Mouse Gestures

Mouse gestures provide an easy way to quickly issue commands to Galeon without even having to move the mouse outside of the browser window.

Gestures can be enabled for either the middle or right mouse button through the Mouse preferences page. To perform a gesture, depress the appropriate mouse button in the browser part of a Galeon window, move the mouse in one of the following patterns, and then release the button. The cursor will change while the gesture is being performed.

Figure 4. Back (Left)

Figure 5. Forward (Right)

Figure 6. Up a directory (Up - Left - Up)

Figure 7. Homepage (Up - Left - Down)

Figure 8. Reload (Up - Down)

Figure 9. Reload, bypassing proxy and cache (Up - Down - Up)

Figure 10. Stop loading page (Left - Up)

Figure 11. New window (Up)

Figure 12. New tab (Down)

Figure 13. Clone window (Down - Up)

Figure 14. Clone tab (Down - Up - Down)

Figure 15. Close tab/window (Right - Left - Right)

Figure 16. Close tab/window, second gesture (Down - Right)

Figure 17. Toggle fullscreen mode (Down - Left)

Figure 18. Next tab (Up - Right)

Figure 19. Previous tab (Up - Left)

Figure 20. View page source ("S": Left - Down - Right - Down - Left)

Figure 21. "Previous" relative link (Left - Down)

Figure 22. "Next" relative link (Right - Down)

Figure 23. "Contents" relative link (Up - Right - Up)