4. Installing Domino R5

4.1. Mandrake Linux 8.1

  1. Log in as "root". Open a terminal session. Add a user and group to your system called notes:

    	bash# adduser notes
  2. Give this new user a password by entering:

    	bash# passwd notes
  3. Mount the CD-ROM, and enter the following command to install the Lotus Domino R5 package:

    	bash# /mnt/cdrom/dom509ux/linux/install

    The install program displays a series of screens about the IBM Lotus license agreement. Use the TAB key to accept a setting and advance to the next screen, the ESC key to back up to the previous screen, the space bar to toggle through possible choices other than the default, and ENTER to edit a text field.

  4. Select a setup type. Choose Domino Mail Server, Domino Application Server, or Domino Enterprise Server and press TAB.

  5. Select the program file location. The default is /opt/lotus. Make sure you have enough space. The installed files in the program directory are approximately 70 MB. If you select a program directory other than /opt/lotus, then a soft link will be created from your program directory to /opt/lotus so that commands may be executed from that path.

  6. Indicate if you plan a number of Domino servers on the current physical machine. The default is No.

  7. Select the data file location. The default is /local/notesdata. If you do not have a large root partition it will not work. If so, change the directory to /usr/local/notesdata. If you ignore this during installation process, later you will get an error like this one:

    	Error validation settings:
    	There is not enough disk space for the data directory at /local/notesdata
    	125889K is required, and only 95370K would be available.
    	Make sure you have enough space. 

    The installed files in the data directory are approximately 160 MB.

  8. Select the user and group for this server. Choose the default that you set up earlier (notes in the example).

  9. The install program displays the settings you selected. Use the TAB key to accept these settings and begin the installation, or press the ESC key to back up to change any settings. The install program will then begin installing the files.

  10. During installation process you may see the warning:

    	The following system commands were not located: rsh.

    It does not influence the local server installation.

  11. After successful installation, this message will be displayed among others:

    	The installation completed successfully.

4.2. SuSE 7.3 Professional

  1. Log in as "root." Open a terminal session. Add a user and group to your system called notes:

    	bash# groupadd notes
    	bash# useradd notes -g notes
  2. Give this new user a password by entering:

    	bash# passwd notes
  3. Mount the CD-ROM, and enter the following command to install the Lotus Domino R5 package:

    	bash# /mnt/cdrom/dom509ux/linux/install

    The install program displays a series of screens about the IBM Lotus license agreement. Use the TAB key to accept a setting and advance to the next screen, the ESC key to back up to the previous screen, the space bar to toggle through possible choices other than the default, and ENTER to edit a text field.

  4. Select a setup type. Choose Domino Mail Server, Domino Application Server, or Domino Enterprise Server and press TAB.

  5. Select the program file location. The default is /opt/lotus. Make sure you have enough space. The installed files in the program directory are approximately 70 MB. If you select a program directory other than /opt/lotus, then a soft link will be created from your program directory to /opt/lotus so that commands may be executed from that path.

  6. Indicate if you plan a number of Domino servers on the current physical machine. The default is No.

  7. Select the data file location. The default is /local/notesdata. It works perfectly. Make sure your have enough space. The installed files in the data directory are approximately 160 MB.

  8. Select the user and group for this server. Choose the default that you set up earlier (notes in the example).

  9. The install program displays the settings you selected. Use the TAB key to accept these settings and begin the installation, or press the ESC key to back up to change any settings. The install program will then begin installing the files.

  10. After successful installation, this message will be displayed among others:

    	The installation completed successfully.

4.3. For all Linux distributions

4.3.1. Run the Domino Server Setup program

  1. Log on to Linux as the user you established earlier (notes in the example).

  2. Change to the directory /usr/local/notesdata (/local/notesdata for SuSE) by entering:

    	bash# cd /
    	bash# cd /usr/local/notesdata
    	and then enter the following:
    	bash# /opt/lotus/bin/http httpsetup
  3. A series of messages indicate the start of the Domino server. For example:

    	05/09/2002 8:39:09 PM Created new log file as
    	05/09/2002 8:39:09 PM
    	* Lotus Domino Server Setup           *
    	* To setup this server, please connect*
    	* your web browser to port 8081       *
    	* Example: http://example.com:8081    *
    	05/09/2002 8:39:09 AM JVM: Java Virtual Machine initialized.
    	05/09/2002 8:39:10 AM HTTP Web Server started

4.3.2. Continuing setup and configuration

  1. You begin the configuration process by connecting to your Linux server with a Web browser, either from an external machine, or the Linux machine.

    To perform setup from another machine, enter:


    To perform setup from the Linux machine, enter:

    for SuSE 7.3 Professional.

    where example.com is either the IP address or DNS name of your Linux server. At this point, the standard Domino configuration screens are displayed in your browser. Follow the instructions on these screens and click the Finish button on the final screen to complete the initial configuration. Online help is available on each of these screens.

  2. The HTTP Setup program will have created SERVER.ID and CERT.ID files in /usr/local/notesdata. The USER.ID file is attached to a person document in NAMES.NSF.

4.3.3. Starting the Domino Server

Before starting your Domino server, make sure no other Web server is running because it will block the Domino HTTP task from operating correctly, and you will be unable to use a Web browser to administer your server after the initial setup.

  1. Log on to Linux as the user you established earlier (notes in the example).

  2. From the /usr/local/notesdata directory (/local/notesdata for SuSE), enter:

    	bash# /opt/lotus/bin/server

    The server starts and the usual server console messages appear.

4.3.4. Extracting your administrator ID file

Before you can perform any more administration on your Domino for Linux server, you will need to extract the administrator ID file and move it to the machine you plan to use for administration.

  1. After the HTTP Web Server task has started, switch to your administration machine and use a Web browser to connect to your new server:


    where example.com is either the IP address or DNS name of your Linux server. The default Lotus Domino navigator screen displays.

  2. Now open the address book by entering:

  3. Click to the People view and open the Person document for the administrator you created earlier and download the USER.ID file to your administration machine. If you are using a Netscape browser, you may have to rename the id file to USER.ID.