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La liste suivante quelques bogues dont nous avons connaissance. Avant de nous rapporter un bogue, veuillez vérifier qu'il ne se trouve pas dans cette liste.
Les entrées marquées avec "FIX: aaaa-mm-jj" sont corrigées dans le CVS environ un jour et demi après le cliché rsync.
[ *] #3 --list-packets should continue even w/o a passphrase (or in batch mode). Maybe we have to move it to a separate program?? [ *] #4 1999-01-130.9.1 v3 key 'expiration date' problem: 1. generate a key, set expiration date 2. 3. edit a v3 secret key, try to set expiration date - output: "You can't change... 4. save 5. key has expiration date from 1. and gpg reports that pubkey and seckey differ. The for loop the exp.date is set before v3 detection? [is this bug still alive? - can someone please check it] [ **] #6 1999-02-22 0.9.3 Bus error on IRIX 6.4: Crash while doing a keygen. I think while creating the prime. Other bus errors are reported when doing a "gpg README" on sparc-solaris2.6. --> Solaris fixed. --> IRIX bug still there but someone should test this again! [ *] #18 1999-05-27 0.9.7 rndunix hangs on hp/ux. The problem is related to my_plcose which is not always called. (I suggest to use EGD instead of rndunix.) [ *] #22 1999-07-22 Solaris make has problems with the generated POTFILES - seems to be a gettext bug. Use GNU gmake as a workaround. [ *] #23 1999-09-03 0.9.11 Only the first signature of a cleartext sig seems to be verified. Can't fix it in 1.0 because the code is semi-frozen. HMMM: Can't reprodude the bug here - it just works. [ *] #24 1999-09-05 0.9.11 Does not link libc and libz expect when removing all "-lc -lz" except for the last one. This happens on some systems when not using the GNU ld. This need to be fixed in libtool. [ **] #25 1999-10-04 1.0 Validity check based on user name is only done when listing a key; the key ID based checking (selecting the user ID with the most validity) is used in all other cases. The Edit menu does not have a way to disbly user ID based validity. [ *] #26 1999-11-11 gpg still does not take UTF8 strings to select a UID. FIX: 1999-11-12 [ **] #27 1999-11-12 Unknown packets (type 17 - photo ID?) mess up the checking of self-signature becuase they are simply ignored. Next #28 (List generated from CVS: 1999-11-18 )
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Updated: 1999-10-05 wkoch