Aurora version 1.3 user manual


Aurora is a native Delphi tool customizing Delphi's Object Inspector. Being mounted into Delphi, Aurora makes it possible to distinguish properties have been changed by user from that haven't been changed by HIGHLIGHTING CHANGED PROPERTIES.


Note:Aurora currently supports only Delphi 5.

To install Aurora package, you have to select Component | Install packages menu, then click "Add" button and enter the path to design package, Aurora13dm.BPL for demo version or Aurora13rg.BPL for registered version. If you have loaded form or data module, you have to re-select currently selected component(s) or select another one to see the difference. That's all - enjoy !


Select Component | Install packages menu, then select "/xxxxxxxxx/ Aurora Package © Align Software, 2000" from the list and click "Delete" button.

Note: you have to manually uninstall Aurora demo version before installing the registered one.

Limitations of demo version and advantages of registered version

Currently, Aurora if a shareware product. This means that actually there are 2 versions of Aurora: demo verison and registered version.Demo version have full functionality of registered version except for a small window showed every time the Delphi starts. If you like our product, and want to support us in developing useful and bug-free components and experts in Delphi, you may want to pay a small sum of money for a registered version. This includes not only removing of annoying startup window, but also high quality customer support via e-mail, implementing your wishes in the future versions of product and many other.

Warning: you can use demo version of this product for a test period of 30 days only. After 30 days of using demo version of this software you must register or delete all copies of Aurora from all your storage devices.

Technical Information

Technically, Aurora is a set of property editors (TPropertyEditor descendants).
There is one property editor used to highlight all properties that don't have a sub-properties, called TGeneralizedModifiedProperty. It supports not only standard properties like strings and integers but also a large set of specialized properties, including the hundreds of pre-installed Delphi properties. It saves behavior of all specialized property editors and adds the support of highlighting. This is true not only for VCL - defined properties but also for a large variety of customized properties introduced in third-party libraries.
There are also several sub-property-compliant property editors used for handling classes, components, sets, etc.

Known issues

License for use and distribution

This file ware created 17-Feb-2000

copyright © Align Software,2000. All rights reserved.