Sargent- Page 5

Graphic Trees on a Hillside at Mojorca, 1915, watercolor on paper, Arskell Hall Foundation. 162KB

Graphic Muddy Alligators, 1917, watercolor over graphite on medium textured cream wove paper, Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, MA. 148KB

Graphic Study for the figure of Romantic Art, 1917-20, charcoal, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. 33KB

Graphic Study for the figure of Classic Art, 1917-20, charcoal, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. 34KB

Graphic Study for the head of Apollo, 1917-20, charcoal, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. 77KB

Graphic Study for Aphrodite, 1917-20, The Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 63KB

Graphic Nude Study of Thomas E. McKeller, 1917-20, oil on canvas, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. 97KB

GraphicNude Male Standing (Thomas E. McKeller), 1917-20, charcoal, The Philadelphia Museum of Art. 57KB

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