Font attributes in X Window System and XLFD

As was said earlier, each font in X Window system has a number of attributes and a full name, also known as X Logical Font Description (XLFD), which lists all of these attributes and therefore is quite long. Typical font name looks like this

This name consists of 14 fields, showing the values of 14 parameters of the font, separated by dashes.

While such a name gives a complete information about the font, it is somewhat overwhelming, especially since not all of this parameters are actually useful. To make life a little bit easier, you can use wildcard * in the font name; for example, the previous font can also be referred to as
As usual, * matches any value; if there are several fonts matching the given name, the system will pick the first matching one. In this particular example, most probably there is only one font matching this name, so this name is unambiguous.

Below we list those of the font's 14 attributes which are actually useful: