About This Guide

This user's guide is designed to help you find your way around GNOME with ease. Both new and experienced computer users can benefit from this guide. If you're new to GNOME, or even computers, you'll gain an idea of how to use your desktop. If you're an advanced computer user trying out GNOME, you can work with expert tips, which will help you to become familiar with GNOME.

Although this was written originally in English, there are many translations of the guide available now or in the near future. If you would like to have this guide in another language you should check your operating system distribution or visit the GNOME Web Site to find out more information on translation.

This guide describes GNOME 1.4, which is the latest (as of March 2001) release of GNOME. GNOME is rapidly developing, so by the time you read this some parts of this guide may be not up to date; in these cases, please use on-line help in the application you are having trouble with.

This manual was written by Dave Mason (), Chris Lyttle () and Alexander Kirillov () with some help from other members of Gnome Documentation Project. Please send all comments and suggestions regarding this manual to the Gnome Documentation Project by sending an email to . You can also add your comments online by using the Gnome Documentation Status Table.