Project Options


Figure 1. General Options

Basic Options

Project Directory

Directory in which the Glade project lies. You can select this using a file dialog box by clicking on Browse.

Project Name

Name of your project. Editing this will cause your program name and project filename to change automatically.

Program Name

Name of the executable used when Glade generates code for your project. Editing this will cause the project file to automatically change.

Project File

Filename of the Glade project file, where all of your project information will be stored.


Source Directory

Directory where Glade should emit its source code when told to do so.

Pixmaps Directory

Directory where Glade should expect to find any pixmaps that are used in the project.


Pick the programming language in which Glade should emit code. As of the writing of this document C, C++, Ada95, Perl and Eiffel are supported options.


Should Glade emit code that uses the GNOME libraries?