Known bugs in libpng version 1.2.2 1. April 16, 2002: There are typographical errors in the following: makefile.32sunu, makefile.64sunu, makefile.macosx, makefile.sgi, and makefile.sggcc. STATUS: Corrected versions are supplied in libpng-1.2.2patch01-makefiles.tar.gz 2. April 17, 2002: The symbolic link libpng.a -> /..path/lib/libpngNN.a should simply be libpng.a -> libpngNN.a, to make it easier to move the installed files. Also, libpng.pc should be built at "make all" time instead of "make install" time, to avoid root writing in user's installation directory. STATUS: Corrected versions of 15 makefiles are supplied in libpng-1.2.2patch03-makefiles.tar.gz (includes replacements for all of the patch01 and patch02 makefiles). 3. April 22, 2001: pnggccrd.c has been reported to crash on NetBSD when reading interlaced PNG files, when assembler code is enabled. STATUS: Under investigation. The change to pnggccrd.c in libpng-1.2.1 fixed a problem under FreeBSD but not the problem with NetBSD.