StartProcessBitBtn How to use it. The component is a BitBtn descendent. Add it to any form. Click it and it will open a DOS window in the current directory. The caption on the button will change from "Start" to "Cancel" Close the DOS window by typing "exit" on the command line and the button caption will change back. If you click the button while it says "Cancel" it will close the DOS window after you confirm. There are a plethora of options. Keep reading. What has been added. Properties CommandLine Path\Filename to be started. Default="COMMAND.COM" Example: "c:\editors\win\UltraEdit\UEdit win.ini" WorkingDir Working directory for the program. Default="." {current directory} Example: "c:\Windows" WaitForReturn If "true" button caption will change to CancelCaption property and glyph will change to CancelGlyph property. When program finishes caption and glyph are restored and the OnProcessReturn event is triggered. If "False" button doesn't change. Every click creates a new instance. Default="true" CancelCaption Button caption while waiting for process to terminate. Default="Cancel" CancelGlyph Button glyph while waiting for process to terminate. Default is none CancelWarning The program should be terminated normally. Clicking the button while waiting will summarily close it losing all unsaved data. This is the warning message displayed in the confirmation. DisplayCancelWarning If "false" the cancel warning will be suppressed. Default="true" Events OnProcessReturn This event is triggered when the process is terminated. The boolean variable "Normal" is "false" if the process was canceled. OnStartFail This event is triggered if the process failed to start. OnCancelFail This event is triggered if the cancelling the program failed.