
TVasAbout Component shows a dialog box "About...".
TVasDBText Advanced TDBText with 3D caption.
TVasImage Extended TImage component.
TVasPanel Advanced TPanel with 3D caption.
TVasShellAbout Incapsulates standard Windows dialog box "About...".
TVasDBRadioGroup Advanced TDBRadioGroup with 3D caption.
TVasIconListBox Extended TListBox capable to represent icons from executabled files and Dll's.
TVasOneOnce Component permitting to be executed only to one copy the program.
TVasScreenSaver Component for activation screen saver.
TVasTip Incapsulates the dialog box with tips.
TVasApplication Component incapsulates Delphi TApplication.
TVasDesktop Inverts canvas of desktop.
TVasKeyState Component checks state of CapsLock, Insert, NumLock and ScrollLock keys.
TVasPlaySound Component for playing sound files.
TVasShortcut Component for creation of shortcut.
TVasBackGround Fills background of the form by smooth passage from one color to another.
TVasExecFile Component launchs application from your program.
TVasLabel Advanced TLabel with 3D caption.
TVasProgman Component for work with Programs Manager.
TVasSplashScreen Component shows Splash Screen.
TVasCards Incapsulates cards(as in standard Windows-games).
TVasExitWindows Component for an exit or reboot Windows.
TVasLed The control incapsulates a bulb.
TVasProgressBar The control incapsulates progress bar(such as in installators).
TVasStringGrid Advanced TStringGrid, permitting to insert and to delete columns and rows.
TVasCheckBox Incapsulates advanced TCheckBox with 3D caption.
TVasFileFind Component searches files to the given mask.
TVasListBox TListBox, which shows a horizontal scrollbar if width of the text more width of control.
TVasProportionalImage Incapsulates TImage with preservation of relative sizes of picture.
TVasStringHolder Component stores string resources in the file of the form.
TVasClock Descendant TCustomLabel, mapping instead of caption current date and/or time.
TVasGroupBox Incapsulates advanced TGroupBox with 3D caption.
TVasMemoFindDialog Component incapsulates extended TFindDialog.
TVasRadioButton Incapsulates advanced TRadioButton with 3D caption.
TVasSysInfo Component calls MsInfo.exe or MsInfo32.exe.
TVasClockPanel Descendant TCustomPanel, mapping instead of caption current date and/or time.
TVasIconComboBox Extended TComboBox capable to represent icons from executabled files and Dll's.
TVasMemoReplaceDialog Component incapsulates extended TReplaceDialog.
TVasRadioGroup Incapsulates advanced TRadioGroup with 3D caption.
TVasSystemMetrics TVasSystemMetrics components for output of the system metrics.
TVasConnectLabel The label calls Web-browser or mail program by default on the given address.
TVasIconImage TVasIconImage component mapping the standard icons Windows.
TVasMessageBox Component incapsulates the standard Windows message box.
TVasRichEditReplaceDialog Component incapsulation extended TReplaceDialog.
TVasTable Advanced of component TTable.
TVasControlPanel Component calls Control Panel or one of it applets.
TVasIconList TVasIconList component stores list of icons.
TVasDBGrid Advanced of component TDBGrid.
TVasRichFindDialog TVasRichFindDialog component incapsulates extended TFindDialog.
TVasTiledBitmap TVasTiledBitmap component used for filling of a background of the form by picture.
TVasAssociatedIcon TVasAssociatedIcon component extracts icon, associated with file or file path.
TVasColorComboBox TVasColorComboBox component allows to select color from drop-down list.
TVasFileExt Component links the executable file with the extension and puts these datas in Registry.
TVasPlacement TVasPlacement component reads and saves placement of the form in ini-file.
TVasSelectDir TVasSelectDir component allows to select folders.
TVasFlashWindow TVasFlashWindow component forces form caption to flash.
TVasFileOperation TVasFileOperation component copies, moves, renames, or deletes files.
TVasScrSaverGen TVasScrSaverGen component allows easily to create Screen Savers.
TVasDelphiMenu TVasDelphiMenu component creates the main menu, as in Delphi4 or is higher.
TVasMail TVasMail component allows to send the small letters on e-mail.
TVasRotatedLabel Advanced TLabel component with rotated caption.
TVasDigitConv Component transforms a decimal number in binary, octal, decimal or hexadecimal.
TVasDiskInfo TVasDiskInfo component shows an information about the disk.
TVasTrayIcon TVasTrayIcon component puts an icon in system tray.
TVasDBLocate Component moves the pointer in a table on an specified value of a field.
TVasFieldsComboBox TVasFieldsComboBox component shows list of fields of the dataset.


Activate Screen Saver Activate the screen saver.
Help Calls Alvas help file.
Contents Calls contents of the Alvas help file.
Close Project Closes only active project, in contrast to Close All command.
Save Project Saves only active project, in contrast to Save All command.
Copy Project Creates a dublicate of the active project.
Move Project Moves the active project.
Delete Project Deletes from the disk the active project.
Pas-Html Generator Wizard, assisting in creation of the html-file from the pas-file.
DB-Html Generator Wizard, assisting in creation of the html-file from the database file.
MessageBox Wizard Wizard, assisting in creation of the template of MessageBox-function.
Database Wizard Wizard, assisting in the creation of a database in run-time.
Localization Wizard Wizard, assisting in localization of applications.
Cleen Directory Clears the disk from temporal and unnecessary files.
Character Map Shows a Character Map.
Icon Extractor Extracts icons from executabled files, DLL's and icon files.
Find File Finds files satisfying a mask, and loads them in Code Editor.
Image Viewer Calls Image Viewer.
Expert Wizard Wizard, assisting in creation of the experts.
Property Editor Wizard Wizard, assisting in creation of the property editors.
Component Editor Wizard Wizard, assisting in creation of the component editors.
About Alvas Components Shows the dialog "About Alvas Components"