TkbmCONNPOOL v. 0.95 (BETA) (25. May 1999) ========================================================================= A database connection pooling package. BEFORE USING THIS COMPONENT, YOU ARE REQUESTED TO READ ALL OF THIS TEXT DOCUMENT AND SPECIALLY TO NOTICE AND ACCEPT THE DISCLAIMER. Can be used as a demonstration of how to create descendents of TDataSet, or as in my case, to allow a program to generate temporary data that can be used directly by all data aware controls. Copyright 1999 Kim Bo Madsen/Optical Services - Scandinavia All rights reserved. You are allowed to used this component in any project for free. You are NOT allowed to claim that you have created this component or to copy its code into your own component and claim that is was your idea. Im offering this for free for your convinience, and the ONLY thing I DEMAND is to get an E-MAIL about what project this component (or dirived versions) is used for. That will be my reward of offering this component for free to you! You dont need to state my name in your software, although it would be appreciated if you do. If you find bugs or alter the component (f.ex. see suggested enhancements further down), please DONT just send the corrected/new code out on the internet, but instead send it to me, so I can put it into the official version. You will be acredited if you do so. Usage ===== The components are heavily based on TkbmMemTable and thus that component MUST exist to be able to install the TkbmConnPool package. - Put a TDatabase on a form. It will only be used as a template for internal database components. - Put a TSession on the form (if you require threaded operation) and set its AutoSessionName to true. - Put a TkbmConnectionPool on the form and set the Database property to point at the TDatabase you previously added. Set the max. number of simultanious connections to the database. There can be more than one TkbmConnectionPool on a form for different databases. The TkbmConnectionPool pool queries and queue them in an intelligent way. The seemingly fastest and shortest queue is allways used for a new query. - Put a TkbmPooledSession on the form. Connect it to the TkbmConnectionPool. There must be a one to one relationship between those components. It handles multisession (multithreaded) environments. - Now put as many TkbmPooledQuery or TkbmPooledStoredProc as you need and connect them to the TkbmPooledSession component. Optionally set the Sync property to either Async or Sync. If set to Sync, the queries/sproc will be executed in the queues in the order that they were executed in the application. If set to Async, they will be executed as fast as possible even in parallel. Beware that the components are READONLY. If you want to modify a record, you have to do it with SQL UPDATE commands. You ofcourse can use the TkbmPooledQuery for that purpose. Components ========== TkbmConnectionPool ------------------ Properties: MaxConnections (R/W, Integer) Max. number of concurrent database connections shared among all users and queries. CurConnections (R, Integer) Returns current number of established database connections. CurRequests (R, Integer) Returns current number of queued requests. Database (R/W, TDatabase) The database that is to be used as a template for new database connections. Events: OnGetLogonParams(DBTemplate:TDatabase; ConnID:integer; var dbParams:TStringList) Called whenever a new database connection is to be made. ConnID is the number of the new connection (