Known bugs in libpng version 1.2.3 1. May 23, 2002: In the makefiles, "$(DESTDIR)/$(LIBPATH)" should be "$(DESDTIDR)$(LIBPATH)", etc. The extra "/" is only harmful when DESTDIR is null and LIBPATH is a relative path. 2. May 23, 2002: "libpng.pc" and "libpng-config" should be added to the dependency list for "all:", otherwise these files won't be created until "make install" is run. This could be a problem if the installer does not have write permission in the distribution directory. 3. April 22, 2001: pnggccrd.c has been reported to crash on NetBSD when reading interlaced PNG files, when assembler code is enabled. STATUS: Under investigation. The change to pnggccrd.c in libpng-1.2.1 fixed a problem under FreeBSD but not the problem with NetBSD.