gnotepad+ User's Manual

Andy Kahn
19 February 2000

2. Usage

To start gnotepad, simply execute the command "gnp".  This will bring up a gnotepad window where you can start editing text immediately.

2.1 Command Line Options

There are a number of command line options available.  They are as follows:
Displays a help screen.
Displays the version number and exits.
Shows the compiler options used when compiling gnotepad.
Automatically runs gnotepad in the background.
Disables the startup splash screen.

2.2 General Usage

The gnotepad window has four areas for user interaction: the menu, the toolbar(s), the text area, and the message bar.


2.2.1 Menu

At the top-most of the gnotepad window, there is the main menu bar.  By default, there are five sub-menus: File, Edit, Window, Options, and Help.  You can activate each one either by using your mouse and clicking on it, or use a keyboard accelerator. To use the keyboard accelerator, hold down the <ALT> key, and then press the key that is underlined for that sub-menu.  For example, to activate the Options menu using the keyboard, you would hit <ALT>-O.  In general, anytime you see a character that is underlined in a menu (or submenu), that character represents a keyboard accelerator.
If you are using GTK+-1.2 and up, menus can be "torn" off as well.  In the image above, notice that the very first entry in the Options submenu is a dotted line.  By selecting this entry, the Options submenu can be torn off and placed away from the main window.  Tearoff menus are not available with (older) GTK 1.0.x versions. File Menu
The File submenu is where a most of the file related operations take place.  Here, you will find the following: Edit Menu
For this dialog, simply enter in the line number you wish to move to.  If you enter an invalid line number, an error dialog will appear. Tags Menu Window Menu
The Window submenu presents a number of window-related options (Window List, New Window, and Close Window) as well as two additional, but informative, windows not totally related to text editing (Document List, and Message Box). Options Menu
The Options Menu provides access a number of quick, and commonly accessed options.  Most are self-explanatory.  However, do note that the buttons to the left of the menu buttons are called "Check buttons".  If the option is active, the button will look like it has been pushed down.  In the image below, the "Message Bar" and "Use Wordwrap" buttons are pushed down, hence the corresponding options are active:
Similarly, there are buttons called "radio buttons", where only one of the buttons will be active in the group.  For example, in the image below, the document tabs can be positioned in one of four possible positions: To the top, bottom, left, or right.  Notice that the radio button for the "Top" is selected.  Selecting on another one will cause the "Top" button to be deselected.
There is also the submenu for commonly used toolbar options.  You will notice that it has both the check buttons as well as the radio buttons.
Lastly, the Options Menu allows you to access the Preferences Dialog.  This is the main place to configure all settings available in gnotepad.  Please refer to the Configuration section of the manual for more details. Help Menu
The Help Menu is where you access the online help.  You can also select the "About" option, which brings up a small popup window with some brief information about gnotepad.

2.2.2 Toolbars Main Toolbar
The main toolbar provides a number of buttons to common used commands/features.  The toolbar can be configured in the Preferences section.
From left to right, the main toolbar defaults to these buttons: HTML Toolbar
The HTML toolbar provides buttons for insertion of commonly used HTML tags.
Some tags result in a popup dialog, which prompts for more user input.  Others will immediately insert the corresponding HTML tag directly into the opened file at the current cursor position.
There is also an "Advanced" HTML toolbar available, where more HTML options are available. To use the Advanced HTML Toolbar, you must change your preferences.

2.2.3 Text Area

The Text Area is where the editing of text takes place.

Note that the text area is composed of the document tabs, a scrollbar, and the editing area itself. Document Tabs
When there are multiple documents opened, the document tabs can be used to select which one to edit.

The placement of the document tabs can be placed on any of the four sides of the editing area: top, bottom, left, or right.  This is configurable in the Preferences Dialog as well as from the Options Menu.

2.2.4 Message Bar

The Message Bar is located just below the Text Area.  It is mostly dominated by a blank area where messages are printed, and a small "File Info" button on the far right.

In the image above, the current message is "Welcome to gnotepad+ 1.1.5". File Info
By clicking on the button labeled "File Info", a small popup window appears, displaying some basic information about the current file:
Clicking on the button labeled "Advanced" will change this window to a bigger one, which includes more detailed information about the file: Drag and Drop
Drag-and-drop is supported in gnotepad.  That is, icons representing files (e.g., from a file manager) can be dragged over and dropped onto a gnotepad window.  This in turn causes gnotepad to open that file.  To do this in the other direction (e.g., drag a file currently opened in gnotepad and drop it into another application), click and hold down on the "File Info" button in the lower right corner of the gnotepad widnow, and then drag to your destination.

2.3 Keyboard Shortcuts

There are a number of keyboard shortcuts which quickly execute commands/functions within gnotepad.  Using a keyboard shortcut is a little faster than finding the command in the menu.

     <F3> Open file
     <F6> Find
     <F7> Find and Replace
<Shft-F6> Find Again
 <Ctrl-C> Copy
 <Ctrl-I> File info
 <Ctrl-L> Document List
 <Ctrl-M> Message Box
 <Ctrl-Q> Quit gnotepad
 <Ctrl-R> Redo
 <Ctrl-S> Save file
 <Ctrl-V> Paste
 <Ctrl-W> Close file
 <Ctrl-X> Cut
 <Ctrl-Z> Undo