GnomeICU basics

Starting GnomeICU opens the Main window, shown in .

Figure 1. GnomeICU Main Window


Performing ICQ operations

Most ICQ operations can be performed by right-clicking a contact and picking an item from the popup menu, shown in .

Figure 2. Contact Popup Menu

TipPerforming ICQ operations with the keyboard only

You can perform most ICQ operations with the keyboard by selecting a contact from the list with the Up and Down buttons, and then pressing Alt-Space to open the popup menu and selecting a menu item with the Up and Down keys.

The Panel Applet

GnomeICU comes with a panel applet, shown in . This panel applet shows your current status and the number of users currently online in your contact list. Clicking this panel applet brings up the main window if it is hidden, or hides if it is visible.

Figure 3. GnomeICU Panel Applet

When a message is received, the panel applet's icon changes from the regular status icon to an icon representing the type of message received (see ). The number besides it now shows how many messages are unread.

Figure 4. GnomeICU Panel Applet - Message Received

TipApplet tooltips

Try moving your mouse cursor over the GnomeICU panel applet for few seconds to receive quick information about the status (without clicking or opening any windows). As soon as you move the mouse cursor away from the applet, the "tooltip" dispappers. In regular mode, you could see the list of people in your contact list which are currently online.


The menu bar, located at the top of the Main Window, contains the following menus:


This menu contains:

  • Add Contact this command brings up the Add Contact dialog, which allows a user to add a contact to their contact list.

  • Connection History this command brings up the Connection History dialog, showing a list of network transactions which occured during the ICQ session. It is not the regular Message History and contains information which is not useful to the average user.

  • Preferences... this command brings up the Preferences dialog, which allows you to configure GnomeICU.

  • Change User Info this command brings up the