Paper Tiger Video on Public Art

Any writers in NYC that are doing political pieces, (ie- pieces with a deeper message than just your name) are invited to contribute. I'm working on a video focused on forms of communication that are accessible to the general public to _use_ and create with for their own purposes that provide an alternative to the relatively inaccessible, (except through suffocation by it), of the mainstream and corporate media.

We're having more or less three to four sections


This is mainly dealing with zines flyers and pamphlets. Slick magazines are not being included because they are generally produced with tools not accessible of affordable to the general public whereas photocopiers are, (at least much more so). Also -- advertising and government funding cuts you out. We're trying to focus on creative products that are independently produced. Note: that 'independent' does not at all mean 'individual'


Murals, stencils, graffiti, stickers and flyposters

More or less same rules apply. I'm not sure how legal walls would be dealt with but i think for now that's fine if only because most murals are legal walls.

Ads and signs

Billboard and sign alteration.

Public space

From breakdancing, street theater, alternative spaces for creative engagements, street music, squatting, etc.

The video itself is focused on political uses of these mediums not because we don't care about graffiti or zines or whatever that are just about personal expression and creativity or reportage, (like all those zines that are just a bunch of music reviews), but because 1) the video is oriented towards how people can use or create alternate forms of media to make their voices and heard and so that other people can know that other voices exist besides dan rather's or bill gates' or even people we respect 2) because that's the focus of the video collective i'm working with in order to produce this video -- to decode media practices in order to show that they are not at all unbiased like the myth we are led to believe and to provide people with the understanding, (and hopefully motivation), to go and do what they can to become active instead of the trash cans that we're use to being treated as - taking in all the junk that the government and corporations throw down our mouths. But one last thing - if it is a work that is very self-involve but touching on themes relevant to others than that can still count.

The collective is called Paper Tiger


Rene Muslin

(212) 662-7732


note for any contributors:

If you are sending photos or anything for that matter send it with the expectation that you won't get it back. If they are photos - send me copies, (two if possible). If you don't have the negatives then make a color photocopy or send it to me with a note saying that you want it back and i'll make photocopies myself. Any questions, thoughts, suggestions and/or resources are more than welcome too.

Most of what we're going to be focusing on is about NYC because of time, money and resources. We'd like to be able to include other areas but unfortunately they will not be focused on. However, the more information and contributions we have from different locations the more likely that they will get more attention.

Also, let's get this stuff out of the digital realm - a lot of people don't have access to this kind of technology so let's get it out to them too.

Gorda gracias,


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