Preview of True Heads pure underground Hip-Hop volume I, the Illadelph.


Interesting Facts and Biographical sketches

DJ Excel - Started with "Ill Scheme Entertainment," Battle DJ, mix tape DJ, presently spins at the premiere 103.9 FM radio station in Philadelphia.

Don Campbell - Originator & founder of the "Locking" style of dance, and founder of the world famous "Lockers.' included member 'Re-Run Fred Berry, Shabbadoo, Toni Basil.

Dr. Perkins - Author of "Droppin Science" founder of the "Touch Center" (University Of Pennsylvania). He brings to us a scholarly awareness of the correlation between Hip-Hop and African culture.

El Dorado & Watermoc - Former members of "Tommy Boy Records" recording group the "Deadly Snakes." Their music was featured in the hit movie the "Black Mask" this preview shows images of their performance at the "Impact Music Jam" in Florida.

KEE- Uptown graff' writer, all city rooftops, walls, bus routes, tunnels. President of KIW (Klub International Wallwriters) West Oak Lanes largest and most influential crew. He describes in his interview reasons why he dedicated his youth to graffiti.

Kevin Turner - Along with "El Dorado" and "The Souls" wrote and performed the song "Truth Be Told." This earned us Best Video of the year (1999) on the show "The Avenue" video programming on channel 54.

Lady Jules - B-Girl from Colorado and member of the world famous "Rock Steady Crew." She explains her training techniques. She expounds on her memorable assembly with "Crazy Legs" and the battle that secured her acceptance into the crew. She sheds light on the challenges women face in the B-Boyin' arena. Also, Lady Jules is a member of "Renni Harris Pure Movement."

Lil Lep - Starred in the movie "Beat Street," member of the "New York City Breakers." He has incredible foot work: Head spins and all around B-Boy skills. He reflects on the experiences filming the movie Beat Street, the international release of the film and the early B-Boy pioneers in the Bronx.

Liza Goncalves - As a film maker she has Directed a documentary concerning "Cuban Culture." Also, as producer, hostess and director of the Award winning program "The Avenue'. She has proven to be a cherished virtue in hip-hop culture; every year "True Heads' follows through with an annual presentation on her show.

MC Trey - is from Australia, Ex-Graff writer; she has blazed and fulfilled her path as train bomber and MC. Presently, her fame rest in her MC expertise; she gets down with "Meta Bass 'N Breath" who performed at the 23rd Rock Steady anniversary. Stealth Magazine wrote an article regarding her singles.

Mike Lee Yow - Co-founder of the "Touch Center." He along with partner Dr. Perkins are the founders of the first "Hip-Hop Weeks" in Philly. They parallel Hip-Hop with African & Caribbean culture.

MF Doom - New York City MC who recorded records in the late 80's with "3rd Base." He explains the motivation and tells who co-stars in his latest album "Operation Dooms Day." Also, he gives us a free style demonstration. The Interview takes place at "Bobitto's Footwork," NYC.

Mr. Wiggles - Starred in classical movies "Wild Style' & "Beat Street." In this preview he makes sure that Hip-Hop culture's history is preserved through an in-dept interview and classical footage.

Poppin' Pete, Skeeter Rabbit and Sugar Pop - Members of "The Electric Boogaloos" taught by the originator "Boogalo Sam" Who originated the "Funk Style" in Fresno. California Circa '1979.

Renni Harris - Philadelphia legend, pioneer of the Hip Hop dance in Philly, founded "Renni Harris Pure Movement." He performed in the first rap tour that played the coliseums (RUN DMC, Kurtis Blow and the Fat Boys). Also, he is the Founder of the Scanner Boys. Presently, he's touring with his hit play "Rome and Jules."

Rich Medina - international DJ and spoken word poet; performed spoken word during Amsterdam "Drum Rhythm festival.' Manager of the "Footwork' Philadelphia store.

Span - Started in '88-89, went all city, from the MIC (Masters In Control) crew. True Heads started documenting illegal graffiti and this work has been dedicated to his memory.

Stephanie Douglas - Camerawoman who documented "Drum Rhythm Festival" in Holland, Amsterdam. This includes exclusive "Mosdef Talib Kwali" footage/ Brain power/ DJ TLM performance and interview.

Taim - Started in '92 , King of the "scratchies tagging style" with PRAX, member of the MIC crew including SPAN, BRAZIL, and MOSE of the North East MIC started by Far, Brazil; Started bombing freight trains 1996-97.

MB - "Master Blaster" started in 1978 and is the founder of the SCS crew (Sly City Sprayers). With the spirit of the ancients he has secured his place in the annals of folk lore as an all city bomber, roof-top messiah and El-line king. Initially his name was illuminated in historical view by piecing the "Hawk Ski" dedicatory. He's the patriarchal founder of piecing crews in Philadelphia, Ol' Blues Eyes. MB has proven time after time that he is a legend of remarkable feat, wreaking havoc and devastation. He heightened the senses of countless proteges, both past and present. Certainly he has deposited major contributions to city legend.

Babyrock - He is definitely, without question, a two city "golden cans" champion; embellishing both New York and Philadelphia. He was a leading and towering personality of one of North Philly"s most notorious Communities; in essence he brought the soul of Spanish Harlem to the same, "ERIE NATION." He made his debut in Philly in 1984. Master Prink 123 left him a greeting in the Market Frankford El Line tunnel which read, "Babyrock, welcome to the City Of Brotherly Love." Babyrock is a King and member of the illustrious COD (Children Of Doom) clan in Philly and his name was etched into the Major's ten most wanted graffiti writers list.

Suroc - Began watching graffiti in the mid and late 70's; began contributing in 1981. His first crew was BBC (Bad Boys Club) in West Philly, then MSM (Market Street Muggers) . Later he formed and presided over ICY (Inner City Youth).In late 1982 and early 1983 he was the only writer to sell at "Mr. Blint's" legendary "Kennell Club show." Also, he was a dominant force along his colleagues in the COD (Children Of Doom) adventure. SUROC was on the mayor's 10 most wanted graffiti writer's list (1984). Also, he was featured in several news articles, videos and films in the early and mid 1980's.

Soul 1 - DJ, Radio host, B-Boy, graff' writer. From the studio he explains how all of the above elements to reflect and shine light on the world. Actually started tagging on the SEPTA R1 line with throw ups and pieces with SIMIT, FENE and YET. SIMIT painted with SATER and PRAEZ (DFR). He did not get into graff' with the intent to wreck but to be all city, using it as a medium to share his thoughts with the world. He wanted the world to see his hand and to know he was different. His style was influenced predominately by DenSke and EnEm. Also, he was inspired by seeing the bombardment of mammoth tags on the bus routes. kings such as Kim (ICP), Razz, Sobad, Jay, Cee, SA. They were like super heroes. He was lured by the mysterious aspects of RX. From day to day basis the saturation in North Philly was irresistibly pleasant.

KET 1 - Alain Maridue - A otherwise known as Alen Ket, is a native New Yorker. Started his photography career at the early age of fifteen. His images have spanned the pages of Rolling Stone, NY Times magazine, The London Sunday Telegraph, The Source,and Stress Magazine to name a few. At seventeen he became an active graffiti writer on the New York City Subway lines. His painting has taken him around the world where he has painted many of the subway systems in the major cities. He currently paints and lectures on the topic of graffiti in Universities nation-wide. these includes New York University, Brown University, Syracuse, UCLA, University of Wisconsin, Wesleyan among others. During his college years, Ket (the name he uses today)launched "Stress," a Hip-Hop magazine that has drawn much attention and praise. The magazine recently spun off a Spanish language publication named "Hip Hop Nation". Recently, KET has become involved with a wide variety of ventures. One is "Complex Media," a company funded by clothing giant, "ECKO Unlimited," he serves as Vice President. Two, he has launched a music production company, "Papaya Records," with some friends and have their first release,"Cuban Hip Hop All-Stars," debuting September 25th. Lastly, he formed an outdoor advertising company, "IBS, Inc.," whose clients include "Lugz," "Loud Records," and "Ecko Unlimted." Ket is 30 years old and resides in Queens.

Dan 1 - originally from the Medina Projects in New York city. Piecing internationally, he created an assuring awareness making every one aware of the immeasurable talent in his hands. He possesses an acute historical orthodoxy that inspires every one who meets him to embrace style both past and present. In addition, he is an Community organizer and social activist with an untarnished understanding of Latino ancestry and culture. He holds these certifying credentials on the walls of Philly and is a staff member at the "Taller Puertorriqueno Cultural Center" in North Philadelphia. DAN 1 is a Hip-Hop activist, feeling the fusion of all things. He is unlimited in the form of expression. He embodies the soul of the keeper of the gates, street philosopher and knowledge itself. Therefore, as a citizen of this planet and of color he declares his larger responsibility to teach those who like and dislike him. He solemnly quotes; "We have to serve as an example. Hip-Hop has been the healing of political and social issues. It has broken down stereotypes and racial barriers. It is the fusion of violins, Congo's, cowbells and an endless harmony of musical and ethnic opus. As artist we are preservers of the ancient knowledge; a process of healing through our talents. We have extended the true renaissance; the fusion of new contemporary concepts, alphabetical engineers, typography. Man has expressed himself publicly since the begging of time; it is a culture, written and expressed. People should not loose perspective of graffiti. People judge the action not the work. The war against graffiti is censured front, a societal blinding of graffiti's true essence. Graff' encompasses diverse artist doing the same no matter what the out come, they do it together. Graffiti flows a step ahead of the system by modifying it's self to change. It is not pessimistic writing it is an alphabetical writing. Knowledge is the key and it's curriculum comprises both street sophistication, higher learning and the merging of the two.

Sub - He started in 1976-1980 as Lil Cheeze , We was inspired by the legendary crew HCS (Hip City Swingers) one of the superior forces of the second golden era; writers such as SOCOOL, TANK, FOXX, JOHN SKI and the gangster writers form some of the notorious gangs in America's history. Eventually, former Mayor Wilson Goode sent him a notice; this was letter of amnesty asking him to turn himself in within ten days. This was an ultimatum of "job or jail." He wrote SUB in 1981 and RX in 1983, President of NIW (Notorious Italic Writers). With his long time friends BX and MAN they reeked nightmarish havoc with complete control of the roof tops. Also, President of HIP2 (Hands In Performance).SUB in the 80's, RX in the 90's, later acquired the title of "Bill Board Rally King." Along with BX and SOK he organized the 1993 writers meeting at 18th & Allegany Ave. which spawned the 1994 "Resurrection of kings" Philly's fourth golden era; three decades of bombing. SUB has accomplished a feat that few writers in history have or will ever achieve. Most of the key players in the game of graff' hustle, for the sake of remaining in the free population, have impressed an alias or three. On the other hand, he has solemnly secured the deeds and majesty of dualistic Kingship. His reigning ensigns do read (SUB) "King Submarine" and (RX) "Rated X" {Roof Expert}. An undisputed king of roof tops, billboards, bridges, bus routes, wickeds, gangster hands and piecing. he stands in the lineage of achievement, master of mimicry and is the manifestation of duo all rolled in one. Lastly, he sits on he all-city kings society noted as the COD (Children Of Doom). He also, acclaimed an undeniable reputation and was listed with the nine other kings who had the mayor's personal attention through the top ten most writers list.

DenSke - In 1984 Mounted his platform on the bus routes, side alleys, roof tops, tunnels, and the walls of Philly along with his brother ENEM. DEN brought with him an welcoming fear into heart of a generation who were relatively new to this idiom for the old masters had invoked new destinies. The youngers were not clear on the conceptual design of destruction. He showed and dazzled them by embodying powers under control and harnessing complete devastation with precision; invoking the DENSKE saga.Inspired by mid eighties Master Prink 123(COD); DENSKE embraced a forcefulness of relentless stage-five winds; leaving visual ruin in his all-city path. He sat on the boards of PIA (Partners In Action), ATP (All Time Pimps), WAB (We Aint Bullshittin"), UNI (Under Narcotic Influence), TF5 (The Fabulous Five), KTS (King Type Status "Krush The System"). Clearly he has exhibited a most extraordinary compositional presentation and values with the powers bestowed a king. He was ahead of his time, originator of his own style. He gleamed with pure realism in work. In the philadelphian paradigm, which holds true style from 1967 to present, he's historical accredited for his noted 3-point perspective before it appeared in Europe where it has been mistakenly perceived to have been originated. Encompassing a full grasp of his expedition he carries a arsenal of gangster hands, wickeds, top-to-bottoms, throw us, pieces, realism, straight letters, very few writers have covered the entire city with the same. there was not a place you go in Philadelphia and not see the DENSKE obsession. This obsession has acclaimed him international attention and respect. The newest writers view DENSKE as their style messiah. In humility he ushers them to embrace, as it were the ancestors, the masters of style who paved the way for and before everyone. He possesses an relentless passion for historical clarity and has proven to be the apex of the all-American writer. He is the personification of graffiti; truly one of the purest representative of graff' in America.

Corn Bread - Started writing in 1967, was a manifestation of the Philadelphia's early gang war error. He was a leader in the "Delta-Phi-Soul" crew. It was the first time in the history of America that spray paint became a medium for public expression; evolving beyond the territorial gang turfs of North Philly. He's the patriarch of bombing and Godfather of graffiti; from the city of origin and throughout the boundaries of our globe. But, it all began for Corn Bread when he fell in love with a beautiful young Cynthia; this compelled him to write Corn Bread loves Cynthia to get her attention. In the early 70's The YMCA at the corner of Broad & Master Streets allowed him conduct all city meetings consisting of some the most notoriously infamous writers in history. This was his playing field for an infinite number to model through out to graffiti's omega. Bread, describes his life, "The highlight of my life often transpired under the influence of a full moon. Just as a world written newspaper article resonates in my mind, I remember those accelerated execution nights of adventurous writing. I became the unintentional genius of the walls. Consistency was the object; it made me a dominant towering personality to many of my peers. However, it has given me a legacy which will follow me to my grave, and from the grave I can here talk of this legacy and a man who lived a certain way. Tall tales were spun, let the truth be told. I was the prospect who never struck gold. Haley's Comet must have blazed in the sky the night of my birth, bestowing a life of tremendous symbolism. My time in the streets was my schooling. I set records in history with displays of greatness. However, I have yet to achieve my aspiration; just a thing of beauty is joy forever. I would die attempting to achieve my aspiration. To die is a little thing, but to be without aspiration is something terrible."

Master Prink 123 - He's from the Harrison Plaza Projects (TNT) in North Philadelphia. Started in 1976 as "DA" (Dee-Ay), DONAMECHE. Was introduced to the world of style by his friend and schoolmaster "Mr. PRINT" (SAM) who introduced him to and was personally welcomed by the first decade legendaries TANK and WEE of (HCS), KIMBA (West Philly and the 11th & Market St. Gang), Roy Cool (MAD), embraced by NB founder of (SAM) and the first generation of chapter 1: DAZZ, COOL ARTY and KNOT (Skim). Later walked with SUB's (NIW) and MB's (SCS), was Considered by many as one of the undisputed kings of style. He reunited with his seventies comrades in arms, LOVER "SAB" (SAM), CHIN SKI, CRASH (WP), DUCK (TRK), JK (HCS), JOHN SKI "KLEPTO HEARD" (HCS), JAY (CASPER) and was indorsed by Corn Bread. Then organized all the heads of crews in 1984, The "Children Of Doom" (COD), into a full-fledged movement and war against the world's first Anti -Graffiti Network, creating an all-city cataclysm. The former director, The late Tim Spencer, scribed his name on the Mayor's 10 most wanted graffiti writer's list. Their relationship was reminiscently parallel to the civil war paradigm of Generals LEE and Grant. PRINK has been featured in various articles, Television, books and documentaries. Presently, animator, storyboard artist, Philadelphia Graff' historian. Also, he works with, Immortal film works, Lumberjack Films, is an affiliate of FlipBook. COM. and Founder, Prink House Company who's presently working on the publication a first "Graffiti encyclopedia." He dedicates his participation in the "True Heads" Video to his wife Karen, daughter Donametria, son Daniel, Mother Eula, his brother Joey. Also, to his best friends TEAZ "DIO" and SUB; combos for life and to his extended, from the 60's to the present, family of writers: ANDRE, ANT MAN, BAK, BARD, BASE, BATE, BB (BRO BUCK), BK, BIZ, BLAST, (70's) BOO, BO-PETE, BRASK, BRECK, BREEZE, BUTCH, BX, CASE, CAT, CAZZ, CHIKI, CLYDE, CORN BREAD, COWBOY, CREDIT, CROCK, DAVE SKI, DELTA, DIZ, DON SKI, DONALD NASTY, DISCO ARTIST, ESPO, ESTRO, EZ, FACE (CRAIG COOL), FADE FLINT, FOXX, FU, FUB, JAPAN, JAP, JA (JIMI ASTRO), JC, (70's) KA "KOOL AFRO," KADISM, KAG, KAR, KARAZ, KASTRO, (70's) KB, KIM, KING KONG, KS, LINK, MA, MAN, MAD, MANIAC, MET, MOE (LEO), MR, Mr. BLINT, Mr. PEANUT, NAM, NB, PEP, PEZ, PIZAZZ, PIRATE, POPCORN, PREACH, PRETTY BOY, PRINT (FLAME), RAKA, RAN, RARA, RAZZ, REE, RIMCO RIC, ROB, (peace sign) RON, RUE, SA, SANK, SHAN, SHEIK, SL, SLACK, SN, SOCOOL (STN), SOB, SOBAD, SPEL, SPIKE, STAR, SUGAR BEAR, TAN, TASK, T-BOP, TIPS, TOKE, TRAN, TRUCK, TX, WAY, WAVE, ZACK and ZANNY KEVIN who could not participate in this documentary for reasons beyond their control. But, they were dominant forces and innovators of style. To his cousin Vernon (SKAR) from the (TNT) Mob, 10 the & Thompson St. gang in North Philly, he quotes, "Remember CALVIN III" and to all the heads of the city of "Brotherly Love", "Don't forget Tity" (peace sign), KAP, '70's SE (Spin Epic), TAP, SPAN and to all of our loved ones who have gone on before us r.i.p. , HOTEP!


Film maker Brian McDonald and co-producer Kim Waters of Immortal Film Works have fulfilled this archival visual disclosure after five years of production; with intensive interviews all structured around and relating to preserving pure Hip-Hop.

"Style Wars" is two variables of Hip-Hop culture, "True Heads" is all five sides of the same: Hip-Hop., MASTER PRINK 123, president, Children Of Doom (PHILLY), in the third golden era; one of the largest graff' movements in Philadelphian history. Founder, Prink House Company.

True Heads is a needed addition to the history of Hip-Hop. Philly's contribution needs to be recognized and this documentary reveals the colorful and rich movement that has been there since day one. ALLEN KET, New York all-world graff' writer, photographer, lecturer, Editor, Stress Magazine.

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