Special Thanks to Tamás Németh for providing the source images for this section.
Woebegone Highwayman (Búsuló Betyár), 1865, oil on canvas, Déri Museum, Debrecen. 97KB
Yawning Apprentice (Ásító inas), 1869, oil on wood, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest. 80KB
Wounded Wanderer (Sebesült Vándor), 1870-76, oil, Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore. 107KB
Woman Churning (Köpülõ asszony), 1872-73, oil on canvas, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest. 69KB
Woman Carrying Faggots (Rõzsehordó nõ), 1873, oil on wood, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest. 74KB
Mother and Child- study for "The Pawnbrokers Shop" (Anya Gyermekkel- Tanulmány a zálogház címü képhez), 1873, oil on wood, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest. 79KB
Seated Old Woman- Study for "The Pawnbroker's Shop" (Ülõ öregasszony- Tanulmány a zálogház címü képhez), 1873, oil on wood, private collection, Budapest. 75KB
The Pawnbroker's Shop (Zálogház), 1874, oil on canvas, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. 79KB
Dusty Road I (Poros út I), 1874, oil on wood, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest. 110KB
Paris Interior (Párizsi szobabelsõ), 1877, oil on canvas, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest. 137KB
Portrait of László Paál (Paál László portréja), 1877, oil on wood, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest. 74KB
Study of Eve for "Milton" (Tanulmány a Milton címü képhez- Éva), 1878, oil on canvas, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest. 71KB
Milton, 1878, oil on canvas, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest. 80KB
Baby's Visitors (Babalátogatóban- Részlet), detail, 1879, oil on wood, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest. 128KB
Study for "Christ before Pilate" (Tanulmány a Krisztus Pilátus elõtt címü képhez), 1880, oil on canvas, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest. 70KB