
smeserver-php - PHP FPM pools and more on SME Server

License: MIT
Vendor: <>
Manage PHP FPM pools, and switch between PHP versions easily


smeserver-php-11.0.0-16.el8.sme.x86_64 [181 KiB] Changelog by Jean-Philippe Pialasse (2025-03-05):
- change key type from service to configuration [SME: 11367]
  cleanup older php and php-fpm keys
- set base php to php84 [SME: 12952]
  fix missing bits for php74 support
smeserver-php-11.0.0-15.el8.sme.x86_64 [175 KiB] Changelog by Jean-Philippe Pialasse (2025-02-20):
- move template-begin-ini to smeserver-lib [SME: 12211]
smeserver-php-11.0.0-14.el8.sme.x86_64 [175 KiB] Changelog by Jean-Philippe Pialasse (2024-12-17):
- add php84 support [SME: 12805]
- set php84 as default and php83 as base php as defined by module
- set new value for  serialize_precision [SME: 12430]

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-16.el8.sme