of data in the photomap. decode_technique_ret Returns the decode technique required to interpret the data. width_ret Returns the width, in pixels per band. height_ret Returns the height, in pixels per band. levels_ret Returns the number of quantization levels per band. Returns Zero on failure, nonzero on success. Description A photomap is a server resource that stores image data. XieQueryPhotomap sets populated_ret to indicate whether or not photomap has been populated with attributes and data. If populated_ret is False, all remaining fields contain zeros. datatype_ret reports whether the photomap contains constrained or unconstrained data, and is set to one of the following standard data type values: xieValConstrained xieValUnconstrained class_ret is the class of image data (that is, single-band or triple-band) and is set to one of the following standard data class values: xieValSingleBand xieValTripleBand width_ret and height_ret are set to the dimensions of the image data in pixels (per band). levels_ret is set to the potential dynamic range, or number of quantization levels (per band). If datatype_ret is set to unconstrained, the returned values for levels are zeros. If class_ret is xieValSingleBand, width_ret, height_ret, and levels_ret are only valid for element 0 in each of these vectors; elements 1 and 2 are unused and are returned as zeros. decode_technique_ret is set to the decode technique that will be required to interpret or decompress the data. Decode techniques define the techniques that can be used to interpret uncompressed image data or decode compressed images. decode_technique_ret can be set to one of the following standard decode technique values: xieValDecodeUncompressedSingle xieValDecodeUncompressedTriple xieValDecodeG31D xieValDecodeG32D xieValDecodeG42D xieValDecodeJPEGBaseline xieValDecodeJPEGLossless xieValDecodeTIFF2 xieValDecodeTIFFPackBits If a vendor defined additional private decode techniques, decode_technique_ret can be set to the values given to these techniques. Structures typedef unsigned XieDataClass; typedef unsigned XieDataType; typedef unsigned XieDecodeTechnique; typedef unsigned long XieLTriplet[3]; typedef XID XiePhotomap; /* Definitions of DataType */ #define xieValConstrained 1 #define xieValUnconstrained 2 /* Definitions of DataClass */ #define xieValSingleBand 1 #define xieValTripleBand 2 /* Definitions for DecodeTechniques */ #define xieValDecodeUncompressedSingle 2 #define xieValDecodeUncompressedTriple 3 #define xieValDecodeG31D 4 #define xieValDecodeG32D 6 #define xieValDecodeG42D 8 #define xieValDecodeJPEGBaseline 10 #define xieValDecodeJPEGLossless 12 #define xieValDecodeTIFF2 14 #define xieValDecodeTIFFPackBits 16 Errors xieErrNoPhotomap The value for the photomap argument does not name a defined photomap. xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for exmple, memory) XIElib - ROI Functions XieCreateROI Name XieCreateROI - create a Rectangles-Of-Interest Syntax XieRoi XieCreateROI (display) Display *display; Arguments display Specifies a connection to an X server. Returns The ROI (Rectangles-Of-Interest) identifier. Description XieCreateROI creates a server ROI (Rectangles-Of-Interest) resource, and returns its resource ID to the client. Structures typedef XID XieRoi; Errors BadAlloc Insufficient resources BadIDChoice Invalid ROI See Also XieDestroyROI, XieFloImportROI, XieFloExportROI XIElib - ROI Functions XieDestroyROI Name XieDestroyROI - destroy a Rectangles-Of-Interest Syntax void XieDestroyROI (display, roi) Display *display; XieRoi roi; Arguments display Specifies a connection to an X server. roi Specifies the ID of the ROI to be destroyed. Description XieDestroyROI destroys the Rectangles-Of-Interest (ROI) identified by roi. Once destroyed, roi is no longer valid. Structures typedef XID XieRoi; Errors xieErrNoROI The value for the roi argument does not name a defined ROI See Also XieCreateROI XIElib - Immediate Photoflo Functions XieCreatePhotospace Name XieCreatePhotospace - create a photospace Syntax XiePhotospace XieCreatePhotospace (display) Display *display; Arguments display Specifies a connection to an X server. Returns The photospace identifier. Description XieCreatePhotospace returns a resource-id for a new photospace that can be used to accommodate immediate photoflos instantiated by a client. Any client that needs to instantiate immediate photoflos must create at least one photospace. Structures typedef XID XiePhotospace; Errors BadAlloc Insufficient resources BadIDChoice Invalid photospace See Also XieDestroyPhotospace, XieExecuteImmediate XIElib - Immediate Photoflo Functions XieDestroyPhotospace Name XieDestroyPhotospace - destroy a photospace Syntax void XieDestroyPhotospace (display, photospace) Display *display; XiePhotospace photospace; Arguments display Specifies a connection to an X server. photospace Specifies the ID of the photospace to be destroyed. Description XieDestroyPhotospace destroys a photospace. Prior to destroying the photospace, all photoflos that are currently active in the photospace will be aborted, exported data pending client retrieval will be freed, and the photoflos will be destroyed. Structures typedef XID XiePhotospace; Errors xieErrNoPhotospace The value for the photospace argument does not name a defined photospace See Also XieCreatePhotospace XIElib - Immediate Photoflo Functions XieExecuteImmediate Name XieExecuteImmediate - define and begin execution of an immediate photoflo Syntax void XieExecuteImmediate (display, photospace, flo_id, notify, elem_list, elem_count) Display *display; XiePhotospace photospace; unsigned long flo_id; Bool notify; XiePhotoElement *elem_list; int elem_count; Arguments display Specifies a connection to an X server. photospace Specifies the ID of the photospace to be executed. flo_id Specifies a particular instance of the photoflo to be executed. notify Specifies whether a PhotofloDone event must be sent upon completion. elem_list Specifies the import, process, and export elements to be executed. elem_count Specifies the number of items in elem_list. Description XieExecuteImmediate begins the asynchronous execution of an immediate photoflo. The server does not save a copy of an immediate photoflo after the photoflo has completed execution and all data exported for the client have been retrieved. An immediate photoflo may therefore not be modified or totally redefined prior to subsequent executions. It is legal to have multiple unique instances of immediate photoflos (and stored photoflos) active concurrently. The photospace/flo_id argument pair specifies the instance by which this photoflo will be identified in other requests, events, or errors. notify specifies whether a PhotofloDone event must be sent upon completion. The PhotofloDone event notifies the client that a photoflo has left the active state: it is no longer executing. elem_list defines the import, process, and export elements to be executed. If any clients have blocked themselves during the execution of the photoflo (see XieAwait), they will become unblocked when the photoflo's state changes from active to nonexistent. Care should be taken that the argument pair elem_list/elem_count matches a returned value (an array of XiePhotoElement structures) and argument count from a call to XieAllocatePhotofloGraph. Structures typedef XID XiePhotospace; typedef struct { int elemType; /* union of ALL element types */ union { ... ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloElement Invalid element type(s) in elem_list xieErrNoFloID Invalid photospace/flo_id argument pair has been specified xieErrNoFlo An error has been detected while defining, executing, or accessing a photoflo (See Photoflo Errors). See Also XieAwait, XieAllocatePhotofloGraph XIElib - Photoflo Functions XieAllocatePhotofloGraph Name XieAllocatePhotofloGraph - allocate an array of XiePhotoElement structures Syntax XiePhotoElement *XieAllocatePhotofloGraph (count); unsigned int count; Arguments count Specifies the number of XiePhotoElement structures to allocate. Returns The array of XiePhotoElement structures. Description XieAllocatePhotofloGraph allocates and returns a pointer to an array of XiePhotoElement structures; each field of each structure in the array is set to zero (0). To free the memory allocated to the list of XiePhotoElement structures, use XieFreePhotofloGraph . If XieAllocatePhotofloGraph is unable to create an XiePhotoElement array , it returns NULL. Structures typedef struct { int elemType; /* union of ALL element types */ union { ... ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; See Also XieFreePhotofloGraph, XieCreatePhotoflo, XieModifyPhotoflo, XieRedefinePhotoflo, XieExecutePhotoflo, XieExecuteImmediate XIElib - Stored Photoflo Functions XieCreatePhotoflo Name XieCreatePhotoflo - create a stored photoflo Syntax XiePhotoflo XieCreatePhotoflo (display, elem_list, elem_count) Display *display; XiePhotoElement *elem_list; int elem_count; Arguments display Specifies a connection to an X server. elem_list Specifies the defining array of XiePhotoElement structures. elem_count Specifies the number of XiePhotoElement structures in the array. Returns The photoflo identifier. Description XieCreatePhotoflo creates a stored photoflo resource, defines its complete contents using the contents of elem_list, sets it in the inactive state, and returns its resource-id. Stored photoflos persist beyond execution and may be modified or totally redefined prior to subsequent executions. The returned photoflo identifier is a new resource-id that, along with the execution domain used for the photoflo, identifies this photoflo in other requests, events, or errors. elem_list defines the import, process, and export elements to be stored for execution. Although resources and parameters are specified at creation, no action is taken to validate them at that time. XieCreatePhotoflo will only store the photoflo's definition: parameter validation is delayed until an execute request is received. Structures typedef XID XiePhotoflo; typedef struct { int elemType; /* union of ALL element types */ union { ... ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; Errors BadAlloc Insufficient resources BadIdChoice Invalid photoflo xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) for elem_list xieErrNoFloElement Invalid element type(s) in elem_list xieErrNoFlo An error has been detected while defining, executing, or accessing a photoflo (see Photoflo Errors). See Also XieAllocatePhotofloGraph, XieFreePhotofloGraph, XieModifyPhotoflo, XieRedefinePhotoflo, XieExecutePhotoflo, XieQueryPhotoflo, XieDestroyPhotoflo XIElib - Stored Photoflo Functions XieDestroyPhotoflo Name XieDestroyPhotoflo - destroy a stored photoflo Syntax void XieDestroyPhotoflo (display, photoflo) Display *display; XiePhotoflo photoflo; Arguments display Specifies a connection to an X server. photoflo Specifies the photoflo to be destroyed. Description XieDestroyPhotoflo destroys a stored photoflo. If photoflo is active, that is, executing, it is aborted and all exported data that are pending client retrieval are freed prior to destroying photoflo. Structures typedef XID XiePhotoflo; Errors xieErrNoPhotoflo The value for the photoflo argument does not name a defined photoflo See Also XieCreatePhotoflo XIElib - Stored Photoflo Functions XieExecutePhotoflo Name XieExecutePhotoflo - execute a stored photoflo Syntax void XieExecutePhotoflo (display, photoflo, notify) Display *display; XiePhotoflo photoflo; Bool notify; Arguments display Specifies a connection to an X server. photoflo Specifies the photoflo to be executed. notify Specifies that a PhotofloDone event must be sent upon completion. Description XieExecutePhotoflo changes a stored photoflo to the active state. Execution is asynchronous. The photoflo returns to the inactive state when execution completes and all data exported for the client have been retrieved. It is legal to have multiple stored photoflos (and immediate photoflos) active concurrently. notify specifies that a PhotofloDone event must be sent upon completion. A PhotofloDone event notifies the client that a photoflo has left the active state (it is no longer executing). Stored photoflos persist beyond execution and may be modified or totally redefined prior to subsequent executions. Structures typedef XID XiePhotoflo; Errors xieErrNoPhotoflo The value for the photoflo argument does not name a defined photoflo xieErrNoFloAccess Attempt to execute photoflo when it is already active xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFlo An error has been detected while defining, executing, or accessing a photoflo (see Photoflo Errors). See Also XieCreatePhotoflo, XieModifyPhotoflo, XieRedefinePhotoflo, XieQueryPhotoflo, XieDestroyPhotoflo, XieAbort, XieAwait, XieGetClientData, XiePutClientData XIElib - Stored Photoflo Functions XieModifyPhotoflo Name XieModifyPhotoflo - modify a stored photoflo Syntax void XieModifyPhotoflo (display, photoflo, start, elem_list, elem_count) Display *display; XiePhotoflo photoflo; int start; XiePhotoElement *elem_list; int elem_count; Arguments display Specifies a connection to an X server. photoflo Specifies the photoflo to be modified. start Specifies the index where element replacement is to begin. elem_list Specifies an array of elements that will replace existing elements. elem_count Specifies the number of items in elem_list. Description XieModifyPhotoflo allows element parameters of a stored photoflo to be modified. Stored photoflos persist beyond execution and may be modified prior to subsequent executions. start is the position or index of an element within an array of elements used to specify a photoflo; the first element in the array has a start value of one (1). XieModifyPhotoflo only allows parameter modification. No topological changes are allowed: elements cannot be deleted, inserted, or appended. Structures typedef XID XiePhotoflo; typedef struct { int elemType; /* union of ALL element types */ union { ... ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; Errors xieErrNoPhotoflo The value for the photoflo argument does not name a defined photoflo xieErrNoFloAccess Attempt to change photoflo when it is already active xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloElement Invalid element type(s) in elem_list or attempt to append additional element(s) to photoflo xieErrNoFloSource An invalid start has been specified or attempt to change input connections of type XiePhototag in elem_list xieErrNoFlo An error has been detected while defining, executing, or accessing a photoflo (see Photoflo Errors). See Also XieAllocatePhotofloGraph, XieFreePhotofloGraph, XieCreatePhotoflo, XieRedefinePhotoflo, XieExecutePhotoflo, XieQueryPhotoflo, XieDestroyPhotoflo XIElib - Stored Photoflo Functions XieRedefinePhotoflo Name XieRedefinePhotoflo - redefine a stored photoflo Syntax void XieRedefinePhotoflo (display, photoflo, elem_list, elem_count) Display *display; XiePhotoflo photoflo; XiePhotoElement *elem_list; int elem_count; Arguments display Specifies a connection to an X server. photoflo Specifies the photoflo to be redefined. elem_list Specifies an array of elements that will replace all existing elements. elem_count Specifies the number of items in elem_list. Description XieRedefinePhotoflo allows all elements of a stored photoflo to be removed and replaced with a new list. Stored photoflos persist beyond execution and may be totally redefined prior to subsequent executions. There are no restrictions on changing element types or the array's size. Structures typedef XID XiePhotoflo; typedef struct { int elemType; /* union of ALL element types */ union { ... ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; Errors xieErrNoPhotoflo The value for the photoflo argument does not name a defined photoflo xieErrNoFloAccess Attempt to change photoflo when it is already active xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloElement Invalid element type(s) in elem_list xieErrNoFlo An error has been detected while defining, executing, or accessing a photoflo (see Photoflo Errors). See Also XieAllocatePhotofloGraph, XieFreePhotofloGraph, XieCreatePhotoflo, XieModifyPhotoflo, XieExecutePhotoflo, XieQueryPhotoflo, XieDestroyPhotoflo XIElib - Photoflo Functions XieQueryPhotoflo Name XieQueryPhotoflo - return the current status of a photoflo Syntax XieQueryPhotoflo(display, name_space, flo_id, state_ret, data_expected_ret, nexpected_ret, data_available_ret, navailable_ret) Display *display; unsigned long name_space; unsigned long flo_id; XiePhotofloState *state_ret; XiePhototag **data_expected_ret; unsigned int *nexpected_ret; XiePhototag **data_available_ret; unsigned int *navailable_ret; Arguments display Specifies a connection to an X server. name_space Specifies the execution domain used for the photoflo to query. flo_id Specifies a particular instance of the photoflo to query. state_ret Returns the state of the photoflo. data_expected_ret Returns a list of ImportClient elements. nexpected_ret Returns the length of data_expected_ret. data_available_ret Returns a list of ExportClient elements. navailable_ret Returns the length of data_available_ret. Returns Zero on failure, nonzero on success. Description XieQueryPhotoflo will return the current status of a photoflo. The name_space/flo_id argument pair specifies the instance that identifies the photoflo that is being queried. state_ret indicates the state of the photoflo, and if XieQueryPhotoflo is successful, will return one of the following standard photoflo state values: xieValInactive xieValActive xieValNonexistent data_expected_ret is a list of ImportClient elements that are expecting data via XiePutClientData. data_available_ret is a list of ExportClient elements from which data are available (via XieGetClientData). Either or both of these lists may be of length zero, indicated by the returned values of nexpected_ret and navailable_ret. XieQueryPhotoflo allocates memory for the list of ImportClient elements and the list of ExportClient elements. To free the memory allocated to data_expected_ret and data_available_ret, use XFree. Specifying an unknown or invalid instance will return a state_ret of nonexistent and zero length data_expected_ret and data_available_ret lists. Structures typedef unsigned XiePhotofloState; /* Definitions of PhotofloState */ #define xieValInactive 1 #define xieValActive 2 #define xieValNonexistent 3 Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) See Also XieCreatePhotoflo, XieModifyPhotoflo, XieRedefinePhotoflo, XieExecutePhotoflo, XieDestroyPhotoflo, XieGetClientData, XiePutClientData XIElib - Client Data Functions XiePutClientData Name XiePutClientData - send a stream of data to an active photoflo Syntax void XiePutClientData (display, name_space, flo_id, element, final, band_number, data, nbytes) Display *display; unsigned long name_space; unsigned long flo_id; XiePhototag element; Bool final; unsigned band_number; unsigned char *data; unsigned nbytes; Arguments display Specifies a connection to an X server. name_space Specifies the execution domain used for the photoflo to receive the data. flo_id Specifies a particular instance of the photoflo to receive the data. element Specifies the element to receive the data. final Specifies if the data is the last segment of data to be sent. If True, then data represents the last data to be sent by the client. False indicates that more data will be sent (during a subsequent call to XiePutClientData). band_number Specifies which band of data is being sent. data Specifies a counted list of bytes that comprises the data stream. nbytes Specifies the count of bytes that comprises the data stream. Description XiePutClientData sends a stream of data to an active photoflo. Since the complete data object may be larger than can fit in a single protocol request, XIE allows the stream to be segmented; the last segment is signaled with a final flag. The organization and contents of the data stream must match the parameters given to the ImportClient element or the results are undefined. An arbitrary amount of image data can be sent per request, whereas for nonimage data one or more complete aggregates must be sent per request (for example, one or more LUT array entries). If too many data are sent (for example, too many rectangles, or too many scanlines), the unwanted data are discarded. It is an error, however, to send too few data prior to signaling final. For stored photoflos, name_space is always ServerIDSpace (the value zero) and flo_id is the photoflo's resource-id. For immediate photoflos name_space is a photospace resource-id and flo_id is 32-bit value that uniquely identifies the instance of the photoflo within name_space. Structures typedef unsigned XiePhototag; Errors xieErrNoFloAccess Executable photospace/flo_id argument pair not active xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloElement Invalid element type specified by element xieErrNoFloID Invalid photospace/flo_id argument pair has been specified xieErrNoFloValue Invalid band_number or for nonimage data, data contains a partial aggregate See Also XieGetClientData, XieQueryPhotoflo, XieFloImportClientPhoto, XieFloImportClientROI, XieFloImportClientLUT XIElib - Client Data Functions XieGetClientData Name XieGetClientData - retrieve data from an ExportClient element within an active photoflo Syntax Status XieGetClientData (display, name_space, flo_id, element, max_bytes, terminate, band_number, new_state_ret, data_ret, nbytes_ret) Display *display; unsigned long name_space; unsigned long flo_id; XiePhototag element; unsigned max_bytes; Bool terminate; unsigned band_number; XieExportState *new_state_ret; unsigned char **data_ret; unsigned *nbytes_ret; Arguments display Specifies a connection to an X server. name_space Specifies the execution domain used for the photoflo from which to retrieve data. flo_id Specifies a particular instance of the photoflo from which to retrieve data. element Specifies the element from which to retrieve the data. max_bytes Specifies the maximum number of bytes that can be sent to the client. terminate Specifies whether more data are wanted after this request. band_number Specifies which band of data is being retrieved. new_state_ret Returns the status of the ExportClient element after this request. data_ret Returns a counted list of bytes that comprises the data stream. nbytes_ret Returns the count of bytes that comprises the data stream. Returns Zero on failure, nonzero on success. Description XieGetClientData returns data in a contiguous read-once byte stream, which can be requested in segments that are limited in size by the amount the client desires or the amount of data available from the server. The format of the data depends on the parameters given to the ExportClient element from which the data are requested. new_state_ret returns the state of the ExportClient element after this request and can be set to one of the following standard export state values: xieValExportDone xieValExportMore xieValExportEmpty xieValExportError If the request is sent to an ExportClient element that either: does not have any data, was terminated by a previous XieGetClientData call, or has already returned all its data (ExportDone sent), the request will return a zero length data_ret stream. Image data are always retrieved from the server as a byte stream, whereas nonimage data are always returned by the server as one or more complete aggregates. max_bytes is effectively rounded down by the server to the match the nearest aggregate size. For stored photoflos, name_space is always ServerIDSpace (the value zero) and flo_id is the photoflo's resource-id. For immediate photoflos name_space is a photospace resource-id and flo_id is a 32-bit value that uniquely identifies the instance of the photoflo within name_space. To free the memory allocated to data_ret, use XFree. Structures typedef unsigned XieExportState; typedef unsigned XiePhototag; /* Definitions of ExportState */ #define xieValExportDone 1 #define xieValExportMore 2 #define xieValExportEmpty 3 #define xieValExportError 4 Errors xieErrNoFloAccess Executable photospace/flo_id argument pair not active xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloElement Invalid element type specified by element xieErrNoFloID Invalid photospace/flo_id argument pair has been specified xieErrNoFloValue Invalid band_number See Also XiePutClientData, XieQueryPhotoflo, XieExecutePhotoflo, XieFloExportClientHistogram, XieFloExportClientLUT, XieFloExportClientPhoto, XieFloExportClientROI XIElib - Abort and Await Functions XieAbort Name XieAbort - prematurely terminate execution of a photoflo Syntax void XieAbort (display, name_space, flo_id); Display *display; unsigned long name_space; unsigned long flo_id; Arguments display Specifies a connection to an X server. name_space Specifies the execution domain used for the photoflo to abort. flo_id Specifies a particular instance of the photoflo to abort. Description XieAbort will prematurely terminate execution of the photoflo specified by name_space and flo_id. Any output from the photoflo that is pending client retrieval is freed. Stored photoflos are returned to the inactive state; immediate photoflos are destroyed. If the photoflo specified by name_space and flo_id is either invalid or not active, no action is taken; it is not an error, and nothing is destroyed. For stored photoflos, name_space is always ServerIDSpace (the value zero) and flo_id is the photoflo's resource-id. For immediate photoflos name_space is a photospace resource-id and flo_id is 32-bit value that uniquely identifies the instance of the photoflo within name_space. See Also XieExecutePhotoflo, XieExecuteImmediate XIElib - Abort and Await Functions XieAwait Name XieAwait - block all further requests for this client connection from being honored by the server while the photoflo is active Syntax void XieAwait (display, name_space, flo_id); Display *display; unsigned long name_space; unsigned long flo_id; Arguments display Specifies a connection to an X server. name_space Specifies the execution domain used for the photoflo to block requests. flo_id Specifies a particular instance of the photoflo to block requests. Description XieAwait blocks all further requests for this client connection from being honored by the server while the photoflo, specified by name_space and flo_id, is active. When the photoflo transitions from the active state, blocked requests are allowed to be processed in the order received. If the photoflo specified by name_space and flo_id is either invalid or not active, no action is taken; it is not an error, and the client is not blocked. For stored photoflos, name_space is always ServerIDSpace (the value zero) and flo_id is the photoflo's resource-id. For immediate photoflos name_space is a photospace resource-id and flo_id is 32-bit value that uniquely identifies the instance of the photoflo within name_space. Warning Calling XieAwait before sending all import data or before retrieving all export data will block the client from sending or retrieving the remaining data. This also will prevent completion of the photoflo and prevent any and all protocol requests from this client from being honored. This deadlock can be broken only by another client completing or aborting the photoflo (to release the Await), or by breaking the client connection. Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) See Also XieExecutePhotoFlo, XieExecuteImmediate XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloImportClientLUT Name XieFloImportClientLUT - specify an ImportClientLUT element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloImportClientLUT (element, data_class, band_order, length, levels) XiePhotoElement *element; XieDataClass data_class; XieOrientation band_order; XieLTriplet length; XieLevels levels; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. data_class Specifies the number of lookup arrays to expect. band_order Specifies the order of triple band arrays. length Specifies the number of entries per array. levels Specifies the number of quantization levels represented per array. Description An ImportClientLUT element accepts lookup table data from the protocol stream. The transport of data through the protocol stream is accomplished using XiePutClientData. This data is accepted by the Point, ExportLUT, and ExportClientLUT elements. data_class, which specifies the number of lookup arrays to expect, can be set to one of the following standard data class values: xieValSingleBand xieValTripleBand The length of each array should match the number of source image levels that will be remapped through the array. When a triple band image is to be remapped through a single band array, the length of the array should match the product of the source image levels of all three bands; in this case, band_order specifies the order in which pixels from a triple band image should be combined to form indices for a single band array. band_order can be set to one of the following standard orientation values: xieValLSFirst xieValMSFirst The least significant band of trichromatic data is the first band mentioned in the common name of the colorspace: for example, red is the least significant band of RGB data. When one LUT array is used with triple band data, the algorithm for computing combined array indices, based on band_order, is: LUT band order LUT indexing algorithm for combining pixel values LSFirst index = value[0] + value[1] x levels[0] + value[2] x levels[0] x levels[1] MSFirst index = value[2] + value[1] x levels[2] + value[0] x levels[2] x levels[1] When three LUT arrays are used, band_order specifies whether this band corresponds with the least significant or most significant LUT array. Each array is transported as a separate data stream. For example, if the colorspace of the image data is RGB: band LSFirst MSFirst 0 Red array Blue array 1 Green array Green array 2 Blue array Red array Structures XieFloImportClientLUT sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemImportClientLUT, which identifies the element as an ImportClientLUT, and sets the fields of the member structure ImportClientLUT using the arguments in the argument list. typedef unsigned XieDataClass; typedef unsigned XieOrientation; typedef unsigned long XieLTriplet[3]; typedef unsigned long XieLevels[3]; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XieDataClass data_class; XieOrientation band_order; XieLTriplet length; XieLevels levels; } ImportClientLUT; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; /* Definitions of DataClass */ #define xieValSingleBand 1 #define xieValTripleBand 2 /* Definitions of Orientation Types */ #define xieValLSFirst 1 #define xieValMSFirst 2 Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloMatch levels is incompatible with the server's depth-handling capabilities xieErrNoFloValue Invalid data_class or band_order See Also XiePutClientData, XieQueryPhotoflo, XieFloExportLUT, XieFloExportClientLUT, XieFloPoint, XieFloImportLUT XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloImportClientPhoto Name XieFloImportClientPhoto - specify an ImportClientPhoto element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloImportClientPhoto (element, data_class, width, height, levels, notify, decode_tech, decode_param) XiePhotoElement *element; XieDataClass data_class; XieLTriplet width; XieLTriplet height; XieLevels levels; Bool notify; XieDecodeTechnique decode_tech; XiePointer decode_param; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. data_class Specifies whether the data is single band or triple band. width Specifies the width of the image in pixels per band. height Specifies the height of the image in pixels per band. levels Specifies the number of quantization levels per band. notify Specifies whether to enable sending DecodeNotify events. decode_tech Specifies the decode technique required to interpret the image. decode_param Specifies the list of additional parameters required by decode_tech. Description An ImportClientPhoto element accepts image data from the protocol stream. This data may be processed for display or used as process domain data. A process domain is inserted in many element definitions and is used to restrict the element's processing to a subset of the source data pixels. The attributes and organization of the expected data stream are fully specified by the parameters. The actual transport of image data through the protocol stream is requested using XiePutClientData. notify enables DecodeNotify events to be sent if anomalies are encountered while interpreting the imported image data: either an error has been encountered while decoding an image or the image data received does not satisfy the expected dimensions. Only constrained data can be sent through the protocol stream; therefore, levels must be valid. data_class specifies whether the data is single band or triple band and can be set to one of the following standard data class values: xieValSingleBand xieValTripleBand Decode techniques define the techniques that can be used to interpret uncompressed image data or decode compressed images. decode_tech can be assigned one of the following standard decode technique values: xieValDecodeUncompressedSingle xieValDecodeUncompressedTriple xieValDecodeG31D xieValDecodeG32D xieValDecodeG42D xieValDecodeJPEGBaseline xieValDecodeJPEGLossless xieValDecodeTIFF2 xieValDecodeTIFFPackBits If a vendor defined additional private decode techniques, the values given to these techniques can be assigned to decode_tech. Output Attributes Class class of imported image Type constrained Width width of imported image (in pixels) Height height of imported image (in pixels) Levels levels of imported image Structures XieFloImportClientPhoto sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemImportClientPhoto, which identifies the element as an ImportClientPhoto, and sets the fields of the member structure ImportClientPhoto using the arguments in the argument list. typedef unsigned XieDataClass; typedef unsigned XieDecodeTechnique; typedef unsigned long XieLTriplet[3]; typedef unsigned long XieLevels[3]; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XieDataClass data_class; XieLTriplet width; XieLTriplet height; XieLevels levels; Bool notify; XieDecodeTechnique decode_tech; XiePointer decode_param; } ImportClientPhoto; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; /* Definitions of DataClass */ #define xieValSingleBand 1 #define xieValTripleBand 2 /* Definitions for DecodeTechniques */ #define xieValDecodeUncompressedSingle 2 #define xieValDecodeUncompressedTriple 3 #define xieValDecodeG31D 4 #define xieValDecodeG32D 6 #define xieValDecodeG42D 8 #define xieValDecodeJPEGBaseline 10 #define xieValDecodeJPEGLossless 12 #define xieValDecodeTIFF2 14 #define xieValDecodeTIFFPackBits 16 Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloMatch levels is incompatible with the server's depth-handling capabilities xieErrNoFloTechnique Invalid decode_tech or decode_param xieErrNoFloValue Invalid width, height, levels (zero) or invalid data_class See Also XieTecDecodeUncompressedSingle, XieTecDecodeUncompressedTriple, XieTecDecodeG31D, XieTecDecodeG32D, XieTecDecodeG42D, XieTecDecodeTIFF2, XieTecDecodeTIFFPackBits, XieTecDecodeJPEGBaseline, XieTecDecodeJPEGLossless XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloImportClientROI Name XieFloImportClientROI - specify an ImportClientROI element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloImportClientROI (element, rectangles); XiePhotoElement *element; unsigned int rectangles; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. rectangles Specifies the number of rectangles expected. Description An ImportClientROI element accepts a list of rectangles from the protocol stream. These data can be used as input to a process domain or an ExportROI or ExportClientROI element. A process domain is inserted in many element definitions and is used to restrict the element's processing to a subset of the source data pixels. The actual transport of data through the protocol stream is accomplished using XiePutClientData (the band_number parameter of XiePutClientData is ignored). Structures XieFloImportClientROI sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemImportClientROI, which identifies the element as an ImportClientROI, and sets the fields of the member structure ImportClientROI using the arguments in the argument list. typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { unsigned int rectangles; } ImportClientROI; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) See Also XiePutClientData, XieQueryPhotoflo XieFloExportROI, XieFloExportClientROI, XieFloImportROI XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloImportDrawable Name XieFloImportDrawable - specify an ImportDrawable element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloImportDrawable (element, drawable, src_x, src_y, width, height, fill, notify) XiePhotoElement *element; Drawable drawable; int src_x; int src_y; unsigned int width; unsigned int height; unsigned long fill; Bool notify; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. drawable Specifies the Drawable resource supplying the data. src_x Specifies the left corner of the region of the data to be imported. src_y Specifies the upper corner of the region of the data to be imported. width Specifies the width of the region of the data to be imported. height Specifies the height of the region of the data to be imported. fill Specifies the Colormap index to use for all regions that are obscured. notify Specifies whether to enable sending ImportObscured events. Description An ImportDrawable element allows access to data existing in a Drawable. This data may be processed for display or, if drawable is one bit deep, used as process domain data. A process domain is inserted in many element definitions and is used to restrict the element's processing to a subset of the source data pixels. notify enables ImportObscured events to be sent if data for one or more regions of a Window are obscured and cannot be retrieved from backing store. The arguments src_x, src_y, width, and height specify the region of data to be imported from drawable, where src_x and src_y define the upper-left corner of the region. Output Attributes Class single band Type constrained Width width Height height Levels 2depth (that is, drawable depth) Structures XieFloImportDrawable sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemImportDrawable, which identifies the element as an ImportDrawable, and sets the fields of the member structure ImportDrawable using the arguments in the argument list. typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { Drawable drawable; int src_x; int src_y; unsigned int width; unsigned int height; unsigned long fill; Bool notify; } ImportDrawable; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloDrawable Invalid drawable xieErrNoFloValue Invalid region width, height, src_x, src_y XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloImportDrawablePlane Name XieFloImportDrawablePlane - specify an ImportDrawablePlane element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloImportDrawablePlane (element, drawable, src_x, src_y, width, height, fill, bit_plane, notify) XiePhotoElement *element; Drawable drawable; int src_x; int src_y; unsigned int width; unsigned int height; unsigned long fill; unsigned long bit_plane; Bool notify; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. drawable Specifies the Drawable resource supplying the data. src_x Specifies the left corner of the region of the data to be imported. src_y Specifies the upper corner of the region of the data to be imported. width Specifies the width of the region of the data to be imported. height Specifies the height of the region of the data to be imported. fill Specifies the Colormap index to use for all regions that are obscured. bit_plane Specifies the plane to be imported from drawable. notify Specifies whether to enable sending ImportObscured events. Description An ImportDrawablePlane event allows access to a single plane of data existing in a Drawable. This data may be processed for display or used as process domain data. A process domain is inserted in many element definitions and is used to restrict the element's processing to a subset of the source data pixels. notify enables ImportObscured events to be sent if data for one or more regions of a Window are obscured and cannot be retrieved from backing store. The arguments src_x, src_y, width, and height specify the region of data to be imported from drawable, where src_x and src_y define the upper-left corner of the region. bit_plane must have exactly one bit set to one (1), and the value of bit_plane must be less than or equal to , where n is the depth of drawable. This single bit selects the corresponding bit to be extracted from pixels within drawable. Output Attributes Class single band Type constrained Width width Height height Levels 2 Structures XieFloImportDrawablePlane sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemImportDrawablePlane, which identifies the element as an ImportDrawablePlane, and sets the fields of the member structure ImportDrawablePlane using the arguments in the argument list. typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { Drawable drawable; int src_x; int src_y; unsigned int width; unsigned int height; unsigned long fill; unsigned long bit_plane; Bool notify; } ImportDrawablePlane; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloDrawable Invalid drawable xieErrNoFloValue Invalid bit_plane or region width, height, src_x, src_y XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloImportLUT Name XieFloImportLUT - specify an ImportLUT element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloImportLUT (element, lut) XiePhotoElement *element; XieLut lut; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. lut Specifies the LUT resource supplying the lookup table. Description An ImportLUT element allows access to lookup table data existing in a LUT resource. These data are accepted by the Point, ExportLUT, and ExportClientLUT elements. Attributes of the lookup table data are inherited from lut. Structures XieFloImportLUT sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemImportLUT, which identifies the element as an ImportLUT, and sets the fields of the member structure ImportLUT using the arguments in the argument list. typedef XID XieLut; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XieLut lut; } ImportLUT; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; Errors xieErrNoFloAccess Attempt to import from lut before it has been populated xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloLUT An unknown lut has been specified XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloImportPhotomap Name XieFloImportPhotomap - specify an ImportPhotomap element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloImportPhotomap (element, photomap, notify) XiePhotoElement *element; XiePhotomap photomap; Bool notify; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. photomap Specifies the photomap resource supplying image data. notify Specifies whether to enable sending DecodeNotify events. Description An ImportPhotomap element allows access to image data existing in a photomap; a photomap is a server resource that can be used to store image data. This data may be processed for display or used as process domain data (if its levels attribute is 2), or it may be used as source to ExportPhotomap or ExportClientPhoto or any other element which takes image data as input. A process domain is inserted in many element definitions and is used to restrict the element's processing to a subset of the source data pixels. notify enables DecodeNotify events to be sent if anomalies are encountered while decoding compressed data: either an error has been encountered while decoding an image or the image data received does not satisfy the expected dimensions. Attributes of the source data are inherited from photomap. Output Attributes Class same as photomap Type same as photomap Width same as photomap Height same as photomap Levels same as photomap Structures XieFloImportPhotomap sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemImportPhotomap, which identifies the element as an ImportPhotomap, and sets the fields of the member structure ImportPhotomap using the arguments in the argument list. typedef XID XiePhotomap; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XiePhotomap photomap; Bool notify; } ImportPhotomap; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; Errors xieErrNoFloAccess Attempt to import from photomap before it has been populated xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloPhotomap An unknown photomap has been specified See Also XieFloExportPhotomap, XIeFloExportClientPhoto XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloImportROI Name XieFloImportROI - specify an ImportROI element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloImportROI (element, roi) XiePhotoElement *element; XieRoi roi; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. roi Specifies the ID of the ROI supplying the list-of-rectangles. Description An ImportROI element allows access to a list-of-rectangles existing in a ROI resource. This data may be referenced by a process domain, or used as input to an ExportClientROI or ExportROI element. A process domain is inserted in many element definitions and is used to restrict the element's processing to a subset of the source data pixels. Structures XieFloImportROI sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemImportROI, which identifies the element as an ImportROI, and sets the fields of the member structure ImportROI using the arguments in the argument list. typedef XID XieRoi; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XieRoi roi; } ImportROI; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; Errors xieErrNoFloAccess Attempt to import from roi before it has been populated xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloPhotomap An unknown roi has been specified See Also XieFloExportROI, XieFloExportClientROI XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloArithmetic Name XieFloArithmetic - specify an Arithmetic element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloArithmetic (element, src1, src2, domain, constant, operator, band_mask) XiePhotoElement *element; XiePhototag src1; XiePhototag src2; XieProcessDomain *domain; XieConstant constant; XieArithmeticOp operator; unsigned int band_mask; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. src1 Specifies the phototag of the first data source. src2 Specifies the phototag of the second data source, or 0 if none. domain Specifies the subset of source data that will be operated on. constant Specifies the constant data source (if src2 is 0). operator Specifies the arithmetic operation to be performed. band_mask Specifies which bands are to be operated on. Description An Arithmetic element produces output data by performing an addition, subtraction, minimum, or maximum operation between two data sources or between a single data source and a constant. Furthermore, multiplication, division, or gamma correction may by applied to a single data source. When two sources are involved, src1 and src2 are the phototags of the elements supplying source data (constant is ignored). A phototag is the position or index of an element within an array of elements used to specify a photoflo; the first element in the array has a phototag value of one (1). If the operation is to involve a constant, src1 is one operand, src2 must be zero, and constant is used as the other operand. When two sources are involved, all attributes, other than width and height, must match; all output attributes are inherited from src1. In order to specify a subset of source data that will be operated on, the phototag, offset_x, and offset_y fields of the XieProcessDomain structure pointed to by domain must be supplied; XIElib does not provide a convenience function to create and/or fill in an XieProcessDomain structure. If the entire source data is to be operated on, a pointer to an XieProcessDomain structure must still be provided, with the phototag field set to zero (0); the offset_x and offset_y fields are ignored. Only bands selected by band_mask are subject to processing. Other bands present in the image are passed through to the output. For example, a band_mask of 0012 indicates that only the least significant band would be processed; operating on all bands requires a band_mask of 1112. Using band_mask to select source data that have two (2) or less levels is not permitted. Pixel computations that would lead to errors, will yield valid server-dependent values (for example, dividing by a constrained pixel value of zero might result in a value of levels-1). The valid operations for the Arithmetic process element are: Operator src1 (operator) src2 src1 (operator) constant xieValAdd src1 + src2 src1 + constant xieValSub src1 - src2 src1 - constant xieValSubRev src2 - src1 constant - src1 xieValMul src1 * constant xieValDiv src1 / constant xieValDivRev constant / src1 xieValMin minimum( src1, src2 ) minimum( src1, constant ) xieValMax maximum( src1, src2 ) maximum( src1, constant ) xieValGamma (constrained) (levels - 1) * ((src1 / (levels - 1))constant) xieValGamma (unconstrained) src1constant Output Attributes Class same as src1 Type same as src1 Width same as src1 Height same as src1 Levels same as src1 Structures XieFloArithmetic sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemArithmetic, which identifies the element as an Arithmetic, and sets the fields of the member structure Arithmetic using the arguments in the argument list. typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef float XieConstant[3]; typedef unsigned XieArithmeticOp; typedef struct { int offset_x; int offset_y; XiePhototag phototag; } XieProcessDomain; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XiePhototag src1; XiePhototag src2; XieProcessDomain domain; XieConstant constant; XieArithmeticOp operator; unsigned int band_mask; } Arithmetic; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; /* Definitions of ArithmeticOperations */ #define xieValAdd 1 #define xieValSub 2 #define xieValSubRev 3 #define xieValMul 4 #define xieValDiv 5 #define xieValDivRev 6 #define xieValMin 7 #define xieValMax 8 #define xieValGamma 9 Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloDomain Invalid domain xieErrNoFloMatch Class, type, or levels differ between src1 and src2 or selected data source are bitonal xieErrNoFloOperator Invalid operator xieErrNoFloSource Invalid src1 or src2 or src2 has been specified with a monadic operator XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloBandCombine Name XieFloBandCombine - specify a BandCombine element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloBandCombine (element, src1, src2, src3) XiePhotoElement *element; XiePhototag src1; XiePhototag src2; XiePhototag src3; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. src1 Specifies the first element supplying source data. src2 Specifies the second element supplying source data. src3 Specifies the third element supplying source data. Description A BandCombine element merges three single band data sources to produce a triple band result. The arguments src1, src2, and src3 must be of the same type, and each source must be single band. Other attributes that are taken from the individual sources may differ. The output will be triple band. Output Attributes Class triple band Type same as src1 Width same as srcs Height same as srcs Levels same as srcs Structures XieFloBandCombine sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemBandCombine, which identifies the element as a BandCombine, and sets the fields of the member structure BandCombine using the arguments in the argument list. typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XiePhototag src1; XiePhototag src2; XiePhototag src3; } BandCombine; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloMatch A source has more than one band or type differs between sources xieErrNoFloSource Invalid src1, src2, or src3 XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloBandExtract Name XieFloBandExtract - specify a BandExtract element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloBandExtract (element, src, levels, bias, coefficients) XiePhotoElement *element; XiePhototag src; unsigned int levels; double bias; XieConstant coefficients; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. src Specifies the element supplying source data. levels Specifies the number of quantization levels for the output. bias Specifies the value to be added to each output pixel. coefficients Specifies the proportion of each band in src to pixelsin the single band result. Description A BandExtract element produces single band output data from a triple band source by multiplying a pixel value from each source band by its corresponding coefficient and then summing the results with the bias value. coefficients is a three-element array that determines the proportion of each source band pixel that is used to form the output. levels is used as the levels attribute of the output data if the src data are constrained; otherwise, it is ignored. The source data must be triple band, and all bands must have equal dimensions. The output data will be single band, with levels taken from the levels parameter, if the data type is constrained. All other attributes are inherited from src. Output Attributes Class single band Type same as src Width same as src Height same as src Levels levels if src is contrained, else unknown Structures XieFloBandExtract sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemBandExtract, which identifies the element as a BandExtract, and sets the fields of the member structure BandExtract using the arguments in the argument list. typedef float XieConstant[3]; typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XiePhototag src; unsigned int levels; float bias; XieConstant coefficients; } BandExtract; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloMatch src is not triple band or unequal interband dimensions xieErrNoFloSource Invalid src XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloBandSelect Name XieFloBandSelect - specify a BandSelect element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloBandSelect (element, src, band_number) XiePhotoElement *element; XiePhototag src; unsigned int band_number; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. src Specifies the element supplying source data. band_number Specifies which src band is to be selected to provide the output data. Description A BandSelect element produces single band output data by selecting a single band from a triple band source. Output Attributes Class single band Type same as src Width same as band selected from src Height same as band selected from src Levels same as band selected from src Structures XieFloBandSelect sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemBandSelect, which identifies the element as a BandSelect, and sets the fields of the member structure BandSelect using the arguments in the argument list. typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XiePhototag src; unsigned int band_number; } BandSelect; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloMatch src is not triple band xieErrNoFloSource Invalid src xieErrNoFloValue Invalid band_number XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloBlend Name XieFloBlend - specify a Blend element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloBlend (element, src1, src2, src_constant, alpha, alpha_const, domain, band_mask) XiePhotoElement *element; XiePhototag src1; XiePhototag src2; XieConstant src_constant; XiePhototag alpha; double alpha_const; XieProcessDomain *domain; unsigned int band_mask; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. src1 Specifies the phototag of the first data source. src2 Specifies the phototag of the second data source, else 0. src_constant Specifies a constant data source, if src2 is 0. alpha Specifies the blend proportion for each processed pixel. alpha_const Specifies the constant blend proportion for each processed pixel. domain Specifies the subset of source data that will be operated on. band_mask Specifies which bands are to be operated on. Description A Blend element produces output data from two data sources or a single data source and a constant. Each output pixel is a percentage combination of the source values, as controlled by an alpha input image or an alpha constant. When two sources are involved, src1 and src2 are the phototags of the elements supplying source data; src_constant is ignored. A phototag is the position or index of an element within an array of elements used to specify a photoflo; the first element in the array has a phototag value of one (1). If the operation is to involve a constant, src1 is one operand, src2 must be zero, and src_constant is used as the other operand. If alpha is nonzero, it controls the blend proportion for each pixel that is processed, otherwise alpha_const provides this control. Domain may control the subset of source data that will be operated on. Only bands selected by the band_mask are subject to processing. Other bands present in the image are passed through to the output. For example, a band_mask of 0012 indicates that only the least significant band would be processed; operating on all bands requires a band_mask of 1112. Using band_mask to select source data that have two (2) or less levels is not permitted. When two sources are involved, all attributes, other that width and height, must match. If alpha is nonzero, it must be a source of constrained data. In order to specify a subset of source data that will be operated on, the phototag, offset_x, and offset_y fields of the XieProcessDomain structure pointed to by domain must be supplied; XIElib does not provide a convenience function to create and/or fill in an XieProcessDomain structure. If the entire source data is to be operated on, a pointer to an XieProcessDomain structure must still be provided, with the phototag field set to zero (0); the offset_x and offset_y fields are ignored. Within the intersection of the source(s) and domain, each output pixel is a blend of the corresponding pixels from src1 and src2 (or src1 pixels blended with src_constant). The degree of blend is determined by the corresponding pixel taken from alpha or the value of alpha_const. If alpha is nonzero, the proportion of blend is further scaled by alpha_const: output = src1 * (1 - alpha / alpha_const) + src2 * (alpha / alpha_const) (where alpha_const is greater than 0.0) if alpha is zero: output = src1 * (1 - alpha_const) + src2 * alpha_const (where alpha_const is in the range [0.0, 1.0]) Output Attributes Class same as src1 Type same as src1 Width same as src1 Height same as src1 Levels same as src1 Structures XieFloBlend sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemBlend, which identifies the element as a Blend, and sets the fields of the member structure Blend using the arguments in the argument list. typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef float XieConstant[3]; typedef struct { int offset_x; int offset_y; XiePhototag phototag; } XieProcessDomain; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XiePhototag src1; XiePhototag src2; XieConstant src_constant; XiePhototag alpha; float alpha_constant; XieProcessDomain domain; unsigned int band_mask; } Blend; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloMatch Incompatible attributes between src1 and src2 or alpha is unconstrained or selected source data are bitonal xieErrNoFloSource Invalid src1, src2, or alpha xieErrNoFloValue alpha is zero and alpha_const is outside the range [0.0,1.0], or alpha is nonzero and alpha_const is nonpositive XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloCompare Name XieFloCompare - specify a Compare element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloCompare (element, src1, src2, domain, constant, operator, combine, band_mask) XiePhotoElement *element; XiePhototag src1; XiePhototag src2; XieProcessDomain *domain; XieConstant constant; XieCompareOp operator; Bool combine; unsigned int band_mask; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. src1 Specifies the first data source. src2 Specifies the second data source. domain Specifies the subset of source data that will be operated on. constant Specifies the constant data source. operator Specifies the logical predicate operator used in the comparison. combine Specifies whether the comparison should be done on a per-band or on an all-bands basis. band_mask Specifies which bands are to be operated on. Description A Compare element takes two data sources or a single data source and a constant and generates a Boolean bitmap output that reflects the results of a pointwise comparison. The output data has a value of one wherever the comparison is true, and a value of zero everywhere else (that is, comparison false or comparison not performed). The comparison may be performed on a per-band basis or for all bands taken together. When two sources are involved, src1 and src2 are the phototags of the elements supplying source data; constant is ignored. A phototag is the position or index of an element within an array of elements used to specify a photoflo; the first element in the array has a phototag value of one (1). If the operation is to involve a constant, src1 is one operand, src2 must be zero, and constant is used as the other operand. In order to specify a subset of source data that will be operated on, the phototag, offset_x, and offset_y fields of the XieProcessDomain structure pointed to by domain must be supplied; XIElib does not provide a convenience function to create and/or fill in an XieProcessDomain structure. If the entire source data is to be operated on, a pointer to an XieProcessDomain structure must still be provided, with the phototag field set to zero (0); the offset_x and offset_y fields are ignored. operator is the logical predicate operator used in the comparison. The valid operators for the Compare process element are: Operator src1 (operator) src2 src1 (operator) constant xieValLT src1 * src2 src1 * constant xieValLE src1 * src2 src1 * constant xieValEQ src1 * src2 src1 * constant xieValNE src1 * src2 src1 * constant xieValGT src1 * src2 src1 * constant xieValGE src1 * src2 src1 * constant combine is a Boolean that determines whether the comparison should be done on a per-band basis or on an all-bands basis. Only bands selected by band_mask are subject to processing. Other bands present in the image are passed through to the output. For example, a band_mask of 0012 indicates that only the least significant band would be processed; operating on all bands requires a band_mask of 1112. If combine is True or src1 is single band, the output data will form a single Boolean bitmap. If src1 is triple band and combine is False, the output data will yield three separate boolean bitmaps (for this case band_mask must specify all bands). If src1 is triple band and combine is True, only the EQ and NE operators are allowed; equality is established for each band selected by band_mask, and then the result is logically ANDed to derive equality (inequality is a logical NOT of this result). For this case, width and height must match for all bands selected by band_mask. The relationship between combine and data class dependencies is given in the following table: combine input class band_mask output class True single band n/a single band triple band selected bands single band False single band n/a single band triple band all bands triple band Output Attributes Class see Description Type constrained Width same as src1 Height same as src1 Levels 2 per band (see Description) Structures XieFloCompare sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemCompare, which identifies the element as a Compare, and sets the fields of the member structure Compare using the arguments in the argument list. typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef float XieConstant[3]; typedef struct { int offset_x; int offset_y; XiePhototag phototag; } XieProcessDomain; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XiePhototag src1; XiePhototag src2; XieProcessDomain domain; XieConstant constant; XieCompareOp operator; Bool combine; unsigned int band_mask; } Compare; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; /* Definitions of Compare Operators */ #define xieValLT 1 #define xieValLE 2 #define xieValEQ 3 #define xieValNE 4 #define xieValGT 5 #define xieValGE 6 Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloDomain Invalid domain xieErrNoFloMatch Class differs between src1 and src2 or invalid combination of operator and combine or triple band, and combine is false, and band_mask incomplete xieErrNoFloOperator Invalid operator xieErrNoFloSource Invalid src1 or src2 XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloConstrain Name XieFloConstrain - specify a Constrain element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloConstrain (element, src, levels, constrain_tech, constrain_param) XiePhotoElement *element; XiePhototag src; XieLevels levels; XieConstrainTechnique constrain_tech; XiePointer constrain_param; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. src Specifies the element supplying source data. levels Specifies the number of quantization levels desired in the output data. constrain_tech Specifies the technique to be used when constraining the data. constrain_param Specifies the list of additional parameters required by constrain. Description A Constrain element applies a quantization model to the image data to convert the data to a fixed number of quantization levels. Application of the quantization model may involve steps such as range shifting, scaling, clipping, and rounding. src is the phototag of the element supplying source data. A phototag is the position or index of an element within an array of elements used to specify a photoflo; the first element in the array has a phototag value of one (1). Levels is the number of quantization levels desired in the output data. constrain_tech specifies the constrain technique to be used when constraining the data. constrain_param is the list of additional parameters required by constrain_tech. If the input image is already constrained, the data will be reconstrained. One of the following standard constrain technique values can be assigned to constrain_tech : xieValConstrainClipScale xieValConstrainHardClip If a vendor defined additional private constrain techniques, the values given to these techniques can be assigned to constrain_tech. Output Attributes Class same as src Type constrained Width same as src Height same as src Levels levels Structures XieFloConstrain sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemConstrain, which identifies the element as a Constrain, and sets the fields of the member structure Constrain using the arguments in the argument list. typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef unsigned long XieLevels[3]; typedef unsigned XieConstrainTechnique; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XiePhototag src; XieLevels levels; XieConstrainTechnique constrain_tech; XiePointer constrain_param; } Constrain; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; /* Definitions for ConstrainTechniques */ #define xieValConstrainClipScale 2 #define xieValConstrainHardClip 4 Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloSource Invalid src xieErrNoFloTechnique Invalid constrain_tech or constrain_param See Also XieTecClipScale XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloConvertFromIndex Name XieFloConvertFromIndex - specify a ConvertFromIndex element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloConvertFromIndex (element, src, colormap, data_class, precision) XiePhotoElement *element; XiePhototag src; Colormap colormap; XieDataClass data_class; unsigned int precision; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. src Specifies the element supplying source data. colormap Specifies the Colormap from which to obtain output pixel values. data_class Specifies whether the output data is single band or triple band. precision Specifies the number of bits to be used from colormap's RGB values. Description A ConvertFromIndex element converts Colormap index data into achromatic or trichromatic data. data_class specifies whether the output data is single band or triple band and can be set to one of the following standard data class values: xieValSingleBand xieValTripleBand If data_class is single band and a trichromatic colormap is specified (static color, pseudo color, true color, or direct color), the gray shade for each pixel is taken from the red values in colormap. If data_class is triple band and an achromatic colormap is specified (static gray or gray scale), the red band will be replicated to populate the green and blue output bands. The depth of colormap must match the Levels attribute of src (that is, 2depth must equal Levels). Output Attributes Class data_class Type constrained Width same as src Height same as src Levels 2precision (per band) Structures XieFloConvertFromIndex sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemConvertFromIndex, which identifies the element as a ConvertFromIndex, and sets the fields of the member structure ConvertFromIndex using the arguments in the argument list. typedef unsigned XieDataClass; typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XiePhototag src; Colormap colormap; XieDataClass data_class; unsigned int precision; } ConvertFromIndex; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; /* Definitions of DataClass */ #define xieValSingleBand 1 #define xieValTripleBand 2 Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloColormap Invalid colormap xieErrNoFloMatch Levels of src do not match depth of colormap xieErrNoFloSource Invalid src xieErrNoFloValue Invalid data_class or precision XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloConvertFromRGB Name XieFloConvertFromRGB - specify a ConvertFromRGB element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloConvertFromRGB (element, src, color_space, color_param) XiePhotoElement *element; XiePhototag src; XieColorspace color_space; XiePointer color_param; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. src Specifies the element supplying source data (RGB assumed). color_space Specifies the technique to be used in the conversion. color_param Specifies the list of additional parameters required by color_space. Description A ConvertFromRGB element converts RGB source data to an alternate colorspace. The source data must be triple band, and all bands must have equal dimensions. The type and levels of the output data are determined by the color_space's technique parameters. All other attributes are inherited from src. ConvertFromRGB techniques define the trichromatic colorspaces known to a ConvertFromRGB element. One of the following standard ConvertFromRGB technique values can be assigned to color_space: xieValRGBToCIELab xieValRGBToCIEXYZ xieValRGBToYCbCr xieValRGBToYCC If a vendor defined additional private ConvertFromRGB techniques, the private technique values given to these techniques can be assigned to color_space. Output Attributes Class triple band Type color_space dependent Width same as src Height same as src Levels color_space dependent Structures XieFloConvertFromRGB sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemConvertFromRGB, which identifies the element as a ConvertFromRGB, and sets the fields of the member structure ConvertFromRGB using the arguments in the argument list. typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef unsigned XieColorspace; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XiePhototag src; XieColorspace color_space; XiePointer color_param; } ConvertFromRGB; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; /* Definitions for Colorspace Conversions */ #define xieValRGBToCIELab 2 #define xieValRGBToCIEXYZ 4 #define xieValRGBToYCbCr 6 #define xieValRGBToYCC 8 Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloMatch src is not triple band or unequal inter-band dimensions xieErrNoFloSource Invalid src xieErrNoFloTechnique Invalid color_space or color_param See Also XieFloConvertToRGB, XieTecRGBToCIELab, XieTecRGBToCIEXYZ, XieTecRGBToYCbCr, XieTecRGBToYCC XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloConvertToIndex Name XieFloConvertToIndex - specify a ConvertToIndex element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloConvertToIndex (element, src, colormap, color_list, notify, color_alloc_tech, color_alloc_param) XiePhotoElement *element; XiePhototag src; Colormap colormap; XieColorList color_list; Bool notify; XieColorAllocTechnique color_alloc_tech; XiePointer color_alloc_param; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. src Specifies the element supplying the constrained source data. colormap Specifies the Colormap from which to obtain output pixel values. color_list Specifies the list where Colormap indices are to be stored. notify Specifies whether to enable sending ColorAlloc events. color_alloc_tech Specifies the desired color allocation technique. color_alloc_param Specifies the list of additional parameters required by color_alloc_tech. Description A ConvertToIndex element allocates and/or matches colors or gray shades, as required, from a Colormap. It produces pixel indices as output data, and records indices that it allocates in color_list. The specified color_alloc_tech technique may generate a ColorAlloc event to warn the client that results are of lesser fidelity than desired. Notify allows the client to be notified about inferior results from color allocation or matching. src is the phototag of the element supplying constrained source data. A phototag is the position or index of an element within an array of elements used to specify a photoflo; the first element in the array has a phototag value of one (1). Colormap is the Colormap from which colors or gray shades are allocated and/or matched. Color_list is the list where allocated Colormap indices are to be stored. color_alloc_tech specifies the desired color allocation technique. color_alloc_params is the list of additional parameters required by color_alloc_tech. color_list is purged of any colors it already contains when photoflo execution begins. Allocated Colormap indices can be freed using XiePurgeColorList, XieDestroyColorList, or by making color_list the target of an active photoflo. Care must be taken to ensure that color_list is not referenced by more than one executing photoflo at any time; it is a protocol error to allow more than one executing photoflo access the same color_list. ColorAlloc techniques define the recognized color allocation techniques used by the ConvertToIndex element. One of the following standard ColorAlloc technique values can be assigned to color_alloc_tech: xieValColorAllocDefault xieValColorAllocAll xieValColorAllocMatch xieValColorAllocRequantize If a vendor defined additional private ColorAlloc techniques, the private technique values given to these techniques can be assigned to color_alloc_tech. The server is required to support the default technique that is bound to one of the standard techniques defined or a private technique. Output Attributes Class single band Type constrained Width same as src Height same as src Levels 2depth (that is, colormap depth) Structures XieFloConvertToIndex sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemConvertToIndex, which identifies the element as a ConvertToIndex, and sets the fields of the member structure ConvertToIndex using the arguments in the argument list. typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef XID XieColorList; typedef unsigned XieColorAllocTechnique; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XiePhototag src; Colormap colormap; XieColorList color_list; Bool notify; XieColorAllocTechnique color_alloc_tech; XiePointer color_alloc_param; } ConvertToIndex; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; /* Definitions for ColorAlloc Techniques */ #define xieValColorAllocDefault 0 #define xieValColorAllocAll 2 #define xieValColorAllocMatch 4 #define xieValColorAllocRequantize 6 Errors xieErrNoFloAccess color_list already being used by another active photoflo xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloColorlist Invalid color_list xieErrNoFloColormap Invalid colormap xieErrNoFloMatch Unequal inter-band dimensions xieErrNoFloSource Invalid src xieErrNoFloTechnique Invalid color_alloc_tech or color_alloc_param See Also XieCreateColorList, XiePurgeColorList, XieDestroyColorList XieTecColorAllocAll, XieTecColorAllocMatch, XieTecColorAllocRequantize XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloConvertToRGB Name XieFloConvertToRGB - specify a ConvertToRGB element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloConvertToRGB (element, src, color_space, color_param) XiePhotoElement *element; XiePhototag src; XieColorspace color_space; XiePointer color_param; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. src Specifies the element supplying source data. color_space Specifies the technique that will be used for the conversion. color_param Specifies the list of additional parameters required by color_space. Description A ConvertToRGB element converts alternate colorspace source data into RGB data. The source data must be triple band, and all bands must have equal dimensions. The type and levels of the output data are determined by the color_space's technique parameters. All other attributes are inherited from src. ConvertToRGB techniques define the trichromatic colorspaces known to a ConvertToRGB element. One of the following standard ConvertFromRGB technique values can be assigned to color_space: xieValCIELabToRGB xieValCIEXYZToRGB xieValYCbCrToRGB xieValYCCToRGB If a vendor defined additional private ConvertToRGB techniques, the private technique values given to these techniques can be assigned to color_space. Output Attributes Class triple band Type color_space dependent Width same as src Height same as src Levels color_space dependent Structures XieFloConvertToRGB sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemConvertToRGB, which identifies the element as a ConvertToRGB, and sets the fields of the member structure ConvertToRGB using the arguments in the argument list. typedef unsigned XieColorspace; typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XiePhototag src; XieColorspace color_space; XiePointer color_param; } ConvertToRGB; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; /* Definitions for Colorspace Conversions */ #define xieValCIELabToRGB 2 #define xieValCIEXYZToRGB 4 #define xieValYCbCrToRGB 6 #define xieValYCCToRGB 8 Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloMatch src is not triple band or unequal inter-band dimensions xieErrNoFloSource Invalid src xieErrNoFloTechnique Invalid color_space or color_param See Also XieTecCIELabToRGB, XieTecCIEXYZToRGB, XieTecYCbCrToRGB, XieTecYCCToRGB, XieConvertFromRGB XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloConvolve Name XieFloConvolve - specify a Convolve element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloConvolve (element, src, domain, kernel, kernel_size, band_mask, convolve_tech, convolve_param) XiePhotoElement *element; XiePhototag src; XieProcessDomain *domain; float *kernel; int kernel_size; unsigned int band_mask; XieConvolveTechnique convolve_tech; XiePointer convolve_param; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. src Specifies the element supplying source data. domain Specifies the subset of the image that will be operated on. kernel Specifies the coefficients used in the convolution process. kernel_size Specifies the dimension of kernel. band_mask Specifies which bands are to be operated on. convolve_tech Specifies the technique for handling edge conditions. convolve_param Specifies the list of additional parameters required by convolve_tech. Description A Convolve element produces output data by convolving each input pixel value (and surrounding area) with the specified convolution kernel. In order to specify a subset of source data that will be operated on, the phototag, offset_x, and offset_y fields of the XieProcessDomain structure pointed to by domain must be supplied; XIElib does not provide a convenience function to create and/or fill in an XieProcessDomain structure. If the entire source data is to be operated on, a pointer to an XieProcessDomain structure must still be provided, with the phototag field set to zero (0); the offset_x and offset_y fields are ignored. kernel represents a square array of float data that has odd dimensions. Thus, a single dimension is used to specify kernel_size. Only bands selected by the band_mask are subject to processing. Other bands present in the image are passed through to the output. For example, a band_mask of 0012 indicates that only the least significant band would be processed; operating on all bands requires a band_mask of 1112. Using band_mask to select source data that have two (2) or less levels is not permitted. All output data attributes are inherited from the source data. Convolve techniques provide various methods of handling edge conditions. These techniques determine what pixel values are used when Convolve requires data beyond the image bounds. One of the following standard convolve technique values can be assigned to convolve_tech: xieValConvolveDefault xieValConvolveConstant xieValConvolveReplicate If a vendor defined additional private convolve techniques, the private technique values given to these techniques can be assigned to convolve_tech. The server is required to support the default technique that is bound to one of the standard techniques defined above or a private technique. Output Attributes Class same as src Type same as src Width same as src Height same as src Levels same as src Structures XieFloConvolve sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemConvolve, which identifies the element as a Convolve, and sets the fields of the member structure Convolve using the arguments in the argument list. typedef unsigned XieConvolveTechnique; typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef struct { int offset_x; int offset_y; XiePhototag phototag; } XieProcessDomain; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XiePhototag src; XieProcessDomain domain; float *kernel; int kernel_size; unsigned int band_mask; XieConvolveTechnique convolve_tech; XiePointer convolve_param; } Convolve; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; /* Definitions for ConvolveTechniques */ #define xieValConvolveDefault 0 #define xieValConvolveConstant 2 #define xieValConvolveReplicate 4 Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloDomain Invalid domain xieErrNoFloMatch Selected source data are bitonal xieErrNoFloSource Invalid src xieErrNoFloTechnique Invalid convolve_tech or convolve_param xieErrNoFloValue Invalid kernel_size (for example, not odd) See Also XieTecConvolveConstant XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloDither Name XieFloDither - specify a Dither element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloDither (element, src, band_mask, levels, dither_tech, dither_param) XiePhotoElement *element; XiePhototag src; unsigned int band_mask; XieLevels levels; XieDitherTechnique dither_tech; XiePointer dither_param; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. src Specifies the element supplying source data. band_mask Specifies which bands are to be operated on. levels Specifies the number of levels desired in the output data. dither_tech Specifies the desired dither technique. dither_param Specifies the list of additional parameters required by dither_tech. Description The Dither element is used to reduce the number of quantization levels in an image. It accomplishes this by affecting adjacent pixels (area affect) to make up for the lack of depth resolution. Only bands selected by the band_mask are subject to processing. Other bands present in the image are passed through to the output. For example, a band_mask of 0012 indicates that only the least significant band would be processed; operating on all bands requires a band_mask of 1112. Using band_mask to select source data that have two (2) or less levels is not permitted. The source data must be constrained. Dither techniques define the technique that can be used to dither an image. One of the following standard dither technique values can be assigned to dither_tech: xieValDitherDefault xieValDitherErrorDiffusion xieValDitherOrdered If a vendor defined additional private dither techniques, the private technique values given to these techniques can be assigned to dither_tech. The server is required to support the default technique that is bound to one of the standard techniques defined or a private technique. Output Attributes Class same as src Type constrained Width same as src Height same as src Levels levels Structures XieFloDither sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemDither, which identifies the element as a Dither, and sets the fields of the member structure Dither using the arguments in the argument list. typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef unsigned long XieLevels[3]; typedef unsigned XieDitherTechnique; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XiePhototag src; XieLevels levels; unsigned int band_mask; XieDitherTechnique dither_tech; XiePointer dither_param; } Dither; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; /* Definitions for DitherTechniques */ #define xieValDitherDefault 0 #define xieValDitherErrorDiffusion 2 #define xieValDitherOrdered 4 Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloDomain Invalid domain xieErrNoFloMatch Unconstrained src data or selected source data are bitonal xieErrNoFloSource Invalid src xieErrNoFloTechnique Invalid dither_tech or dither_param xieErrNoFloValue Invalid output levels: less than two or greater than src levels See Also XieTecDitherOrdered XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloGeometry Name XieFloGeometry - specify a Geometry element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloGeometry (element, src, width, height, coefficients, constant, band_mask, sample_tech, sample_param) XiePhotoElement *element; XiePhototag src; unsigned int width; unsigned int height; float coefficients[6]; XieConstant constant; unsigned int band_mask; XieGeometryTechnique sample_tech; XiePointer sample_param; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. src Specifies the element supplying source data. width Specifies the horizontal dimension of the output data. height Specifies the vertical dimension of the output data. coefficients Specifies an affine transformation to be applied to pixels in src. constant Specifies the fill value used for output pixels that do not map back to a src pixel. band_mask Specifies which bands are to be operated on. sample_tech Specifies the technique to be used for retrospectively resampling src. sample_param Specifies the list of additional parameters required by sample_tech. Description A Geometry element is used to perform geometric transformations on image data. Linear geometric resampling operations are implemented, such as: crop, mirror, scale, shear, rotate, translate, and combinations thereof. A Geometry element can be visualized as stepping through each possible output pixel location in turn and computing the location from which to obtain each input pixel value. Each pixel (x',y') in the output image is mapped to the coordinate location (x,y) in src by: The coordinate mapping coefficients (a,b,c,d,tx,ty), together with the output width and height, fully specify the geometric transformation. The following briefly (and approximately) summarizes the intuitive role of each parameter: a, d Scaling parameters. Increasing a and d will make the output image appear smaller, whereas decreasing them will make the output pixels appear larger. b, c Rotation/skew parameters. If b and c are zero, the output image will be a rectangular scaling of the input image. If a and d are both zero, b is one, and c is negative one, the image will appear rotated. The magnitude of b and c will affect scaling as well if a and d are zero. If more than two of (a,b,c,d) are nonzero, the effect is complicated. The image may appear skewed and scaled. tx, ty Translation parameters. Used to specify the offset between input and output coordinate systems. width, height These specify the output image dimensions of the selected band(s). Note that increasing the output image height and width over the input image size will not by itself cause magnification * if a and d are one (1) and b and c are zero (0), the output image will have the same appearance as the input, except that the borders will shrink or expand (as determined by width and height) and new areas of the image will be filled with constant. The region to be cropped in the input image is implicitly defined by the dimensions of the output image and the mapping from output to input coordinates. Depending on the size of the input and output images, the amount of scaling specified, and the amount of translation in the mapping, pixels in the output image may map off the edge of the input image and the constant value is used. Trichromatic image bands can be operated individually, all together, or in any combination, using band_mask. Since applying the same (a,b,c,d,tx,ty) mapping to inputs with diverse sizes will specify different transformations, operating on all bands in unison (band_mask of 1112) is most appropriate if the dimensions of all bands are equal. Often a given output pixel location (x,y) will not correspond exactly to a single pixel in the input image. The sample_tech technique is used to determine how the input data will be interpolated to produce each output pixel value. One of the following standard geometry technique values can be assigned to sample_tech: xieValGeomDefault xieValGeomAntialias xieValGeomAntialiasByArea xieValGeomAntialiasByLPF xieValGeomBilinearInterp xieValGeomGaussian xieValGeomNearestNeighbor If a vendor defined additional private geometry techniques, the private technique values given to these techniques can be assigned to sample_tech. The server is required to support the default technique that is bound to one of the standard techniques defined or a private technique. Output Attributes Class same as src Type same as src Width width Height height Levels same as src Structures XieFloGeometry sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemGeometry, which identifies the element as a Geometry, and sets the fields of the member structure Geometry using the arguments in the argument list. typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef float XieConstant[3]; typedef unsigned XieGeometryTechnique; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XiePhototag src; unsigned int width; unsigned int height; float coefficients[6]; XieConstant constant; unsigned int band_mask; XieGeometryTechnique sample_tech; XiePointer sample_param; } Geometry; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; /* Definitions for GeometryTechniques */ #define xieValGeomDefault 0 #define xieValGeomAntialias 2 #define xieValGeomAntialiasByArea 4 #define xieValGeomAntialiasByLPF 6 #define xieValGeomBilinearInterp 8 #define xieValGeomGaussian 10 #define xieValGeomNearestNeighbor 12 Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloSource Invalid src xieErrNoFloTechnique Invalid sample_tech or sample_param xieErrNoFloValue Invalid coefficients See Also XieTecGeomAntialiasByArea, XieTecGeomAntialiasByLowpass, XieTecGeomGaussian, XieTecGeomNearestNeighbor XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloLogical Name XieFloLogical - specify a Logical element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloLogical (element, src1, src2, domain, constant, operator, band_mask) XiePhotoElement *element; XiePhototag src1; XiePhototag src2; XieProcessDomain *domain; XieConstant constant; unsigned long operator; unsigned int band_mask; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. src1 Specifies the first data source. src2 Specifies the second data source. domain Specifies the subset of source data that will be operated on. constant Specifies the constant data source. operator Specifies the logical operator to be used. band_mask Specifies which bands are to be operated on. Description A Logical element performs per-pixel bitwise operations on a single data source, or between two data sources, or between a single data source and a constant. When two sources are involved, src1 and src2 are the phototags of the elements supplying source data; constant is ignored. A phototag is the position or index of an element within an array of elements used to specify a photoflo; the first element in the array has a phototag value of one (1). If the operation is to involve a constant, src1 is one operand, src2 must be zero, and constant is used as the other operand. In order to specify a subset of source data that will be operated on, the phototag, offset_x, and offset_y fields of the XieProcessDomain structure pointed to by domain must be supplied; XIElib does not provide a convenience function to create and/or fill in an XieProcessDomain structure. If the entire source data is to be operated on, a pointer to an XieProcessDomain structure must still be provided, with the phototag field set to zero (0); the offset_x and offset_y fields are ignored. The value of operator matches the GC-function values defined by the core protocol specification for CreateGC. The output of a Logical element is determined by the number of data sources and operator: GC function monadic operation dyadic operation Clear 0 0 And constant AND src1 src2 AND src1 AndReverse constant AND (NOT src1) src2 AND (NOT src1) Copy constant src2 AndInverted (NOT constant) AND src1 (NOT src2) AND src1 NoOp src1 src1 Xor constant XOR src1 src2 XOR src1 Or constant OR src1 src2 OR src1 Nor (NOT constant) AND (NOT src1) (NOT src2) AND (NOT src1) Equiv (NOT constant) XOR src1 (NOT src2) XOR src1 Invert NOT src1 NOT src1 OrReverse constant OR (NOT src1) src2 OR (NOT src1) CopyInverted NOT constant NOT src2 OrInverted (NOT constant) OR src1 (NOT src2) OR src1 Nand (NOT constant) OR (NOT src1) (NOT src2) OR (NOT src1) Set 1 1 Only bands selected by the band_mask are subject to processing. Other bands present in the image are passed through to the output. For example, a band_mask of 0012 indicates that only the least significant band would be processed; operating on all bands requires a band_mask of 1112. Output Attributes Class same as src1 Type constrained Width same as src1 Height same as src1 Levels same as src1 Structures XieFloLogical sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemLogical, which identifies the element as a Logical, and sets the fields of the member structure Logical using the arguments in the argument list. typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef float XieConstant[3]; typedef struct { int offset_x; int offset_y; XiePhototag phototag; } XieProcessDomain; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XiePhototag src1; XiePhototag src2; XieProcessDomain domain; XieConstant constant; int operator; unsigned int band_mask; } Logical; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloDomain Invalid domain xieErrNoFloMatch Class or levels differ between src1 and src2, or levels is not a power of 2, or src1 or src2 in not constrained xieErrNoFloOperator Invalid operator xieErrNoFloSource Invalid src1 or src2 XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloMatchHistogram Name XieFloMatchHistogram - specify a MatchHistogram element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloMatchHistogram (element, src, domain, shape, shape_param) XiePhotoElement *element; XiePhototag src; XieProcessDomain *domain; XieHistogramShape shape; XiePointer shape_param; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. src Specifies the element supplying source data. domain Specifies the subset of source data that will be operated on. shape Specifies the form of the desired output data histogram. shape_param Specifies the list of additional parameters required by shape. Description A MatchHistogram element produces output data that differ from the source data in terms of its pixel value distribution, or histogram. It allows the client to specify the desired shape of the resulting data's histogram (algorithmic description of resulting histogram shape). The source data must be constrained and single band, and it must have three or more levels. In order to specify a subset of source data that will be operated on, the phototag, offset_x, and offset_y fields of the XieProcessDomain structure pointed to by domain must be supplied; XIElib does not provide a convenience function to create and/or fill in an XieProcessDomain structure. Only data that intersects with the subset specified by domain is included in the histogram, and only that data will be affected in the result of the histogram matching operation: all other data will pass through unchanged. If the entire source data is to be operated on, a pointer to an XieProcessDomain structure must still be provided, with the phototag field set to zero (0); the offset_x and offset_y fields are ignored. HistogramShape defines the various match-histogram shape techniques that can be requested by a MatchHistogram element. One of the following standard match-histogram shape technique values can be assigned to shape: xieValHistogramFlat xieValHistogramGaussian xieValHistogramHyperbolic If a vendor defined additional private match-histogram shape techniques, the private technique values given to these techniques can be assigned to shape. Output Attributes Class single band Type constrained Width same as src Height same as src Levels same as src Structures XieFloMatchHistogram sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemMatchHistogram, which identifies the element as a MatchHistogram, and sets the fields of the member structure MatchHistogram using the arguments in the argument list. typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef unsigned XieHistogramShape; typedef struct { int offset_x; int offset_y; XiePhototag phototag; } XieProcessDomain; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XiePhototag src; XieProcessDomain domain; XieHistogramShape shape; XiePointer shape_param; } MatchHistogram; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; /* Definitions for GeometryTechniques */ #define xieValGeomDefault 0 #define xieValGeomAntialias 2 #define xieValGeomAntialiasByArea 4 #define xieValGeomAntialiasByLPF 6 #define xieValGeomBilinearInterp 8 #define xieValGeomGaussian 10 #define xieValGeomNearestNeighbor 12 Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloDomain Invalid domain xieErrNoFloMatch Invalid src data: unconstrained, triple band, or bitonal xieErrNoFloSource Invalid src xieErrNoFloTechnique Invalid shape or shape_param See Also XieTecHistogramGaussian, XieTecHistogramHyperbolic XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloMath Name XieFloMath - specify a Math element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloMath (element, src, domain, operator, band_mask) XiePhotoElement *element; XiePhototag src; XieProcessDomain *domain; XieMathOp operator; unsigned int band_mask; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. src Specifies the element supplying source data. domain Specifies the subset of source data that will be operated on. operator Specifies the mathematical operation to be applied. band_mask Specifies which bands are to be operated on. Description A Math element applies a single operand mathematical operation to the source data on a point-wise basis. In order to specify a subset of source data that will be operated on, the phototag, offset_x, and offset_y fields of the XieProcessDomain structure pointed to by domain must be supplied; XIElib does not provide a convenience function to create and/or fill in an XieProcessDomain structure. If the entire source data is to be operated on, a pointer to an XieProcessDomain structure must still be provided, with the phototag field set to zero (0); the offset_x and offset_y fields are ignored. Pixel computations that would lead to errors will yield valid server-dependent values (for example, the log of a constrained pixel value of zero might result in a value of zero). Only bands selected by the band_mask are subject to processing. Other bands present in the image are passed through to the output. For example, a band_mask of 0012 indicates that only the least significant band would be processed; operating on all bands requires a band_mask of 1112. Using band_mask to select source data that have two (2) or less levels is not permitted. The following valid mathematical operations that can be invoked through the Math element: Operator Meaning xieValExp exponential xieValLn natural logarithm xieValLog2 logarithm base 2 xieValLog10 logarithm base 10 xieValSquare square xieValSqrt square root All output data attributes are inherited from the source data. Output Attributes Class same as src Type same as src Width same as src Height same as src Levels same as src Structures XieFloMath sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemMath, which identifies the element as a Math, and sets the fields of the member structure Math using the arguments in the argument list. typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef unsigned XieMathOp; typedef struct { int offset_x; int offset_y; XiePhototag phototag; } XieProcessDomain; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XiePhototag src; XieProcessDomain domain; XieMathOp operator; unsigned int band_mask; } Math; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; /* Definitions of Math Operators */ #define xieValExp 1 #define xieValLn 2 #define xieValLog2 3 #define xieValLog10 4 #define xieValSquare 5 #define xieValSqrt 6 Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloDomain Invalid domain xieErrNoFloMatch Selected source data are bitonal xieErrNoFloSource Invalid src xieErrNoFloOperator Invalid operator XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloPasteUp Name XieFloPasteUp - specify a PasteUp element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloPasteUp (element, width, height, constant, tiles, tile_count) XiePhotoElement *element; unsigned int width; unsigned int height; XieConstant constant; XieTile *tiles unsigned int tile_count; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. width Specifies the full horizontal extent of the output data. height Specifies the full vertical extent of the output data. constant Specifies the fill value for output regions that do not intersect the regions defined in tiles. tiles Specifies a list of tile descriptors. tile_count Specifies the number of tile descriptors in tiles. Description A PasteUp element is an N-input translate operation that outputs data constructed from various source data tiles or a constant value. Each of the tiles specifies a src (the phototag of the element supplying source data), and the coordinates, dst_x and dst_y, where the tile belongs in the output data. A phototag is the position or index of an element within an array of elements used to specify a photoflo; the first element in the array has a phototag value of one (1). Each region of the output data is defined by a tile's destination coordinates, dst_x and dst_y, and its src dimensions. For output regions where no tile provides input, the value of constant is used. If tiles overlap, a stacking-order rule defines which pixel value will be output: the last tile involved in the overlap in the list of tiles will provide the output pixel. At least one tile must be supplied. Except for width and height, all attributes of each source tile must match. In addition, for triple band input, inter-band dimensions within each tiles must match. Output Attributes Class same as tiles Type same as tiles Width width Height height Levels same as tiles Structures XieFloPasteUp sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemPasteUp, which identifies the element as a PasteUp, and sets the fields of the member structure PasteUp using the arguments in the argument list. typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef float XieConstant[3]; typedef struct { XiePhototag src; int dst_x; int dst_y; } XieTile; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { unsigned int width; unsigned int height; XieConstant constant; XieTile *tiles; unsigned int tile_count; } PasteUp; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloMatch Incompatible attributes between tiles or unequal inter-band dimensions within a tile xieErrNoFloSource Invalid source tiles or no tiles were specified See Also XieFreePasteUpTiles XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloPoint Name XieFloPoint - specify a Point element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloPoint (element, src, domain, lut, band_mask) XiePhotoElement *element; XiePhototag src; XieProcessDomain *domain; XieLut lut; unsigned int band_mask; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. src Specifies the element supplying source data. domain Specifies the subset of source data that will be operated on. lut Specifies the LUT resource supplying the lookup table. band_mask Specifies which bands are to be operated on. Description A Point element maps source pixel values to output pixel values using a lookup table (LUT). src is the phototag of the element supplying constrained source data. A phototag is the position or index of an element within an array of elements used to specify a photoflo; the first element in the array has a phototag value of one (1). Lut is the phototag of the ImportClientLUT or ImportLUT element supplying the lookup table data. In order to specify a subset of source data that will be operated on, the phototag, offset_x, and offset_y fields of the XieProcessDomain structure pointed to by domain must be supplied; XIElib does not provide a convenience function to create and/or fill in an XieProcessDomain structure. If the entire source data is to be operated on, a pointer to an XieProcessDomain structure must still be provided, with the phototag field set to zero (0); the offset_x and offset_y fields are ignored. band_mask specifies which bands are to be operated on (all bands must be specified if lut is single band and src is triple band). For example, a band_mask of 0012 indicates that only the least significant band would be processed; operating on all bands requires a band_mask of 1112. The output is constrained, with the width and height taken from src and class and levels taken from lut. When src is single band and lut is triple band, for the bands that are indicated by band_mask, the output bands are remapped through their respective lut bands, whereas the other bands are just replications of the single src band. If domain is used, the class and levels of lut must match those of src. Each lut array must contain sufficient entries so that all potential pixel values found in src can form a valid index into the array. Generally each src pixel value is used directly as an index into a lut array. When triple band src data are remapped through a single band lut, however, pixel values from all three src bands are combined to form an array index; for this case, width and height must match for all bands. When a single band lut is used to remap triple band src data, the following presents the algorithm for computing combined array indices: LUT band order LUT indexing algorithm for combining pixel values LSFirst index = value[0] + value[1] x levels[0] + value[2] x levels[0] x levels[1] MSFirst index = value[2] + value[1] x levels[2] + value[0] x levels[2] x levels[1] Output Attributes Class same as lut Type constrained Width same as src Height same as src Levels same as lut Structures XieFloPoint sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemPoint, which identifies the element as a Point, and sets the fields of the member structure Point using the arguments in the argument list. typedef XID XieLut; typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef struct { int offset_x; int offset_y; XiePhototag phototag; } XieProcessDomain; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XiePhototag src; XieProcessDomain domain; XieLut lut; unsigned int band_mask; } Point; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloDomain Invalid domain xieErrNoFloMatch Unconstrained src data, or lut does not contain enough entries, or lut is single band and src is triple band, but band_mask is incomplete, or domain is being used, but lut class or levels do not match those of src xieErrNoFloSource Invalid src or lut See Also XieFloImportLUT, XieFloImportClientLUT XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloUnconstrain Name XieFloUnconstrain - specify an unconstrain element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloUnconstrain (element, src) XiePhotoElement *element; XiePhototag src; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. src Specifies the element supplying constrained source data. Description An Unconstrain element produces unconstrained output data from constrained input data. Output Attributes Class same as src Type unconstrained Width same as src Height same as src Levels unknown Structures XieFloUnconstrain sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemUnconstrain, which identifies the element as an Unconstrain, and sets the fields of the member structure Unconstrain using the arguments in the argument list. typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XiePhototag src; } Unconstrain; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloMatch Unconstrained src data xieErrNoFloSource Invalid src See Also XieFloConstrain XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloExportClientHistogram Name XieFloExportClientHistogram - specify an ExportClientHistogram element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloExportClientHistogram (element, src, domain, notify) XiePhotoElement *element; XiePhototag src; XieProcessDomain *domain; XieExportNotify notify; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. src Specifies the element supplying single band constrained source data. domain Specifies the subset of the source data from which the distribution will be generated. notify Specifies whether to enable sending an ExportAvailable event. Description An ExportClientHistogram element generates a histogram of the pixel values found in the source data. It prepares histogram data that can be retrieved by the client using XieGetClientData. An event can be requested that will notify the client when histogram data becomes available. The data generated for the client is a list of XieHistogramData where each entry consists of a value (that is, a pixel value) followed by the count of pixels found with that value. If the number of pixels for a given value exceeds the capacity of count, that count will be returned at the maximum value (that is, 232 - 1). Pixel values that are not found in the data are not included in the histogram data: no entries are returned where count is zero. In order to specify a subset of source data that will be operated on, the phototag, offset_x, and offset_y fields of the XieProcessDomain structure pointed to by domain must be supplied; XIElib does not provide a convenience function to create and/or fill in an XieProcessDomain structure. Only data that intersects with the subset specified by domain is included in the histogram. If the entire source data is to be operated on, a pointer to an XieProcessDomain structure must still be provided, with the phototag field set to zero (0); the offset_x and offset_y fields are ignored. One of three standard export notify values can be assigned to notify: xieValDisable xieValFirstData xieValNewData If notify was specified as xieValFirstData, this event will be sent only the first time data become available; otherwise, if xieValNewData was specified, this event will be generated each time the amount of data available changes from zero to nonzero. Structures XieFloExportClientHistogram sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemExportClientHistogram, which identifies the element as an ExportClientHistogram, and sets the fields of the member structure ExportClientHistogram using the arguments in the argument list. typedef unsigned XieExportNotify; typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef struct { int offset_x; int offset_y; XiePhototag phototag; } XieProcessDomain; typedef struct { unsigned long value; unsigned long count; } XieHistogramData; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XiePhototag src; XieProcessDomain domain; XieExportNotify notify; } ExportClientHistogram; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; /* Definitions of ExportNotify */ #define xieValDisable 1 #define xieValFirstData 2 #define xieValNewData 3 Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloDomain Invalid domain xieErrNoFloMatch Unconstrained src data or triple band src data xieErrNoFloSource Invalid src xieErrNoFloValue Invalid notify See Also XieGetClientData XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloExportClientLUT Name XieFloExportClientLUT - specify an ExportClientLUT element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloExportClientLUT (element, src, band_order, notify, start, length) XiePhotoElement *element; XiePhototag src; XieOrientation band_order; XieExportNotify notify; XieLTriplet start; XieLTriplet length; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. src Specifies the element supplying lookup table data. band_order Specifies the order of triple band arrays. notify Specifies whether to enable sending an ExportAvailable event. start Specifies the index of the first array entry that should be returned. length Specifies the number of array entries that should be returned. Description An ExportClientLUT element allows data imported from an ImportLUT or an ImportClientLUT element to be retrieved by the client. The actual transport of lookup table data through the protocol stream is requested using XieGetClientData. One of three standard export notify values can be assigned to notify: xieValDisable xieValFirstData xieValNewData If notify was specified as xieValFirstData, this event will be sent only the first time data become available; otherwise, if xieValNewData was specified, this event will be generated each time the amount of data available changes from zero to nonzero. band_order is the order in which triple band arrays are transmitted through the protocol stream. One of the following standard orientation values can be assigned to band_order: xieValLSFirst xieValMSFirst The least significant band of trichromatic data is the first band mentioned in the common name of the colorspace: for example, red is the least significant band of RGB data. For band-by-plane data, band_order specifies whether this band corresponds with the least significant or most significant LUT array. Each array is transported as a separate data stream: band LSFirst MSFirst 0 R7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0 B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 1 G7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0 G7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0 2 B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 R7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0 The size of each array entry is either 1, 2, or 4 bytes: the smallest size into which the output quantization levels can be stored. When array entries require multiple bytes, the byte order per entry is determined in the same manner as other numeric data: it is the byte orientation established at core X connection setup time. Structures XieFloExportClientLUT sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemExportClientLUT, which identifies the element as an ExportClientLUT, and sets the fields of the member structure ExportClientLUT using the arguments in the argument list. typedef unsigned XieExportNotify; typedef unsigned XieOrientation; typedef unsigned long XieLTriplet[3]; typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XiePhototag src; XieOrientation band_order; XieExportNotify notify; XieLTriplet start; XieLTriplet length; } ExportClientLUT; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; /* Definitions of ExportNotify */ #define xieValDisable 1 #define xieValFirstData 2 #define xieValNewData 3 /* Definitions of Orientation Types */ #define xieValLSFirst 1 #define xieValMSFirst 2 Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloMatch start + length exceeds number of entries in an array xieErrNoFloSource Invalid src xieErrNoFloValue Invalid notify or band_order See Also XieFloImportLUT, XieFloImportClientLUT, XieGetClientData XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloExportClientPhoto Name XieFloExportClientPhoto - specify an ExportClientPhoto element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloExportClientPhoto (element, src, notify, encode_tech, encode_param) XiePhotoElement *element; XiePhototag src; XieExportNotify notify; XieEncodeTechnique encode_tech; XiePointer encode_param; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. src Specifies the element supplying constrained data. notify Specifies whether to enable sending an ExportAvailable event. encode_tech Specifies the technique to compress or format the exported data. encode_param Specifies the list of additional parameters required by encode_tech. Description An ExportClientPhoto element makes image data available to the protocol stream. The attributes of the exported data are determined by the attributes of the source data. The format of the data is specified by the encode_tech technique and encode_param. The actual transport of image data through the protocol stream is requested using XieGetClientData. One of three standard export notify values can be assigned to notify: xieValDisable xieValFirstData xieValNewData If notify was specified as xieValFirstData, this event will be sent only the first time data become available; otherwise, if xieValNewData was specified, this event will be generated each time the amount of data available changes from zero to nonzero. Encode techniques define the techniques that can be used to compress an image or format it as uncompressed data. One of the following standard encode technique values can be assigned to encode_tech: xieValEncodeServerChoice xieValEncodeUncompressedSingle xieValEncodeUncompressedTriple xieValEncodeG31D xieValEncodeG32D xieValEncodeG42D xieValEncodeJPEGBaseline xieValEncodeJPEGLossless xieValEncodeTIFF2 xieValEncodeTIFFPackBits If a vendor defined additional private encode techniques, the private technique values given to these techniques can be assigned to encode_tech. Structures XieFloExportClientPhoto sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemExportClientPhoto, which identifies the element as an ExportClientPhoto, and sets the fields of the member structure ExportClientPhoto using the arguments in the argument list. typedef unsigned XieExportNotify; typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef unsigned XieEncodeTechnique; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XiePhototag src; XieExportNotify notify; XieEncodeTechnique encode_tech; XiePointer encode_param; } ExportClientPhoto; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; /* Definitions of ExportNotify */ #define xieValDisable 1 #define xieValFirstData 2 #define xieValNewData 3 /* Definitions for EncodeTechniques */ #define xieValEncodeServerChoice 1 #define xieValEncodeUncompressedSingle 2 #define xieValEncodeUncompressedTriple 3 #define xieValEncodeG31D 4 #define xieValEncodeG32D 6 #define xieValEncodeG42D 8 #define xieValEncodeJPEGBaseline 10 #define xieValEncodeJPEGLossless 12 #define xieValEncodeTIFF2 14 #define xieValEncodeTIFFPackBits 16 Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloMatch Unconstrained src data xieErrNoFloSource Invalid src xieErrNoFloTechnique Invalid encode_tech or encode_param xieErrNoFloValue Invalid notify See Also XieGetClientData, XieFloExportClientPhoto, XieTecEncodeUncompressedSingle, XieTecEncodeUncompressedTriple, XieTecEncodeG31D, XieTecEncodeG32D, XieTecEncodeG42D, XieTecEncodeServerChoice, XieTecEncodeJPEGBaseline, XieTecEncodeJPEGLossless, XieTecEncodeTIFF2, XieTecEncodeTIFFPackBits XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloExportClientROI Name XieFloExportClientROI - specify an ExportClientROI element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloExportClientROI (element, src, notify) XiePhotoElement *element; XiePhototag src; XieExportNotify notify; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. src Specifies the element supplying the list-of-rectangles. notify Specifies whether to enable sending an ExportAvailable event. Description An ExportClientROI element allows a list-of-rectangles, imported using an ImportROI or an ImportClientROI element, to be retrieved by the client. The actual transport of list-of-rectangles data through the protocol stream is requested using a GetClientData element. One of three standard export notify values can be assigned to notify: xieValDisable xieValFirstData xieValNewData If notify was specified as xieValFirstData, this event will be sent only the first time data become available; otherwise, if xieValNewData was specified, this event will be generated each time the amount of data available changes from zero to nonzero. Structures XieFloExportClientROI sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemExportClientROI, which identifies the element as an ExportClientROI, and sets the fields of the member structure ExportClientROI using the arguments in the argument list. typedef unsigned XieExportNotify; typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XiePhototag src; XieExportNotify notify; } ExportClientROI; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; /* Definitions of ExportNotify */ #define xieValDisable 1 #define xieValFirstData 2 #define xieValNewData 3 Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloSource Invalid src xieErrNoFloValue Invalid notify See Also XieFloImportROI, XieFloImportClientROI, XieGetClientData XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloExportDrawable Name XieFloExportDrawable - specify an ExportDrawable element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloExportDrawable (element, src, drawable, gc, dst_x, dst_y) XiePhotoElement *element; XiePhototag src; Drawable drawable; GC gc; int dst_x; int dst_y; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. src Specifies the element supplying constrained source data. drawable Specifies the Window or Pixmap into which the data will be written. gc Specifies the GContext to be used when transferring pixels to drawable. dst_x Specifies where the data should be placed in drawable. dst_y Specifies where the data should be placed in drawable. Description An ExportDrawable element allows Colormap index data to be exported to a Window or Pixmap. The following components are used from gc: function, plane-mask, subwindow-mode, clip-x-origin, clip-y-origin, and clip-mask. The levels of src must exactly match the depth of drawable and gc (that is, levels must be 2depth). Structures XieFloExportDrawable sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemExportDrawable, which identifies the element as an ExportDrawable, and sets the fields of the member structure ExportDrawable using the arguments in the argument list. typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XiePhototag src; Drawable drawable; GC gc; int dst_x; int dst_y; } ExportDrawable; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloDrawable Invalid drawable xieErrNoFloGC Invalid gc xieErrNoFloMatch Invalid src data: triple band, unconstrained, levels does not match depth xieErrNoFloSource Invalid src See Also XieFloExportDrawablePlane XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloExportDrawablePlane Name XieFloExportDrawablePlane - specify an ExportDrawablePlane element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloExportDrawablePlane (element, src, drawable, gc, dst_x, dst_y) XiePhotoElement *element; XiePhototag src; Drawable drawable; GC gc; int dst_x; int dst_y; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. src Specifies the element supplying constrained bitonal source data. drawable Specifies the Window or Pixmap into which the data will be written. gc Specifies the GContext to be used when transferring pixels to drawable. dst_x Specifies where the data should be placed in drawable. dst_y Specifies where the data should be placed in drawable. Description An ExportDrawablePlane element allows single-band single-bit (bitonal) data to be exported to a Window or a Pixmap. The following components are used from gc: function, plane-mask, foreground, background, fill- style, subwindow-mode, clip-x-origin, clip-y-origin, and clip-mask. For the fill-style component of gc, values of FillSolid and FillTiled are treated as synonyms for FillOpaqueStippled. Structures XieFloExportDrawablePlane sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemExportDrawablePlane, which identifies the element as an ExportDrawablePlane, and sets the fields of the member structure ExportDrawablePlane using the arguments in the argument list. typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XiePhototag src; Drawable drawable; GC gc; int dst_x; int dst_y; } ExportDrawablePlane; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloDrawable Invalid drawable xieErrNoFloGC Invalid gc xieErrNoFloMatch Invalid src data: triple band, not constrained, levels > 2 xieErrNoFloSource Invalid src See Also XieFloExportDrawable XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloExportLUT Name XieFloExportLUT - specify an ExportLUT element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloExportLUT (element, src, lut, merge, start) XiePhotoElement *element; XiePhototag src; XieLut lut; Bool merge; XieLTriplet start; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. src Specifies the element supplying lookup table data. lut Specifies the ID of the LUT to receive the data. merge Specifies how new array entries replace existing entries. start Specifies the index of the first array entry that should be written in lut, per band. Description An ExportLUT element allows data imported from an ImportLUT or ImportClientLUT element to be saved in an existing LUT resource. merge specifies that new array entries from src should replace entries that already exist within lut. If merge is False, start must be zero for each band. In this case, lut will inherit the attributes of src and be populated with its data; the previous attributes and data of lut are overwritten when the photoflo completes. If merge is True and lut has existing attributes, the data from src will replace the data from lut, beginning at position start. If merge is True,but lut has not yet been populated, it is an error. The attributes of src must match those of lut, and the combination of start and the length of src must specify a valid subrange existing within lut. Structures XieFloExportLUT sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemExportLUT, which identifies the element as an ExportLUT, and sets the fields of the member structure ExportLUT using the arguments in the argument list. typedef XID XieLut; typedef unsigned long XieLTriplet[3]; typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XiePhototag src; XieLut lut; Bool merge; XieLTriplet start; } ExportLUT; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloLUT Invalid lut xieErrNoFloMatch merge true and attributes do not match between src and lut, or merge true and start + src length is not a subrange of lut xieErrNoFloSource Invalid src xieErrNoFloValue merge false and start nonzero See Also XieFloImportLUT, XieFloImportClientLUT XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloExportPhotomap Name XieFloExportPhotomap - specify an ExportPhotomap element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloExportPhotomap (element, src, photomap, encode_tech, encode_param) XiePhotoElement *element; XiePhototag src; XiePhotomap photomap; XieEncodeTechnique encode_tech; XiePointer encode_param; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. src Specifies the element supplying source data. photomap Specifies the ID of the photomap resource to receive the data. encode_tech Specifies the image compression or formatting technique. encode_param Specifies the list of additional parameters required by encode_tech. Description An ExportPhotomap element allows data from photoflo operations to be saved in a photomap. A photomap is a server resource that can be used to store image data. photomap will inherit the attributes of src and be populated with its data. The previous attributes and data of photomap are overwritten when the photoflo completes. Encode techniques define the techniques that can be used to compress an image or format it as uncompressed data. One of the following standard encode technique values can be assigned to encode_tech: xieValEncodeServerChoice xieValEncodeUncompressedSingle xieValEncodeUncompressedTriple xieValEncodeG31D xieValEncodeG32D xieValEncodeG42D xieValEncodeJPEGBaseline xieValEncodeJPEGLossless xieValEncodeTIFF2 xieValEncodeTIFFPackBits If a vendor defined additional private encode techniques, the private technique values given to these techniques can be assigned to encode_tech. Structures XieFloExportPhotomap sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemExportPhotomap, which identifies the element as an ExportPhotomap, and sets the fields of the member structure ExportPhotomap using the arguments in the argument list. typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef XID XiePhotomap; typedef unsigned XieEncodeTechnique; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XiePhototag src; XiePhotomap photomap; XieEncodeTechnique encode_tech; XiePointer encode_param; } ExportPhotomap; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; /* Definitions for EncodeTechniques */ #define xieValEncodeServerChoice 1 #define xieValEncodeUncompressedSingle 2 #define xieValEncodeUncompressedTriple 3 #define xieValEncodeG31D 4 #define xieValEncodeG32D 6 #define xieValEncodeG42D 8 #define xieValEncodeJPEGBaseline 10 #define xieValEncodeJPEGLossless 12 #define xieValEncodeTIFF2 14 #define xieValEncodeTIFFPackBits 16 Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloPhotomap Invalid photomap xieErrNoFloSource Invalid src xieErrNoFloTechnique Invalid encode_tech or encode_param See Also XieTecEncodeUncompressedSingle, XieTecEncodeUncompressedTriple, XieTecEncodeG31D, XieTecEncodeG32D, XieTecEncodeG42D, XieTecEncodeServerChoice, XieTecEncodeJPEGBaseline, XieTecEncodeTIFF2, XieTecEncodeTIFFPackBits XIElib - Photoflo Element Functions XieFloExportROI Name XieFloExportROI - specify an ExportROI element and set its parameters Syntax void XieFloExportROI (element, src, roi) XiePhotoElement *element; XiePhototag src; XieRoi roi; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. src Specifies the element supplying a list-of-rectangles. roi Specifies the ID of the ROI resource to receive the data. Description An ExportROI element allows data imported from an ImportROI or ImportClientROI element to be saved in an existing Rectangles-Of-Interest (ROI) resource. roi will be populated with new data. The previous data of roi are overwritten after the photoflo completes. Structures XieFloExportROI sets the XiePhotoElement structure field elemType to xieElemExportROI, which identifies the element as an ExportROI, and sets the fields of the member structure ExportROI using the arguments in the argument list. typedef XID XieRoi; typedef unsigned XiePhototag; typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { XiePhototag src; XieRoi roi; } ExportROI; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; Errors xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory) xieErrNoFloROI Invalid roi xieErrNoFloSource Invalid src See Also XieFloImportROI, XieFloImportClientROI XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecColorAllocAll Name XieTecColorAllocAll - allocate and fill an XieColorAllocAllParam structure Syntax XieColorAllocAllParam *XieTecColorAllocAll (fill) unsigned long fill; Arguments fill Specifies thefill value to use for pixels which cannot be allocated. Returns The XieColorAllocAllParam structure. Description XieTecColorAllocAll allocates and returns a pointer to an XieColorAllocAllParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the AllocAll color allocation technique and may be used as the color_alloc_param argument of XieFloConvertToIndex (when the color_alloc_tech argument is xieValColorAllocAll). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecColorAllocAll returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. The AllocAll color allocation technique allocates a read-only Colormap cell for each new pixel found. If the Colormap runs out of cells, the remaining new pixels are mapped to fill. A ColorAlloc event, which warns the client that results are of lesser fidelity than desired, will be sent if it is necessary to use fill, and the client has requested it (see XieFloConvertToIndex). AllocAll is appropriate only for dynamic Colormaps and requires that the number of discrete image pixels fit within the size of the Colormap to avoid running out of cells. Structures XieTecColorAllocAll sets the structure field fill to the value of the argument fill. typedef struct { unsigned long fill; } XieColorAllocAllParam; See Also XieFloConvertToIndex XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecColorAllocMatch Name XieTecColorAllocMatch - allocate and fill an XieColorAllocMatchParam structure Syntax XieColorAllocMatchParam *XieTecColorAllocMatch (match_limit, gray_limit) double match_limit; double gray_limit; Arguments match_limit Specifies the color allocation control value. gray_limit Specifies the gray scale allocation control value. Returns The XieColorAllocMatchParam structure. Description XieTecColorAllocMatch allocates and returns a pointer to an XieColorAllocMatchParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the AllocMatch color allocation technique and may be used as the color_alloc_param argument of XieFloConvertToIndex (when the color_alloc_tech argument is xieValColorAllocMatch). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecColorAllocMatch returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. The AllocMatch color allocation technique allows a trade-off between image fidelity and Colormap usage via a pair of granularity parameters. The highest priority is given to allocating read-only cells in a sequence that provides an even distribution of pixels throughout the colorspace. Secondary priority is given to the frequency of usage of image pixels. Any image pixel that is a close enough match to an existing read-only cell will share that cell (where close is determined by the granularity controls). For other image pixels, new read-only allocations are made. When no more cells are available, each remaining image pixel is matched to the closest read-only cell. The AllocMatch color allocation technique is appropriate for both static and dynamic Colormaps. For the sake of computational efficiency the number of discrete image pixels should not exceed the size of the Colormap. match_limit and gray_match control the allocation of colors and gray shades, respectively. The minimum value (0.0) specifies exact matches (within the limits of the Colormap). The maximum value (1.0) encompasses the entire colorspace within which no new cells are allocated. A ColorAlloc event, which warns the client that results are of lesser fidelity than desired, can be sent if the Colormap runs out of cells. Structures XieTecColorAllocMatch sets the structure field match_limit to the value of the argument match_limit; and the structure field gray_limit to the value of the argument gray_limit. typedef struct { float match_limit; float gray_limit; } XieColorAllocMatchParam; See Also XieFloConvertToIndex XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecColorAllocRequantize Name XieTecColorAllocRequantize - allocate and fill an XieColorAllocRequantizeParam structure Syntax XieColorAllocRequantizeParam *XieTecColorAllocRequantize (max_cells) unsigned long max_cells; Arguments max_cells Specifies the maximum number of Colormap allocations to allow. Returns The XieColorAllocRequantizeParam structure. Description XieTecColorAllocRequantize allocates and returns a pointer to an XieColorAllocRequantizeParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the AllocRequantize color allocation technique and may be used as the color_alloc_param argument of XieFloConvertToIndex (when the color_alloc_tech argument is xieValColorAllocRequantize). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecColorAllocRequantize returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. The AllocRequantize color allocation technique first reduces the total number of discrete pixel values in the image to be no more than a specified number and then allocates the resulting pixel values as read-only cells from the Colormap. One method of accomplishing this reduction process can be found in "Color image quantization for frame buffer display" (Heckbert, P. S., Comput. Graph. 16, 3). If max_cells is zero or greater than the number of unallocated Colormap cells, the reduction algorithm will restrict its output to the number of free cells. A ColorAlloc event, which warns the client that results are of lesser fidelity than desired, can be sent if the number of pixels had to be restricted to a lesser number than max_cells because of a lack of free Colormap cells. The AllocRequantize color allocation technique is appropriate only for dynamic Colormaps. Structures XieTecColorAllocRequantize sets the structure field max_cells to the value of the argument max_cells. typedef struct { unsigned long max_cells; } XieColorAllocRequantizeParam; See Also XieFloConvertToIndex XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecRGBToCIELab Name XieTecRGBToCIELab - allocate and fill an XieRGBToCIELabParam structure Syntax XieRGBToCIELabParam *XieTecRGBToCIELab (matrix, white_adjust_tech, white_adjust_param) XieMatrix matrix; XieWhiteAdjustTechnique white_adjust_tech; XiePointer white_adjust_param; Arguments matrix Specifies the conversion matrix. white_adjust_tech Specifies the WhiteAdjust technique to be used. white_adjust_param Specifies the list of parameters required by white_adjust_tech. Returns The XieRGBToCIELabParam structure. Description XieTecRGBToCIELab allocates and returns a pointer to an XieRGBToCIELabParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the RGBToCIELab color conversion technique and may be used as the color_param argument of XieFloConvertFromRGB (when the color_space argument is xieValRGBToCIELab). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecRGBToCIELab returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. XieTecRGBToCIELab converts RGB data to the CIELab colorspace, an international standard designed for perceptual uniformity. The colorspace coordinates are denoted by L, a, and b and are defined in CIE, Recommendations on Uniform Color Spaces, Color-Difference Equations, Psychometric Color Terms (Bureau Central de la CIE [Supplement 2 of CIE Publication 15 (E-1.3.1) 1971], 1978). matrix is a 3x3 RGB-to-CIEXYZ conversion matrix (the source white point is also encoded in matrix). white_adjust_tech is the WhiteAdjust technique that can be used to shift the white point of the output data. white_adjust_param is the list of parameters required by white_adjust_tech. The input data type can be constrained or unconstrained; the output data type is always unconstrained. When the input is constrained, the data are normalized to the range [0, 1] (that is, scaled by 1/(levels - 1) prior to the conversion). WhiteAdjust techniques define the white point adjustment techniques that can be used when converting to or from the RGB colorspace. One of the following standard WhiteAdjust technique values can be assigned to white_adjust_tech: xieValWhiteAdjustDefault xieValWhiteAdjustNone xieValWhiteAdjustCIELabShift If a vendor defined additional private WhiteAdjust techniques, the private technique values given to these techniques can be assigned to white_adjust_tech. The server is required to support the default technique that is bound to one of the standard techniques defined or a private technique. Structures XieTecRGBToCIELab sets the structure field matrix to the values of the argument matrix; the structure field white_adjust_tech to the value of the argument white_adjust_tech; and the structure field white_adjust_param to the value of the argument white_adjust_param. typedef float XieMatrix[9]; typedef unsigned XieWhiteAdjustTechnique; typedef struct { XieMatrix matrix; XieWhiteAdjustTechnique white_adjust_tech; XiePointer white_adjust_param; } XieRGBToCIELabParam; /* Definitions for WhiteAdjust Techniques */ #define xieValWhiteAdjustDefault 0 #define xieValWhiteAdjustNone 1 #define xieValWhiteAdjustCIELabShift 2 See Also XieFloConvertFromRGB, XieTecWhiteAdjustCIELabShift XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecRGBToCIEXYZ Name XieTecRGBToCIEXYZ - allocate and fill an XieRGBToCIEXYZParam structure Syntax XieRGBToCIEXYZParam *XieTecRGBToCIEXYZ (matrix, white_adjust_tech, white_adjust_param) XieMatrix matrix; XieWhiteAdjustTechnique white_adjust_tech; XiePointer white_adjust_param; Arguments matrix Specifies the conversion matrix. white_adjust_tech Specifies the WhiteAdjust technique to be used. white_adjust_param Specifies the list of parameters required by white_adjust_tech. Returns The XieRGBToCIEXYZParam structure. Description XieTecRGBToCIEXYZ allocates and returns a pointer to an XieRGBToCIEXYZParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the RGBToCIEXYZ color conversion technique and may be used as the color_param argument of XieFloConvertFromRGB (when the color_space argument is xieValRGBToCIEXYZ). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecRGBToCIEXYZ returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. XieTecRGBToCIEXYZ converts RGB data to the CIEXYZ colorspace, an international standard device-independent colorspace. matrix is a 3x3 RGB-to-CIEXYZ conversion matrix (the source white point is also encoded in matrix). white_adjust_tech is the WhiteAdjust technique that can be used to shift the white point of the output data. white_adjust_param is the list of parameters required by white_adjust_tech. The input data type can be constrained or unconstrained; the output data type is always unconstrained. When the input is constrained, the data are normalized to the range [0, 1] (that is, scaled by 1/(levels - 1) prior to the conversion). WhiteAdjust techniques define the white point adjustment techniques that can be used when converting to or from the RGB colorspace. One of the following standard WhiteAdjust technique values can be assigned to white_adjust_tech: xieValWhiteAdjustDefault xieValWhiteAdjustNone xieValWhiteAdjustCIELabShift If a vendor defined additional private WhiteAdjust techniques, the private technique values given to these techniques can be assigned to white_adjust_tech. The server is required to support the default technique that is bound to one of the standard techniques defined or a private technique. Structures XieTecRGBToCIEXYZ sets the structure field matrix to the values of the argument matrix; the structure field white_adjust_tech to the value of the argument white_adjust_tech; and the structure field white_adjust_param to the value of the argument white_adjust_param. typedef float XieMatrix[9]; typedef unsigned XieWhiteAdjustTechnique; typedef struct { XieMatrix matrix; XieWhiteAdjustTechnique white_adjust_tech; XiePointer white_adjust_param; } XieRGBToCIEXYZParam; /* Definitions for WhiteAdjust Techniques */ #define xieValWhiteAdjustDefault 0 #define xieValWhiteAdjustNone 1 #define xieValWhiteAdjustCIELabShift 2 See Also XieFloConvertFromRGB, XieTecWhiteAdjustCIELabShift XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecRGBToYCbCr Name XieTecRGBToYCbCr - allocate and fill an XieRGBToYCbCrParam structure Syntax XieRGBToYCbCrParam *XieTecRGBToYCbCr (levels, luma_red, luma_green, luma_blue, bias) XieLevels levels; double luma_red; double luma_green; double luma_blue; XieConstant bias; Arguments levels Specifies the output levels. luma_red Specifies the proportion of red in the luminance band. luma_green Specifies the proportion of green in the luminance band. luma_blue Specifies the proportion of blue in the luminance band. bias Specifies an offset to add to the output pixels values. Returns The XieRGBToYCbCrParam structure. Description XieTecRGBToYCbCr allocates and returns a pointer to an XieRGBToYCbCrParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the RGBToYCbCr color conversion technique and may be used as the color_param argument of XieFloConvertFromRGB (when the color_space argument is xieValRGBToYCbCr). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecRGBToYCbCr returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. XieTecRGBToYCbCr converts RGB data to the YCbCr colorspace. Source data may be constrained or unconstrained; the output type will match. If the source data is constrained, levels determines the output levels; otherwise levels is ignored. Structures XieTecRGBToYCbCr sets the structure field levels to the values of the argument levels; the structure fields luma_red, luma_green, luma_blue to the values of the arguments luma_red, luma_green, luma_blue; and the structure field bias to the values of the argument bias. typedef float XieConstant[3]; typedef unsigned long XieLevels[3]; typedef struct { XieLevels levels; float luma_red; float luma_green; float luma_blue; XieConstant bias; } XieRGBToYCbCrParam; See Also XieFloConvertFromRGB XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecRGBToYCC Name XieTecRGBToYCC - allocate and fill an XieRGBToYCCParam structure Syntax XieRGBToYCCParam *XieTecRGBToYCC (levels, luma_red, luma_green, luma_blue, scale) XieLevels levels; double luma_red; double luma_green; double luma_blue; double scale; Arguments levels Specifies the output levels. luma_red Specifies the proportion of red in the luminance band. luma_green Specifies the proportion of green in the luminance band. luma_blue Specifies the proportion of blue in the luminance band. scale Specifies a compression factor to apply to the output pixels values. Returns The XieRGBToYCCParam structure. Description XieTecRGBToYCC allocates and returns a pointer to an XieRGBToYCCParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the RGBToYCC color conversion technique and may be used as the color_param argument of XieFloConvertFromRGB (when the color_space argument is xieValRGBToYCC). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecRGBToYCC returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. XieTecRGBToYCC converts RGB data to the YCC colorspace. The PhotoYCC color-encoding scheme is defined in: KODAK PhotoCD System - A Planning Guide for Developers (Eastman Kodak Co., Part no. DCI200R, 1991). Source data may be constrained or unconstrained; the output type will match. If the source data is constrained, levels determines the output levels; otherwise levels is ignored. Typical values cited in the literature for scale are in the range of about 1.35 to 1.4. Structures XieTecRGBToYCC sets the structure field levels to the values of the argument levels; the structure fields luma_red, luma_green, luma_blue are set to the values of the arguments luma_red, luma_green, luma_blue; and the structure field scale to the value of the argument scale. typedef unsigned long XieLevels[3]; typedef struct { XieLevels levels; float luma_red; float luma_green; float luma_blue; float scale; } XieRGBToYCCParam; See Also XieFloConvertFromRGB XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecCIELabToRGB Name XieTecCIELabToRGB - allocate and fill an XieCIELabToRGBParam structure Syntax XieCIELabToRGBParam *XieTecCIELabToRGB (matrix, white_adjust_tech, white_adjust_param, gamut_tech, gamut_param) XieMatrix matrix; XieWhiteAdjustTechnique white_adjust_tech; XiePointer white_adjust_param; XieGamutTechnique gamut_tech; XiePointer gamut_param; Arguments matrix Specifies the conversion matrix. white_adjust_tech Specifies the WhiteAdjust technique to be used. white_adjust_param Specifies the list of parameters required by white_adjust_tech. gamut_tech Specifies the Gamut technique to be used. gamut_param Specifies the list of parameters required by gamut_tech. Returns The XieCIELabToRGBParam structure. Description XieTecCIELabToRGB allocates and returns a pointer to an XieCIELabToRGBParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the CIELabToRGB color conversion technique and may be used as the color_param argument of XieFloConvertToRGB (when the color_space argument is xieValCIELabToRGB). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecCIELabToRGB returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. XieTecCIELabToRGB converts CIELab data to the RGB colorspace. The CIELab colorspace is an international standard designed for perceptual uniformity. The colorspace coordinates are denoted by L, a, and b and are defined in CIE, Recommendations on Uniform Color Spaces, Color-Difference Equations, Psychometric Color Terms (Bureau Central de la CIE [Supplement 2 of CIE Publication 15 (E-1.3.1) 1971], 1978). matrix is a 3x3 CIEXYZ-to-RGB conversion matrix (the target white point is also encoded in matrix). white_adjust_tech is the WhiteAdjust technique that can be used to shift the white point of the source data prior to conversion. white_adjust_param is the list of parameters required by white_adjust_tech. gamut_tech is the Gamut technique that can be used to keep the output pixels within the bounds of the RGB colorspace. gamut_param is the list of parameters required by gamut_tech. The input data type must be unconstrained; the output data type is also unconstrained. WhiteAdjust techniques define the white point adjustment techniques that can be used when converting to or from the RGB colorspace. One of the following standard WhiteAdjust technique values can be assigned to white_adjust_tech: xieValWhiteAdjustDefault xieValWhiteAdjustNone xieValWhiteAdjustCIELabShift If a vendor defined additional private WhiteAdjust techniques, the private technique values given to these techniques can be assigned to white_adjust_tech. The server is required to support the default technique that is bound to one of the standard techniques defined or a private technique. Gamut techniques define the gamut compression techniques used to deal with converted colors that lie outside the gamut of the RGB space. One of the following standard gamut technique values can be assigned to gamut_tech: xieValGamutDefault xieValGamutNone xieValGamutClipRGB If a vendor defined additional private gamut techniques, the private technique values given to these techniques can be assigned to gamut_tech. The server is required to support the default technique that is bound to one of the standard techniques defined or a private technique. Structures XieTecCIELabToRGB sets the structure field matrix to the values of the argument matrix; the structure field white_adjust_tech to the value of the argument white_adjust_tech; the structure field white_adjust_param to the value of the argument white_adjust_param; the structure field gamut_tech to the value of the argument gamut_tech; and the structure field gamut_param to the value of the argument gamut_param. typedef float XieMatrix[9]; typedef unsigned XieGamutTechnique; typedef unsigned XieWhiteAdjustTechnique; typedef struct { XieMatrix matrix; XieWhiteAdjustTechnique white_adjust_tech; XiePointer white_adjust_param; XieGamutTechnique gamut_tech; XiePointer gamut_param; } XieCIELabToRGBParam; /* Definitions for WhiteAdjust Techniques */ #define xieValWhiteAdjustDefault 0 #define xieValWhiteAdjustNone 1 #define xieValWhiteAdjustCIELabShift 2 /* Definitions for Gamut Techniques */ #define xieValGamutDefault 0 #define xieValGamutNone 1 #define xieValGamutClipRGB 2 See Also XieFloConvertToRGB, XieTecWhiteAdjustCIELabShift XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecCIEXYZToRGB Name XieTecCIEXYZToRGB - allocate and fill an XieCIEXYZToRGBParam structure Syntax XieCIEXYZToRGBParam *XieTecCIEXYZToRGB (matrix, white_adjust_tech, white_adjust_param, gamut_tech, gamut_param) XieMatrix matrix; XieWhiteAdjustTechnique white_adjust_tech; XiePointer white_adjust_param; XieGamutTechnique gamut_tech; XiePointer gamut_param; Arguments matrix Specifies the conversion matrix. white_adjust_tech Specifies the WhiteAdjust technique to be used. white_adjust_param Specifies the list of parameters required by white_adjust_tech. gamut_tech Specifies the Gamut technique to be used. gamut_param Specifies the list of parameters required by gamut_tech. Returns The XieCIEXYZToRGBParam structure. Description XieTecCIEXYZToRGB allocates and returns a pointer to an XieCIEXYZToRGBParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the CIEXYZToRGB color conversion technique and may be used as the color_param argument of XieFloConvertToRGB (when the color_space argument is xieValCIEXYZToRGB). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecCIEXYZToRGB returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. XieTecCIEXYZToRGB converts CIEXYZ data to the RGB colorspace. The CIEXYZ colorspace is an international standard device-independent colorspace. matrix is a 3x3 CIEXYZ-to-RGB conversion matrix (the target white point is also encoded in matrix). white_adjust_tech is the WhiteAdjust technique that can be used to shift the white point of the source data prior to conversion. white_adjust_param is the list of parameters required by white_adjust_tech. gamut_tech is the Gamut technique that can be used to keep the output pixels within the bounds of the RGB colorspace. gamut_param is the list of parameters required by gamut_tech. The input data type must be unconstrained; the output data type is also unconstrained. WhiteAdjust techniques define the white point adjustment techniques that can be used when converting to or from the RGB colorspace. One of the following standard WhiteAdjust technique values can be assigned to white_adjust_tech: xieValWhiteAdjustDefault xieValWhiteAdjustNone xieValWhiteAdjustCIELabShift If a vendor defined additional private WhiteAdjust techniques, the private technique values given to these techniques can be assigned to white_adjust_tech. The server is required to support the default technique that is bound to one of the standard techniques defined or a private technique. Gamut techniques define the gamut compression techniques used to deal with converted colors that lie outside the gamut of the RGB space. One of the following standard gamut technique values can be assigned to gamut_tech: xieValGamutDefault xieValGamutNone xieValGamutClipRGB If a vendor defined additional private gamut techniques, the private technique values given to these techniques can be assigned to gamut_tech. The server is required to support the default technique that is bound to one of the standard techniques defined or a private technique. Structures XieTecCIEXYZToRGB sets the structure field matrix to the values of the argument matrix; the structure field white_adjust_tech to the value of the argument white_adjust_tech; the structure field white_adjust_param to the value of the argument white_adjust_param; the structure field gamut_tech to the value of the argument gamut_tech; and the structure field gamut_param to the value of the argument gamut_param. typedef float XieMatrix[9]; typedef unsigned XieGamutTechnique; typedef unsigned XieWhiteAdjustTechnique; typedef struct { XieMatrix matrix; XieWhiteAdjustTechnique white_adjust_tech; XiePointer white_adjust_param; XieGamutTechnique gamut_tech; XiePointer gamut_param; } XieCIEXYZToRGBParam; /* Definitions for WhiteAdjust Techniques */ #define xieValWhiteAdjustDefault 0 #define xieValWhiteAdjustNone 1 #define xieValWhiteAdjustCIELabShift 2 /* Definitions for Gamut Techniques */ #define xieValGamutDefault 0 #define xieValGamutNone 1 #define xieValGamutClipRGB 2 See Also XieFloConvertToRGB, XieTecWhiteAdjustCIELabShift XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecYCbCrToRGB Name XieTecYCbCrToRGB - allocate and fill an XieYCbCrToRGBParam structure Syntax XieYCbCrToRGBParam *XieTecYCbCrToRGB (levels, luma_red, luma_green, luma_blue, bias, gamut_tech, gamut_param) XieLevels levels; double luma_red; double luma_green; double luma_blue; XieConstant bias; XieGamutTechnique gamut_tech; XiePointer gamut_param; Arguments levels Specifies the output levels. luma_red Specifies the proportion of red in the luminance band (Y). luma_green Specifies the proportion of green in the luminance band (Y). luma_blue Specifies the proportion of blue in the luminance band (Y). bias Specifies an offset to remove from the source pixels values. gamut_tech Specifies the Gamut technique to be used. gamut_param Specifies the list of parameters required by gamut_tech. Returns The XieYCbCrToRGBParam structure. Description XieTecYCbCrToRGB allocates and returns a pointer to an XieYCbCrToRGBParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the YCbCrToRGB color conversion technique and may be used as the color_param argument of XieFloConvertToRGB (when the color_space argument is xieValYCbCrToRGB). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecYCbCrToRGB returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. XieTecYCbCrToRGB converts YCbCr data to the RGB colorspace. Source data may be constrained or unconstrained; the output type will match. If the source data is constrained, levels determines the output levels; otherwise levels is ignored. Gamut techniques define the gamut compression techniques used to deal with converted colors that lie outside the gamut of the RGB space. One of the following standard gamut technique values can be assigned to gamut_tech: xieValGamutDefault xieValGamutNone xieValGamutClipRGB If a vendor defined additional private gamut techniques, the private technique values given to these techniques can be assigned to gamut_tech. The server is required to support the default technique that is bound to one of the standard techniques defined or a private technique. Structures XieTecYCbCrToRGB sets the structure field levels to the values of the argument levels; the structure fields luma_red, luma_green, luma_blue to the values of the arguments luma_red, luma_green, luma_blue; the structure field bias to the values of the argument bias; the structure field gamut_tech to the value of the argument gamut_tech; and the structure field gamut_param to the value of the argument gamut_param. typedef float XieConstant[3]; typedef unsigned long XieLevels[3]; typedef unsigned XieGamutTechnique; typedef struct { XieLevels levels; float luma_red; float luma_green; float luma_blue; XieConstant bias; XieGamutTechnique gamut_tech; XiePointer gamut_param; } XieYCbCrToRGBParam; /* Definitions for Gamut Techniques */ #define xieValGamutDefault 0 #define xieValGamutNone 1 #define xieValGamutClipRGB 2 See Also XieFloConvertToRGB XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecYCCToRGB Name XieTecYCCToRGB - allocate and fill an XieYCCToRGBParam structure Syntax XieYCCToRGBParam *XieTecYCCToRGB (levels, luma_red, luma_green, luma_blue, scale, gamut_tech, gamut_param) XieLevels levels; double luma_red; double luma_green; double luma_blue; double scale; XieGamutTechnique gamut_tech; XiePointer gamut_param; Arguments levels Specifies the output levels. luma_red Specifies the proportion of red in the luminance band (Y). luma_green Specifies the proportion of green in the luminance band (Y). luma_blue Specifies the proportion of blue in the luminance band (Y). scale Specifies an expansion factor to apply to the output pixels values. gamut_tech Specifies the Gamut technique to be used. gamut_param Specifies the list of parameters required by gamut_tech. Returns The XieYCCToRGBParam structure. Description XieTecYCCToRGB allocates and returns a pointer to an XieYCCToRGBParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the YCCToRGB color conversion technique and may be used as the color_param argument of XieFloConvertToRGB (when the color_space argument is xieValYCCToRGB). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecYCCToRGB returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. XieTecYCCToRGB converts YCC data to the RGB colorspace. The PhotoYCC color-encoding scheme is defined in KODAK PhotoCD System - A Planning Guide for Developers (Eastman Kodak Co., Part no. DCI200R, 1991). Source data may be constrained or unconstrained; the output type will match. If the source data is constrained, levels determines the output levels; otherwise levels is ignored. Typical values cited in the literature for scale are in the range of about 1.35 to 1.4. Gamut techniques define the gamut compression techniques used to deal with converted colors that lie outside the gamut of the RGB space. One of the following standard gamut technique values can be assigned to gamut_tech: xieValGamutDefault xieValGamutNone xieValGamutClipRGB If a vendor defined additional private gamut techniques, the private technique values given to these techniques can be assigned to gamut_tech . The server is required to support the default technique that is bound to one of the standard techniques defined or a private technique. Structures XieTecYCCToRGB sets the structure field levels to the values of the argument levels; the structure fields luma_red, luma_green, luma_blue to the values of the arguments luma_red, luma_green, luma_blue; the structure field scale to the values of the argument scale; the structure field gamut_tech to the value of the argument gamut_tech; and the structure field gamut_param to the value of the argument gamut_param. typedef unsigned long XieLevels[3]; typedef unsigned XieGamutTechnique; typedef struct { XieLevels levels; float luma_red; float luma_green; float luma_blue; float scale; XieGamutTechnique gamut_tech; XiePointer gamut_param; } XieYCCToRGBParam; /* Definitions for Gamut Techniques */ #define xieValGamutDefault 0 #define xieValGamutNone 1 #define xieValGamutClipRGB 2 See Also XieFloConvertToRGB XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecClipScale Name XieTecClipScale - allocate and fill an XieClipScaleParam structure Syntax XieClipScaleParam *XieTecClipScale (in_low, in_high, out_low, out_high) XieConstant in_low; XieConstant in_high; XieLTriplet out_low; XieLTriplet out_high; Arguments in_low Specifies an input pixel limit. in_high Specifies an input pixel limit. out_low Specifies an output pixel limit. out_high Specifies an output pixel limit. Returns The XieClipScaleParam structure. Description XieTecClipScale allocates and returns a pointer to an XieClipScaleParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the constrain technique and may be used as the constrain_param argument of XieFloConstrain (when the constrain_tech argument is xieValClipScale). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecClipScale returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. For each band, output pixels will be clipped to the range [out_low, out_high]. If in_low is less than in_high, then all pixels less than or equal to in_low will map to out_low, and all pixels that are greater than or equal to in_high will map to out_high. All intermediate pixel values are scaled proportionately to the output range. Nonintegral output values are rounded to the nearest integer. If in_low is greater than in_high, then all pixels that are greater than or equal to in_low will map to out_low, and all pixels that are less than or equal to in_high will map to out_high. All intermediate pixel values will be linearly mapped to the output range, such that in_low maps to out_low, and in_high maps to out_high. Nonintegral output values are rounded to the nearest integer. in_low should not equal in_high, out_low should be less than out_high, and out_high should not exceed levels - 1. Structures XieTecClipScale sets the structure fields input_low, input_high to the values of the arguments in_low, in_high; and the structure fields output_low, output_high to the values of the arguments out_low, out_high. typedef float XieConstant[3]; typedef unsigned long XieLTriplet[3]; typedef struct { XieConstant input_low,input_high; XieLTriplet output_low,output_high; } XieClipScaleParam; See Also XieFloConstrain XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecConvolveConstant Name XieTecConvolveConstant - allocate and fill an XieConvolveConstantParam structure Syntax XieConvolveConstantParam *XieTecConvolveConstant (constant) XieConstant constant; Arguments constant Specifies the value to use if pixels are required from beyond the edge of the image. Returns The XieConvolveConstantParam structure. Description XieTecConvolveConstant allocates and returns a pointer to an XieConvolveConstantParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the convolve technique and may be used as the convolve_param argument of XieFloConvolve (when the convolve_tech argument is xieValConvolveConstant). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecConvolveConstant returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. Various methods of handling edge conditions are provided for convolve techniques. These techniques determine what pixel values are used when the convolve technique requires data beyond the image bounds. Convolve techniques come into play only when the kernel is positioned partially off the edge of the image. Data around the edges of a process domain are convolved with adjacent image pixels wherever possible. A process domain is inserted in many element definitions and is used to restrict the element's processing to a subset of the source data pixels; it can be either a list-of- rectangles or a control-plane. The Constant Convolve technique uses the value specified by constant if pixels are required from beyond the edge of the image. Structures XieTecConvolveConstant sets the structure field constant to the value of the argument constant. typedef float XieConstant[3]; typedef struct { XieConstant constant; } XieConvolveConstantParam; See Also XieFloConvolve XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecDecodeUncompressedSingle Name XieTecDecodeUncompressedSingle - allocate and fill an XieDecodeUncompressedSingleParam structure Syntax XieDecodeUncompressedSingleParam *XieTecDecodeUncompressedSingle (fill_order, pixel_order, pixel_stride, left_pad, scanline_pad) XieOrientation fill_order; XieOrientation pixel_order; unsigned int pixel_stride; unsigned int left_pad; unsigned int scanline_pad; Arguments fill_order Specifies the method of pixel packing. pixel_order Specifies pixel ordering within the data stream. pixel_stride Specifies the number of bits between consecutive pixels within a scanline. left_pad Specifies the number of pad bits in each scanline. scanline_pad Specifies a multiple of bytes to which each scanline is padded. Returns The XieDecodeUncompressedSingleParam structure. Description XieTecDecodeUncompressedSingle allocates and returns a pointer to an XieDecodeUncompressedSingleParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the decode technique and may be used as the decode_param argument of XieFloImportClientPhoto (when the decode_tech argument is xieValDecodeUncompressedSingle). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecDecodeUncompressedSingle returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. The decode uncompressed single technique is used when no compression scheme has been applied to single band image data. The parameters define the format of the data stream of uncompressed data (the server may reformat the data as it chooses prior to processing or storage). When multiple pixels are put in the same byte, or a pixel spans multiple bytes, fill_order specifies whether the pixels (or parts of pixels) are packed into the most or least significant bits of a byte first. For pixels that span a byte boundary, pixel_order defines whether the most or least significant bits of the pixel are transported first within the data stream. One of the following standard orientation values can be assigned to fill_order and pixel_order: xieValLSFirst xieValMSFirst The following table shows the relationship between fill_order and pixel_order, using two 10-bit pixels, each with two bits of pad (within each pixel the LS-bits are 0 and a, the MS-bits are 9 and j, the pad bits are p). fill order LSFirst (pixel order) MSFirst (pixel order) LSFirst 76543210 dcbapp98 ppjihgfe 98765432 jihgpp10 ppfedcba MSFirst 76543210 98ppdcba jihgfepp 98765432 10ppjihg fedcbapp pixel_stride is the number of bits between the start of consecutive pixels within a scanline; it must be at least enough bits to contain the number of input levels. left_pad is the number of pad bits preceding the first image pixel in each scanline; if the server's Alignment attribute is Alignable, or pixel_stride fits the definition of Alignable, the value of left_pad must be a multiple of pixel_stride or a multiple of 8; otherwise, left_pad may be any arbitrary value. scanline_pad defines a multiple of bytes to which each scanline is padded; valid values are: 0 (not aligned), 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16. The total number of bits-per-scanline in the data stream includes: left_pad, the image data (width x pixel_stride), and sufficient additional bits to satisfy scanline_pad. Structures XieTecDecodeUncompressedSingle sets the structure field fill_order to the value of the argument fill_order; the structure field pixel_order to the value of the argument pixel_order; the structure field pixel_stride to the value of the argument pixel_stride; the structure field left_pad to the value of the argument left_pad; and the structure field scanline_pad to the value of the argument scanline_pad. typedef unsigned XieOrientation; typedef struct { XieOrientation fill_order; XieOrientation pixel_order; unsigned int pixel_stride; unsigned int left_pad; unsigned int scanline_pad; } XieDecodeUncompressedSingleParam; /* Definitions of Orientation Types */ #define xieValLSFirst 1 #define xieValMSFirst 2 See Also XieFloImportClientPhoto, XiePutClientData XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecDecodeUncompressedTriple Name XieTecDecodeUncompressedTriple - allocate and fill an XieDecodeUncompressedTripleParam structure Syntax XieDecodeUncompressedTripleParam *XieTecDecodeUncompressedTriple (fill_order, pixel_order, band_order, interleave, pixel_stride, left_pad, scanline_pad) XieOrientation fill_order; XieOrientation pixel_order; XieOrientation band_order; XieInterleave interleave; unsigned char pixel_stride[3]; unsigned char left_pad[3]; unsigned char scanline_pad[3]; Arguments fill_order Specifies the method of pixel packing. pixel_order Specifies pixel ordering within the data stream. band_order Specifies the order of the image data sent through the protocol stream. interleave Specifies how the image bands are interleaved. pixel_stride Specifies the number of bits between consecutive pixels within a scanline. left_pad Specifies the number of pad bits in each scanline. scanline_pad Specifies a multiple of bytes to which each scanline is padded. Returns The XieDecodeUncompressedTripleParam structure. Description XieTecDecodeUncompressedTriple allocates and returns a pointer to an XieDecodeUncompressedTripleParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the decode technique and may be used as the decode_param argument of XieFloImportClientPhoto (when the decode_tech argument is xieValDecodeUncompressedTriple). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecDecodeUncompressedTriple returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. The decode uncompressed triple technique is used when no compression scheme has been applied to triple band image data. The parameters define the format of the data stream of uncompressed data (the server may reformat the data as it chooses prior to processing or storage). When multiple pixels are put in the same byte, or a pixel spans multiple bytes, fill_order specifies whether the pixels (or parts of pixels) are packed into the most or least significant bits of a byte first. For pixels that span a byte boundary, pixel_order defines whether the most or least significant bits of the pixel are transported first within the data stream. One of the following standard orientation values can be assigned to fill_order and pixel_order: xieValLSFirst xieValMSFirst The following table shows the relationship between fill_order and pixel_order, using two 10-bit pixels, each with two bits of pad (within each pixel the LS-bits are 0 and a, the MS-bits are 9 and j, the pad bits are p) fill order LSFirst (pixel order) MSFirst (pixel order) LSFirst 76543210 dcbapp98 ppjihgfe 98765432 jihgpp10 ppfedcba MSFirst 76543210 98ppdcba jihgfepp 98765432 10ppjihg fedcbapp pixel_stride is the number of bits between the start of consecutive pixels within a scanline; It must be at least enough bits to contain the number of input levels. left_pad is the number of pad bits preceding the first image pixel in each scanline; if the server's Alignment attribute is Alignable, or pixel_stride fits the definition of Alignable, the value of left_pad must be a multiple of pixel_stride or a multiple of 8; otherwise, left_pad may be any arbitrary value. scanline_pad defines a multiple of bytes to which each scanline is padded; valid values are: 0 (not aligned), 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16. The total number of bits-per-scanline in the data stream includes: left_pad, the image data (width x pixel_stride), and sufficient additional bits to satisfy scanline_pad. interleave describes how the image bands are interleaved (per pixel within a single plane, or sent as three separate planes); if interleave is xieValBandByPixel, inter-band dimensions must match: the widths and the heights of all bands must match. One of the following standard interleave values can be assigned to interleave: xieValBandByPixel xieValBandByPlane band_order is the order of the image bands or image planes as they are transmitted through the protocol stream. band_order can be set to one of the standard orientation values. The least significant band of trichromatic data is the first band mentioned in the common name of the colorspace : red is the least significant band of RGB data. For band-by-pixel data, band_order specifies whether this band is put in the least or most significant bits of a pixel: LSFirst MSFirst B1B0G2G1G0R2R1R0 R2R1R0G2G1G0B1B0 For band-by-plane data, band_order specifies whether this band corresponds with the least significant or most significant image plane. Each plane is transported as a separate data stream: band LSFirst MSFirst 0 R7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0 B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 1 G7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0 G7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0 2 B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 R7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0 Structures XieTecDecodeUncompressedTriple sets the structure field fill_order to the value of the argument fill_order; the structure field pixel_order to the value of the argument pixel_order; the structure field band_order to the value of the argument band_order; the structure field interleave to the value of the argument interleave; the structure field pixel_stride to the value of the argument pixel_stride; the structure field left_pad to the value of the argument left_pad; and the structure field scanline_pad to the value of the argument scanline_pad. typedef unsigned XieOrientation; typedef unsigned XieInterleave; typedef struct { unsigned char left_pad[3]; XieOrientation fill_order; unsigned char pixel_stride[3]; XieOrientation pixel_order; unsigned char scanline_pad[3]; XieOrientation band_order; XieInterleave interleave; } XieDecodeUncompressedTripleParam; /* Definitions of Orientation Types */ #define xieValLSFirst 1 #define xieValMSFirst 2 /* Definitions for Interleave */ #define xieValBandByPixel 1 #define xieValBandByPlane 2 See Also XieFloImportClientPhoto, XiePutClientData XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecDecodeG31D Name XieTecDecodeG31D - allocate and fill an XieDecodeG31DParam structure Syntax XieDecodeG31DParam *XieTecDecodeG31D (encoded_order, normal, radiometric) XieOrientation encoded_order; Bool normal; Bool radiometric; Arguments encoded_order Specifies the bit order of the encoded data. normal Specifies how the data was processed when it was originally encoded. radiometric Specifies how white runs are decoded. Returns The XieDecodeG31DParam structure. Description XieTecDecodeG31D allocates and returns a pointer to an XieDecodeG31DParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the decode technique and may be used as the decode_param argument of XieFloImportClientPhoto (when the decode_tech argument is xieValDecodeG31D). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecDecodeG31D returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. CCITT-G31D is the CCITT group 3 one-dimensional encoding technique as defined by CCITT T.4, "Standardization of Group 3 Facsimile Apparatus for Document Transmission". encoded_order specifies the bit order of the encoded data. One of the following standard orientation values can be assigned to encoded_order: xieValLSFirst xieValMSFirst The following table shows the encoded bit order of two bytes (within each byte the first encoded bit is 0, and the last is bit 7): LSFirst MSFirst 76543210 76543210 01234567 01234567 radiometric specifies that white runs in the encoded data should be represented as image ones upon decode (maximum intensity), or conversely, they will be decoded as image zeros if radiometric is False. normal specifies that the data was processed according to its normal fill- order when it was originally encoded. Structures XieTecDecodeG31D sets the structure field encoded_order to the value of the argument encoded_order; the structure field normal to the value of the argument normal; and the structure field radiometric to the value of the argument radiometric. typedef unsigned XieOrientation; typedef struct { XieOrientation encoded_order; Bool normal; Bool radiometric; } XieDecodeG31DParam; /* Definitions of Orientation Types */ #define xieValLSFirst 1 #define xieValMSFirst 2 See Also XieFloImportClientPhoto, XiePutClientData XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecDecodeG32D Name XieTecDecodeG32D - allocate and fill an XieDecodeG32DParam structure Syntax XieDecodeG32DParam *XieTecDecodeG32D (encoded_order, normal, radiometric) XieOrientation encoded_order; Bool normal; Bool radiometric; Arguments encoded_order Specifies the bit order of the encoded data. normal Specifies how the data was processed when it was originally encoded. radiometric Specifies how white runs are decoded. Returns The XieDecodeG32DParam structure. Description XieTecDecodeG32D allocates and returns a pointer to an XieDecodeG32DParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the decode technique and may be used as the decode_param argument of XieFloImportClientPhoto (when the decode_tech argument is xieValDecodeG32D). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecDecodeG32D returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. CCITT-G32D is the CCITT group 3 two-dimensional encoding technique as defined by CCITT T.4, "Standardization of Group 3 Facsimile Apparatus for Document Transmission". encoded_order specifies the bit order of the encoded data. One of the following standard orientation values can be assigned to encoded_order: xieValLSFirst xieValMSFirst The following table shows the encoded bit order of two bytes (within each byte the first encoded bit is 0, and the last is bit 7): LSFirst MSFirst 76543210 76543210 01234567 01234567 radiometric specifies that white runs in the encoded data should be represented as image ones upon decode (maximum intensity), or conversely, they will be decoded as image zeros if radiometric is False. normal specifies that the data was processed according to its normal fill- order when it was originally encoded. Structures XieTecDecodeG32D sets the structure field encoded_order to the value of the argument encoded_order; the structure field normal to the value of the argument normal; and the structure field radiometric to the value of the argument radiometric. typedef unsigned XieOrientation; typedef struct { XieOrientation encoded_order; Bool normal; Bool radiometric; } XieDecodeG32DParam; /* Definitions of Orientation Types */ #define xieValLSFirst 1 #define xieValMSFirst 2 See Also XieFloImportClientPhoto, XiePutClientData XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecDecodeG42D Name XieTecDecodeG42D - allocate and fill an XieDecodeG42DParam structure Syntax XieDecodeG42DParam *XieTecDecodeG42D (encoded_order, normal, radiometric)) XieOrientation encoded_order; Bool normal; Bool radiometric; Arguments encoded_order Specifies the bit order of the encoded data. normal Specifies how the data was processed when it was originally encoded. radiometric Specifies how white runs are decoded. Returns The XieDecodeG42DParam structure. Description XieTecDecodeG42D allocates and returns a pointer to an XieDecodeG42DParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the decode technique and may be used as the decode_param argument of XieFloImportClientPhoto (when the decode_tech argument is xieValDecodeG42D). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecDecodeG42D returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. CCITT-G42D is the CCITT group 4 two-dimensional encoding technique as defined by CCITT T.6, "Facsimile Coding Schemes and Coding Control Functions for Group 4 Facsimile Apparatus". encoded_order specifies the bit order of the encoded data. One of the following standard orientation values can be assigned to encoded_order: xieValLSFirst xieValMSFirst The following table shows the encoded bit order of two bytes (within each byte the first encoded bit is 0, and the last is bit 7): LSFirst MSFirst 76543210 76543210 01234567 01234567 radiometric specifies that white runs in the encoded data should be represented as image ones upon decode (maximum intensity), or conversely, they will be decoded as image zeros if radiometric is False. normal specifies that the data was processed according to its normal fill- order when it was originally encoded. Structures XieTecDecodeG42D sets the structure field encoded_order to the value of the argument encoded_order; the structure field normal to the value of the argument normal; and the structure field radiometric to the value of the argument radiometric. typedef unsigned XieOrientation; typedef struct { XieOrientation encoded_order; Bool normal; Bool radiometric; } XieDecodeG42DParam; /* Definitions of Orientation Types */ #define xieValLSFirst 1 #define xieValMSFirst 2 See Also XieFloImportClientPhoto, XiePutClientData XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecDecodeTIFF2 Name XieTecDecodeTIFF2 - allocate and fill an XieDecodeTIFF2Param structure Syntax XieDecodeTIFF2Param *XieTecDecodeTIFF2 (encoded_order, normal, radiometric) XieOrientation encoded_order; Bool normal; Bool radiometric; Arguments encoded_order Specifies the bit order of the encoded data. normal Specifies how the data was processed when it was originally encoded. radiometric Specifies how white runs are decoded. Returns The XieDecodeTIFF2Param structure. Description XieTecDecodeTIFF2 allocates and returns a pointer to an XieDecodeTIFF2Param structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the decode technique and may be used as the decode_param argument of XieFloImportClientPhoto (when the decode_tech argument is xieValDecodeTIFF2). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecDecodeTIFF2 returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. TIFF-2 is modified Huffman encoding as described in "TIFF Tag Image File Format", revision 6.0, draft 2, by Aldus Corporation (TIFF compression scheme 2). encoded_order specifies the bit order of the encoded data. One of the following standard orientation values can be assigned to encoded_order: xieValLSFirst xieValMSFirst The following table shows the encoded bit order of two bytes (within each byte the first encoded bit is 0, and the last is bit 7): LSFirst MSFirst 76543210 76543210 01234567 01234567 radiometric specifies that white runs in the encoded data should be represented as image ones upon decode (maximum intensity), or conversely, they will be decoded as image zeros if radiometric is False. normal specifies that the data was processed according to its normal fill- order when it was originally encoded. Structures XieTecDecodeTIFF2 sets the structure field encoded_order to the value of the argument encoded_order; the structure field normal to the value of the argument normal; and the structure field radiometric to the value of the argument radiometric. typedef unsigned XieOrientation; typedef struct { XieOrientation encoded_order; Bool normal; Bool radiometric; } XieDecodeTIFF2Param; /* Definitions of Orientation Types */ #define xieValLSFirst 1 #define xieValMSFirst 2 See Also XieFloImportClientPhoto, XiePutClientData XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecDecodeTIFFPackBits Name XieTecDecodeTIFFPackBits - allocate and fill an XieDecodeTIFFPackBitsParam structure Syntax XieDecodeTIFFPackBitsParam *XieTecDecodeTIFFPackBits (encoded_order, normal) XieOrientation encoded_order; Bool normal; Arguments encoded_order Specifies the bit order of the encoded data. normal Specifies how the data was processed when it was originally encoded. Returns The XieDecodeTIFFPackBitsParam structure. Description XieTecDecodeTIFFPackBits allocates and returns a pointer to an XieDecodeTIFFPackBitsParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the decode technique and may be used as the decode_param argument of XieFloImportClientPhoto (when the decode_tech argument is xieValDecodeTIFFPackBits). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecDecodeTIFFPackBits returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. TIFF-PackBits is byte-oriented run-length encoding as described in "TIFF Tag Image File Format", revision 6.0, draft 2, by Aldus Corporation (TIFF compression scheme 32773). encoded_order specifies the bit order of the encoded data. One of the following standard orientation values can be assigned to encoded_order: xieValLSFirst xieValMSFirst The following table shows the encoded bit order of two bytes (within each byte the first encoded bit is 0, and the last is bit 7): LSFirst MSFirst 76543210 76543210 01234567 01234567 normal specifies that the data was processed according to its normal fill-order when it was originally encoded. Structures XieTecDecodeTIFFPackBits sets the structure field encoded_order to the value of the argument encoded_order and the structure field normal to the value of the argument normal. typedef unsigned XieOrientation; typedef struct { XieOrientation encoded_order; Bool normal; } XieDecodeTIFFPackBitsParam; /* Definitions of Orientation Types */ #define xieValLSFirst 1 #define xieValMSFirst 2 See Also XieFloImportClientPhoto, XiePutClientData XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecDecodeJPEGBaseline Name XieTecDecodeJPEGBaseline - allocate and fill an XieDecodeJPEGBaselineParam structure Syntax XieDecodeJPEGBaselineParam *XieTecDecodeJPEGBaseline (interleave, band_order, up_sample) XieInterleave interleave; XieOrientation band_order; Bool up_sample; Arguments interleave Specifies how the image bands will be interleaved. band_order Specifies the order in which the image bands were originally encoded. up_sample Specifies how interleaved encoded data are up-sampled. Returns The XieTecDecodeJPEGBaselineParam structure. Description XieDecodeJPEGBaseline allocates and returns a pointer to an XieDecodeJPEGBaselineParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the decode technique and may be used as the decode_param argument of XieFloImportClientPhoto (when the decode_tech argument is xieValDecodeJPEGBaseline). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecDecodeJPEGBaseline returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. The JPEG baseline technique is the baseline Huffman DCT encoding technique that is defined in ISO DIS 10918-1 "Digital Compression and Coding of Continuous-tone Still Images". Only JPEG Interchange Format (JIF) is supported: all tables, compressed data, and so on are embedded in the data stream, all delineated by markers. interleave determines whether all bands of a triple band image will be interleaved within a single encoded stream or whether three separate encoded streams will be supplied. One of the following standard interleave values can be assigned to interleave: xieValBandByPixel xieValBandByPlane For triple band data, band_order specifies the order in which the image bands were originally encoded. One of the following standard orientation values can be assigned to band_order: xieValLSFirst xieValMSFirst The least significant band of trichromatic data is the first band mentioned in the common name of the colorspace: red is the least significant band of RGB data. band_order specifies whether this band corresponds with the least significant or most significant image plane. Each plane is decoded into a separate data stream: band LSFirst MSFirst 0 Red band Blue band 1 Green band Green band 2 Blue band Red band up_sample specifies that if any bands in an interleaved encoded data stream are down-sampled, they should be up-sampled by the JPEG decoder. The arguments interleave, band_order, and up_sample are ignored for single band images, and up_sample is always ignored if interleave is band-by-plane. If up_sample is False and some of the encoded bands of an interleaved image were down-sampled, an alternative method for up- sampling the image would be to use a geometry element with appropriate band_mask and sample technique parameters. Structures XieTecDecodeJPEGBaseline sets the structure field interleave to the value of the argument interleave; the structure field band_order to the value of the argument band_order; and the structure field up_sample to the value of the argument up_sample. typedef unsigned XieOrientation; typedef struct { XieInterleave interleave; XieOrientation band_order; Bool up_sample; } XieDecodeJPEGBaselineParam; /* Definitions for Interleave */ #define xieValBandByPixel 1 #define xieValBandByPlane 2 /* Definitions of Orientation Types */ #define xieValLSFirst 1 #define xieValMSFirst 2 See Also XieFloImportClientPhoto, XieFloConvertToRGB, XieTecYCbCrToRGB, XiePutClientData XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecDecodeJPEGLossless Name XieTecDecodeJPEGLossless - allocate and fill an XieDecodeJPEGLosslessParam structure Syntax XieDecodeJPEGLosslessParam *XieTecDecodeJPEGLossless (interleave, band_order) XieInterleave interleave; XieOrientation band_order; Arguments interleave Specifies how the image bands will be interleaved. band_order Specifies the order in which the image bands were originally encoded. Returns The XieDecodeJPEGLosslessParam structure. Description XieTecDecodeJPEGLossless allocates and returns a pointer to an XieDecodeJPEGLosslessParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the decode technique and may be used as the decode_param argument of XieFloImportClientPhoto (when the decode_tech argument is xieValDecodeJPEGLossless). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecDecodeJPEGLossless returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. The JPEG lossless technique is the Huffman predictive sequential lossless encoding technique that is defined in ISO DIS 10918-1 "Digital Compression and Coding of Continuous-tone Still Images". This technique is not available in the R6 sample implementation of XIE. interleave describes how the bands of triple band data are interleaved; either all bands are interleaved within a single encoded stream, or three separate encoded streams are expected. One of the following standard interleave values can be assigned to interleave: xieValBandByPixel xieValBandByPlane For triple band data, band_order specifies the order in which the image bands were originally encoded. One of the following standard orientation values can be assigned to band_order: xieValLSFirst xieValMSFirst The least significant band of trichromatic data is the first band mentioned in the common name of the colorspace: red is the least significant band of RGB data. band_order specifies whether this band corresponds with the least significant or most significant image plane. Each plane is decoded into a separate data stream: band LSFirst MSFirst 0 Red band Blue band 1 Green band Green band 2 Blue band Red band The arguments interleave and band_order are ignored for single band images. Structures XieTecDecodeJPEGLossless sets the structure field interleave to the value of the argument interleave; and the structure field band_order to the value of the argument band_order. typedef unsigned XieOrientation; typedef struct { XieInterleave interleave; XieOrientation band_order; } XieDecodeJPEGLosslessParam; /* Definitions for Interleave */ #define xieValBandByPixel 1 #define xieValBandByPlane 2 /* Definitions of Orientation Types */ #define xieValLSFirst 1 #define xieValMSFirst 2 See Also XieFloImportClientPhoto, XiePutClientData XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecDitherOrdered Name XieTecDitherOrdered - allocate and fill an XieDitherOrderedParam structure Syntax XieDitherOrderedParam *XieTecDitherOrdered (threshold_order) unsigned int threshold_order; Arguments threshold_order Specifies a value to determine the size of the dither matrix. Returns The XieDitherOrderedParam structure. Description XieTecDitherOrdered allocates and returns a pointer to an XieDitherOrderedParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the decode technique and may be used as the decode_param argument of XieFloImportClientPhoto (when the decode_tech argument is xieValDitherOrdered). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecDitherOrdered returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. The dispersed-dot ordered dither technique replaces a matrix, or block, of pixels with a patterned matrix of pixels. This patterned matrix of pixels is applied across the entire image. Because these patterns may introduce artifacts that are distracting to the eye, the threshold_order parameter is available to determine the size of the dither matrix, and therefore, the number of levels that can be simulated. If the value of threshold_order is m, the threshold matrix can simulate 2m + 1 levels. Structures XieTecDitherOrdered sets the structure field threshold_order to the value of the argument threshold_order. typedef struct { unsigned int threshold_order; } XieDitherOrderedParam; See Also XieFloDither XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecEncodeUncompressedSingle Name XieTecEncodeUncompressedSingle - allocate and fill an XieEncodeUncompressedSingleParam structure Syntax XieEncodeUncompressedSingleParam *XieTecEncodeUncompressedSingle (fill_order, pixel_order, pixel_stride, scanline_pad) XieOrientation fill_order; XieOrientation pixel_order; unsigned int pixel_stride; unsigned int scanline_pad; Arguments fill_order Specifies the method of pixel packing. pixel_order Specifies pixel ordering within the data stream. pixel_stride Specifies the number of bits between consecutive pixels within a scanline. scanline_pad Specifies a multiple of bytes to which each scanline is padded. Returns The XieEncodeUncompressedSingleParam structure. Description XieTecEncodeUncompressedSingle allocates and returns a pointer to an XieEncodeUncompressedSingleParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the encode technique and may be used as the encode_param argument of XieFloExportClientPhoto and XieFloExportPhotomap (when the encode_tech argument is xieValEncodeUncompressedSingle). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecEncodeUncompressedSingle returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. The encode uncompressed single technique is used when no compression scheme is to be applied to single band image data. The parameters define the format of the data stream of uncompressed data that is made available for client retrieval via XieGetClientData. When multiple pixels are put in the same byte or a pixel spans multiple bytes, fill_order specifies whether the pixels (or parts of pixels) are packed into the most or least significant bits of a byte first. For pixels that span a byte boundary, pixel_order defines whether the most or least significant bits of the pixel are put first within the data stream. One of the following standard orientation values can be assigned to fill_order and pixel_order: xieValLSFirst xieValMSFirst The following table shows the relationship between fill_order and pixel_order, using two 10-bit pixels, each with two bits of pad (within each pixel the LS-bits are 0 and a, the MS-bits are 9 and j, and the pad bits are p). fill order LSFirst (pixel order) MSFirst (pixel order) LSFirst 76543210 dcbapp98 ppjihgfe 98765432 jihgpp10 ppfedcba MSFirst 76543210 98ppdcba jihgfepp 98765432 10ppjihg fedcbapp pixel_stride is the number of bits between the start of consecutive pixels within a scanline. It must be at least enough bits to contain the number of source levels. scanline_pad defines a multiple of bytes to which each scanline is padded; valid values are: 0 (not aligned), 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16. Structures XieTecEncodeUncompressedSingle sets the structure field fill_order to the value of the argument fill_order; the structure field pixel_order to the value of the argument pixel_order; the structure field pixel_stride to the value of the argument pixel_stride; and the structure field scanline_pad to the value of the argument scanline_pad. typedef unsigned XieOrientation; typedef struct { XieOrientation fill_order; XieOrientation pixel_order; unsigned int pixel_stride; unsigned int scanline_pad; } XieEncodeUncompressedSingleParam; /* Definitions of Orientation Types */ #define xieValLSFirst 1 #define xieValMSFirst 2 See Also XieFloExportClientPhoto, XieFloExportPhotomap, XieGetClientData XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecEncodeUncompressedTriple Name XieTecEncodeUncompressedTriple - allocate and fill an XieEncodeUncompressedTripleParam structure Syntax XieEncodeUncompressedTripleParam *XieTecEncodeUncompressedTriple (fill_order, pixel_order, band_order, interleave, pixel_stride, scanline_pad) XieOrientation fill_order; XieOrientation pixel_order; XieOrientation band_order; XieInterleave interleave; unsigned char pixel_stride[3]; unsigned char scanline_pad[3]; Arguments fill_order Specifies the method of pixel packing. pixel_order Specifies pixel ordering within the data stream. band_order Specifies the order of the image data sent through the protocol stream. interleave Specifies how the image bands are interleaved. pixel_stride Specifies the number of bits between consecutive pixels within a scanline. scanline_pad Specifies a multiple of bytes to which each scanline is padded. Returns The XieEncodeUncompressedTripleParam structure. Description XieTecEncodeUncompressedTriple allocates and returns a pointer to an XieEncodeUncompressedTripleParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the encode technique and may be used as the encode_param argument of XieFloExportClientPhoto and XieFloExportPhotomap (when the encode_tech argument is xieValEncodeUncompressedTriple). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecEncodeUncompressedTriple returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. The encode uncompressed triple technique is used when no compression scheme is to be applied to triple band image data. The parameters define the format of the data stream of uncompressed data that is made available for client retrieval via XieGetClientData. When multiple pixels are put in the same byte or a pixel spans multiple bytes, fill_order specifies whether the pixels (or parts of pixels) are packed into the most or least significant bits of a byte first. For pixels that span a byte boundary, pixel_order defines whether the most or least significant bits of the pixel are put first within the data stream. One of the following standard orientation values can be assigned to fill_order and pixel_order: xieValLSFirst xieValMSFirst The following table shows the relationship between fill_order and pixel_order, using two 10-bit pixels, each with two bits of pad (within each pixel the LS-bits are 0 and a, the MS-bits are 9 and j, and the pad bits are p) fill order LSFirst (pixel order) MSFirst (pixel order) LSFirst 76543210 dcbapp98 ppjihgfe 98765432 jihgpp10 ppfedcba MSFirst 76543210 98ppdcba jihgfepp 98765432 10ppjihg fedcbapp pixel_stride is the number of bits between the start of consecutive pixels within a scanline. It must be at least enough bits to contain the number of source levels. scanline_pad defines a multiple of bytes to which each scanline is padded; valid values are: 0 (not aligned), 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16. band_order is the order of the image bands or image planes as they are transmitted through the protocol stream. One of the following standard orientation values can be assigned to band_order: xieValLSFirst xieValMSFirst The least significant band of trichromatic data is the first band mentioned in the common name of the colorspace: red is the least significant band of RGB data. For band-by-pixel data, band_order specifies whether this band is put in the least or most significant bits of a pixel: LSFirst MSFirst B1B0G2G1G0R2R1R0 R2R1R0G2G1G0B1B0 For band-by-plane data, band_order specifies whether this band corresponds with the least significant or most significant image plane. Each plane is transported as a separate data stream: band LSFirst MSFirst 0 R7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0 B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 1 G7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0 G7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0 2 B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 R7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0 interleave describes how the bands are interleaved (per pixel within a single plane, or sent as three separate planes). One of the following standard interleave values can be assigned to interleave: xieValBandByPixel xieValBandByPlane Export of down-sampled band-by-pixel data is not supported: all bands must have equal widths and equal heights. Structures XieTecEncodeUncompressedTriple sets the structure field fill_order to the value of the argument fill_order; the structure field pixel_order to the value of the argument pixel_order; the structure field band_order to the value of the argument band_order; the structure field interleave to the value of the argument interleave; the structure field pixel_stride to the value of the argument pixel_stride; and the structure field scanline_pad to the value of the argument scanline_pad. typedef unsigned XieOrientation; typedef struct { unsigned char pixel_stride[3]; XieOrientation pixel_order; unsigned char scanline_pad[3]; XieOrientation fill_order; XieOrientation band_order; XieInterleave interleave; } XieEncodeUncompressedTripleParam; /* Definitions of Orientation Types */ #define xieValLSFirst 1 #define xieValMSFirst 2 /* Definitions for Interleave */ #define xieValBandByPixel 1 #define xieValBandByPlane 2 See Also XieFloExportClientPhoto, XieFloExportPhotomap, XieGetClientData XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecEncodeG31D Name XieTecEncodeG31D - allocate and fill an XieEncodeG31DParam structure Syntax XieEncodeG31DParam *XieTecEncodeG31D (align_eol, radiometric, encoded_order) Bool align_eol; Bool radiometric; XieOrientation encoded_order; Arguments align_eol Specifies the use of fill bits preceding EOL codes. radiometric Specifies how white runs are encoded. encoded_order Specifies the bit order of the encoded data. Returns The XieEncodeG31DParam structure. Description XieTecEncodeG31D allocates and returns a pointer to an XieEncodeG31DParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the encode technique and may be used as the encode_param argument of XieFloExportClientPhoto and XieFloExportPhotomap (when the encode_tech argument is xieValEncodeG31D). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecEncodeG31D returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. CCITT-G31D is the CCITT group 3 one-dimensional encoding technique as defined by CCITT T.4, "Standardization of Group 3 Facsimile Apparatus for Document Transmission". If True, align_eol, specifies that sufficient fill bits must precede EOL codes to guarantee that each EOL will end on a byte boundary (thus EOL will be a nibble of zero followed by a byte of one: xxxx,00002 0000,00012). radiometric specifies that image ones will be encoded as white runs, or conversely, image zeros will be encoded as white runs, if radiometric is False. encoded_order specifies the bit order for the encoded data. One of the following standard orientation values can be assigned to encoded_order: xieValLSFirst xieValMSFirst The following table shows the encoded bit order of two bytes (within each byte the first encoded bit is 0, and the last is bit 7): LSFirst MSFirst 76543210 76543210 01234567 01234567 Structures XieTecEncodeG31D sets the structure field align_eol to the value of the argument align_eol; the structure field radiometric to the value of the argument radiometric; and the structure field encoded_order to the value of the argument encoded_order. typedef unsigned XieOrientation; typedef struct { Bool align_eol; Bool radiometric; XieOrientation encoded_order; } XieEncodeG31DParam; /* Definitions of Orientation Types */ #define xieValLSFirst 1 #define xieValMSFirst 2 See Also XieFloExportClientPhoto, XieFloExportPhotomap, XieGetClientData XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecEncodeG32D Name XieTecEncodeG32D - allocate and fill an XieEncodeG32DParam structure Syntax XieEncodeG32DParam *XieTecEncodeG32D (uncompressed, align_eol, radiometric, encoded_order, k_factor) Bool uncompressed; Bool align_eol; Bool radiometric; XieOrientation encoded_order; unsigned long k_factor; Arguments uncompressed Specifies the use of the uncompressed-mode CCITT extension. align_eol Specifies the use of fill bits preceding EOL codes. radiometric Specifies how white runs are encoded. encoded_order Specifies the bit order of the encoded data. k_factor Specifies the number of two-dimensional scanlines to produce for each one-dimensional scanline. Returns The XieEncodeG32DParam structure. Description XieTecEncodeG32D allocates and returns a pointer to an XieEncodeG32DParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the encode technique and may be used as the encode_param argument of XieFloExportClientPhoto and XieFloExportPhotomap (when the encode_tech argument is xieValEncodeG32D). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecEncodeG32D returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. CCITT-G32D is the CCITT group 3 two-dimensional encoding technique as defined by CCITT T.4, "Standardization of Group 3 Facsimile Apparatus for Document Transmission". If True, uncompressed, will enable the use of the uncompressed-mode CCITT extension. If True, align_eol, specifies that sufficient fill bits must precede EOL codes to guarantee that each EOL will end on a byte boundary (thus EOL will be a nibble of zero followed by a byte of one: xxxx,00002 0000,00012). radiometric specifies that image ones will be encoded as white runs, or conversely, image zeros will be encoded as white runs, if radiometric is False. encoded_order specifies the bit order for the encoded data. One of the following standard orientation values can be assigned to encoded_order: xieValLSFirst xieValMSFirst The following table shows the encoded bit order of two bytes (within each byte the first encoded bit is 0, and the last is bit 7): LSFirst MSFirst 76543210 76543210 01234567 01234567 k_factor specifies the number of two-dimensional scanlines to produce for each one-dimensional scanline. Structures XieTecEncodeG32D sets the structure field uncompressed to the value of the argument uncompressed; the structure field align_eol to the value of the argument align_eol; the structure field radiometric to the value of the argument radiometric; the structure field encoded_order to the value of the argument encoded_order; and the structure field k_factor to the value of the argument k_factor. typedef unsigned XieOrientation; typedef struct { Bool uncompressed; Bool align_eol; Bool radiometric; XieOrientation encoded_order; unsigned long k_factor; } XieEncodeG32DParam; /* Definitions of Orientation Types */ #define xieValLSFirst 1 #define xieValMSFirst 2 See Also XieFloExportClientPhoto, XieFloExportPhotomap, XieGetClientData XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecEncodeG42D Name XieTecEncodeG42D - allocate and fill an XieEncodeG42DParam structure Syntax XieEncodeG42DParam *XieTecEncodeG42D (uncompressed, radiometric, encoded_order) Bool uncompressed; Bool radiometric; XieOrientation encoded_order; Arguments uncompressed Specifies the use of the uncompressed-mode CCITT extension. radiometric Specifies how white runs are encoded. encoded_order Specifies the bit order of the encoded data. Returns The XieEncodeG42DParam structure. Description XieTecEncodeG42D allocates and returns a pointer to an XieEncodeG42DParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the encode technique and may be used as the encode_param argument of XieFloExportClientPhoto and XieFloExportPhotomap (when the encode_tech argument is xieValEncodeG42D). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecEncodeG42D returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. CCITT-G42D is the CCITT group 4 two-dimensional encoding technique as defined by CCITT T.6, "Facsimile Coding Schemes and Coding Control Functions for Group 4 Facsimile Apparatus". If True, uncompressed will enable the use of the uncompressed-mode CCITT extension. radiometric specifies that image ones will be encoded as white runs, or conversely, image zeros will be encoded as white runs, if radiometric is False. encoded_order specifies the bit order for the encoded data. One of the following standard orientation values can be assigned to encoded_order: xieValLSFirst xieValMSFirst The following table shows the encoded bit order of two bytes (within each byte the first encoded bit is 0, and the last is bit 7): LSFirst MSFirst 76543210 76543210 01234567 01234567 Structures XieTecEncodeG42D sets the structure field uncompressed to the value of the argument uncompressed; the structure field radiometric to the value of the argument radiometric; and the structure field encoded_order to the value of the argument encoded_order. typedef unsigned XieOrientation; typedef struct { Bool uncompressed; Bool radiometric; XieOrientation encoded_order; } XieEncodeG42DParam; /* Definitions of Orientation Types */ #define xieValLSFirst 1 #define xieValMSFirst 2 See Also XieFloExportClientPhoto, XieFloExportPhotomap, XieGetClientData XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecEncodeServerChoice Name XieTecEncodeServerChoice - allocate and fill an XieEncodeServerChoiceParam structure Syntax XieEncodeServerChoiceParam *XieTecEncodeServerChoice (preference) unsigned int preference; Arguments preference Specifies a hint to help the server make its choice. Returns The XieEncodeServerChoiceParam structure. Description XieTecEncodeServerChoice allocates and returns a pointer to an XieEncodeServerChoiceParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the encode technique and may be used as the encode_param argument of XieFloExportPhotomap (when the encode_tech argument is xieValEncodeServerChoice). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecEncodeServerChoice returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. The server choice technique allows the server to choose an encode technique when exporting to a photomap. A photomap is a server resource that can be used to store image data. preference specifies an optional hint that can be provided to help the server make its choice, but the server is not obligated to obey the hint. One of the following standard server choice preference values can be assigned to preference: xieValPreferDefault xieValPreferSpace xieValPreferTime xieValPreferTime hints that retrieval performance is the desired metric, whereas xieValPreferSpace indicates that frugal use of storage space is more important. Normally the server choice technique must choose a lossless encode technique, but when data is received from an adjacent upstream import element, it may choose to pass the import elements input data directly to the photomap. Structures XieTecEncodeServerChoice sets the structure field preference to the value of the argument preference. typedef struct { unsigned int preference; } XieEncodeServerChoiceParam; /* Definitions for ServerChoice Preference Hints */ #define xieValPreferDefault 0 #define xieValPreferSpace 1 #define xieValPreferTime 2 See Also XieFloExportPhotomap XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecEncodeJPEGBaseline Name XieTecEncodeJPEGBaseline - allocate and fill an XieEncodeJPEGBaselineParam structure Syntax XieEncodeJPEGBaselineParam *XieTecEncodeJPEGBaseline (interleave, band_order, horizontal_samples, vertical_samples, q_table, q_size, ac_table, ac_size, dc_table, dc_size) XieInterleave interleave; XieOrientation band_order; unsigned char horizontal_samples[3]; unsigned char vertical_samples[3]; char *q_table; unsigned int q_size; char *ac_table; unsigned int ac_size; char *dc_table; unsigned int dc_size; Arguments interleave Specifies how the image bands will be interleaved. band_order Specifies the order in which the image bands were originally encoded. horizontal_samples Specifies the horizontal sampling factor. vertical_samples Specifies the vertical sampling factor. q_table Specifies the quantization table. q_size Specifies the number of elements in q_table. ac_table Specifies the AC Huffman table. ac_size Specifies the number of elements in ac_table. dc_table Specifies the DC Huffman table. dc_size Specifies the number of elements in dc_table. Returns The XieEncodeJPEGBaselineParam structure. Description XieTecEncodeJPEGBaseline allocates and returns a pointer to an XieEncodeJPEGBaselineParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the encode technique and may be used as the encode_param argument of XieFloExportClientPhoto and XieFloExportPhotomap (when the encode_tech argument is xieValEncodeJPEGBaseline). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecEncodeJPEGBaseline returns NULL. XieTecEncodeJPEGBaseline allocates memory for the structure fields q_table, ac_table, and dc_table; to free the memory allocated to the structure XieEncodeJPEGBaselineParam, use XieFreeEncodeJPEGBaseline. JPEG-Baseline is baseline Huffman DCT encoding as defined by ISO DIS 10918-1 "Digital Compression and Coding of Continuous-tone Still Images". A stream of JPEG Interchange Format (JIF) data is produced: all tables, compressed data, and so on are embedded in the data stream, all delineated by markers. For optimal results, clients should ensure that the colorspace of triple band image data flowing into ExportClientPhoto or ExportPhotomap, for encoding by the JPEGBaseline encoder, is YCbCr. interleave determines whether all bands of a triple band image will be interleaved within a single encoded stream or whether three separate encoded streams will be produced. One of the following standard interleave values can be assigned to interleave: xieValBandByPixel xieValBandByPlane For triple band data, band_order specifies the order in which the image bands were originally encoded. One of the following standard orientation values can be assigned to band_order: xieValLSFirst xieValMSFirst The least significant band of trichromatic data is the first band mentioned in the common name of the colorspace: red is the least significant band of RGB data. band_order specifies whether this band corresponds with the least significant or most significant image plane. Each plane is encoded from a separate data stream: band LSFirst MSFirst 0 Red band Blue band 1 Green band Green band 2 Blue band Red band The arguments horizontal_samples and vertical_samples are the horizontal and vertical sampling factors. q_table is the quantization table. ac_table specifies the AC Huffman table and dc_table specifies the DC Huffman table. There may be one q_table per band or a single q_table shared between all bands. Generally there is a single AC/DC pair of Huffman tables, but for triple band band-by-pixel data there may be two pairs of tables (one for the luminance band and the other for the chromanance bands). If any table is specified with zero length, it indicates that the server implementor is to supply that table (for example, the example tables defined in ISO DIS 10918-1 "Digital Compression and Coding of Continuous-tone Still Images"). The arguments interleave, band_order, horizontal_samples, and vertical_samples are ignored for single band images, and horizontal_samples and vertical_samples are always ignored if interleave is band-by-plane. horizontal_samples and vertical_samples share the definitions and restrictions stipulated for parameters Hi and Vi, respectively, that are specified in annexes A and B of ISO DIS 10918-1 "Digital Compression and Coding of Continuous-tone Still Images". Structures XieTecEncodeJPEGBaseline sets the structure field interleave to the value of the argument interleave; the structure field band_order to the value of the argument band_order; the structure field horizontal_sample to the values of the argument horizontal_sample; the structure field vertical_sample to the values of the argument vertical_sample; and the structure fields q_table, q_size, ac_table, ac_size, dc_table, dc_size to the values of the arguments q_table, q_size, ac_table, ac_size, dc_table, dc_size. typedef unsigned XieOrientation; typedef struct { XieInterleave interleave; XieOrientation band_order; unsigned char horizontal_samples[3]; unsigned char vertical_samples[3]; char *q_table; unsigned int q_size; char *ac_table; unsigned int ac_size; char *dc_table; unsigned int dc_size; } XieEncodeJPEGBaselineParam; /* Definitions for Interleave */ #define xieValBandByPixel 1 #define xieValBandByPlane 2 /* Definitions of Orientation Types */ #define xieValLSFirst 1 #define xieValMSFirst 2 See Also XieFloExportClientPhoto, XieFloExportPhotomap, XieFreeEncodeJPEGBaseline, XieFloConvertFromRGB, XieTecRGBToYCbCr, XieGetClientData XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecEncodeJPEGLossless Name XieTecEncodeJPEGLossless - allocate and fill an XieEncodeJPEGLosslessParam structure Syntax XieEncodeJPEGLosslessParam *XieTecEncodeJPEGLossless (interleave, band_order, predictor, table, table_size) XieInterleave interleave; XieOrientation band_order; unsigned char predictor[3]; char *table; unsigned int table_size; Arguments interleave Specifies how the image bands will be interleaved. band_order Specifies the order in which the image bands were originally encoded. predictor Specifies the predictor selection value. table Specifies the lossless entropy encoding table. table_size Specifies the number of elements in table. Returns The XieEncodeJPEGLosslessParam structure. Description XieTecEncodeJPEGLossless allocates and returns a pointer to an XieEncodeJPEGLosslessParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the encode technique and may be used as the encode_param argument of XieFloExportClientPhoto and XieFloExportPhotomap (when the encode_tech argument is xieValEncodeJPEGLossless). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecEncodeJPEGLossless returns NULL. XieTecEncodeJPEGLossless allocates memory for the structure field table; to free the memory allocated to the structure XieEncodeJPEGLosslessParam, use XieFreeEncodeJPEGLossless. JPEG-Lossless, corresponds to frames encoded using Huffman, predictive sequential lossless encoding as defined by ISO DIS 10918-1 "Digital Compression and Coding of Continuous-tone Still Images". A data stream of JPEG Interchange Format (JIF) data is returned: all tables, compressed data, and so on are embedded in the data stream, all delineated by markers. This technique is not available in the R6 sample implementation of XIE. interleave determines whether all bands of a triple band image will be interleaved within a single encoded stream or whether three separate encoded streams will be produced. One of the following standard interleave values can be assigned to interleave: xieValBandByPixel xieValBandByPlane For triple band data, band_order specifies the order in which the image bands were originally encoded. One of the following standard orientation values can be assigned to band_order: xieValLSFirst xieValMSFirst The least significant band of trichromatic data is the first band mentioned in the common name of the colorspace: red is the least significant band of RGB data. band_order specifies whether this band corresponds with the least significant or most significant image plane. Each plane is encoded from a separate data stream: band LSFirst MSFirst 0 Red band Blue band 1 Green band Green band 2 Blue band Red band The arguments interleave and band_order are ignored for single band images. predictor is the predictor selection value (one per band). table is the lossless entropy encoding table (up to one per band). Specifying a table of length zero indicates that the server implementor should supply a table (for example, the example tables defined in ISO DIS 10918-1 "Digital Compression and Coding of Continuous-Tone Still Images"). Structures XieTecEncodeJPEGLossless sets the structure field interleave to the value of the argument interleave; the structure field band_order to the value of the argument band_order; the structure field predictor to the values of the argument predictor; and the structure fields table, table_size to the values of the arguments table, table_size. typedef unsigned XieOrientation; typedef struct { XieInterleave interleave; XieOrientation band_order; unsigned char predictor[3]; char *table; unsigned int table_size; } XieEncodeJPEGLosslessParam; /* Definitions for Interleave */ #define xieValBandByPixel 1 #define xieValBandByPlane 2 /* Definitions of Orientation Types */ #define xieValLSFirst 1 #define xieValMSFirst 2 See Also XieFloExportClientPhoto, XieFloExportPhotomap, XieGetClientData XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecEncodeTIFF2 Name XieTecEncodeTIFF2 - allocate and fill an XieEncodeTIFF2Param structure Syntax XieEncodeTIFF2Param *XieTecEncodeTIFF2 (encoded_order, radiometric) XieOrientation encoded_order; Bool radiometric; Arguments encoded_order Specifies the bit order of the encoded data. radiometric Specifies how white runs are decoded. Returns The XieEncodeTIFF2Param structure. Description XieTecEncodeTIFF2 allocates and returns a pointer to an XieEncodeTIFF2Param structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the encode technique and may be used as the encode_param argument of XieFloExportClientPhoto and XieFloExportPhotomap (when the encode_tech argument is xieValEncodeTIFF2). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecEncodeTIFF2 returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. TIFF-2 is modified Huffman compression as described in "TIFF Tag Image File Format", revision 6.0, draft 2, by Aldus Corporation (TIFF compression scheme 2). radiometric specifies that image ones will be encoded as white runs, or conversely, image zeros will be encoded as white runs, if radiometric is False. encoded_order specifies the bit order for the encoded data. One of the following standard orientation values can be assigned to encoded_order: xieValLSFirst xieValMSFirst The following table shows the encoded bit order of two bytes (within each byte the first encoded bit is 0, and the last is bit 7): LSFirst MSFirst 76543210 76543210 01234567 01234567 Structures XieTecEncodeTIFF2 sets the structure field encoded_order to the value of the argument encoded_order; and the structure field radiometric to the value of the argument radiometric. typedef unsigned XieOrientation; typedef struct { XieOrientation encoded_order; Bool radiometric; } XieEncodeTIFF2Param; /* Definitions of Orientation Types */ #define xieValLSFirst 1 #define xieValMSFirst 2 See Also XieFloExportClientPhoto, XieFloExportPhotomap, XieGetClientData XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecEncodeTIFFPackBits Name XieTecEncodeTIFFPackBits - allocate and fill an XieEncodeTIFFPackBitsParam structure Syntax XieEncodeTIFFPackBitsParam *XieTecEncodeTIFFPackBits (encoded_order) XieOrientation encoded_order; Arguments encoded_order Specifies the bit order of the encoded data. Returns The XieEncodeTIFFPackBitsParam structure. Description XieTecEncodeTIFFPackBits allocates and returns a pointer to an XieEncodeTIFFPackBitsParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the encode technique and may be used as the encode_param argument of XieFloExportClientPhoto and XieFloExportPhotomap (when the encode_tech argument is xieValEncodeTIFFPackBits). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecEncodeTIFFPackBits returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. TIFF-PackBits is byte-oriented run-length encoding as described in "TIFF Tag Image File Format", revision 6.0, draft 2, by Aldus Corporation (TIFF compression scheme 32773). encoded_order specifies the bit order of the encoded data. One of the following standard orientation values can be assigned to encoded_order: xieValLSFirst xieValMSFirst The following table shows the encoded bit order of two bytes (within each byte the first encoded bit is 0, and the last is bit 7): LSFirst MSFirst 76543210 76543210 01234567 01234567 Structures XieTecEncodeTIFFPackBits sets the structure field encoded_order to the value of the argument encoded_order. typedef unsigned XieOrientation; typedef struct { XieOrientation encoded_order; } XieEncodeTIFFPackBitsParam; /* Definitions of Orientation Types */ #define xieValLSFirst 1 #define xieValMSFirst 2 See Also XieFloExportClientPhoto, XieFloExportPhotomap, XieGetClientData XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecGeomAntialiasByArea Name XieTecGeomAntialiasByArea - allocate and fill an XieGeomAntialiasByAreaParam structure Syntax XieGeomAntialiasByAreaParam *XieTecGeomAntialiasByArea (simple) int simple; Arguments simple Specifies the approximation form to use. Returns The XieGeomAntialiasByAreaParam structure. Description XieTecGeomAntialiasByArea allocates and returns a pointer to an XieGeomAntialiasByAreaParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the geometry technique and may be used as the sample_param argument of XieFloGeometry (when the sample_tech argument is xieValGeomAntialiasByArea). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecGeomAntialiasByArea returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. Antialiasing techniques incorporate information from an "area" of pixels in the input image in order to produce each output pixel. This implies that line dropouts and other artifacts will occur less often, and the output image may have markedly better resemblance to the input image. The technique AntialiasByArea computes the output image by assigning to each output pixel the weighted average of the intensity values of input pixels that fall within its area. That is, the four corners of the output pixel are projected back onto the input image. If simple is zero (0), the size and shape of the "area" are determined by the parameters of the geometric transformation. The boundaries of the "area" may not fall on pixel boundaries and, in the case of nonorthogonal rotation of the image, "area" may not be rectangular. Partial input pixel values may have to be calculated: the antialias-by-area technique preserves shape but can be very slow computationally. Because of the computational complexity of this method, two approximations are supported. If simple is nonzero, the pixels covered by the projected area will be averaged without regard to the relative amount of area that they contain: if they are touched by the area, they are included in a simple average. If simple is set to N, with N odd and greater than one (3,5,7, ...), then only the center point of the output pixel is projected, and a simple average is taken of an N by N window centered on the projection. For best results, N should correspond roughly to the amount of scaling that will be done. Structures XieTecGeomAntialiasByArea sets the structure field simple to the value of the argument simple. typedef struct { int simple; } XieGeomAntialiasByAreaParam; See Also XieFloGeometry XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecGeomAntialiasByLowpass Name XieTecGeomAntialiasByLowpass - allocate and fill an XieGeomAntialiasByLowpassParam structure Syntax XieGeomAntialiasByLowpassParam *XieTecGeomAntialiasByLowpass (kernel_size) int kernel_size; Arguments kernel_size Specifies the size of the image kernel. Returns The XieGeomAntialiasByLowpassParam structure. Description XieTecGeomAntialiasByLowpass allocates and returns a pointer to an XieGeomAntialiasByLowpassParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the geometry technique and may be used as the sample_param argument of XieFloGeometry (when the sample_tech argument is xieValGeomAntialiasByLowpass). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecGeomAntialiasByLowpass returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. Antialiasing techniques incorporate information from an "area" of pixels in the input image in order to produce each output pixel. This implies that line dropouts and other artifacts will occur less often, and the output image may have markedly better resemblance to the input image. The technique AntialiasByLowpass represents an approximation to antialias-by-area that can be faster, yet provides similar results. First, a low-pass filter is applied by passing an nxn boxcar kernel over the original input image. Output pixel values are then derived using a nearest neighbor sampling method that selects the value of the input pixel in the upper-left corner of the area mapped back from the output pixel. The user is allowed to select the size of the image kernel via the kernel_size parameter. For best results, kernel_size should be chosen to correspond roughly to the amount of scaling that will be done. Note that the server chooses the best kernel for the appropriate size; the values used in the kernel are not alterable by the client application. Clients wishing to specify the kernel in more detail should use the convolve technique directly. Structures XieTecGeomAntialiasByLowpass sets the structure field kernel_size to the value of the argument kernel_size. typedef struct { int kernel_size; } XieGeomAntialiasByLowpassParam; See Also XieFloGeometry, XieFloConvolve, XieTecGeomAntialiasByArea XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecGeomGaussian Name XieTecGeomGaussian - allocate and fill an XieGeomGaussianParam structure Syntax XieGeomGaussianParam *XieTecGeomGaussian (sigma, normalize, radius, simple) double sigma; double normalize; unsigned int radius; Bool simple; Arguments sigma Specifies the drop-off rate. normalize Specifies a normalization constant. radius Specifies the extent of computation. simple Specifies the approximation form to use. Returns The XieGeomGaussianParam structure. Description XieTecGeomGaussian allocates and returns a pointer to an XieGeomGaussianParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the geometry technique and may be used as the sample_param argument of XieFloGeometry (when the sample_tech argument is xieValGeomGaussian). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecGeomGaussian returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. A Geometry element can be visualized as stepping through each possible output pixel location in turn, and computing the location from which to obtain each input pixel value. Each pixel (x',y') in the output image is mapped to the coordinate location (x,y) in src by: It is not unusual that the input location (x,y) so derived will be nonintegral and will not correspond exactly to a single pixel in the input image. From sampling theory, a bandwidth limited continuous input image can be recovered perfectly (under certain conditions) from its sampled output by computing the convolution: Here I(x,y) is the continuous image, i(m,n) the discrete sampled image, and h(u,v) is the impulse response function for an appropriate low-pass filter. The specific form of h(u,v) for a Gaussian impulse response function is given by: The term is called the "normalization constant" and may be altered using the normalize parameter. The suggested value for * (sigma, the drop-off rate) is 1. Note that all technique parameters must be chosen in concert radius defines the extent of computation. A suggested value for radius is one, that is, only pixels within a distance of one in either the x or y direction are involved in the calculation. For computational convenience, a simplified form of Gaussian interpolation is provided. If simple is True, the impulse-response function h(u,v) is: The normalization factor N is defined by normalize. As with true Gaussian interpolation, the radius parameter is used to determine the number of pixels involved in the computation. Structures XieTecGeomGaussian sets the structure field sigma to the value of the argument sigma; the structure field normalize to the value of the argument normalize; the structure field radius to the value of the argument radius; and the structure field simple to the value of the argument simple. typedef struct { float sigma; float normalize; unsigned int radius; Bool simple; } XieGeomGaussianParam; See Also XieFloGeometry XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecGeomNearestNeighbor Name XieTecGeomNearestNeighbor - allocate and fill an XieGeomNearestNeighborParam structure Syntax XieGeomNearestNeighborParam *XieTecGeomNearestNeighbor (modify) unsigned int modify; Arguments modify Specifies technique behavior on even boundaries. Returns The XieGeomNearestNeighborParam structure. Description XieTecGeomNearestNeighbor allocates and returns a pointer to an XieGeomNearestNeighborParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the geometry technique and may be used as the sample_param argument of XieFloGeometry (when the sample_tech argument is xieValGeomNearestNeighbor). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecGeomNearestNeighbor returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. A Geometry element can be visualized as stepping through each possible output pixel location in turn, and computing the location from which to obtain each input pixel value. Each pixel (x',y') in the output image is mapped to the coordinate location (x,y) in src by: It is not unusual that the input location (x,y) so derived will be nonintegral and will not correspond exactly to a single pixel in the input image. To illustrate NearestNeighbor technique, assume that the pixel grid locations P, Q, R, and S are integral. Pixel location X = (x,y)T, obtained from the mapping equation above, differs from P by fractional amounts s in the x direction and t in the y direction. Let I(P) be the value of the input image at coordinate P, if P is within the image extent. Otherwise, let I(P) be constant, where constant is the pixel value passed to the Geometry element. A value of I(X) must be estimated from I(P), I(Q), I(R), and I(S). In nearest-neighbor sampling, we simply choose the image value from the discrete location closest to X. Thus, if s < 1/2, t < 1/2, set I(X) = I(P), if s > 1/2, t < 1/2, set I(X) = I(Q), if s > 1/2, t > 1/2, set I(X) = I(R), if s < 1/2, t > 1/2, set I(X) = I(S). The behavior on even boundaries (s = 1/2 or t = 1/2) is determined by the modify parameter. One of the standard nearest neighbor modify values can be assigned to modify: xieValFavorDown xieValFavorUp xieValRoundNW xieValRoundNE xieValRoundSE xieValRoundSW If modify is xieValFavorDown, all less than signs in the above are replaced with less than or equal signs. Thus, P would win all ties, S and Q would lose to P but win over R, and R would lose all ties. If modify is xieValFavorUp, then all greater than signs would be replaced with greater than or equals, and the opposite behavior would occur. Four additional options are provided. The xieValRoundxx options will always choose a specific integral pixel grid location; these are not strictly nearest neighbor algorithms but are available for computational/filtering convenience. Structures XieTecGeomNearestNeighbor sets the structure field modify to the value of the argument modify. typedef struct { unsigned int modify; } XieGeomNearestNeighborParam; /* Definitions of NearestNeighbor Modify */ #define xieValFavorDown 1 #define xieValFavorUp 2 #define xieValRoundNW 3 #define xieValRoundNE 4 #define xieValRoundSE 5 #define xieValRoundSW 6 See Also XieFloGeometry XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecHistogramGaussian Name XieTecHistogramGaussian - allocate and fill an XieHistogramGaussianParam structure Syntax XieHistogramGaussianParam *XieTecHistogramGaussian (mean, sigma) double mean; double sigma; Arguments mean Specifies the center of the Gaussian probability density function. sigma Specifies the "spread" of the Gaussian probability density function. Returns The XieHistogramGaussianParam structure. Description XieTecHistogramGaussian allocates and returns a pointer to an XieHistogramGaussianParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the match-histogram shape technique and may be used as the shape_param argument of XieFloMatchHistogram (when the shape argument is xieValHistogramGaussian). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecHistogramGaussian returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. The Gaussian match-histogram shape technique specifies that the output image is to have a histogram that approximates a Gaussian probability density. The supplied parameters are used to generate a Gaussian probability density function centered around the mean level with a spread specified by sigma: Structures XieTecHistogramGaussian sets the structure field mean to the value of the argument mean; and the structure field sigma to the value of the argument sigma. typedef struct { float mean; float sigma; } XieHistogramGaussianParam; See Also XieFloMatchHistogram XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecHistogramHyperbolic Name XieTecHistogramHyperbolic - allocate and fill an XieHistogramHyperbolicParam structure Syntax XieHistogramHyperbolicParam *XieTecHistogramHyperbolic (constant, shape_factor) double constant; Bool shape_factor; Arguments constant Specifies a value used to generate a hyperbolic probability density function shape_factor Specifies the relationship between the histogram shape and image levels. Returns The XieHistogramHyperbolicParam structure. Description XieTecHistogramHyperbolic allocates and returns a pointer to an XieHistogramHyperbolicParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the match-histogram shape technique and may be used as the shape_param argument of XieFloMatchHistogram (when the shape argument is xieValHistogramHyperbolic). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecHistogramHyperbolic returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. The hyperbolic match-histogram shape technique specifies that the output image is to have a histogram that approximates a hyperbolic probability density. constant is used to generate a hyperbolic probability density function: shape_factor should be specified as False if the histogram shape represents decreasing values for higher levels or True if the shape represents increasing values for higher levels. Structures XieTecHistogramHyperbolic sets the structure field constant to the value of the argument constant; and the structure field shape_factor to the value of the argument shape_factor. typedef struct { float constant; Bool shape_factor; } XieHistogramHyperbolicParam; See Also XieFloMatchHistogram XIElib - Technique Functions XieTecWhiteAdjustCIELabShift Name XieTecWhiteAdjustCIELabShift - allocate and fill an XieWhiteAdjustCIELabShiftParam structure Syntax XieWhiteAdjustCIELabShiftParam *XieTecWhiteAdjustCIELabShift (white_point) XieConstant white_point; Arguments white_point Specifies the white point of the (source or output) data. Returns The XieWhiteAdjustCIELabShiftParam structure. Description XieTecWhiteAdjustCIELabShift allocates and returns a pointer to an XieWhiteAdjustCIELabShiftParam structure. The returned structure represents the list of parameters required by the WhiteAdjust technique and may be used as the white_adjust_param argument of XieTecRGBToCIELab, XieTecRGBToCIEXYZ, XieTecCIELabToRGB, and XieTecCIEXYZToRGB (when the white_adjust_tech argument is xieValWhiteAdjustCIELabShift). If insufficient memory is available, XieTecWhiteAdjustCIELabShift returns NULL. To free the memory allocated to this structure, use XFree. White point correction can be used to ensure that white "looks" white, or it can be used to change the overall tint of an image. The CIELabShift WhiteAdjust technique specifies that white point correction is to be accomplished by adding the white point displacement to the ab plane in the CIELab colorspace. The white_point is specified using CIEXYZ encodings. If the WhiteAdjust technique is used with a color conversion technique that converts from RGB, white_point specifies the desired white point of the output data; if the conversion is to RGB, white_point specifies the white point of the source data. Structures XieTecWhiteAdjustCIELabShift sets the structure field white_point to the value of the argument white_point. typedef float XieConstant[3]; typedef unsigned XieWhiteAdjustTechnique; typedef struct { XieConstant white_point; } XieWhiteAdjustCIELabShiftParam; See Also XieTecRGBToCIELab, XieTecRGBToCIEXYZ, XieTecCIELabToRGB, XieTecCIEXYZToRGB XIElib - Free Functions XieFreeTechniques Name XieFreeTechniques - free memory allocated for a list of techniques Syntax void XieFreeTechniques (techs, count) XieTechnique *techs; unsigned int count; Arguments techs Specifies the list of techniques to be freed. count Specifies the number of items in the list of techniques to be freed. Description XieFreeTechniques frees the memory previously allocated for techs. Care should be taken that the argument pair techs/count match an argument pair techniques_ret/ ntechniques_ret returned from XieQueryTechniques. See XieQueryTechniques for a description of the XieTechnique structure. Structures typedef unsigned XieTechniqueGroup; typedef struct { Bool needs_param; XieTechniqueGroup group; unsigned int number; unsigned int speed; char *name; } XieTechnique; See Also XieQueryTechniques XIElib - Free Functions XieFreePhotofloGraph Name XieFreePhotofloGraph - free memory allocated for an array of XiePhotoElement structures Syntax void XieFreePhotofloGraph (elements, count) XiePhotoElement *elements; unsigned int count; Arguments elements Specifies the array of XiePhotoElement structures to be freed. count Specifies the number of XiePhotoElement structures in the array. Description XieFreePhotofloGraph frees the specified array of XiePhotoElement structures. Care should be taken that the argument pair elements/count match a returned value (an array of XiePhotoElement structures) and argument count from a call to XieAllocatePhotofloGraph. Technique parameters are not freed by using XieFreePhotofloGraph. Most of the technique parameters, with the exception of the JPEG baseline and JPEG lossless encode techniques, which are allocated using XIElib convenience functions are freed using XFree. This is so the client can reuse technique parameters between photoflos. Structures typedef struct { int elemType; /* union of ALL element types */ union { ... ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; See Also XieAllocatePhotofloGraph, XieCreatePhotoflo, XieExecutePhotoflo, XieExecuteImmediate XIElib - Free Functions XieFreeEncodeJPEGBaseline Name XieFreeEncodeJPEGBaseline - free the memory allocated to the structure XieEncodeJPEGBaselineParam Syntax void XieFreeEncodeJPEGBaseline (param) XieEncodeJPEGBaselineParam *param Arguments param Specifies a pointer to the structure that is to be freed. Description XieFreeEncodeJPEGBaseline (rather than XFree) should be used to free the memory allocated by XieTecEncodeJPEGBaseline. Structures typedef struct { XieInterleave interleave; XieOrientation band_order; unsigned char horizontal_samples[3]; unsigned char vertical_samples[3]; char *q_table; unsigned int q_size; char *ac_table; unsigned int ac_size; char *dc_table; unsigned int dc_size; } XieEncodeJPEGBaselineParam; See Also XieTecEncodeJPEGBaseline XIElib - Free Functions XieFreeEncodeJPEGLossless Name XieFreeEncodeJPEGLossless - free the memory allocated to the structure XieEncodeJPEGLosslessParam Syntax void XieFreeEncodeJPEGLossless (param) XieEncodeJPEGLosslessParam *param; Arguments param Specifies a pointer to the structure that is to be freed. Description XieFreeEncodeJPEGLossless (rather than XFree) should be used to free the memory allocated by XieTecEncodeJPEGLossless. Note that the JPEG Lossless technique is not available in the R6 sample implementation of XIE. Structures typedef struct { XieInterleave interleave; XieOrientation band_order; unsigned char predictor[3]; char *table; unsigned int table_size; } XieEncodeJPEGLosslessParam; See Also XieTecEncodeJPEGLossless XIElib - Free Functions XieFreePasteUpTiles Name XieFreePasteUpTiles - free the memory allocated to the tiles field of a PasteUp structure Syntax void XieFreePasteUpTiles (element) XiePhotoElement *element; Arguments element Specifies the XiePhotoElement structure to use. Description XieFreePasteUpTiles frees the memory allocated to the tiles field in the specified PasteUp member structure; after the memory has been freed, the field value is set to NULL. Structures typedef struct { int elemType; union { ... struct { unsigned int width; unsigned int height; XieConstant constant; XieTile *tiles; unsigned int tile_count; } PasteUp; ... } data; } XiePhotoElement; See Also XieFloPasteUp XIElib Events ColorAlloc Description The client is notified that a ConvertToIndex element has completed color allocation, but has produced a result of lesser fidelity than was requested using the technique that was specified for the ConvertToIndex element. The structure fields name_space, flo_id, src, and elem_type identify the photoflo and specific ConvertToIndex element from which the ColorAlloc event originated. The structure field time is the server time when the ColorAlloc event occurred, in milliseconds. The structure field color_list is the color list resource that received the allocated colors. The structure field color_alloc_technique is the ColorAlloc technique specified to the ConvertToIndex element. The structure field color_alloc_data can be used for other information that is specific to the ColorAlloc technique. Structures /* ColorAlloc Event Code */ #define xieEvnNoColorAlloc 0 typedef struct { int type; unsigned long serial; Bool send_event; Display *display; unsigned long name_space; Time time; unsigned long flo_id; XiePhototag src; unsigned int elem_type; XieColorList color_list; XieColorAllocTechnique color_alloc_technique; unsigned long color_alloc_data; } XieColorAllocEvent; See Also XieFloConvertToIndex, XieTecColorAllocAll XIElib Events DecodeNotify Description A DecodeNotify event notifies the client that anomalies were encountered while decoding a compressed image (see the notify arguments of XieFloImportClientPhoto and XieFloImportPhotomap). Either an error has been encountered while decoding an image, or the image data received does not satisfy the expected dimensions. The structure fields name_space, flo_id, src, and elem_type identify the photoflo and element from which the DecodeNotify event originated. The structure field time is the server time when the DecodeNotify event occurred, in milliseconds. The structure field band_number associates the event with a specific band of the image. The structure field decode_technique is the Decode technique being used. The structure fields width and height are the dimensions discovered while decoding the data. The structure field aborted is True if decoding was aborted, or False if recovery was possible. Recovery from a decode error may result in some missing or garbled image data. This may also cause the height of the decoded data to be less than was expected. If the structure fields width or height do not match the width and height specified to XieFloImportClientPhoto, the image data is clipped or padded (with zeros), as required, to enforce the XieFloImportClientPhoto specified dimensions. Structures /* DecodeNotify Event Code */ #define xieEvnNoDecodeNotify 1 typedef struct { int type; unsigned long serial; Bool send_event; Display *display; unsigned long name_space; Time time; unsigned long flo_id; XiePhototag src; unsigned int elem_type; XieDecodeTechnique decode_technique; Bool aborted; unsigned int band_number; unsigned long width; unsigned long height; } XieDecodeNotifyEvent; See Also XieFloImportClientPhoto, XieFloImportPhotomap XIElib Events ExportAvailable Description The client is notified that an ExportClient element has data available (see the notify argument of the applicable XieFloExportClient... function). If notify was specified as xieValFirstData, this event will be sent only the first time data become available from the ExportClient element. Otherwise (that is, xieValNewData was specified), this event will be generated each time the amount of data available changes from zero to nonzero. The structure fields name_space, flo_id, src, and elem_type identify the photoflo and specific ExportClient element from which the ExportAvailable event originated. The structure field time is the server time when the ExportAvailable event occurred, in milliseconds. The structure field band_number associates the event with a specific band of the image or LUT. The structure field data is information specific to elem_type (for example, the number of LUT entries or ROI rectangles available). Where there is a single ExportClient element, the client can just read bytes or be event-driven. For photoflos containing multiple ExportClient elements, the client should be event-driven. Structures /* ExportAvailable Event Code */ #define xieEvnNoExportAvailable 2 typedef struct { int type; unsigned long serial; Bool send_event; Display *display; unsigned long name_space; Time time; unsigned long flo_id; XiePhototag src; unsigned int elem_type; unsigned int band_number; unsigned long data[3]; } XieExportAvailableEvent; See Also XieFloExportClientHistogram, XieFloExportClientLUT, XieFloExportClientPhoto, XieFloExportClientROI XIElib Events ImportObscured Description The client is notified when an ImportDrawable or ImportDrawablePlane element encounters obscured regions in a Window that cannot be retrieved from backing store (see the notify argument of the import element routine). A separate ImportObscured event is returned for each affected region. The structure fields name_space, flo_id, and src identify the photoflo and the specific import element from which the ImportObscured event originated. The structure field time is the server time when the ImportObscured event occurred, in milliseconds. The structure field window identifies the Window. The obscured region of the window is specified by the structure fields x, y, width, and height. Note: image data within obscured regions will be populated with the fill argument supplied to the import element. Structures /* ImportObscured Event Code */ #define xieEvnNoImportObscured 3 typedef struct { int type; unsigned long serial; Bool send_event; Display *display; unsigned long name_space; Time time; unsigned long flo_id; XiePhototag src; unsigned int elem_type; Window window; int x; int y; unsigned int width; unsigned int height; } XieImportObscuredEvent; See Also XieFloImportDrawable, XieFloImportDrawablePlane XIElib Events PhotofloDone Description A PhotofloDone event notifies the client that a photoflo has left the active state. It is enabled by the notify argument of XieExecutePhotoflo or XieExecuteImmediate. The photoflo from which the PhotofloDone event originated is identified by the structure fields name_space and flo_id. The structure field time is the server time when the PhotofloDone event occurred, in milliseconds. The reason the photoflo left the active state is indicated by the structure field type. If the Photoflo terminated because of an error condition, the details concerning the error have preceded this event in an error message. Structures /* PhotofloDone Event Code */ #define xieEvnNoPhotofloDone 4 typedef struct { int type; unsigned long serial; Bool send_event; Display *display; unsigned long name_space; Time time; unsigned long flo_id; } XiePhotofloDoneEvent; See Also XieExecuteImmediate, XieExecutePhotoflo XIElib Errors Resource Errors The following error codes are allocated from the extension error space to provide for the errors returned by XIE: Error Cause xieErrNoColorlist The value for a color_list argument does not name a defined color list. xieErrNoLUT The value for a lut argument does not name a defined LUT. xieErrNoPhotoflo The value for a photoflo argument does not name a defined photoflo. xieErrNoPhotomap The value for a photomap argument does not name a defined photomap. xieErrNoPhotospace The value for a photospace argument does not name a defined photospace. xieErrNoROI The value for a roi argument does not name a defined ROI. xieErrNoFlo An error has been detected while defining, executing, or accessing a photoflo (see Photoflo Errors). XIE also uses the core protocol BadAccess, BadAlloc, BadIDChoice, BadLength, BadRequest, and BadValue errors. XIElib Errors Photoflo Errors If an error is detected while defining, executing, or accessing a photoflo, an xieErrNoFlo... error is returned. This single error code is allocated from the extension error space for all photoflo related errors. The following subcodes are defined to provide the details of the error: Error Cause xieErrNoFloAccess Attempt to execute, modify, or redefine an active photoflo or attempt to Get/Put client data from/to an inactive photoflo. xieErrNoFloAlloc Insufficient resources (for example, memory). xieErrNoFloColormap An unknown Colormap has been specified. xieErrNoFloColorList An unknown color list has been specified. xieErrNoFloDomain Invalid domain phototag: - source data is not a list-of-rectangles or control-plane or - specified nonzero on a DIS server. xieErrNoFloDrawable An unknown Drawable has been specified. xieErrNoFloElement An unknown element type has been specified, or invalid element type for request, or attempt to change or add an element type. xieErrNoFloGC An unknown GContext has been specified. xieErrNoFloID Invalid executable: - an unknown photoflo has been specified or - an unknown photospace has been specified. xieErrNoFloLength An element was received with the incorrect number of bytes. xieErrNoFloLUT An unknown LUT has been specified. xieErrNoFloMatch Some argument or pair of arguments has the correct type and range, but it fails to match in some other way required by the element. xieErrNoFloOperator An unknown operator has been specified. xieErrNoFloPhotomap An unknown photomap has been specified. xieErrNoFloROI An unknown ROI has been specified. xieErrNoFloSource An invalid phototag has been specified: - zero, but a phototag is required, or - downstream from the particular element, or - beyond the bounds of the photoflo. xieErrNoFloTechnique An unknown technique has been specified , or invalid technique specific-parameters have been specified, or the wrong number of technique-specific parameters have been given. xieErrNoFloValue Some numeric value falls outside of the range of values accepted by the element. xieErrNoFloImplementation Some aspect of a request is not implemented by the server: the client should be prepared to receive and handle this error. Structures /* Definition of Error Codes */ #define xieErrNoColorList 0 #define xieErrNoLUT 1 #define xieErrNoPhotoflo 2 #define xieErrNoPhotomap 3 #define xieErrNoPhotospace 4 #define xieErrNoROI 5 #define xieErrNoFlo 6 /* Definitions of Flo Error (Sub-) Codes */ #define xieErrNoFloAccess 1 #define xieErrNoFloAlloc 2 #define xieErrNoFloColormap 3 #define xieErrNoFloColorList 4 #define xieErrNoFloDomain 5 #define xieErrNoFloDrawable 6 #define xieErrNoFloElement 7 #define xieErrNoFloGC 8 #define xieErrNoFloID 9 #define xieErrNoFloLength 10 #define xieErrNoFloLUT 11 #define xieErrNoFloMatch 12 #define xieErrNoFloOperator 13 #define xieErrNoFloPhotomap 14 #define xieErrNoFloROI 15 #define xieErrNoFloSource 16 #define xieErrNoFloTechnique 17 #define xieErrNoFloValue 18 #define xieErrNoFloImplementation 19 XIElib 40 XIElib Events-5 XIElib Errors-3