Installing Magick++


In order to compile Magick++ you must have access to a standard C++ implementation. The author uses  gcc 3.1 (GNU C++) which is available under UNIX and under the Cygwin UNIX-emulation environment for Windows. Standards compliant commercial C++ compilers should also work fine. Most modern C++ compilers for Microsoft Windows or the Mac should work (project files are provided for Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0).

It was decided that Magick++ will be around for the long-haul, so its API definition depends on valuable C++ features which should be common in all current and future C++ compilers. The compiler must support the following C++ standard features:

The author has personally verified that Magick++ compiles and runs using the following compiler/platform combinations:
Tested Configurations
Operating System
SunOS 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 ("Solaris 2.6, 7, & 8) SPARC GCC 3.0.4
SunOS 5.7 ("Solaris 7") SPARC Sun Workshop 5.0 C++
SunOS 5.8 ("Solaris 8") SPARC Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 C++ 5.3
FreeBSD 4.0 Intel Pentium II GCC 2.95
Windows NT 4.0 SP6a Intel Pentium II Visual C++ 6.0 Standard Edition
Windows XP Intel Pentium IV Visual C++ 6.0 Standard Edition Service Pack 5
Windows '98 + Cygwin 1.3.10 Intel Pentium III GCC 2.95.3-5
Windows NT 4.0 SP6a Intel Pentium II GCC 2.95.3-5
Windows XP + Cygwin 1.3.10 Intel Pentium IV GCC 2.95.3-5

Users of Magick++ have reported that the following configurations work with Magick++:
Other Known Working Configurations
Operating System
Reported By
Red Hat Linux 6.0 i386 & alpha EGCS 1.1.2 Dr. Alexander Zimmermann <>
Red Hat Linux 7.0 i386 GCC 2.95.2 Dr. Alexander Zimmermann <>
Red Hat Linux 7.0 i386 GCC "2.96" snapshot ???
Red Hat Linux 7.X i386 & alpha GCC 3.0 Dr. Alexander Zimmermann <>
SGI IRIX 6.2, 6.5 MIPS IRIX C++ Albert Chin-A-Young <>
SunOS 5.5.1 SPARC Sun WorkShop CC 5.0 Albert Chin-A-Young <>
SunOS 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 SPARC Sun Forte CC 5.3 Albert Chin-A-Young <>
HP-UX 11.00 PA-RISC HP-UX aCC A.03.30 Albert Chin-A-Young <>
Mac OS 9 PowerPC CodeWarrior Professional Release 6 Leonard Rosenthol <>
Mac OS X 10.1 "Darwin" PowerPC GCC 2.95.2 (apple gcc -926) John Cristy

Please let me know if you have successfully built and executed Magick++ using a different configuration so that I can add to the table of verified configurations.


Building From Source

Magick++ is now built using the ImageMagick configure script and Makefiles. Please follow the installation instructions provided by its README.txt file. The following instructions pertain to the Magick++ specific configuration and build options.

To install ImageMagick plus Magick++ under Unix, installation should be similar to

./configure [ --prefix=/prefix ]
make install

The library is currently named similar to 'libMagick++.a' (and/or and is installed under prefix/lib while the headers are installed with Magick++.h being installed in prefix/include and the remaining headers in prefix/include/Magick++.

To influence the options the configure script chooses, you may specify 'make' option variables when running the configure script. For example, the command

./configure CXX=CC CXXFLAGS=-O2 LIBS=-lposix

specifies additional options to the configure script.  The following table shows the available options.
Environment Variables That Effect Configure
Make Option Variable
Name of C++ compiler (e.g. 'CC -Xa') to use compiler 'CC -Xa'
Compiler flags (e.g. '-g -O2') to compile with
Include paths (-I/somedir) to look for header files
Library paths (-L/somedir) to look for libraries. Systems that support the notion of a library run-path may additionally require -R/somedir or '-rpath /somedir' in order to find shared libraries at run time.
Extra libraries (-lsomelib) required to link

Installing Linux RPMs

Dr. Alexander Zimmermann maintains Linux RPMs of ImageMagick and Magick++. These may be downloaded from This site is  mirrored periodically to the ImageMagick linux directory and from there to the many ImageMagick and Linux mirror sites. Please note that the default version of the C++ compiler delivered with the system may not be sufficient to support Magick++. Use of GCC 2.95 or later is strongly recommended under Linux.

Windows '9X, NT, 2000, ME, & XP

Visual C++

Windows '95 through Windows XP are supported by the ImageMagick source package for NT available in the 'win2k' subdirectory of the ImageMagick ftp site (and mirrors).  The ImageMagick source package for NT provides sources to ImageMagick, Magick++, add-on libraries (e.g. JPEG), and a ready-made Visual C++ 6.0 build environment. Please read the configuration and build instructions in README.txt (under the heading "Windows Win2K/95 VISUAL C++ 6.0 COMPILATION") in order to build Magick++.

Cygwin & GCC

It is possible to build both ImageMagick and Magick++ under the Cygwin Unix-emulation environment for Windows NT. Obtain and install Cgywin from .   An X11R6 environment for Cygwin is available from .To build using Cygwin and GCC, follow the instructions for building under Unix. ImageMagick and Magick++ do not yet include support for building Windows DLLs under Cygwin so do not enable dynamic libraries when building ImageMagick.