Parrish- Page 3

Graphic The Enchanted Prince, 1934, oil on board. 118KB

Graphic The Glen, 1936, oil on masonite. 170KB

Graphic Riverbank in Autumn, 1938, oil on board. 187KB

Graphic Lull Brook Winter, detail, 1945, oil on board. 122KB

Graphic Christmas Eve (Deep Valley), 1948, oil on panel. 156KB

Graphic Sunlit Valley, 1947, oil on panel. 133KB

Graphic Christmas Morning, 1949, oil on panel. 82KB

Graphic Peaceful Night (Church at Norwich, Vermont), 1950, oil on panel. 85KB

Graphic The Old Glen Mill, 1950, oil on panel. 138KB

Graphic Mountain Farm at Winter, 1952, oil on panel. 146KB

Graphic Winter Night Landscape (Two Tall Pines), study, 1956-58, oil on board. 166KB

Graphic New Moon, 1958, oil on panel. 156KB

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